《The Steele Brothers (Completed)》26. Augustus Waters


Over dinner I had watched as Viri had laughed and talked within the different conversations around the table, all the Steele boys asking her questions to draw her into their conversations with their parents at some point during the meal, none grabbing all her attention but they had all shared it and for the first time since Raven had told us what they were contemplating I saw that the positive possibilities, could out-way the negative.

And Viri, she glowed and I could see how relaxed and happy she was and that went some way to lifting the worry from me. When her security team had informed us of what was happening both Elizabeth and I had panicked, Then Luka had called her and she had admitted to me she had asked him to keep an eye on Viri too and now he was calling in his report.

I had caught the next plane down and met with Luka and his boys. But whilst looking over the report on the plane, I had been met with a different viewpoint and we had all been a little confused till Leo had picked Raven up. None of us could have every known in advance what he was going to tell us.

I had wanted to grab Viri and take her home to where I knew she would be safe, at home with her mother and I, but we had made her a promise, so we had listened to the boy and sent him back to her, without letting her know I was here, then Raven had called Leo first about her dorm room and then to invite us all to dinner.

I had known from her surprise at my arrival, the boy had kept my presence in town quiet and I had been quietly impressed at how he had handled her, even if I had wanted to smack him for holding her so possessively. She was MY daughter, even if he was staking his claim.


Grant and Louisa had quickly welcomed her into the embrace of their family and I was glad. Louisa's invitation for the cousins to stay as well had been a compromise that would work for me for for now. If we could neutralise the threat then we could relook at Viri's accommodation. I knew she wanted as authentic a college experience as possible and would probably want to move back into her dorm room to try to be normal, but she would never fully be able to be normal, no matter how hard we tried.



"DAD!" I jumped at Viri's slightly raised voice and looked around the table to see everyone looking at me.

"Louisa asked you a question" Viri tells me and I sigh, I had been so lost in my mind that I had missed it. I caught Luka's smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm sorry Louisa, I was thinking about Viri's situation and the best way forward" I tell her with a smile and she nods.

"Thats perfectly fine Augustus, I would be distracted as well if it were my boys in her situation" she assures me before smiling again "I was asking about your next exhibition, will it be touring again?"

"Call me Gus, please" I tell her before updating her on my next show and the tour locations, offering to send her tickets to the opening nearest her.

"Oh Gus thank you, that would be lovely." she pauses and looks at my brother in law. "Are you artistic as well" she asks Luka, bringing him into the conversation and I take great delight in the flash of confused horror that crosses his face, making his boys and Viri laugh.

"Louisa, um no, art is not my thing" Luka explains awkwardly, sending glares at his sons, who just laugh more before she looks their way.


"What about you boys?" she asks and I can see her trying to hide her grin.

"Nope, not artistic, we are more... " Leo grins at Dom "Physically minded" he finishes.

"Oh that's such a shame" she replies, this time unable to hide her grin as they look shocked at her words.

Grant takes her hand in his "Stop teasing the boys darling" he smiles at her before looking around the table. "My wife has always lamented that none of us are artistic, so Gus beware she will be unstoppable now she has someone to talk art with"

"Hey, I'm not that bad" Louisa objects as all of the Steele men look at her and shake their heads.

"Ma, I'm sorry but you really are" Jett tells her with a grin.

"Louisa, I really don't mind" I sent a quick smile at Viri and Luka "It's the same in my family, luckily my Elizabeth is arty because the rest of her family are not, and my family, whilst they support the arts, they don't produce any themselves"

"Oh that's such a shame" her gaze swings to Viridian, who holds her hands up.

"Nope, I can't even draw good stick figures" she laughs out and I see all the boys smile at her and I know she will be alright with them.

Louisa sees me watching, "They will be good for each other" she whispers and I nod.

After dinner we move back into the lounge, before Luka and I join Grant in his study to talk about the frat problem, leaving Leo and Dom with Louisa, Viri and the boys to discuss rooming arrangements.

I wish Elizabeth was at my side but we had been trying to fly under the radar and not alert Viri of our worries, so I had come alone. I knew she would like Grant and Louisa and I wondered what she would think of the boys and their plans with Viri. I couldn't wait to call her later and update her.

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