《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》50. Lack of Happy Endings


Dream stares at more than a dozen dogs, all stationed in a small base that Techno built near L'Manburg without anybody noticing. Which is strange considering it's filled with animals that aren't necessarily quiet. They bark at Dream when he tries to come near and pet them, the man pulling his hand back almost immediately. Nia can imagine the hurt look on his face. She can even imagine him mumbling something along the lines of, this is why I like cats more, under his breath.

"You know, when you said we gotta get your hound army, I didn't expect a literal army." Nia's brows are furrowed as she approaches the dogs. A few of them run up to her, their tongues stuck out, wiggling their tails. She smiles and strokes their fur. Dream glares at her, and she flicks her middle finger at him, a pleased smirk making its way to her lips. "Stick to cats, green man."

"Didn't you want to steal my cat once?"

Nia gasps, "I can't believe you still remember that . . . it was so fucking long ago."

Dream shrugs.

Technoblade glances at Nia and Dream with a raised brow, shaking his head. "Look, L'Manburg has a no-killing-pets policy if I'm not mistaken, so technically, they're not allowed to touch my dogs, and therefore, we win," he says, proudly.

It isn't his actual plan, but he's most definitely counting on the L'Manburgians hesitating at first, before they attack the anarchists and the dogs. The only person who's never had an issue with killing somebody's pets before is Sapnap. (Nia's heard about Tommy's pet cow, Henry.)

"Mate, you really think they won't break their own policy?" Phil raises a brow at the piglin anarchist, and Technoblade shrugs in response, waving his hand at Phil, as if to say everything will be fine in the end.

A part of Nia thinks that Techno is convinced a bigger amount of his dogs will even survive today.

"How did you even manage to take care of this many dogs?" asks Dream, tilting his head to the side. He's given up on trying to pet the dogs that growl at him, but are friendly with Nia, Techno and Phil. "I didn't even know they were here, and it's in the Dream SMP."

"I don't disclose my secrets, Dream."

"Shit!" Dream exclaims when he notices Sara and Stela standing on the outskirts of L'Manburg, thinking that they're stationed there as defenders of the country.

Nia chuckles, shaking her head. Dream turns in her direction questioningly, though he doesn't say anything. The princess shrugs.

"Sara's going to help us, and Stela still doesn't give a shit about L'Manburg," she says, elaborating. Dream subtly nods in response, his attention reverted back to the country before them.

Nia watches the shock on Sara and Stela's faces as Technoblade's hound army comes into view. All of the dogs stop with Techno, just on the border between the Dream SMP and L'Manburg. Nia, Phil and Dream do the same. Instead of coming to the two remaining members of the Trix, they wait for them to approach.

"What the hell, Techno," is Sara's first sentence. She greets everybody with a nod, and a smile meant only for Nia.

There is tension to the redhead as she nears Nia, the uneasiness settling in her stomach. A part of her is rethinking her decision of destroying L'Manburg and finishing Wilbur's job, but another part of her knows that it's how it should be. The country has hurt more people than it has helped, and everyone refuses to see it. They won't once it's gone, though.


The addressed anarchist shrugs.

"Probably not a good time to say that Sapnap is with L'Manburg, huh?" Stela informs the anarchist with a raised brow, standing next to Sara.

"Crap," Techno mumbles under his breath.

"There goes your no pet killing plan, I guess," Dream remarks, a certain smugness to his tone. He steps forward, his lithe figure visible to everyone present.

Nia shakes her head. "Why is Sapnap with L'Manburg?" she asks to change the topic, though the change is not as significant as she'd like it to be.

"Almost everybody is," Sara adds.

"Because of Quackity, mostly. Did you know Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were engaged? But, uh, L'Manburg is important to Quackity, so," Stela explains, running a hand through her hair. "Punz is with them as well."

Nia glances at Dream, who doesn't seem fazed by the information. Not as fazed as she'd expect him to be, considering Punz has always been on his side for as long as she can remember.

"But also, Niki, Fundy and Eret agree that L'Manburg should be destroyed," says Sara with a smile, a proud one at that. "Not that I'm surprised about Eret."

Dream chuckles at the remark.

"Where is everybody, though?" Technoblade asks, looking around. The country seems strangely dead.

Sara and Stela both sigh.

"They've evacuated most of the citizens, besides those that were willing to fight. But to my knowledge, they should all be at the other side of the country, rallying and getting their spirits to face you guys." Stela shakes her head.

"That is . . ."

"Stupid," Dream finishes Nia's sentence.

"Not what I was going to say, but fair enough."

"So, what's the plan?" asks Sara with an arched brow. "I know that Stela's not fighting again, but what are you guys going to do? And what can I help with?"

"Well, I needed the L'Manburgians distracted so I can set up all the cannons around the country, but they're just . . . not here," says Dream with a shrug. "So, I guess I'll go while we have time, and you guys keep them busy in case they appear."

"This is gonna be interesting," comments Stela, earning a look from Nia. "I'm gonna go find Ranboo and make sure he's safe. Possibly gonna help him save some of his pets before the country gets blown up."

"Ranboo— ?"

Stela disappears before Nia gets to ask, purple particles in her wake. Averting her attention to Sara, the woman merely shrugs, shaking her head. "I dunno, she just became protective over him these past few days. Might have something to do with him being part-enderman, I dunno."

"Alright, maybe set off a few withers before the cannons are ready, but I'm going now," says Dream, saluting at the anarchists before throwing an ender pearl and disappearing similarly like Stela.

"I don't understand how they're all fine with the teleporting." Sara shakes her head.

"Personally, I prefer flying with a trident when it rains," Technoblade notes.

"Nobody asked, mate," says Phil, reminding everyone of his presence. Nia chuckles, watching Techno roll his eyes.

She moves closer toward the piglin, taking his hand in hers. "Let's look how L'Manburg's doing, shall we?" she grins, a devilish glint in her eyes.

"What the fuck?!" Sapnap exclaims, watching Nia, Techno and Sara walk down the path of L'Manburg. Phil is hidden, waiting for a signal to set off several withers.

"Hello, Sapnap," says Nia, a complacent smirk on her lips. "How's your day been? Good?"


"It's been alright," Sapnap answers with a light shake of his head. "Would've been better if you guys left. Or if any of my allies were actually here."

Nia grins. "Indeed."

"I wonder, where are they?" Technoblade furrows his eyebrows, only to block an arrow that's been shot at him from a distance. He split it in half with the sword he's gripping in his hand, the other still holding onto Nia's. "Well, nevermind."

The trio walks forward, an eerie sense to their every step. At this moment, they are the bringers of doom, the messengers of death. With every step forward, Sapnap takes a step back, the grins on Nia and Techno's faces growing.

Sara cocks her head to the side, watching the boy who's normally a fearless warrior. She lifts her arm, burning an arrow flying at her to ashes.

"Oh, c'mon, this can't be all you have," Technoblade taunts. He stops, his scrutinizing gaze making Sapnap's shoulders slump.

Techno swings his sword just in time to block an attack from Punz, who swooped in with an ender pearl. Nia lets go of Technoblade, only to be faced with a person she doesn't know, though they're clearly a citizen of L'Manburg. She grins at them.

Sara throws a fireball at Sapnap, who catches it, showcasing his own ability to manipulate fire. He smirks as Sara runs at him, the two past friends facing each other once more.

Technoblade finds a break in his fight with Punz, whistling as loud as possible, calling his hound army. The dogs appear almost instantly, swarming the fighters, attacking their enemies.

Nia swings at her opponent, slicing their iron sword in half. Her blade runs through their thigh, and they scream out in pain, letting go of the remainder of their sword, clutching their injured leg.

As more L'Manburgians come down to fight, most of them hesitate at first, not knowing how to react to the dozens of dogs attacking anybody who even comes near Technoblade with malicious intent. Though eventually, they get over the initial shock, and Nia has to ignore the whines of injured dogs.

Splashing herself with the potions Technoblade gave her, Nia moves forward, fighting her way through to Technoblade, who's being attacked by Captain Puffy, Tubbo and Jack Manifold.

Slashing somebody's torso, she wonders where Tommy is, only to nearly escape his sword. She looks down at the shallow cut on her shoulder, watching it heal within seconds.

"Tommy," Nia scoffs, the word creating a sour taste in her mouth. She stares at the blonde boy that she would've given the world to, had he not chosen to betray her for a country that will fall today.

"Nia. You don't have to do this," Tommy tries to convince Nia, knowing his efforts will be in vain. When has everything gone so wrong? Was it when the Community House was blown up, or was it after? Whose fault was it? Who is to blame for the falling out? The boy wonders as he watches Nia move toward him.

"You made your choice, Tommy. Now you'll watch your country fall." Shaking her head, the princess blocks Tommy's attack. She doesn't retaliate, knowing that she's stronger. Knowing Tommy's moves, because she trained him.

"Nia, you're so fucking selfish!" the boy screams at her, his diamond sword coming in contact with her netherite one. She pushes him back, her eyebrow arched.

"I'm selfish?" she asks, cocking her head to the side. "How exactly am I selfish?"

"You— you and Technoblade could've just decided to leave L'Manburg alone! You could've lived in peace in the north and left us alone, but no! You gotta destroy everything we've worked for! L'Manburg would've let you live in peace!" Tommy strikes, aiming for Nia's chest. She dodges.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" questions Nia, trying to regulate her anger unlike Tommy. Though it boils and bubbles within her as she comes to realize how painfully ignorant Tommy is. "Tommy, they tried to execute Technoblade!" she exclaims, shaking her head with a dry laugh, devoid of amusement. "Hell, Quackity nearly fucking executed me yesterday! We could've never lived in peace!"

"No!" Tommy bellows, shaking his head violently. "L'Manburg is a country that matters to so many people. We— we were just— it was always about the discs. You said you'd help me get the discs— you and Technoblade. We never— it was never about destroying L'Manburg. We never talked about that!"

"We literally did, Tommy," Nia sighs, blocking another vain attempt of an attack from Tommy.

Tommy shakes his head again. "No, no, no, no," he repeats like a mantra, refusing to listen to a single word Nia is telling him. He's in his own bubble again. His own truth, his point of view. "You are ruining everything!"

Oh, how easy it was to become the villain of his story.

"You ruined everything the moment you chose L'Manburg." Nia's voice goes lower as her anger hits the limit and threatens to spill.

"L'Manburg is worth so much more than you," Tommy doesn't even realize what he's doing when he says it. He even regrets it the moment the sentence leaves his lips. But it's too late.

"Is it now?" Nia laughs maniacally, her vision turning red. She swings at Tommy with all of her might. He attempts to block the advance, his shield breaking in half upon contact.

"I didn't— Nia! I didn't mean— no! Please!" Tommy apologizes, his sword clashing with Nia's. "You know— you know I didn't mean it! Nia, please!" She strikes the boy, and he doesn't block it in time.

Falling on his ass, Tommy scrambles up to his feet immediately, trying to put as much distance in between himself and the princess. He dropped his sword, clutching his arm that she slashed. Blood leaks through his red and white T-shirt. She smirks, dragging her sword across the wooden path, purposely trying to scare Tommy with the sound.

"Oh, hell no! This isn't cool!" Puffy appears by Tommy's side to protect the boy. "What do you think you're doing right now?" she questions challengingly, glaring at Nia.

The princess chuckles dryly. "Proving my worth."

"What?" Puffy stammers out before Nia attacks her.

They exchange blows, Puffy proving to be a formidable opponent, her fluffy brown hair barely holding on underneath her captain's hat.

Before Nia even realizes, she finds herself surrounded by other L'Manburgians, who came to help Puffy and Tommy fight against Nia.

"Oh, c'mon, this isn't fair!" she exclaims tauntingly.

As the fight ensues, Nia keeps her eyes glued on Tommy and the frightened expression on his face. Only a day ago, she would've done anything for him. If she were on his side, she would've been in Puffy's position, protecting him.

The princess slowly comes back to herself, her anger dissipating once she sees the amount of L'Manburgians she's hurt in her peripheral vision, all of them lying on the ground, clutching their injured body parts. Chests, arms, legs, everything Nia had had a chance to slash with her sword.

With another glance at Tommy, she spots the fear in his eyes as he stares at her. It makes her sick to her stomach, knowing that this boy is absolutely terrified of her. She let the worst part of her loose, obeying the voice that called for blood, because Tommy hurt her.

But that's not who Nia is.

She never intended to hurt Tommy.

Briefly, she hesitates.

And in that moment, a L'Manburgian plunges a flaming sword through her torso, missing her heart by an inch. It burns her from the inside while her powers try to fight the injury and heal her.

It's always been Nia's weakness. Her caring. It's like Dream always said: attachments make people weak. And a part of her is still attached to the stupid blonde boy before her. If she didn't hesitate . . . if he didn't make her hesitate, this would not have happened. She would've got out of the way, dodging the attack and retaliating. But she didn't.

The princess falls to her knees, watching Techno set off a firework with his crossbow. She always knew that she would never have a happy ending, because she is not a princess living in a fairy tale, but she would've never anticipated this to be her way of leaving the plane of the living. She didn't even get to say goodbye to those she loves.

Tommy scrambles to his feet, watching Nia with so much regret in his eyes. He runs to her, still grasping his injured arm. The princess chokes out a sob, coughing out blood. Her hand makes its way to Tommy's wound, feeling his skin repair itself and close underneath her touch.

"I'm so sorry, Nia. I— I didn't mean what I said. I didn't— you— just stay awake, please. Y— you can heal, Nia, just stay awake, alright? It'll be fine."

The princess shakes her head. She's tired.

"Just tell Techno that I love him, okay?" Nia strains her voice, raising her arm to cup Tommy's cheek. "I'm— I'm not sorry for this, Tommy. Soon, you'll see L'Manburg is not worth it." She chuckles dryly, weakly, her lips stained red.

Tommy watches Nia's eyes close, unable to keep her lids open anymore. She accepts death with a smile, like an old friend she's been planning to visit for a while.

"Nia," the boy whispers, eyes wide.


did you fall for it? did you? i'm so funny lmao, sorry ... this "joke" really is one of the only things i like about this chapter lmfao idk, it's very scuffed methinks, just like the technoblade stream was dkjdkdjsksjd, well—

i am currently sick and technically have more time to write but i'll also have to do school stuff? well ... we'll see how it all goes lmfao

happy one year to !

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