《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》46. A Heart Somewhere Inside


i made a playlist hehe

Nia stares at the vast amount of wither stars carefully stored in chests, each ready to spawn a monster capable of great destruction. Technoblade smiles at Nia, the kind of smile that is both sheepish and cocky. It's the smile she adores, because he only reacts that way to her. Like he's afraid of what she might think, whilst actually being proud of himself and the work he achieved.

"Well, it was just a hobby," says Technoblade dismissively, waving his hand at the princess, which reveals that he must've been gathering the stars for the past few months.

"And you showed this to Tommy already?" asks Nia. Technoblade nods. "So, he knows you want to destroy L'Manburg."

"I've told him."

Techno walks deeper into the room, while Nia remains standing at the helm of the room, still quite fascinated by the redstone door that he must've worked on for some time, just like the collection inside. She's always found Technoblade's dedication admirable, but her respect for the man grows even more as she gazes at the months upon months of work.

"Is he okay with it?"

Nia bites the inside of her cheek. For a brief moment, her eyes fall on the sword on Techno's belt, sheathed. She knows it's the netherite sword he had to give up when the butcher army came for him. The Orphan Obliterator glitters in the light of the room, glistening against the many wither stars shown on display. She raises her brow at the piglin. She hasn't heard the full story of how he acquired his sword yet. Or the Axe of Peace.

Techno shrugs. "I told him he can sit it out, if he wants to, once the day comes."

"And he was okay with that?"

"I think he ignored me for the most part, honestly. He kept talking about his discs," indignation slips into Techno's tone, and Nia smiles understandingly.

"He can't let the discs go, can he?"

"He literally suggested blowing up the Community House, thinking it might help him get the discs back."


"That's part of the Dream SMP, though?"

"I know!" Techno throws his hands in the air. "Or, I didn't know until you just said it, but I thought it!"

"I think Dream cares about that building," says Nia, narrowing her eyes in thought. "I think he cares about the building. I mean, it was the first building in the Dream SMP, so he could care about it at least a little bit."

Techno stares at Nia as she mulls over the information. It takes her a minute to snap back into reality. She catches Techno's gaze and smiles at him.

His eyes widen suddenly as he remembers something. "Oh, have you heard about the festival that L'Manburg's hosting?" he asks.

Nia purses her lips. She nods, a bitter taste in her mouth as she recalls the last festival she attended. In fact, she doesn't understand how Tubbo can organize a festival, knowing how badly the last one ended for him. Especially for him.

"I've been told about it, yeah," she says. "Stela came by, saying that I'm invited."

"You are?" Techno asks with a raised brow. "How?"

"I have no fucking clue," Nia replies truthfully. "Something about me being part of the Trix, so Stela and Sara would want me there, since they were invited? It's really weird. I think Stela mentioned Quackity insisted I should come."

"That doesn't sound fishy at all."

"I know, right?"

The two anarchists exchange glances, both painfully aware of the instruments of mass destruction around them. They can destroy an entire country with the amount of withers that these stars will provide.

"Have you thought about when you want to do it?" Nia inquires.

Techno presses his lips together and shakes his head. "I don't know. I've been waiting for Phil so far, 'cause he said he wants to help me destroy L'Manburg. There hasn't been much that happened recently, so I'm giving it time."

"That's strangely thoughtful."

"Is it?"

"Sometimes you've got to remind me you have a heart somewhere inside there," Nia teases, poking Techno's chest with her index finger.


He grins at the princess, shaking his head. "You're ridiculous," he says, grabbing onto the hand that's poking his chest. He pulls her closer, embracing Nia in a loving hug.

"And yet, every day, you choose to love me."

"And you love me."

"It's a struggle sometimes."

Techno raises his eyebrow at Nia, a fake offended gasp leaving his mouth. He lightly pokes Nia's side, and she laughs at him. The piglin shakes his head, joyfully rolling his eyes.

"C'mon, let's go see what Tommy's doing," Techno says. He takes Nia's hand in his, and she nods with a grin.

"Let's check on my child," the princess says jokingly. Techno arches a brow. "I'm kidding. He's more of a little brother," Nia laughs.

Techno playfully rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Whatever makes you happy," he mutters under his breath, an amused chuckle leaving his lips.

Obliviously, Nia says, "you do."

The piglin stays nailed to the ground once those words reach his ears, almost like it's the first time she's ever said it to him. The casual 'I love you's are something, but Nia openly admitting he makes her happy sends an utterly different thrill through his body. Another piece of the shield around his heart drops for the woman.

"Techno?" Nia smiles at him. "You okay?"

Technoblade clears his throat. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he lies.

As if Nia hasn't sent every neuron inside his brain into a frenzy, with no way of calming down any time soon. She doesn't even seem to realize the effect her words had on him. She still tightly holds onto Techno's hand as they make their way out of his secret wither stash.

"Nia, Nia, Nia! Come look at what Ghostbur and I made!" Tommy runs up to Nia and Technoblade the moment they're within the range of his eyesight. She chuckles as she watches the excited blonde, and the grinning ghost behind him.

"We made an igloo," says Ghostbur. His voice is calm yet delighted. He grips several lapis lazuli gems in his hands, handing one to Nia without a word. She smiles at him.

Nia shoots a glance at Techno, who shrugs. "Go ahead," he says. "They want to show you."

Grinning, Nia turns to Tommy and Ghostbur. She misses the warmth of Techno's hand the instant she lets go, only for Tommy to grab onto her other hand and nearly drag her toward the snow structure he worked on with Ghostbur.

Examining it, she presses her lips together, smiling. The igloo is in no way any different than the ones that can be found anywhere around the north. The only special thing about the igloo being the text carved into the snow above the entrance that says: BIG MAN igloo.

There are traces of blue dye along the snow of the igloo as well, a clear sign that Ghostbur worked on it.

"This is amazing," Nia says. Both Tommy and Ghostbur grin at the princess. "Have you been working on it this entire time?"

"Yeah!" Tommy exclaims. "We're so awesome, aren't we, Ghostbur?"

"Yes, we are, Tommy!" the ghost agrees.

Nia chuckles. She enjoys the childish spirit of Tommy that has unleashed these past few weeks, for he hadn't had to worry about any countries or discs or Dream. Perhaps occasionally, but not for most of the time. It's so obvious that Tommy is partly catching up on the childhood that he didn't have, participating in wars from a very young age, the consequences constantly haunting him.

In a way, even Ghostbur haunts everybody. Though the ghost would never want to make anybody upset deliberately. He himself hates being upset. Though when Sara found out about Ghostbur's existence, she nearly broke down. At least that's what Nia's been told by Stela. Ghostbur has already forgotten about the experience as it must've not been a pleasant situation for him.

"Oh, and did Techno tell you about the festival?"

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