《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》49. You Still Homeless, Dream?


Technoblade and Philza are frantically running around, trying to sort their inventories, wondering what to bring and what to not bother with. The only set item being a good amount of wither stars — though much less than what Techno actually has.

Nia doesn't know what to do. She already has everything she could possibly need, merely worrying about Sara, who chose to stay in L'Manburg still, and Stela, who retreated back to their base after helping Nia and Technoblade flee from the festival.

Why did Dream decide to put the destruction of L'Manburg for such an early date after he got a hold of the second disc, she doesn't understand. It's war they're preparing for. Everybody could use a little bit more time. Especially when both sides aren't ready.

Of course, it would've been different if the anarchists were ready. But they are not, therefore Nia has every right to complain.

"Here, take these," Technoblade mumbles, handing Nia a backpack filled with all sorts of potions that will help them in the battle. She raises an eyebrow at him, but he disappears into the cellar within seconds, getting more ingredients for potions with Phil.

Deeply inhaling, Nia makes her way outside to take a breather, slightly overwhelmed by the accelerated preparations. Though when she steps foot onto the porch of Techno's cabin, she gets a whiff of green.

Dream is here.

Arching an eyebrow, she speaks up, waiting for Dream to appear in front of herself. "I didn't think you would remember where Technoblade lives."

Chuckling, the blonde appears before her, a whiff of purple particles spottable in the distance. He's wasting ender pearls because he knows he can.

Dream's hoodie is down, but he still has his mask on. Mainly due to Techno and Phil being nearby, and him not feeling comfortable enough to have his mask off in front of them.

"I could hardly forget. I mean, remember that awesome deal you declined? That was pretty close to this cabin."

Nia can hear the smirk in his voice as he hints at Tommy, pressing onto the aching wound in her heart that is still fresh. The princess regrets telling Tommy those awful things she did during the festival, but he did betray her. It's nothing pleasant to experience.


"Yes." Nia grits her teeth, meeting Dream's face with a deadpan.

He shrugs. "Well, I remember," says Dream. "Literally neither of you were willing to tell me where Tommy is." Nia glares at him, when he laughs in amusement. "Look where that got you."

Techno notices Nia's deadly glower and Dream standing on his porch with a raised brow. Deciding to help Nia and get her out of a possibly uncomfortable situation, he smugly grins for himself.

"Hey, Dream, you still got no house?" he pokes the bees' nest, referencing the last time Dream has visited the cottage, looking for Tommy.

"I'm not homeless!" Dream exclaims at once, his tone defensive. His head turns toward Technoblade. "I told you already. My house is huge and full of redstone and everything."

Nia glances between Techno and Dream, donning an amused smile. "What is that about?"


"Dream doesn't have a house."

The two speak at once. Techno mocks Dream, while the blonde glares at the piglin, his murderous stare burning through the mask he wears.

"Dream, it's fine. Soon enough, you're gonna make several people homeless, too, and then you won't be the only one, Dream."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Nia enjoys Dream's brief discomfort. Though he gets out of it quite soon, shaking his head. Instead, his gaze locks on the anarchists, as Phil makes his way up from the cellar with a new batch of potions. He freezes in place, staring at Dream, his arms filled with a plethora of vials.

"What are you doing here?" Phil asks, hostility in his voice, though he doesn't know Dream. He only knows the part where he decided to wall in L'Manburg for something Tommy had done, and the fact that Dream provided explosives to Wilbur. The TNT that blew up the country the first time around. The reason Phil didn't think of hesitating when killing his own son — Wilbur was a terrorist. And at the time, Phil thought that Wilbur was in the wrong, because L'Manburg was a good country. Oh, how wrong he was.

Now they're planning to finish Wil's job.

Dream shrugs. "Just stopped by to see how you're doing. I'm gonna have to set up the cannons that I've been placing around L'Manburg, so I need you to distract everyone while I set it up."


"With withers?" Techno asks.

"Yes," Dream nods.

"How did you set it up on such short notice?" questions Nia with a raised brow.

"I've been working on it for a few months."

Nia nods in understanding. So, just like Techno's been gathering supplies, creating an army of hounds and collecting wither stars for this very day; Dream's been working on a more absolute solution regarding the destruction of L'Manburg.

To think that Nia, Stela and Sara have been researching everything they could about a book that Dream has had in his possession the entire time. They might still have to find a way to get the book off of Dream. Though she's uncertain how, as they have no bargaining chip to use. They have nothing possibly worth more than the book.

"When are we supposed to head out?" Nia asks, looking at Dream. The two of them are unoccupied, while Techno and Phil still diligently work, creating more and more potions to go.

"Preferably now, but I see that would be a bit of an issue," Dream answers, his gaze following the piglin who keeps running up and down.

"I think we're just about ready to go," says Philza, hiding vials of splash potions in his bag. It makes Technoblade stop in his tracks, narrowing his eyes at his longtime friend, incredulous.

"Phil . . . you're not going," says Techno.

"What are you talking about?" Phil raises an eyebrow at the anarchist. "'Course I'm going. I'm going to help you destroy L'Manburg," he says with determination in his voice.

"It's too dangerous, Phil. If you go, I won't be able to protect you out there, and I can't lose you, Phil." Technoblade shakes his head, earning an annoyed look from the centuries older man.

Whilst Techno is aware that Phil is much older with much more experience, he also cares about Phil and his well being profoundly. He would blame himself if something happened to the man.

"Why aren't you giving that speech to Nia?" Phil's tone is curious, as his eyes move from the piglin to the princess.

Nia shrugs, an innocent smile tugging at her lips. "We've already had that conversation."

"She's stubborn," Technoblade grunts.

"So am I, then," says Phil.

It takes everything in Techno not to roll his eyes at both of them. The woman he loves and the man who became his friend despite Techno believing that he deserved to live a solitary life till the end of his days. The two people who never judged Techno and who would always stand by his side, no matter what. The two people near whom his voices always quieted and kept to themselves.

Aggravated, Technoblade waves his hand at Phil and walks over to his ender chest. Dream, Nia and Phil watch him intently as he opens it, pulling out a Totem of Undying. The one that he tried to give to Nia but she refused.

Now he's offering it to Phil.

"Promise me you're going to keep this on you at all times."

Phil glances between the totem and Technoblade. With a weak nod, he accepts the gift. "Thanks, mate. I think I can do that."


Dream shuffles in his place, not knowing what to do with himself while Phil and Techno share a friendly moment. It reminds him that he, at the end of it all, doesn't have a friendship such as this. He used to, but he lost his friends. When exactly, he's not sure. But essentially, they've all left him. There is no bond that binds him, and perhaps that's why he's doing all of this. What does he have to lose?


That's how it should be.

"Oh, and, by the way, we'll have to make a quick stop at L'Manburg, too, because I'm keeping my dogs near there," says Techno, grinning.

"How many?"

"Uh, let's just say it's an army."

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