《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》48. I Would Burn the World With You


i wanted to put the festival in 2 chapters and now it's two extremely long-ass fucking chapters well— can't believe i initially planned for it to be just one chapter. what a joke lol

Dream glares at the blonde boy as he stands in the midst of everybody present in the Dream SMP. That includes many L'Manburgians as well as people who are not part of either faction.

"But I didn't do this! I— does this look like something I would do?" Tommy asks, flailing his arms in the air.

"Yes! Yes! This is exactly something you would do!" Dream exclaims.

"Guys, guys! Listen, Tommy didn't do this."

Technoblade reveals himself to the crows as well, making sure to be in a protective stance, ready to attack anybody who would try to hurt Tommy. Nia approaches the two of them, and Techno hands her a sword.

"How would you know? He could literally be lying right now!"

"He wouldn't lie to me, Dream!" Techno shakes his head dismissively. "He would lie to you, but he wouldn't lie to me!"

"This is literally what happened with George's house. Tommy lied about burning it down, too," Dream argues, making a valid point to those who have witnessed it the last time.

"Yeah, but Tommy didn't do this. He wouldn't lie to me. So, if he says he didn't do it, then he didn't." Techno doesn't budge.

"He's the biggest liar around here!" exclaims Dream.

Nia raises an eyebrow at him. "You mean, after you, or does Tommy lie slightly more than you?" she attacks him, making Dream backtrack for a second.

"Yeah, Dream. How do we know you are not the one lying to us?" Stela agrees with Nia.

"This doesn't involve any of you," Dream glares at the trio that has stood up for Tommy so far.

"I didn't wanna be involved, Dream," says Techno. "But Tommy ran in, man."

"You involved everyone the moment you crashed the festival and threatened an entire country over something Tommy possibly hasn't even done," Sara remarks.

Dream stutters. He opens and closes his mouth several times, not knowing what to say.

"Wait, so Tommy didn't do this?" questions Fundy.

"I mean," Tubbo starts. "The fact that you're here kinda proves his point," he takes Dream's side rather than his supposed best friend's. Tubbo's eyes stay fixated on Tommy, as the blonde parts his lips and stares at him in disbelief. "You're not where you're supposed to be."

"Yeah, you're supposed to be exiled!" Dream adds, glad to forget Sara's quip. "You're not supposed to be here! Why are you here? You're breaking your exile."

Nia fights the urge to punch Dream.

"Are you really just accusing him of crimes, and saying that defending himself is incriminating? That it makes him guilty?" Technoblade arches his brow at Dream, who blankly stares at the piglin for a good minute.

"That's not what I said," says Dream with a deadpan.

"Sounds a lot like it, though," Stela mutters.

"No! He's not even supposed to be here!" Dream argues.

"Yeah, whatever. Laws, cringe." Technoblade waves his hand at him, shaking his head. "This isn't even L'Manburg, is it?"

"This is the Dream SMP," Ranboo answers, nodding at Techno.

"Tubbo, just give me the disc." Dream averts his gaze to the President.

The boy obeys, opening his ender chest once more. Tommy runs at him, pushing Tubbo away from the chest and staring at him in disbelief. "Woah, you— you're not gonna actually give him the disc, are you?"


"You've literally proven time and time again that you can't be trusted!" Tubbo takes his shield out of the ender chest, holding it up in case Tommy thought of attacking him again.

"What?" Tommy gapes at him. "No. You had to exile me. But don't give him the disc— look, as soon as we, you know, we'll be fine! Just don't give him the disc."

Tubbo stares at Tommy. Sighing, he shakes his head in disagreement. "Tommy, I don't think that's an option anymore."

The blonde groans.

"Tubbo— You spend all this time, you do all these speeches talking about— how I was a bad friend, how I was— how I was the one being reckless, and going out and doing things, and— and being bad, but— You won't even stick up for me, right— right at my lowest point— do you know—" Tommy glances at Dream, his voice changing to a whisper: "Do you know what he did to me in exile, Tubbo?"


"You don't! You don't!"

"I thought you died!"

"But— but you hadn't come and see me!" And you still don't care I'm here! You know what? You're the shit friend, Tubbo."

Nia watches the argument between the two best friends, biting her tongue. She's proud that Tommy's standing up for himself and speaking his mind. Tubbo let Tommy suffer just so his country could prosper. The least he could do is acknowledge that he is a terrible friend.

"Yeah, well," Tubbo starts, looking around. He chuckles, shaking his head. "This has your name written all over it!" He shoves Tommy.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't— even though it would be funny."

Nia rolls her eyes, wondering if Tommy thinks over the things he says.

"You're literally acting as you acted when you burned down George's house!" Tubbo shouts at his best friend, tired and defeated. He doesn't know how to deal with Tommy and his behaviour enough.

"No. I mean, yeah, but to be fair, it was really funny that one time."

"That is not a defense!"

"No, listen to me, Tubbo. Seriously. Seriously, man."

"Seriously?" The two boys stare at each other.

"I don't need to prove myself to you— this wasn't me. Trust me." Tommy comes closer to Tubbo, emphasising the seriousness in his voice. They keep intent eye contact. "Trust me, Tubbo. For once in your life. Trust me."

"I did trust you . . . once," says Tubbo. His shoulders slump and he shakes his head. "The first time all of this happened." He looks around, at the pile of rubble that the Community House has become. "I won't make the same mistake twice."

Tubbo approaches the ender chest for the third time in the span of fifteen minutes. Except this time, he gets to take out Tommy's disc. Tommy stares at him with his lips parted.

"Don't you dare," says Tommy, his voice low. "Tubbo, you betrayed me."

"I didn't betray you!" Tubbo retaliates. "You betrayed everything you had built with presidents prior!"

"No, you betrayed me! Everything! All of this—"

"Go on this little tirade!"

The argument between the two boys becomes a screaming match. Nia exchanges glances with Sara and Stela. Worried for where this might lead. But stepping in wouldn't be appropriate either.

"This is what Wilbur— you betrayed everything."

"I don't think I have."

"YES! You betrayed me, Tubbo!"






"NO, I DIDN'T!" Tubbo shakes his head violently, shoving Tommy. "You gave up on the nation!"

"Everything— everything! This is what Wilbur wanted! He wanted— he wanted you to betray everyone. To forget what was right." Tommy looks at Tubbo sincerely, the two standing opposite each other.

"No! No, you betrayed everyone when you went off and did your own thing and teamed up with the very person that blew up the nation!" Tubbo refuses to listen.

"Dude, what are you on about? Wilbur blew up the nation, and he's dead," says Stela. Sara flinches, the constant reminders of Wilbur and his last actions before he died bringing back haunting memories.

Stela is ignored.

"I didn't betray— you exiled me!"

"Tommy, you teamed up with Technoblade—"

"You left me to die!"

"I didn't leave you to die! I didn't know anything!"

"You betrayed me!"

"I didn't betray you! You teamed up with the very person that destroyed our nation the first time!"

Tubbo throws his arms in the air. He chances a glance at Technoblade, who scoffs. The boy is completely omitting the fact that Wilbur was the one who did most of the damage to the country.

"No." Tommy shakes his head. "I went for the discs, Tubbo. The discs! THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE!"

"What?" Tubbo goes quiet, blankly staring at Tommy. In fact, everybody stares at Tommy, baffled by what he said.

"I—" Tommy shakes his head, the weight of what he said dawning on him. "Tubbo, I didn't— I don't—" he struggles to voice his thoughts now, finally realizing that he's been reckless and crass with his words. Careless to how it might affect others.

"Give Dream the disc, Tubbo," he says.

"Tommy, wait, are you sure? I thought we were trying to get the discs back—" Technoblade asks.

A pleased chuckle leaves Dream's lips. "Give me the disc, Tubbo."

Tubbo glances at Tommy, uncertain. He knows the price of the disc, and a part of him still cares about Tommy. He doesn't want to give Dream the disc. As much as he might be angry at Tommy, he knows what it would mean if Dream has both of the discs.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"You heard him. He— he realizes he needs to pay. That's what he's realizing." The self-serving tone in Dream's voice makes her want to swing at him once more. He's taking advantage of Tommy's helplessness.

"They were, they— it's just not true, this . . . I'm s— I'm sorry, Tubbo," Tommy apologizes, regretting his words. He doesn't know any other way of making it up to Tubbo, but giving up the very thing he called worth more than him. His best friend.

"No, I'm sorry," says Tubbo.

"No, no—"

"Do you really want me to?" The brunette boy with ram horns gazes at Tommy expectantly, his eyes wide. He approaches Tommy, the disc still gripped in his hand. He could hand it to Tommy instead.

The tall blonde boy shakes his head. "Just give him, just— no. Just give him the disc," he sighs defeatedly.

"Alright, Tommy."

Tubbo nods at his friend, handing the disc to Dream. He immediately hides it in his ender chest, completing the duo that are Tommy's discs. If he wasn't wearing a mask, everybody could see the pleased grin on his lips.

"Tommy—" Technoblade approaches Tommy, and Nia follows his lead. She shakes her head at Sara and Stela.

For now, it'll be better if it's just Nia who's visibly against L'Manburg rather than all three at once. It's not like she doesn't have a reason to. If it weren't for Dream crashing the festival, she would've been executed by Quackity.

"What am I doing?" Tommy mumbles to himself.

Dream laughs maliciously. "Thank you, Tubbo. I really appreciate it," he says, turning to the President.

"Tommy? Are you okay?" Nia asks, putting her hand on Tommy's shoulder as he mumbles to himself, trying to sort through his thoughts.

"I— I'm so— this isn't me. I mean, I— I look around, and— this isn't me. I'm not the person I wanna be." Tommy shakes his head, running a hand through his hair.

"Tommy, what are you saying?" asks Techno, turning around to face the boy. He knows it's stupid to have his back face his enemies, but Tommy is going through a crisis. Helping him seems more important.

Tommy glances between Nia and Technoblade. "I'm so—" he sighs, "I'm sorry."

"What? We can still escape, Tommy. I have ender pearls, we can get out of here, Tommy," Techno presses, trying to reassure the boy, though not effectively.

Tommy shakes his head, staring at Technoblade.

"We're here for you, Tommy," says Nia.

The boy's attention averts to the princess, a rueful smile coming onto his lips as he stares at her. "Nia, I— if this is what I've become, then I don't wanna be me anymore, I—"

"Tommy, what are you saying?" Techno raises an eyebrow at the boy.

"I'm so sorry." Tommy takes a step back, inching closer to Tubbo. The friend that betrayed him in the past.

"What do you mean?" Nia questions.

"I'm with Tubbo."

It takes Nia a while to comprehend the weight of what Tommy's saying. Techno, he gets it immediately, going on a tangent about wanting to destroy L'Manburg and how Tommy didn't have to help him if he really didn't want to. He shares his mind about Tommy's betrayal. But Nia, she stares at Tommy for minutes, while he argues with Technoblade.

Dream, he hasn't said anything yet. He enjoys the show, his gaze locked onto Nia. He can imagine what goes through her mind as she slowly absorbs the full extent of what it means that Tommy betrayed her and Techno.

She protected Tommy. She made sure to keep him safe. She cared for him. So much. Even if it was only something over a month, she cared for Tommy. She would've done anything for him. Both her and Techno, they would've kept Tommy safe from Dream. They'd help him get back his discs.

Nia has never been betrayed before. Unless the one time her father had come up to her and informed her that she would be marrying some king for a political alliance counts. Though, this definitely hurts more.

It feels worse than a thousand shards cutting and pricking through her skin. Worse than what she would imagine Prometheus' punishment for stealing the gods' fire would. Actually, she would prefer to have her guts ripped out and eaten by birds of prey rather than the crushing feeling of betrayal; her heart shattered into a million shards. For a moment, she feels like she cannot breathe.

Nia closes her eyes shut, thinking that this might just be a dream. That she will wake up afterward. She will wake up and have another amazing day with Tommy and Ghostbur, who are messing around Technoblade's cottage.

None of that happens once she opens her eyes. She's still standing before Tommy, who's by Tubbo's side, arguing with Technoblade. She knows Techno is just as hurt as she is. He just shows it differently.

Nia scoffs. She does the unhealthiest thing that comes to her mind. Instead of confronting her pain head-on, she pushes those feelings away. Like a button that suddenly makes her emotionless towards Tommy. A humanity switch, if you will.

To think she declined Dream's offer of the Revival Book for Tommy. The very thing she's been put back on Earth for. Protecting the Revival Book is the only purpose she truly has in this world, proven by the goddess that resides within her.

But the human part of her — Nia — she chose to protect a boy. She chose this boy over a stupid book. Because she cares about him. She was convinced her affection would be reciprocated at the very least.

"I'm worse than everyone I've hated! I'm worse than everyone I didn't wanna be!" Tommy screams at Technoblade. Glancing at Dream, the blonde boy sighs.

"Tommy, think hard— think hard about this before you make this decision, Tommy, 'cause you can't undo this. You can't undo this decision, Tommy," Technoblade warns. It goes against his skin, but what other choice does he have?

Tommy shakes his head, staring at the piglin. "Technoblade, I know what I've done, and I hate me for it."

Techno blankly stares at him.

"I'm so sorry," the boy apologizes.

Nia laughs, almost maniacally. It catches the attention of everybody around the Community House. Dream's head perks up, staring at Nia in anticipation. Sara and Stela wonder what Nia's going to do. They don't know the extent to which Nia has come to care about Tommy, but they can imagine she's not fond of his betrayal.

"You ungrateful little fuck," leaves Nia's lips, her glare burning through Tommy's head. "I would've done everything for you," she says, scoffing. "I even declined Dream's offer when he'd asked me where you are. You don't even know how good that offer was— I still chose you."

"Nia, what are you—"

Dream laughs. "Here it comes."

"And now that we're here, you're choosing Tubbo? The person who betrayed you? He exiled you, Tommy. He never visited you in exile. He seemed to care more about his country than his best friend. But I declined the very thing that I've been brought here for. I chose you over this stupid book, because I thought you were worth more than it. And this is how you repay me?"

"Wait a fucking minute—" Sara widens her eyes at Nia once the Revival Book is mentioned.

"THE BOOK?" Stela glances between Dream and Nia. She never told the Trix about the offer.

"Yeah," Dream sounds amused. "But you know what? I also wanna say something," he chuckles, walking toward Tommy and Tubbo. "I just— Tubbo— Tubbo—"

"Yeah?" Tubbo furrows his eyebrows.

"I— well . . . thank you for giving me the disc. I just wanted to say that you're an idiot," he laughs, staring at the bemused expressions of both Tubbo and Tommy.


"You are an absolute idiot! And you have no power, and you are the worst President that has ever been President of L– because you're no president at all!"


"No, listen, listen— you're not even President! You're not even President! Quackity is more President than you! I'm more President of L'Manberg than you! You listen to— you get pushed around by everybody on the server. Because you are an idiot! You are a buffoon! You are a fool."

"You are a coward," Technoblade adds.

"You fall for everything— you just gave me the one thing that I needed to destroy L'Manburg— I don't care about L'Manberg, I don't care about anything, I've said this before! The only reason I had not destroyed L'Manberg, is because you had the disc! I had to be friends with you to get the dumb disc back. I don't care about you! I'm not your friend, okay? I cared about getting the disc back! And I got it back! I got it back! And that's— that's— that's the only thing that really matters! You can't even run your nation right— Ranboo is a traitor! One of your most trusted friends!"

Everybody stares at Dream.

"What?" Quackity knits his eyebrows together.

"No, no, that's not true." Tubbo shakes his head.

"But it is! Look! Read his book!" Dream shows Tubbo a book with the title 'DO NOT READ' on its front. Handing it to Tubbo. "Read it, it's his memories. He was meeting with Techno and Tommy and told them everything."

Tubbo browses through it. "Ranboo?"

"I'm denying all of this, it didn't happen. I've never met that man in my life," Techno defends Ranboo.

Stela moves closer toward the enderboy, ready to protect him in case somebody wants to attack him, whilst glaring at Dream.

He laughs, amused by the confusion and sudden hostility. Throwing a glance at Technoblade and Nia, he smirks underneath his mask.

"You can't even run your own nation correctly, Tubbo. I mean, listen, you— L'Manburg is weaker than it's ever been. And it's because of you! You have— you have destroyed everything, you have ruined your friendships, you have ruined L'Manburg's allies, you have— you have just— you are a horrible President, Tubbo."

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