《The Steele Brothers (Completed)》21. Ash


We had stopped to pick up groceries, if Viri was staying then we needed food in the cupboards and I knew there wasn't much there.

Since leaving the store Jett had been quiet and I knew like me he was thinking through everything that had happened today, a day that wasn't yet over I realised as I turned into our driveway and I had to slam the brakes on hard.

The sleek silver Mercedes sitting in front of the house gave me a rush of panic

"Fuck, why now" Jett hissed as I moved the car forward slowly, pulling up in front of the garage doors and hitting the opener, my eyes still on the car as we waited, my mind racing with what to say.

As I parked the car the internal door opened and there stood our adopted father a worried look on his face.

"Think he's waiting for us" Jett joked getting out and moving towards him. I scrambled to follow him, mentally cursing him we hadn't got our story straight because I knew he was here because someone had said something to him.

He pulled Jett into a hug before letting him pass and I could hear him respond to a female voice inside, so Ma was here as well.

"Pa" I greeted him and too was pulled into a hug.

"Ash, where are your brothers?" he asked immediately and I grinned at him. He had less patience than most, I wondered what he would ask next.

"They will be home soon"

His arm came around me as we turned into the house, where Ma was still hugging Jett, he leant in close and whispered "Your Ma knows nothing, lets keep it that way for now" and I nod, understanding that whilst he may know that something is up with us, to Ma this is just a visit.

"Are you staying?" Jett asked Ma and she laughed at him

"No dear boy, its just a flying visit, your father had something to do and I couldn't miss seeing you all, I thought we could all go out for dinner though before we head back"


"Shit, the groceries" Jett rushed out, making Ma laugh again before he continued "I mean, We got groceries we need to unload" he repeated and headed back towards the garage.

"I'll help you" I called, giving Ma a quick hug and rushing after him.

"Damn it, let Raven know, I will distract them" I tell him, grabbing two bags and taking them into the house, leaving Jett to send the message, hidden behind the open door. When he follows me in a few minutes later, he gives me a discrete nod as we start unpacking the shopping as Ma asks us lots of easy questions until.

"So have you boys found a nice girl yet?" and I almost drop the bottle of juice I had just unpacked.

I knew our father was watching us closely and had seen my frantic glance at Jett and he cleared his throat "Shall we put the kettle on" he said and Ma rushed to do that, forgetting her question and pulling cups out of the cupboard as she switched to telling us about her latest hobby, painting.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and my father looked at me "You can get that" he said watching me and I reluctantly pulled it free, seeing a message from Raven. He was on his way back with Viri, her room had been trashed and Leo was coming this evening. my hand tightened on my phone, I wanted to call him, to make sure she was safe and warn him away and fuck knows what we were going to do about her cousin.

"Ash, Jett, a word in the study please" Pa said getting up and leaving Ma looking after him worriedly. Jett giving her a quick reassuring hug before we both follow him.

"What is going on?" he asks as I shut the door behind us.

"Pa, it would be better if we wait for Raven to get back" Jett starts but Pa shakes his head.

"I want a abbreviated version before he gets here. Who is this girl?"

"What girl?" I ask, trying to draw out what he knows.


"Its like that is it?" he mutters to himself, looking between us.

"Someone has been researching us, especially you boys, whoever they are they have very deep resources that most people don't even know about let alone have access too, my question is why is someone looking and why all of you. What have you done?" he sighs and drags his hands through his hair.

"I did a little digging and my reports tell me that Raven has a girlfriend" he said the word with confusion and I had to smile, that was most people reaction. "Then another report said she was with Grey, another said Jett and even your name was mentioned Ash, so you can understand why I was a little confused" he continues and we both nod, but he hasn't finished yet. "Then I get a call from the Governor, asking your mother and I to dinner, whilst I want you boys to spread you wings, what the hell are you all doing to bring this much attention your way?" he asks looking at us both for an answer.

Jett nods his head at me and our fathers attention zero's in on me, "Ash?"

"There is a girl, she just started here, we all share classes with her and Raven met her at the library, we all like her... she's different. Good different!" I rush out as his brows raise. "Well because of our interest in her, we sort of painted a target on her back"

"And?" he prompts.

"She said she was happy to be our friend but didn't want more than that, but to stop the talk... Raven asked her to be his girlfriend to stop the talk and stop her being targeted, even though we all wanted that role... Raven was the best option"

Jett took over the explanation "Pa... We all like her and she is aware of this, we talked about it and to have her we are prepared to share her and even though it shocked all of us, this is what we are working towards with her. Very slowly, and she likes us all too and seems willing to see what develops between us"

Pa swallowed and shook his head as if to clear his thoughts "Okay... Okay then, not a usual situation but that doesn't explain the searches or the Governor's invitation" he tells us both.

"The rest is her story, she's coming home with Grey and Raven, meet her and see for yourself, she can tell you what you need to know" Jett explains and we both wait for his response.

"They are on their way?" he questions and I nod.

"They should be here any minute" I tell him and he nods.

"This better not make your Ma worry" he mutters getting up and I exchange a smile with Jett, so far so good, and I have a feeling Ma will love Viri.

"Come on then before she worries too much" he says opening the door and finding Ma stood outside her hands on her hips.

"Worries about what? What is going on?" she growls at him at the same time we hear the approach of a car... Raven's back.

"I will tell you but first we need to meet Raven's girlfriend" he tells her, putting an arm around her and smiling down into her face as she processes what he has just said.

"Raven has a girlfriend" she shrieks loudly "Who is she, what... Does my hair look okay?" she rushes out, her hand coming up to pat her already perfect hair into place.

"Ma you look lovely" Jett tells her softly and I nod adding.

"Her name is Viridian" just as the internal door opens and Grey appears, Ma rushing towards him and pushing him out of the way, much to his surprise as she shouts,

"Where is she?" and we all chuckle as Raven carefully pulls Viridian round in front of him.

I can see how nervous she is but she also has never looked more vulnerable as Raven introduces them. "Baby, this is my Ma and Pa" her eyes raise to take in our Pa watching her. "And this is our Viri" he finishes and I know my smile matches my brothers at that introduction, she is ours.

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