《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》SPECIAL: Technoblade's Journey to Anarchy


okay, look, i do many things when i procrastinate . . . like write a one-shot instead of studying for a test about how c!techno became an anarchist, hehe. and read it and they liked it, so it will now be here as well. this is not connected to princess anarchy but well, it could be ig o.O

happy thanksgiving ! i am not american ! dkjskdkjfksdj

This story is quite painful to tell, yet important to spread, as Technoblade had not always been the powerful, fearsome fighter that he is known as nowadays. In fact, Technoblade used to be a mere boy with loving parents who wanted the best for him — for their child.

His parents were royals, the king and queen. Rulers of a great, powerful and very much peaceful kingdom that strived and grew on its own. They didn't need anybody to survive or get by; they just existed, and they were happy.

Technoblade was a high-spirited child. Due to his mother coming from a different dimension — Nether — he was a bit different, and he knew that. But that didn't mean people still didn't adore the little energetic ball of delight, with his small piglin ears and short pink hair, combed back because that's how his mother liked it.

For years, his parents molded the little boy, making sure that once his time comes, he would be one of the greatest leaders to ever exist in the history of their kingdom. After all, that was what every parent would want of their child. While his mother made sure that Technoblade was a decent person, who was polite and honest, brave and just, generous and hospitable, his father made sure that he also knew how to lead. How to make people listen to him, whilst also gaining their utmost respect.

The kingdom never had the need to be violent. Technoblade was taught the basics of swordsmanship and fighting. He studied strategy and war, his favorite book of that topic being Art of War. But his parents never thought the boy would need it. After all, they were a peaceful kingdom that didn't even try to expand, as they were happy with the land they already owned, and other countries or kingdoms mostly stayed out of their way as they were granted protection by the greater, united kingdom of the Nether. All due to the fact that the queen came from the dimension, and was a piglin princess.

Technoblade was only ten-years-old, when the first conflict came to their kingdom. The court and its nobles complained about not having enough gold, despite their queen being of royal blood and from the Nether. They complained about the lack of luxury in their kingdom.

The king and queen argued that it's due to the fact that all the money in the kingdom was evenly distributed, just enough so that everybody could live good and happy lives. The kingdom had no starving, homeless people for that very reason. Because the king and queen denied themselves the indulgences that usually came with being of noble blood.

Technoblade didn't understand the issue. He agreed with his parents. He was glad that the people of his kingdom were not struggling to live decent lives. That is how he was brought up, after all.

But what came as an utter shock was when the court decided to rebel against their rulers. They called it a revolution, saying that a government of more people, eventually 'democratic', would be much better than monarchs who decide how everyone in the kingdom has to live their lives.

Technoblade was too young to fully grasp the situation when the court — some of the people who he would've even considered his family — dethroned his parents and threw them and the crown prince into a dark cell underneath the castle.


Technoblade didn't understand. When he had to spend about two weeks in the cell, sleeping on nothing but a cold stone floor, he eventually got mad at his parents. After all, he was a ten-year-old boy who was used to having at least the comfort of his bed. Plus, he missed going out into nature and running around with the other children, playing with their dogs and cats, or riding horses.

The last thing Technoblade saw of his parents were the rueful glints in their eyes as they were led away from the little boy, who had had an outburst and told his parents he didn't like them. Only for them to be executed on that very day. He waited for them, knowing what he had said was terrible, and he wanted to apologize. But his parents never came back.

Only the guards did.

And when little Technoblade asked where his parents were, they merely gave him a disgruntled look and ignored him. Before one of the members of the court came down to his cell and told him his parents would never come back.

"They're dead," the man said with a diabolical smile across his lips. He gazed at the boy as he slowly comprehended the words; Technoblade's smile — because he was happy to see that man, he used to call him his uncle — turning into a frown, his lips parted.

"What?" Technoblade asked quietly.

The man shrugged. "The time of monarchs has passed, little one. Now it's time for the government," he smiled. "If you want to, you can join us. I will gladly consider you my son, boy."

Technoblade was ten, but he wasn't stupid. He shook his head, and he spat at the man he used to consider family. He watched that man's face contort into one of rage, and he stared calmly as the man ordered the guards to make the boy pay for such disrespect.

Technoblade spent seven years imprisoned in that cell. He didn't have much besides his stone cold floor and his mind.

The guards would sometimes come inside his cell on an order from the government members, beating the boy for no reason. Technoblade took the beating, because he knew he would have to endure it if he wanted to come out of the situation alive.

But eventually, as his mind was one of the very few things he had left, even that started to toy with him. Because when he was fourteen-years-old, he started hearing voices. Those voices told him things he already knew or agreed with. They told him how governments and tyrants are bad, and the doom of humanity. People were easily corrupted by power.

But those voices also demanded blood. And revenge. Vengeance for his parents; his sweet, innocent parents that loved him and their people so much.

Technoblade had been taking beatings for years, but he also learned to push himself. When he wasn't listening to the voices that called for blood, he trained. Sometimes he would recite passages from Art of War, straining his brain for strategies, and sometimes he would talk to the guards about the story of Theseus or any other Greek hero whose story intrigued him when he was younger.

He knew that one day, he would get out of the cage. And he knew that once that day came, he would bring down the government and slay the people who had mercilessly executed his parents for petty reasons such as power and luxury. They were not worthy of leading a country. And according to the voices, they were not worthy of life either.


Those same seven years later, Philza came across the capital city of the new country, a beautiful, lively kingdom that used to be.

He remembered it to be a peaceful kingdom, the king and queen being his friends. However, when he visited now, after nearly fifteen years away, he was surprised to see what happened to the place.

The suburbs of the capital city were filled with slums. Beggars were on every corner of every street as the man in a green jinbei and a striped white and green bucket hat marched through. He tried to help as many of them as he could, offering them the food he had on himself, or giving them the gold he had accumulated on the way to the kingdom.

"You are so kind, sir," said a little girl to him after he offered her some bread, steak and ten golden nuggets. "But I don't think you should be here . . . you don't look like you belong here," she added timidly, her eyes darting from side to side cautiously. She was trying not to stare at the man's majestic black wings as well.

"Of course, it's no problem," said Phil, shaking his head as he looked around the dirty streets. "What happened here? I remember this part of the city being clean and . . . full of life."

"The government happened, sir," responded the little girl, shaking her head. "The king and queen were executed seven years ago, sir."

"What?" Phil exclaimed, gaping at the girl. "By whom?"

"The court," she replied. "The crown prince is still alive, though." A sliver of hope slips into the girl's voice as she thinks of the young man. "Me and my friends are waiting for the prince to get out of the dark cell that they're holding him in. We know he's going to help us and save us all." Her eyes glinted as she gazed at the older man.

"The crown prince?"

"Prince Technoblade," the girl smiled.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Philza cursed under his breath, shaking his head. That was when he decided he would make his way to the castle where the new government resided, and break Technoblade out of prison.

Technoblade sat in his dark cell, the only source of light being the torch at the very back of the basement, far from the prince's reach, simply to ensure that he didn't have anything he could possibly turn into a weapon in case he felt like hurting somebody.

He was leaning against the cold stone wall, resting his eyes. He didn't remember when he last had a proper sleep without the fear of dreaming about his parents' execution, which he never saw. Or without fear of being woken up and beaten up by the guards.

His hair was now long, falling down over his shoulders and reaching his waist. He occasionally had the opportunity to take a bath, and his imprisoners also fed him quite well, but they were not intending of letting the prince go, ever. Technoblade was aware of that.

But eventually, he would have to make a plan to get out of his cage, to get away from his captors, only so that he could later return, stronger than ever. Screaming vengeance, bringing down the government and its members. He had grown to hate the governments and tyrants over time, unable to think of much more. It was better to envision killing his captors rather than remembering the sad looks on his parents' faces on the day of their execution.

The day he didn't get to say goodbye.

A clanging sound startled Technoblade, the teenage boy immediately getting up to his feet. He squinted his eyes into the dark, noticing that his guards were gone. Soon enough, he heard screaming and the flapping of wings. Technoblade watched a dark silhouette of a man approach his cage, slowly furling his wings.

The prince backed into a corner, scared of what this man might want of him.

Philza grabbed a hold of the only torch present inside the basement of the castle, watching a scared Technoblade in the corner, cringing as he noticed the dark circles around the boy's eyes.

He was tall, taller than Phil, and built like a warrior. Yet there was a glint of danger in his eye, already cowering before the Angel of Death. The thing was, Phil didn't come for Technoblade to kill him and let Death claim him. He came to do the exact opposite. He came to save him and allow him to live his life outside of the walls of his cell.

"What do you want from me?" asked Technoblade, his voice deeper than Phil would have expected. Yet it strangely fit the boy with everything he must've gone through.

"I want you to get out of here," said Phil, a small comforting smile appearing on his lips. "I came to save you, Technoblade. Believe it, or not."

"Why?" Technoblade raised an eyebrow at the winged man. "Is this a trick?"

"Just get out of here, you little fucker," Phil commanded the prince, exasperated with his cautiousness. He wasn't in the mood to deal with that. "We're going to save your kingdom from the government."


Phil rolled his eyes. "Jesus Christ, Technoblade, I am going to leave you here."

"Okay, I'm going!" Technoblade responded instantaneously, making his way out of the cell, wondering how come it was so easy to get him out. A part of him still felt like Phil was sent to trick Technoblade into giving the government a reason for his execution, but he later learned that it wasn't.

Of course, it had been easy for the Angel of Death to free the crown prince.

Philza took care of Technoblade for a year. The man made sure that Techno would fully recover from all the physical trauma that boy had gone through, doping the boy with unimaginable amounts of regenerating potions, while also teaching him to fight properly.

It wasn't hard for Technoblade to learn how to fight. It came almost naturally to him, like he was born with the blood of a warrior, and he was always meant to be a fighter. Especially with the hunger deep within him that drove him. His determination was paradoxically fed by the hunger for revenge, and thirst for blood. Within months, he could easily beat Philza in a sparring session, and he only got better as they travelled around the world a bit and helped save many villages by fighting off the pillagers.

Technoblade also got to meet Wilbur, Philza's son who was about the same age as Techno. The two became friends easily, but whilst Technoblade focused on fighting and his quest for vengeance, Wilbur was a boy with a love for music and words. Unlike Technoblade, Wilbur never thought violence was the answer. One would usually find Technoblade training with his sword in front of Phil's house while Wilbur would sit underneath a tree, leaning against its trunk, strumming on his guitar and writing a new song.

And eventually, it was time for Technoblade to go back to his kingdom. To the place that used to be his home, until power corrupted the court and made them do the unimaginable.

With Phil's help, Technoblade slaughtered every member of the government, the voices in his head screaming in glee, their nearly insatiable thirst quenched by the blood spilled. "Blood for the blood god!" they would call. "Blood for the blood god!" Over and over again. And Technoblade almost revelled in the sound.

When the government was gone, the people thought that Technoblade would become the king that he was always meant to be. However, he refused to take the crown and become a ruler. Actually, he did take the crown; but he refused the title. Frankly, he didn't believe in it anymore. He believed that people should have the freedom to do whatever they want without anybody else being able to talk into their life choices.

So, instead of leading what once used to be a great kingdom, he gave away all of its riches to the people. He told them to live life however they want, and he told them to never look for him.

Because now, Technoblade was on a new quest.

He was on a quest to bring down every and any tyrannical government that existed or was to come. Power corrupts, and that lesson would always stay with him.

He was going to fight for freedom.

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