《Life With Creepypastas》🎃 Simple Halloween Special, I Guess 🎃
Opening my bedroom door that morning was probably one of the worst decisions I could've ever made.
...Well...not exactly the worst, but the aftermath wasn't anything to smile about.
I took one whole step out of my bedroom and was immediately drenched overhead without warning. Red liquid splashed over my head, onto my night clothes and spilled onto the floor. It looked and smelled like blood.
Oh fucking hell, not again...
I stood there, frozen and uncomfortable as I looked straight forwards at the idiot across the hall who was laughing his head off at me.
"Come here let me Ke-ke-KICK your ass."
Without waiting a second more, I dash down the hall towards Kagekao, grabbing a convenient bat on the floor while the trickster darted off laughing and a few of the other pastas stuck their heads out of the door, either appearing confused at the situation or laughing at me.
Kagekao quickly slid into his room and locked the door, leaving me unable to catch him. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeee...." I groan loudly as I slowly drag myself away from his door and back to my room to go get myself cleaned.
»»———- ⦻ ———-««
Once I'd finished getting cleaned up I headed out of my room again, but this time I carried an umbrella in hand. I opened my door and looked out for any traps or anything out of the ordinary, but I didn't see anything. Nothing was on the ground either, and the bloody mess had been removed.
"Scared to get tricked again, (Y/N)-sama~" A voice arose from behind me, and I quickly turned with my free fist, not even bothering to hold back. I ended up slogging Kagekao right in the...face.
Kagekao yelped and rubbed his exposed face in pain, "Why of all times would you punch me when I'm not wearing my mask!" He cried angrily. "That's not my problem," I mumble, flipping the umbrella over my shoulder and starting to walk away from him. "H-Hey (Y/N)-sama, did you forget what today is? It's Halloween!"
"Of course it's Halloween, why else would you do something so stupid in the morning?"
"Thennnn why aren't you excited? How come you aren't getting ready like everyone else?"
"I'm not really in the best mood after being made the reincarnated Carrie of the house a second time around..."
Kagekao chuckled at this and grabbed my arm, "Come on Walker it's Halloween, it's all fun and games right?"
Just then, Judge Angels stepped out from her room dressed up as a knight while carrying a huge box of what looked to be Halloween decorations.
"Can someone help me finish putting up the rest of these Halloween decorations? There's still a lot of stuff I need to put up for tonight," She exclaimed, glancing at me and Kagekao's direction. "You're on your own (Y/N)-sama, I've got more pranks to set up," Kagekao nudged me in the shoulder before darting off.
I sigh as Judge Angels approached me with the box, jumping up and down excitedly and I had not choice but to lend her a hand.
»»———- ⦻ ———-««
Once I'd finished helping Judge Angels add more decorations to the already decked out mansion, the place looked like an entire haunted halloween city of its own. Everyone's room had its own decor and there were jack-o-lanterns, littered candy, and blow up halloween characters everywhere.
I glared at the giant Leatherface inflatable decoration that was now placed outside my door and felt a bit sad remembering the big guy. I stepped into my room and decided to change into something more festive for the season, as most all of the other pastas were wearing costumes. I run through my closet and pick out a pretty cool outfit.
After a few minutes of getting changed, I step outside my room again and see some of the others coming out with their costumes.
BEN approached me dressed as Cloud from Final Fantasy, and on his shoulder Chucky looked like he was dressed as Billy the Puppet.
"That's all you're wearing (Y/N)? Where's your costume?" BEN asked me, looking me up and down.
"Uhh, this is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else."
"But aren't you basically already a homicidal maniac every day??"
"Ah leave them alone, BEN," another voice interrupted, and I turned seeing Jane in her witch costume stepping over. "Leave Walker alone, I think they already look fine, with or without a costume."
"Thanks Jane," I smile at her, "nice witch costume you've got going."
"Thanks Walker!"
After complimenting Jane, it seemed like just about all the other mansion's inhabitants were starting to come from their rooms; some of them dressed up for Halloween.
I walked over to Bloody Painter because his costume was starting to trigger me.
"Helen, why are you a princess."
Painter shrugged, "...Angels is a knight so she insisted she should be my knight in shining armor and me? The damsel in distress."
"...Cute," I respond, and he rolled his eyes at me before marching off with his huge blue dress. I see Sally skipping around dressed as a fairy and ClockWork was Alice in Wonderland. I see Hoodie standing outside his room and walk over to him, "You aren't gonna participate in dressing up, Hoodie? Don't be a bore like Masky..." I say, nudging him in the shoulder.
Hoodie's head instantly turned to me and he snapped, "Excuse me? Who the hell are you calling a bore?"
I blinked at him as the voice actually appeared to belong to Masky, not Hoodie.
Oh...I get it. Masky dressed up as Hoodie for Halloween.
"I take that back. Sorry Masky...or Hoodie...? I don't even know what to call you."
Just then, the door opened and out stepped Masky—well, more like Hoodie dressed as Masky, as I could tell it was him by his hair and the lack of sideburns. Hoodie fixed the mask on his face and stretched, "Such a boring costume but I guess I don't mind being my closest friend," He sighed.
I couldn't see Masky's face behind the ski mask but I could tell he was growing upset. I smirked at him and Masky stormed towards the steps with Hoodie slowly following behind him, seemingly knowing that he pissed Masky off and that was apparently the goal.
I then see Toby appear from his room; Toby was dressed as a Kraken. Toby looked really dumb actually, wearing a cardboard box over his head with cardboard tentacles and a kraken face drawn on. I waited till he wasn't paying attention to go kick him in the legs before running off, laughing.
"What the f—You-u think that's funny??? RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" Toby yelled, starting to chasing behind me.
Well, Toby jumped at me and we both ended up tumbling down the stairs cause we're both major doofuses. To make things even better, we ended up landing on someone.
I immediately get shoved off the person I landed on and crash into Tobakraken yet again. "Absolute ...idiots..." a voice I've never heard before muttered at us, and after escaping from Toby's cardboard disaster, my eyes land on a male with long white hair and gray skin with red eyes and pointy ears. He's also wearing a vampire costume apparently, but by looking at his face he really looked like another Link.
"BEN? Did you switch costumes or...?" I ask, tilting my head. "(Y/N) that's not BEN, th-a-t's Dark Link," Toby elbowed me in the side as the strange male narrowed his eyes at me. "Dark Link? That's a thing?" My stupid mouth blurts out.
Dark Link seemed offended by my comment and scowled, "...Who the hell are you?"
"I'm (Y/N) The Walker, SlenderMan's joke proxy. I'm specifically here to suffer for his and everyone else here's entertainment. Nice to meet you."
I held out my hand with a goofy smile to make the introduction friendlier but Dark Link just glared at me in silence. Don't think he liked me very much—looked like I already made a bad impression...? Oh well.
Toby slaps a hand on my shoulder and leaned his head close to mine, "Darkie, do me a favor and be nice to (Y/N), y-ya hear? They're good pe-people in the mansion an-n-d they're pretty chill."
"Depends...you friends with BENjamin or not?" Dark asked, eyeing me. "Honestly, I don't know what I am with BEN. It's either we hate each other or we don't," I shrug my shoulders.
Before Dark could respond, Slender's voice could be heard calling everyone to gather in the dining area. I give an awkward wave to Dark before racing with Toby into the dining area to reach Slender first. I shove Toby to the ground so I could get ahead and watch as he slides forwards and underneath the table.
....Eh, he'll be alright, he didn't feel anything.
I reach first and look up at Slender with a large grin. Today, General's wearing a orange tie instead of his usual red or black. "Really going out with the festivities today, huh Slenders?" I exclaim, eyeing his tie. "Yes, I do believe I have went all out this year indeed," Slender answered. I guess he missed the fact I was kinda messing with him because the tie is the only thing different about him.
Toby growled as he pulled himself out from under the table and glared at me through his cardboard costume, "Y-Y-You're being a fucking menace today, Walk-ker..." He muttered, standing beside me as the rest of everyone else started to show up.
Once we were all gathered around the table, which was now overly decorated with halloween/fall theme decor, Slender spoke again. "As you all know, today is Halloween. A sacred holiday to all that live underneath this roof."
Cheers and whoops broke out amongst the pastas until Slender held up his hand to quiet everyone down. "As you all know the mansion will be opened later tonight for curious outsiders to wander into. Of course, it will be hosted as the usual 'Halloween Party' we throw every year but at the end, those unlucky souls who were stupid enough to wander here will face the ultimate fate..."
Nina chuckled and rocked the blade of her knife against the table, "Last year was sooo bloody~"
"Wait what happened?" I asked.
"Anyways, for those of you who'd rather have fun than host to Haunted Mansion Halloween event, you may go out and 'Trick or Treat' and collect candy from the outsiders as usual. Just remember as always to keep yourself in check and don't reveal your true self. If any of you get caught, your punishment will be to reside in prison until I decide you've learned your lesson. We will not have the same jailbreak incident we had last year..."
"Wait, what happened last year???" I ask, looking up at Slender. "Don't worry Slender, I'm sure between this year and last, Zero grew a brain so I'm sure she won't fuck up again," Jeff spoke up with a smirk. "Shut up you psycho Michael Jackson ass looking freak," Zero hissed, holding up her sledgehammer from beneath the table.
"Don't start. Not today," Slender sighed. "Now if everything is clear, you are all free to go and start preparations if you're helping with the event. If not, feel free to spend the day outside the woods."
With that, everyone responded with "Yes Slender" and then they all took off in their respective directions. Before I could ask Slender what they even do every Halloween, the bald toothpick teleported away. Grand.
I clench my fists considering the fact I hate being ignored by people, then I hear what sounds like someone chuckling at me. I turn and see that Dark Link guy glaring at me with a smirk. "Judging by the fact I've never seen you here before and the fact you kept asking questions let's me know that you've no idea what the pastas do for Halloween," He mused.
"Glad you find that amusing," I sighed. The dark version of link stepped up to me and tilted his head, "I could tell you everything you need to know...maybe? But first, what's your opinions on BEN..."
I glare at him funnily, "What's up with you asking me about BEN?"
"Can't a guy have questions around here?"
"Um, sure, but why the specific questions about BEN?"
"Because he's jealous of me, that's why," I heard BEN's voice scoff from behind me and I turn to see him smiling widely. "Darks jealous cause everyone hates him and everyone loves me."
"Why anyone would love a spoiled, self-centered midget brat is beyond me."
"And why anyone would like a 2005 emo boy ripoff version of Link is beyond me!"
I glare between the two as they begin arguing and roll my eyes before walking off. Really didn't want to deal with any drama today.
I pass by the kitchen and see TrenderMan in there frantically hurrying all over the place. Looks like he was working on Halloween themed foods and candies because the kitchen counter was fancied with creative looking dishes and the kitchen smelled reallllllly good. "Want to try one of my Halloween treats, Walker?" Trender asked, stopping once he saw me staring at everything. "Definitely," I grin, rubbing my hands together.
Trender picks up one of the platters and hold it out before me.
"Halloween-esque Marshmallow Fudge Pops!" He exclaimed as I take one off the tray and tried it. It tasted like marshamallow...and fudge. But like, in Trender's style, so it actually tasted really good. Once I finished the marshmallow pop, Trender pulled another tray, "Oh, try this too, I beg. You'll be my taste tester for the day! You judge and I learn what I need to fix!"
"That's a win win for me," I respond, taking from what looked like a tray of black frosted candies apples.
"Poisoned Candied Toffee Apples~" Trended stated.
"Wicked good," I respond, noting the color of the coating.
As Trender was about to hand off to me another tray, I see Jeff stumble out of the kitchen holding a platter of cupcakes. "Trender hold up, I need someone to try these things you helped me make," He exclaimed, holding out the platter to me. "Take it, Walker, and tell me what you think."
I glare at the cupcakes and frown. "Jeff, is your actual knife stabbed in one of those?"
"Oh oop—don't touch that" Jeff quickly grabbed the knife that looked a bit too real and hid it in his back pocket. He then looked a bit eager so I sighed, picking one of the cupcakes and taking a bite. Tasted like chocolate and strawberry...it actually wasn't that bad!
"Wow Jeff, you actually did something good for once," I exclaim, about to take another bite of the cupcake when I noticed some shiny glinting within the cake part. Getting a closer look, I realized this motherfucker snuck a razor blade in the cupcake, and I look up and meet with his shit-eating, knowing grin.
»»———- ⦻ ———-««
I'm heading upstairs to find someone to ask and bother about what the Creepypastas do for Halloween when I see EJ heading upstairs at the same time in his usual clothes, and it's easy to guess he doesn't want to participate in Halloween today. I smirk and follow him because now I have the urge to force him to participate, even thought I know I would hate it if someone did that to me.
I grab the hem of his hoodie and stop him, "Whereya going?"
"To ...bed...?"
"At 10 in the morning?"
"Well fuck, it's late."
He starts to move off but I stop him again. "Aren't you going to participate? Todays Halloween...also I don't know what you guys do considering it's my first time spending Halloween with you guys so..."
"You can ask Slender. Or Jane. Or literally anyone else besides me. I don't usually celebrate Halloween."
I crooked my head then form a smirk on my face, "EJ can you come to my room for a second, I wanna show you something."
I smile happily as I walk out of my room and hold my hand out for EJ to step out first.EJ slouches as he steps out; he looks uncomfortable and pissed by what I've done to him.
"(Y/N). How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a damn cat? Why'd you do this to me?" He grumbled, crossing his arms, although it looked hilarious with the huge cat paws now covering his hands. "I know you're not a cat. It's just that this is gonna be your Halloween costume," I respond, flicking one of the cat ears he was now wearing on. "I look ridiculous," He muttered, lowering his head.
"Just like everyone else here~" I say, petting his head. "No—Stop—(Y/n)...!" He tried to fight the head pats but eventually gave way to calming down and began purring as he always does. "Hey look, it's Eyeless Cat in his full form!" I grin as he uncrossed his arms and leans his head against the pets. Some of the female pastas who were nearby saw this and ran over to us, immediately surrounding EJ. "See Jack, now you've got all the girls," I wink at him before letting them surround him and take over petting him and messing with his attached tail.
I run into Kagekao, who was now dressed as Kakashi-sensei and he gawks at me as I walk away from them. "What?" I tilted my head at him. "D-Did you turn Jack-sama into a neko??"
Kagekao inhaled deeply before suddenly darting at everyone surrounding EJ, screaming, "HE's MINE!!!!"
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