《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》39. I Still Love You


He hasn't made it far, trying to get Carl through the sewers. Though the horse refuses to obey its owner. She listens to Techno softly whispering promises of many dainties once they get home to the horse if it complies.

Technoblade doesn't notice Nia at first; she keeps quiet, following behind the anarchist and his horse. It gives her an opportunity to observe the man after nearly being executed. He doesn't seem as fazed or traumatized as others would be, but the tick in his hand and the way he occasionally moves closer toward Carl to stroke his mane affectionately makes it known that it did leave an impact on Techno. He didn't want to die, but neither did he want the horse to die.

If it was anybody else, Nia would've probably said that it's stupid. Caring about a horse so much that you would risk your life for it. But she can see the comfort Carl brings to Technoblade whenever the animal neighs and pokes Techno's side with its snout. He chuckles every time, stroking Carl's neck as they walk side by side. Otherwise the horse would refuse to move.

It surprises Nia that he hasn't noticed her yet, but she doesn't mind it at the same time. She's seen the horrified expression on Techno's face when he ran off after she'd seen him plunge a pickaxe through Quackity's teeth. Perhaps it's better that he doesn't know of her presence yet. It would make for an incredibly awkward situation for the both of them.

Technoblade doesn't notice Nia until they're at the end of the sewer, when he checks whether anybody followed them. Nobody did, besides Nia. And hopefully, Phil isn't far behind. She hopes that since she helped him get out, he'll find his way to Techno.

"You followed me," Technoblade says. Nia nods in response, smiling thinly at the man.


"Just making sure no more harm comes your way." She shrugs.

"Did you come back here with Dream?" Techno asks directly, his eyebrow arched as the anarchist duo makes it out of the sewers, Carl right by their side.

"Yes," Nia replies. "But only because he said you were in danger."

"Why?" Techno gazes at Nia with sincere curiosity. They stand outside of the Dream SMP in an area that Nia isn't sure she knows; though Techno doesn't seem too concerned about it. "Why come back for me?"

"Did you read the letter I left for you after I headed north with Stela and Sara?" An awkward smile graces Nia's lips, her eyes averting to the ground. She avoids his brown eyes, knowing quite well that she admitted her love for him in the message.

"Yes," Technoblade replies. "But you wrote that years ago." He dismisses the admission, not believing himself to be worthy of Nia's affections. She purses her lips.

"Nothing has changed for me, Techno. It doesn't matter how long it's been since I wrote that letter." Nia looks up at the piglin, a smile that reaches her eyes appearing on her lips. "If it wasn't for you, Technoblade— If I had never met you, I probably would've been stuck in a loveless marriage right now, forced to be nothing more than a baby-making machine."

"That sounds horrible when you say it like that," Techno comments, but he nods, agreeing.

"Well, it is true, though." The princess shrugs. She grins at Technoblade, shaking her head once she realizes something. "Have you been trying to get me to say that I'm still in love with you, Techno?"

"Not deliberately," the piglin mutters under his breath, and Nia laughs because it makes him all the more endearing in her eyes.


"Well, no matter your true intentions . . ." Nia says, taking a step toward Techno. She watches his entire body tense and his breath hitch. "I do still love you, Technoblade. I don't think it's going to leave any time soon. Unless somebody kills me, of course." The princess makes the situation more light-hearted, ignoring the seriousness of what she's saying.

"Nia—" The tone of Technoblade's voice makes Nia's smile drop momentarily. She glances at Techno, regaining her composure within seconds.

"It's alright, Techno," she cuts him off, shaking her head. "You don't have to feel the same way about me, obviously. My love for you is my choice, and you're not obligated to reciprocate those feelings. I would never force you into something like that. And if it makes you uncomfortable, I can give you more space. I'll always be glad to have you as my friend."

"I— Nia—" Technoblade struggles to form a coherent sentence as he stares at the princess with her heart on her sleeve. She pretends to be unbothered, but he can see beneath the careless facade that she's put on.

There are years of pain behind her eyes. He's just unsure if he's worth all of this. Nia is a literal goddess. She's the strongest, most brilliant person he's ever known, and she's laying her heart bare to him.

Whilst he doesn't have a single idea for a response that would express how he genuinely feels. He fears sounding cringe and lame. He fears the voices and what they might think. Though they've been quieter while Nia's around. They usually calm whenever Nia's around.

"It's fine, Techno," Nia smiles. "Let's just get you home."

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