《Life With Creepypastas》16 ⦻ The First Hunt
I was sitting on the couch now, trying to cool off from when I got so worked up when confronting Jeff.
But, it was hard to actually relax with the 9 foot tall Happypasta now sitting in front of me blocking the TV, trying to get my attention.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay? (Y/N), why do you look mad? Would you like a piggy back ride? Want me to sing for you? (Y/N)? (Y/N)?"
I didn't want to be rude to SplendorMan, but I was tired, ticked, and I just wanted to be left alone.
Grinny Cat came by and hopped into my lap, walking a circle a few times before getting comfortable and forming a cat loaf.
"But I want to make them happy! D:"
".... I shall! Don't worry (Y/N), I'll be back to cheer you up!" SplendorMan said, getting up and patting my head, then heading for the upstair rooms.
"Thanks Grin Grin," I sigh, petting the cat lightly on the head. Grinny purred in response and rested his head on his paws.
I try relaxing again when someone purposely steps in front of the TV, blocking my view.
I just stare at his black hoodie as if I was staring through him. But after a while of being blocked from the screen, I get annoyed and mutter, "You gonna move or what?"
"I wasn't planning to unless you said something."
"What do you want me to say?"
"I just wanted you to aknowledge my presence. Nothing more."
The masked male then moved and came to sit beside me on the couch. He sits back and looks at the TV too.
I look at him and frown, "What do you want, EJ?"
"... Then why are you here? Next to me? Maybe you forgot about earlier?"
"No no, I didn't forget."
He casually sits back still, watching TV.
I stare at him in disbelief. Man. This blind fucker better apologize or else I'm-
"I'm sorry," He spoke, slowly turning to me. "For joining Jeff and BEN in their stupid little plan. I didn't want to at first but... I dunno, I guess I was just bored."
"You were bored," I repeat, unconvinced by his excuse. "Well... Sort of. At first. But then there was that incident where you twisted my arm and all.... I was kinda pissed at you as well. "
"That was bad on my part, I guess," I say. "But why are you apolgizing to me all of a sudden?" "BEN told me err... you were on the verge of murdering Jeff and he sqeuaked our plans to you. Plus, just the right thing to do."
"Ah," I mutter, turning back to the TV. I wasn't sure wether to fully forgive him or not. I'm thinking on seeing how they act for the next few days, then I could see if they were sincere or not. They shouldn't expect forgiveness to come easy.
"You're not bad, (Y/N). I mean, if you could escape from Slender's Dungeon alive like you did, then you must be a big deal of a use here," EJ said.
"... Yep, that's me...." I chuckle nervously. "Escaping dungeons n shit like a pro...heh."
Grinny Cat's head rose and the cat looked up at me. "Keep it down, would ya? Cats tryingta sleep, " He meowed tiredly. I nod and pet his head against so he lowers his head to sleep.
Then, me and EJ just sit in silence, watching TV together. It was kinda nice, not having to worry about him plotting to set me on fire or you know, steal my kidneys and whatnot.
It's starting to get late. Finally.
After the day I've had, I was more than ready to sleep it out.
I reunite with Kate again and she's for some reason more than happy to see me. I guess me not speaking with her all day makes sense for why.
"Wow, the day you had doesn't surprise me at all," She said to me after I told her everything that happened today. "Seriously, that's practically a normal day at this place. The Slender Mansion is the epitome of chaos... "
"Great. Can't wait for the events of tommorow where my head nearly blows off by Kage, I get introduced to SlenderMan's step brother twice removed, and meet a talking dinosaur with a creepy smile," I reply sarcastically.
Kate chuckles and shakes her head, "you'll get used to it."
Me and Kate were going up and heading for and her room when we get stopped and encountered by Toby.
"You're blocking the way Toby. Move?" Kate asked.
"Y-You move, Kate. I wanna ask (Y/N) somethin'. "
Toby suddenly then reaches and grabs my arm, pulling me back down the steps.
"Hey Tic, I'm kinda tired so let's make it quick, " I say, ignoring Kate's grunt of annoyance that Toby me with him.
"Wake yourself up then, Walker. I w-wanna take you on a hunt so you c-could see what being a k-killer is like."
"Now? Toby, I wanna sleeeeeeeep!"
Toby chuckled and punched my shoulder, "Come onnnnnn, it'll be f-fun! Maybe we get ya s-some coffee and you'll be a-able to stay up a bit longer."
I shrug tiredly and Toby begins walking us to the kitchen.
Maybe going with him wouldn't be that bad. It could help me get my mind off the prominent thing that was on my mind; Jeff.
When we get to kitchen, I see Nina The Killer in there, leaned against a counter while talking with ClockWork.
There's another video game pasta named Glitchy Red who was standing on the counter pulling stuff out of the cabinets and throwing things on the floor.
"What the fuck is h-he doing," Toby commented, glaring at Glitchy. "Being an idiot," Nina giggled. "Shut the hell up, I'm looking for the snacks. You people keep eating all the good stuff out!" Glitchy shouted, turning to glare at Nina.
ClockWork's eyes were stuck on me, so I meet her gaze with my own.
"What're you doing with the newbie, Toby?" She asked.
"We're going h-hunting. I want them t-t-to see what it's like for their first t-time. Could yo-you make some coffee or something?"
"I'll do it!" Nina volunteered, grabbing the coffee maker. "By the way, I'll come along with you guys if you don't mind. I haven't been on a hunt in a while!"
"Me too," ClockWork spoke up, crossing her arms. "I wanna see if Slender really picked up trash or not..."
...She was referring to me.
It was at that random moment I noticed Toby was still holding on to my arm.
"you're getting too comfortable," I remark, getting his attention, and he notices his hold, then he quickly let go of my arm and gave a nervous laugh while scratching his head.
I shrug and yawn, waiting tiredly for them to hurry up with the coffee. I was on the verge of drifting off while standing.
Why couldn't we just do this stuff tomorrow? Today hadn't really been my day.
After a while, the coffee is done and Nina hands it over to me.
"Thanks, " I say, giving her a smile and taking a sip. She looks at me with an expectant look and I tilt my head. "What?"
"How's it taste? "
"Uhm. Like how coffee always tastes....?? "
She snickered, "No! When I make it always comes with a special touch!"
She then smirked and winked at me, so I glare at her for one odd minute before cautiously returning to drinking.
We're ready to head out. It's gonna be me, Toby, Nina, and ClockWork.
We're going to go 'hunting', which is basically almost exactly how it sounds, except it's like home invasioning with a side of murder to go with it.
I didn't care, at the same time I sort of did.
I was hoping to God that we weren't targeting my old home. If not, I didn't really give a shit who we were gonna attack.
Also, I myself personally wasn't ready yet to kill anybody. I guess they were just gonna show me what it's like, but if I really did have to do it, I wouldn't have a choice.
Oh well, I'd have to end up murdering someone eventually anyways.
"Ready t-to go (Y/N) ?" Toby asked, elbowing my shoulder. "I'm not as tired as before so let's roll?" I reply.
Just before we stepped through the door someone else stopped us, "Wait!"
I turn seeing Laughing Jack, approaching us. "Where's you folk going?" He asked.
"Why LJ? We just going hunting for a bit," Toby responded, kind of annoyed he stopped us. "Hehe, with ClockWork AND Nina...?" He said with a weird grin.
The two girls look at each other and shutter, so I smirk at them, guessing that the clown made them uncomfortable.
"Maybe you should come with us, LJack. Wanna spend some time with them?" I speak up, forming a real jackass grin on my face.
Nina and Clock glared at me and LJ nodded his head, "I accept your offer, (CP/N)! Hehehehehe!"
He the reappeared between the two and wraps his arms around both of their shoulders with a creepy smirk. Nina crosses her arms and looked away and ClockWork flipped me off.
"Okay, enough shittin' around, l-let's go before we h-hit early hours, " Toby groaned allowed, swinging the front doors open and stepping out into the cold.
I follow him and the other three trail behind us in silence.
Little did we know that someone else had also tagged along.
We walk for a while until we eventually came to the outskirts of the woods. Aww, I missed the sheltered clutter of endless trees and darkness. Now ahead, I could see houses and roads and stuff.
Boring old civilization.
We all gather around a broken streetlight, our figures resembling 3D shadows rather than people in the dark.
"Alright, who goes with who? " ClockWork whispered, throwing LJ's arm off from her shoulders. "My f-fellow soon-to-be proxy with me," Toby said, placing a hand on my head.
I duck and back up to get away from his touch, "Fine by me."
Nina looked at us and frowned, "I wanna stick with newbie, see how they react and everything!"
"Testing the newbie was actually my plan?" ClockWork scowled.
"You guys gonna keep calling me 'newbie' or do you know I have an actual name," I spoke up, getting tired of everyone referring to me that way.
"Well s-someone has to go with LJ!" Toby spat.
"Don't worry Toby, me and heh, ClockWork could go together!" LJ exclaimed, grabbing the girl's hand. "What? NO! " She shouted when the clown started pulling her away towards the streets.
I wave ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ and grin as they disappear into the shadows.
"Hey Hatchet Lord, I'm sticking with you and newbie!" Nina insisted, poking her finger to my cheek and smiling creepily. "I wanna see if they can take all the blood~"
"Can you guys stop touching me?" I chuckle, pushing her hand away from my face.
Half of them clearly never heard of personal space.
"Alright fine, but let's g-go. Just don't d-draw any attention to y-yourself," Toby said.
The three of us started walking again, and Toby this time leads me and Nina to one of the houses.
We go to the back of it and easily climb over the fence, then we're heading to the back door that was already open for some stupid reason.
"Clearly this house SCREAMS "come rob me at 3AM cause my owners don't have the fucking sense to lock the damn doors at night"" I mutter when Toby awkwardly pulls open the door.
Nina giggles, "Right? In this case, we know they don't care so likely this'll be an easy in, easy out!"
"It might be an accident, they probably forgot," Toby whispered, waving at us to shut up.
I look around the house; it was nice, big, and way better than mine on so many levels. Rich people, I guess.
"Wait, we just walked in through the back door. That was a dumb move, what if they're still up and about?" I asked.
"Proxy sense, an ability we have is identify certain people, movement from different locations, heart rates, etc, " Toby explained quietly.
"Basically they're the OP, super intelligent, gifted versions of us regular killers," Nina scoffed, "Slendy's little super sidekicks."
Toby glared at her and whispered, "God, you m-make us sound so lame wh-when you put it like-e that...."
The Proxy leads me and Nina through a hallway and to a room near the front of the house by a set of stairs.
Toby, looks at us, then nods his head while pointing to a door. Our victims were in there.
"(Y/N), I want you to wait out here and watch from the door," Toby ordered me. "Ok."
"Nina, you stay with (Y/N) and keep lookout." "Okay!"
Toby then pressed his head against the door before opening it and walking in, his hands sliding to his hatchets.
I notice two people asleep on the bed in the room, blisfully unaware of the twitching maniac with bloody hatchets approaching their bedside.
Nina grabs onto my shoulders and snickered excitedly, as she watched beside me, but I was top focused on Toby to mind her.
Toby walks up to one side of the bed and just stands for a bit, staring down at the person sleeping there.
He then clamps his hand around their neck and holds them down in place. The person awakes with a start and begins freaking the fuck out.
The other on the opposite side of the bed rolled off the bed in alarm.
Toby held the thrashing the person down and raised his bladed weapon. They screamed aloud but the scream became choppy when The Proxy began hacking mercilessly into them.
I stared with wide, wide eyes.
The other person scrambled up to their feet and howled at Toby, launching themself at him, but Toby somehow caught them and shoved them down back on the bed.
Nina was getting excited and began jumping behind me, aching my shoulders. "Are you seeing this (Y/N)!?!"
I nod and watch as the screams of the victim were eventually abruptly cut off, and I saw Toby back away from them, panting and ticking more than usual.
There was blood everywhere, the person's insides were scattered all over the bed and on the floor. This boy completely decimated the guy.
The other victim that was present stared at what happened to the other in horror, then at Toby, and tripped off the bed, desperate to get away.
Except, when they get to the door, they notice me and the psycho girl on my shoulders blocking the way.
I didn't except to come face with any of the victims so I stare at him in silence for a bit and he states at us, panicking. Out of the akwardness of the situation, I raise my hand and poke him straight in between the eyes.
"D e r p." . _.
Followed by that, a hatchet suddenly lodges and split's the victims's head from the back and blood splatters into my face before they drop to the ground in a thud.
I look down at their body, then up at Toby who was holding onto his last remaining hatchet.
"Aw (Y/N). You were in th-the way. Now the last thing they saw was y-your ugly face, " Toby said jokingly.
" Toby...." I groan after wiping the blood from my mouth. Nina swiped some of the blood from the side of my face and whispers, "wasn't that amazing, (Y/N)? Hatchet Lord is an outstanding killer!"
"I know I a-am," Toby chuckled, walking up to the two of us and grabbing his hatch from the victim's body. "N-Now's the part w-we get outta here befor-before someone comes to investigate."
We start away from the room and were gonna head through the same way we came in when suddenly someone hops down the steps in front of us.
It looked like a teenage boy, he had a knife in hand, and he was scared our of his wits, staring at us with crazy eyes.
"Wh-whhat... What.... What did you DO TO THEM?" He stammered.
"You're a bit late, aren't you? We already took care of your folks~!" Nina responded, placing a hand on her hip. "Didn't you hear all the screaming?"
"You'll pay for this!" The guy screamed holding up his knife.
"Shut up ya li-little fucker," Toby sighed, stepping up to the teen. He grabbed the teen's face, violently cracked his head to the side, snapping the teen's neck and then threw his body aside like it was nothing.
"Toby! I wanted to kill himmm!" Nina whined, stomping her foot. "Aw well, it's too bad! He was kinda cute too..."
"Guys we h-have to go, " Toby said, stepping over the body and heading for the back doors. Nina followed and pulled me behind her while I was still trying to process some things.
I wasn't sure how to feel. Was I supposed to feel good, or bad?
Did innocent people getting slaughtered matter to me, or did it not? Was I supposed to care?
It's all new to me... Seeing real life people being killed right before me. This wasn't a fucking movie, this was reality.
We were outside the house by now, heading back for the place we separted with LJ and CW.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)...?" Nina asked, looking at me curiously. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," I respond, looking at her.
"Ya know, I like how calm and collected you remained during the murder. Maybe you're more cut out for this kinda thing than ya think!"
"Maybe. I'm glad you think that though."
Nina smiles and begins swinging my arm playfully, while we're walking. Once again, I'm too tired to care about anything right now.
When we meet up with the others again, we all head back into the woods and start making way for the mansion.
I'm contemplating things again, like my mortality and such. I was wondering how I was gonna get rid of it... or the possibility that I already did.
No no, I still felt things like empathy and what not, but something was keeping me back. I wanted to prove something to the Creepypastas; that maybe SlenderMan picking me wasn't a mistake.
That maybe I could be like them, and not be a useless outsider like most thought I was. They weren't going to give me a chance, but I was going to show them anyways.
Maybe that's why I managed to not react normally when seeking someone getting chopped open right in front of me.
"(Y/N), what're you doing," ClockWork's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I see that I was quickly coming up to a tree.
"Oops," I simply reply, changing direction.
I'm tired and have a lot on my mind, give me a break...
The mansion was just up ahead, but I stop and let the others walk ahead. "I wanna hang out here for a little bit, you guys can head in," I say, taking a seat down by a tree.
"Suit yourself," ClockWork responded to me. "Don't st-stay out too long, you'll freeze t-to death," Toby waved. The rest of them all walked into the mansion, and I watched them as they leaved.
I rest my head back against the tree. Thinking again.
About how to feel, what to do.
Pretty much anything else you'd think when being considered as an accomplice to a murder.
The cold made it easier to brood, so I sat longer than I wanted to.
After minutes, something big tumbled out of the tree right in front of me. I look and notice a familiar black and white scarf along with a now expressionless mask.
Hell no.
I storm through the doors of the mansion, ignoring KageKao who was now screeching behind me.
"(Y/N)!! I'm sorry, I really am! Please forgive meeee!"
I shove my hands to my ears and make annoying sounds to block him out.
Put your trust in someone and then they sell you out? Betray you? I should've listened when everyone warned me about the trickster.
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