《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》47. Nothing Bad Ever Happens at a Festival


Tubbo stands opposite his Vice President, shaking his head in disagreement after Quackity came with the idea that they should also execute Nia. It only makes sense to him, as the woman has ties to both Technoblade and Dream.

Quackity has become unnerved and aggravated after the first two hours of the festival. It's the Green Festival, specifically meant for Dream. He was meant to show up, unarmored and weaponless. Easy prey for the butcher army, making sure that Dream never bothers L'Manburg again. But he's nowhere to be seen.

So, Quackity's outlet for the frustration of Dream's absence is to take the second best option. Execute Nia, hurt Technoblade and possibly Dream. He doesn't even realize how mad, yet genius a notion that is, if he were trying to make his enemies seek vengeance.

"She's an anarchist, Tubbo. She's going to help Technoblade destroy L'Manburg the moment they get the chance to do so. I'm just taking precautions."

"Like you were with Technoblade?"

Quackity raises an eyebrow at the President, and Tubbo caves in immediately, a quiet 'sorry' on his lips for the remark. Tubbo acts as if the snappy comment wasn't fair.

"Look, Tubbo, all I'm saying is that one day, she's gonna come here being less friendly than she is now, and she's gonna want to blow up everything we've worked for these past few months."

Tubbo shakes his head. "She saved my life, Quackity. You know, on that day when you stood by and watched me get nearly killed on the stage in front of everybody?"

Quackity stays quiet for a moment, the guilt of that day briefly reflecting in his eyes. He snaps out of it almost immediately. "It doesn't matter if she saved your life or not. L'Manburg is in danger one way or another. There's so many threats, Tubbo, and you're just refusing to deal with them because of what? Because you're friends with them?"

"She saved your life, too, Big Q," Tubbo murmurs quietly, shaking his head. The boy looks at Quackity, his eyes grazing over the scar that covers half of his Vice President's face. "We found you unconscious in a puddle of your own blood, but completely healed. And Fundy saw Nia run in the direction of the sewers."

"Tubbo, I don't fucking know if you've got the memo yet, but I don't give a shit. If she saved my life, that's on her. I mean, it's great that she did, but she's still no less of a threat to our fucking country."

Tubbo presses his lips together, blinking a few times. He eyes Quackity, knowing that he won't drop the idea. Just like Tubbo won't be able to convince him of a different course of action. He doesn't have enough gumption to stand up to Quackity either. Tubbo wants to protect his country, and if Quackity thinks Nia's execution is for the best, then he'll let him do whatever he wants.

"Fine," Tubbo sighs. "But I won't help you."

"That's fine with me. I can ask literally anyone else at this festival." Quackity shrugs indifferently to his President's genuine approval.

Nia smiles, watching Sara, Stela and many others — not just L'Manburgians — play one of Fundy's minigames that are meant to entertain the guests at the festival. Eret, H Bomb, Ponk and Punz are here, and Nia was introduced to the newest member of the Dream SMP, Captain Puffy, as well.

Tubbo and Quackity walked off together earlier, apparently to take care of some L'Manburg business, and Nia has been on the lookout for Techno and Tommy.


The two of them are attending the festival in secret, hidden due to the invisibility potions they consumed only minutes prior. Unsure of when the potions will wear off, they still try to hide in the shadows.

"Stela wins!" Fundy shouts out once everybody takes their turn at the minigame.

Nia isn't sure what it's called, but she's understood so far that there was a rock in the middle, and the participants should've tried to throw balls as close to it as possible.

"You get the cookies!"

Stela laughs as Fundy makes his way toward her. His tail wags in the air, while hers rests alongside her body. Both their ears are perked up, however, and she accepts the winning prize with a grin on her face.

Glancing at Ranboo, she offers some of the cookies to him. The boy lights up and nods delightedly, taking one. Stela then turns and offers the cookies to others, including Sara and Nia. Even Fundy gets to take one despite the fact he didn't participate in the game.

"Nia!" Quackity calls after the princess.

Tubbo adds to his step, getting further from his Vice President, approaching Ranboo with an uneasy smile on his lips.

Quackity marches toward Nia with a few L'Manburgians on his heels. The boy is smiling, but Nia can sense the nefarious intent behind his gaze. Sara and Stela shoot him looks, both of them curious.

What's this about? is the question that lingers in the air.

Quackity approaches Nia. "I need you to come with me," he says, trying his best not to sound demanding. The princess arches an eyebrow at him.

"What are you doing, Quackity?" asks Ranboo.

He and Stela exchange glances, neither very positive about Quackity's motives. Seeking Sara in the crowd, Sara turns out to have had the thought faster, appearing by Stela's side.

"Nothing that concerns you, Ranboo," the Vice President dismisses the enderboy. His eyes locked on Nia, he silently refuses to leave until she agrees to come with him.

Caving in, she nods with a sigh. "Okay," she says.

Nia and Quackity are followed by the gazes of the festival's guests, each confused. They make their way to the center of L'Manburg, stepping onto the very stage that Techno was supposed to be executed on over a month ago.

Everybody follows behind them.

"So, are you going to tell me what this is about?" Nia questions with a raised brow. She watches the men that came with Quackity step onto the stage with them, each positioning themselves around Nia.

She subconsciously reaches for the twin swords she used to have strapped on her back, but they're gone. One melted by Sara months ago, and the other left with Technoblade, because she wasn't allowed to carry weapons or armor within L'Manburg's borders.

"Oh, I think you already know."

Quackity's eyes darken with malice that Nia hasn't seen even in Schlatt. A part of her wants to immediately forgive the boy and excuse his actions for that very reason. Who's to say he isn't like this because of what Schlatt had done to him?

The L'Manburgians take a hold of Nia. The two on her sides firmly grab onto her arms. Quackity smirks, pleased with himself.

"You don't have to do this, Quackity. You're making a mistake."

Nia isn't begging for her life, in fact, she has come to peace with the fact that she will die one day. It's inevitable. She just didn't expect it to be a public execution in front of her friends.


"I bet you regret saving my life now, huh?"

The princess shakes her head. "I'm not a villain, Quackity. This country and the government is. Power is corrupting you, can't you see?"

"There is nothing wrong with the government and our desire to protect our country."

"Tubbo, do something. Stop him," says Sara to the boy, pushing the President forward. The least he could do is speak up.

Tubbo stays quiet. He refuses to say a word and take a stand. The way Quackity put it, he's either with L'Manburg or against it. Tubbo is the President. He can't let one of its biggest threats alive. Quackity is right. It doesn't even occur to him that he's being manipulated.


Sara turns to the next person, but he gapes at Quackity with as much perplexion as the next person. Nobody necessarily expected Quackity to do this. Sara and Stela both had their suspicions, but an execution?

Quackity pulls out a sword hidden underneath the floorboard of the stage. The sun reflects in the sharp metal sword. Considering the atmosphere, it almost feels like the weather is mocking Nia. As if her execution during the festival is a good deed.

Stela, from the corner of her eye, registers movement of something invisible. Though she's unsure whether either Tommy or Technoblade are looking at her, she shakes her head. It's not worth blowing they're cover; at least not yet.

Quackity grins smugly. Self-righteously, if Nia were to say. He thinks himself the hero of this story. Once he executes Nia, history might write him in as the soldier who did what was necessary to save his country. Yet he hasn't a clue about what's coming. What would happen if he goes through with the execution.

An ender pearls breaks on the stage before Nia and Quackity, the sound of teleportation followed by Dream materializing from purple particles. He's in his full netherite armor, clutching a shield and a netherite sword in hand.

"You fucked up," he says, a deathly stare aimed at Quackity. The mask isn't even a factor, Dream's low, threatening voice speaks for itself. The blonde's head turns toward Nia momentarily, but he doesn't pay her any regard.

"Dream, where the fuck have you been?" questions Quackity, ignoring Dream's menacing tone.

Cocking his head to the side, Dream gazes at Quackity. "Oh, you want to act like you don't know?" he asks.

Nia raises an eyebrow at him, still held by the two L'Manburgians. They're refusing to let her go, though the idea of her execution has clearly fallen behind on the list of priorities now that Dream is present.

"What don't I know? Is this about wanting to execute Nia?"

"I don't care about Nia," says Dream, his voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. The princess nearly smirks, spotting the lie. Those who didn't pay enough attention, however, must've believed it. Hook, line and sinker.

"Then what do fuck do you want?" Quackity glares at Dream. "We invited you, and you're fucking late."

"Don't you act like you don't know, Quackity," says Dream, a maniacal laugh escaping his lips. He turns to Tubbo in the crowd, shaking his head. "Tommy fucked up." His voice is low, bordering a growl.

"What? Tommy isn't even here!" Tubbo exclaims at once, shaking his head violently. "How could he fuck up if he's in exile?"

"You really don't know?" Dream questions dubiously, but there is a certain smugness to his voice.

"We have no fucking clue what you're on about, Dream," Quackity states.

"Fine. Let me show you then."

Walking off the stage, Dream throws a look to the two men holding Nia. They let go of her instantaneously, and she smiles to herself.

The blonde leads them through L'Manburg, never straying from the Prime Path. Eventually, they exit the country and enter Dream SMP. Quackity grows irritated the longer they walk. Though it ends up being worth it as they finally reach their destination.

The Community House stands before them. Or . . . doesn't stand before them, to be precise. The building is gone for the most part, most of its items hidden under the rubble of wood, stone and bricks. Debris from the building swims in the lake in the middle of which the Community House stood, polluting the water for the corals and fish inside.

"What the fuck?" Quackity mutters under his breath.

"What happened here?" questions Tubbo.

"Who did this?" Sara asks.

Despite not being a member of the Dream SMP anymore, she has fond memories of the Community House. Many good things have happened here, including the many fishing sessions she's held with Dream, Sapnap, George and Bad.

Dream glances at the redhead, knowing what she's thinking of.

"Tommy," he doesn't hesitate to respond. "Like I said. He fucked up. And somebody's gotta pay for this. I know Tommy's here."

"What? No. Tommy's been exiled, Dream," says Tubbo.

"You're lying to me!" Dream shouts. "How else would he blow up the Community House if he wasn't here! I know he's here!"

Nia looks around, catching Sara and Stela's eye.

"I'm going to build a wall around L'Manburg again. You're going to pay for this. You're going to pay for what Tommy did." Throwing his arms around, Dream highlights the destruction of the building that has once been very dear to him.

"Why us? Tommy is literally not fucking here. He was exiled. If he did this, it's not on us," Quackity argues, defending the country from an action for which somebody else is responsible.

Dream shakes his head. "No, Tommy ran away from exile," he says. "And I know he's hiding somewhere here. He did this, and unless you give Tommy to me, you will pay for his actions. I will build a wall again, and L'Manburgians will be isolated. Again."

"Dream, you can't do this!" Fundy exclaims.

"Tommy blew up the Community House! I can punish you however I see fit! You know, we were so close to peace! So close! I trusted you guys for once, and this is how you repay me?"

"But— but he's not even supposed to be here!" Fundy tries to argue once more. "This has nothing to do with us."

"We have no affiliation with this," says Ranboo.

Nia purses her lips, examining the remains of the Community House. She remembers the building. It truly was one of the first buildings standing around the Dream SMP, besides Eret's castle.

She remembers Technoblade telling her that Tommy suggested blowing up the Community House. But she didn't think he'd go through with it. In fact, she doesn't believe he did it in the first place. She and Techno have been with Tommy for most of their time in the past month, how and when could he even do something like this?

"So, you're telling me you had no idea?" questions Dream.

"Why would we know some dumb fucking shit Tommy has done?" Quackity shakes his head.

"Zero idea!" Tubbo agrees with his Vice President.

"Because, Tubbo — you still have the disc."

"Yeah, and what about it?"

"It means you're affiliated!" Dream throws his arms around, looking around the building that has been destroyed. "The discs— the discs are his most prized possession. And if— I don't have the disc, or he doesn't have the disc, then guess what! You are affiliated! Because you have the disc."

Nia stares at Dream, finally understanding his objective. He just wants the discs. He's always wanted Tommy's discs. Just like Tommy wants to get them back and protect them.

Discs, discs, discs. What a stupid fucking reason for all of the trouble, damage and drama that has happened in the Dream SMP.

"This doesn't even make sense! Tommy was exiled!" Fundy exclaims, still in disbelief.

"Well, he came back! Do you know who knew that he came back?" questions Dream.

"What is this— this is not . . ." Fundy stutters.

"Why would he pin this on us?" asks Quackity.

"Wait." Tubbo shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at Dream. "Who knew he came back?"

"Alright, listen— I'll tell you in a minute. This is what needs to happen, okay? Look, you have to— he has to pay for this. He can't just come and– Listen, this is terrorism!"

"Yeah!" Tubbo agrees with Dream. "I can't believe he would do this."

"I don't understand why we're getting isolated again. Why should we suffer the consequences of his actions?" Quackity points out, glaring at Dream.

"Because Tubbo has— Tubbo is President. And Tubbo has the disc."

"Weren't you supposed to be the one looking after him in exile? The entire time?" Ranboo arches an eyebrow at Dream.

"Yeah, you were supposed to enforce his exile," Tubbo agrees. "How does this come down to us?"

"How can I enforce Tommy's exile if I don't have the disc!" Dream exclaims exasperatedly, shaking his head. "You have the disc, Tubbo."

"Don't you already have one?"

"I need both."

"For— for what?"

"To make Tommy listen!" Dream shakes his head. "Look, okay, listen. You know what? I won't blame this on you. I— I won't make you pay for Tommy's crimes. But only— only if you give me the second disc, Tubbo. Just— just look around, Tubbo! Look at the damage! Look at what Tommy's done! Just give me the dumb disc and all of this can be over! It'll solve everything! And I can guarantee you that everybody here wants it. Look— look at Sapnap, Callahan, Sam, Ponk, Bad— literally everybody here . . . Even Sara and Nia! They both have history with the Community House . . . just give me the disc, Tubbo. End this."

"There has to be another way," Tubbo refuses to give up the disc.

"Tubbo, you need to hand over the disc," says Punz, shaking his head.

"Tommy has to pay." Dream gazes at Tubbo. "This was my safe space to— you know. Be safe."

"Tommy didn't do this, though," Nia speaks up, capturing Dream's attention. He looks at her, tilting his head to the side.

"How would you know?" Dream asks. "Last time we spoke, you said you didn't know where he was."

"No, Dream, I said I wouldn't tell you where he was. There's a difference," says Nia, earning several gasps from the L'Manburgians. They gape at her. She wants to laugh. "He didn't do this," the princess reiterates.

Still, Tubbo steps into the rubble of the building that meant a lot to many. He finds the ender chest buried underneath the debris and opens it, only to show the disc that he has. Tommy's disc.

"No! No! Li— no!" The blonde appears in the middle of action.

Nia groans. If the situation wasn't already dire, she would punch some sense into the boy. Revealing himself is possibly the stupidest thing he could've done.

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