《Life With Creepypastas》10 ⦻ Trying To Befreind Crazy People
- - - Your P.O.V - - -
The next day, I had woken up before Kate The Chaser, so instead of waiting for her to get up I decided I'd get up and explore a bit by myself. I hoped she wouldn't mind it as I walked over to her desk and grabbed one of her weapons she had laying out; a big black handled knife. I just wanted to be safe; if I'm going to get jumped by a big dog or anyone else in this place, the least I could do is try and defend myself.
I quietly open the door of her room and slip out into the hall, then closing the door carefully behind me. I notice that a lot of the doors in the hall were open, so that meant a lot of the inhabitants were awake. I slowly walk down the hall and down the steps into the living room.
I see Creepypasta that are watching TV, lounging on the couch, playing, fighting, or just walking around with food. It all looked pretty hectic, but if I wanna gonna live here I ought to get used to it. I was going to start for where I saw the proxies, Hoodie and Masky talking with one another when someone suddenly grabs my arm, stopping me from approaching them.
I turn and see a lady with long black hair and a mask covering their face, along with a short black dress. She tilts her head at me and spoke, "(Cp/N), isn't it? Did you just get up?"
"Yeah, I did.Who're you?"
"I'm Jane The Killer, but I'd prefer you call me Jane."
"Then I'd prefer you call me (Y/N). Kinda getting tired of being called Vagabond Walker and (Cp/N) when I just got here..."
She nodded her head and let go of my arm, "Sure, (Y/N). Unlike half of the others here, I respect your wishes. Now, would you like anything to eat for breakfast? I can bring you to our kitchen."
I didn't even have to think before nodding my head quickly. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, and I was starving. Not to mention, thinking about the fact I hadn't eaten made me realize how weak I was actually feeling. "I could eat, thanks," I reply hazily, nodding my head to her.
She dipped her head and then waved her hand for me to follow behind her. She led me into the kitchen and I quickly shifted over to the fridge curiously. "Want cereal? We have a bunch of different types," Jane told me, opening what was the pantry door. "Cereal works!" I respond, and I grab milk from the fridge.
Jane pulls out (F/C) from the pantry and I thank her while taking it. She hands me a bowl and spoon and I help myself to it's contents. When I was done making myself breakfast, I spot KageKao stride into the kitchen and I brighten up a bit, glancing at him with a smile. "Hi again KageKao."
"Ohayo (Cp/N), good morning," He responded, stepping up to me and dipping his head. "It's just (Y/N)....how are you doing.?"
"I'm great! You don't happen to be busy today, do you?"
I tilt my head, "I don't think so, why?"
"Then...you should hang out with me and Former again! We'll do other stuff this time, I promise!"
I was drawn by the invitation, but I had to think about the other proxies getting involved again. I already knew they wouldn't be amused. "I'll have to think about it. Slenders might need me or something, I dunno."
"But wait—? Didn't you promise to tell me something about last night?" KageKao exclaimed as I started walking out of the kitchen.
"Oh, right. Its....It's not that big of a deal."
I give him a quick, awkward nod of my head before turning from him and walking away from the kitchen. I know I told him I would tell him why I was outside this morning, but part of me was hesitant to say anything. I didn't know what he was going to think of me if I told him; he'd probably think I'm weak or stupid for trying to leave.
I step out of the kitchen and look to the large dining room that was on the other side. I watch everyone who was in the dining room chatting with each other and eating.
I walk slowly over to the table and take a seat at one of the empty chairs, trying to ignore everyone else there. I felt eyes burning into me like lasers and I try not to mind them, keeping my focus on the table.
I tensed when I heard the chair on the right side of me get pulled out from its place and I looked up to see who was taking seat there.
"KageKao..." I say, seeing the black and white face of his mask. "Shiriai. You owe me an explanation already, I didn't just wait all night for you to wake up for nothing."
"Damn, you waited all night for me???"
He nodded and grinned, scooting closer in his chair and tilting his head, "Now fill me in on what happened!"
I looked at his eager 'face' then down at my cereal, unsure wether I should tell him the truth or not. I didn't want him to think less of me. I already thought he was one of the best Creepypastas here, and to lose his respect would kinda suck.
"Alright, Cow. You promise you won't hate me or anything if I tell you?"
"...Never, (Y/N)-sama! Never..."
"Fine. Last night, I attempted to run away," I whispered to him. "I wanted to see if I could get back home. Kinda missed my parents."
KageKao's expression slowly changed, "You were going to leave...? Already, after you just came here?" " I tried, but Chaser and BEN caught me and brought me back here before I could."
I sigh heavily, then give him a small assuring smile and add, "I'm glad they did...if I had gone, I wouldn't have been able to hang out with you again."
KageKao nodded but seemed to have an upset look dawned on him as he turned away from me...
- - - KageKao's P.O.V - - -
Why am I not surprised this happened? This must be my fault. Maybe they don't like the conflict between me , Kate, and the proxies. Is that really why (Y/N) tried to run away? Thinking it's our fault makes me even more madder at Kate. Can't she see I haven't done anything to get (Y/N) in trouble so far? I only want them to accept me...Zannenda...
- - - Your P.O.V - - -
"Hey? KageKao?" I say, glaring at him with a questioning look. "Yes (Y/N)?" He responded immediately, still not looking at me, and I glare at him concerned. "You're not mad or anything, right?"
"Iie. Not at all."
I didn't trust the way he said it, but I accepted it. I nudge the weird boy in the shoulder a bit, then I cast my attention to the other Creepypastas at the table. I notice the little girl from yesterday, Sally was trying to grasp my attention from across the table when she waved frantically at me and I look at her questioningly....
- - - Sally's P.O.V - - -
"Hi (Y/N)! Do you want to play with me?" I asked the new pasta excitedly. I really want to be their friend because they seemed lonely and no one else at the table was talking to them...so I'm going to be the one to make them feel more at home! I just hope they weren't annoyed by me bugging them yesterday when Nursey Ann was fixing their arm...
"Uhh....sure, I'll play, I guess. You have any games in mind?" They responded, making me grin, and I bounce off of my chair towards them. "We'll play anything you want! I have a dollhouse, I have stuffed animals, I have legos, and I even have a tea party set we could use!"
"I don't.....know. What do you really want to do..." ( Y/N) asked.
"What do you think I want to do?"
"I dunno....tea party?" They responded, and I squeal aloud, clapping my hands in excitement.
That was just what I hoped (Y/N) would pick!
- - - Your P.O.V - - -
Alright, Sally seemed very hyped about the tea party so I at least tried to show the same enthusiasm as she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me away from my cereal to the living room. "Wait here," She demanded, pointing to the rug in front of the TV. "I'm going to get my supplies and I'm going to get Tendy to help me. You are the guest so you don't have to do any work!" She then quickly skipped off and left me sitting there on the floor with nothing to do.
A few seconds later, I heard soft trembling come from behind me, and I turned to see what it was, but nothing was there. Confused, I started to get up from the floor, but then the figure of a boy began to appear-one I hadn't seen before. He was creepy...he had no arms or legs and his eyes were completely black with red pupils. Yet, he look rather scared or uncomfortable or some sort of dismay was displayed on his face as he floated a bit above the ground in front of me.
"H-H-H-Hi.... um...m-m-my names Lost S-Silver-I-I-erk!"
He gave some sort of squeak and and his face turned very red, showing he was embarrassed. I assumed he just choked on his words or didn't know what to say, and I chuckle at him. "Hi Silver, my names (Y/N). Areeeee you okay? You look like you're gonna die."
"I-I'm not! I'm just....they're um...I don't...please don't hate me because I look weird...."
I frown at him and tilt my head in confusion. "Weird? You're not weird, friend. And, I don't have a reason to hate you. You seem pretty unique. Besides, how did you suddenly appear behind me like that? That was so cool!"
Lost Silver looked stunned for a moment, as if he was never complimented before, then he slowly lowered his head with a sheepish smile. "Th-Thank you, (Y/N). I didn't think....that was ever cool..."
"Um.....You wanna join Sally's tea party?"
"...Really? I'd-I'd love to, I-"
"MOVE IT, Silverware!"
The both of us jumped when suddenly a girl wearing a purple sweater and had the facial features similar to Jeff The Killer stormed up towards me, pushing Lost Silver aside.
Nina The Killer...?
She stepped up to me and stood in front of me, her arms crossed and glared down at me with her wild, crazy grin. "New kid, huh?" She scoffed, widening her cut smile, "I haven't met you yet. Where've you been?"
I was starting to get the same mean girl vibes I got from ClockWork yesterday, and though she just opened her mouth to speak, I was already finding myself pissed with her attitude.
"I was with Slender Man, KageKao and The Chaser for most of yesterday. I haven't met everyone yet so..." I reply cooly, looking her directly in the eye. She stared at me in silence a little while longer before giving a small chuckle and uncrossing her arms.
"Wimp. You've gotta learn to get around yourself, go out and find the others! Anyways, my names Nina. Me and you, we'll get along superb if you just keep one thing in mind."
She leaned close into my face and scowled, "Jeffykins is MINE."
"Who the hell is...Jeffykins..." I mumble, narrowing my eyes a bit. "Jeff The Killer, DOI! Just stay away from him okay?! He's mine and he belongs to me! All the boys and girls in this place know that and they follow tha' rule, so you should too!"
"Nina....you can have your smiley bastard all to yourself. Trust me, I won't get in your way," I mutter, holding up my hands. "You can have him all you want."
Nina giggled to herself and slammed a hand on Lost Silver's head, making the boy cringe. "So, you and Silverware hangin' out? How's it going? Getting along?"
"So far, yes," I sigh, feeling bad for Silver, "I just met him and he already seems pretty cool."
"I'm cool...?" Silver murmured, trying hard not to crack a smile. I smirk at him, then turn when I hear the clicking of glass. I see Sally walking back into the living room with some stuffed animals and Tender Man— *ahem* Sebastian was following her holding a tray of tea stuff.
"It's time!" Sally announced, placing a stuffed rabbit beside me. "Go away Nina, and Silver! Wait—actually, Silvy can stay but Nina this is a tea party for kids only!"
"But I'm not a kid..." Silver sighed, slumping his shoulders. "I'm not either, but if I'm going to suffer—I mean have fun at this party, then you will too. Come on Silver!" I exclaimed, motioning for him to join us. Nina shrugged and left and Silver teleported himself between two of Sally's stuffed animals, looking down shyly.
Sebastian rested all the tea stuff on the ground for us and poured the actual tea out for us. "Thank you Tendy!" Sally exclaimed once the slender was finished tending to us. "Now, Let's let the tea party begin!"
Surprisingly, I had fun for the hour or so that I spent with Silver and Sally and I enjoyed Sally's little tea game. At the same time, I felt more secure knowing that the more Creepypastas I hung out with, the more independent I would be able to become here and I wouldn't have to rely on Kate Protection. The longer time I spent with the killers, and the more I talked with them, the more I questioned myself, "why the hell did I try running from this place???"
- In Serial6 Chapters
Contact First
2039 - Earth A narrow beam energy signal appeared aimed squarely at earth from the TRAPPIST system. The communication consisted of a layered set of repeating data over several thousand wavelengths. Over the next few months scientists discovered that the lower wavelengths carried an encoded numerical language which could then be used to interpret the more complicated messages carried on the higher wavelengths. After half a year of painstaking work the signal was fully decoded. It described a small satellite launched along a precise trajectory towards the fourth planet of our solar system. Included was a package of advanced research that humanity would need to have ready in order to receive the satellite and decelerate it safely. The alien data provided the kick that humanity needed to turn from petty squabbling and unite to explore the final frontier. Major government and corporate leaders worked together to create the framework for the United Federation of Sol. UFS spaceports went from scaffolding to daily launches in every major city around the globe. Ships floated like dandelion seeds, spreading on solar wind to grow into colonies. 2397 - Mars orbit, Egeria Station The command center was a hive of activity as checks were conducted and systems initialized. Scientists flitted by like mayflies as communicators beeped and holoscreens spat out green tinted readouts. Nervous energy was thick in the air as everyone anticipated the culmination of over three hundred years of work. Massive fusion reactors under the planet's surface thrummed with barely restrained power as energy fed into a gleaming metallic maze criss crossing the planet. Metal fingers reached up, overshadowing the mighty olympus mons and trying to grab the stars. All over the solar system, people quickly turned to look as gigantic energy lances shot from the dusty fourth planet. Two years later. The same people that clapped loudly at the successful activation of project Hermes now wait with baited breath. A silver capsule trailing bright photonic sails is captured by a net of grav beams and guided with care bordering on reverence into the station. Holoscreens across the headquarters project an image of the sleek craft settling in the bay. Data connections are established and the holoscreens blink to white. Slowly an image forms on the screen. Across the headquarters people stare in wonder as a wholly alien face stares back. "Contact established. Welcome to the universe."
8 155 - In Serial7 Chapters
Rising To The Ancients
Once again I ain't got any ideas for my Synopsis yet. Sorry bout that.
8 213 - In Serial12 Chapters
Chronicles Of Zaria - Book 1: Dawn Of Akaal
From time immemorial various legends have always enticed the people of the world but one in particular has been forgotten in the antiquity- the legend of the 7 Immortals. It is said that “When the Seven Immortals reemerge the end of the era is nigh. Zaria, a child of a shepherd, was born on the day when the serpent of eternity wreaked havoc on his hometown and was saved by a passing priest who took him as his own. Twelve years from then Zaria will come upon the truths that will plague his entire life and the reason the priest saved him revealed. Will Zaria embrace his destiny or will he forge a new one.
8 347 - In Serial43 Chapters
Huntsman Academies—prestigious institutions in the world of Remnant dedicated to training the next generation of humanity’s protectors—Huntsmen and Huntresses. Together, they fight to protect the people from the ravenous creatures of Grimm and evil organizations. Unfortunately, not everyone attends these schools with such righteous ambitions in mind. The members of Team SWRZ (Pronounced Schwartz) are far from becoming the defenders of Remnant. (The lovely cover art was illustrated by https://www.deviantart.com/cindyaqui)
8 135 - In Serial24 Chapters
Body Modifier: Energy Required
Aria ate a fish. [Energy: 2] Finished, he ate another fish. [Energy: 2] ... [Energy: 3] Without realizing it, he had finished 5 fishes. He felt a little bloat, he lay down with a full stomach, occasionally burped. Even though he didn't want to be a big lump of meatball, he still had to keep eating. At least until he found another way to accumulate energy. After all, if he didn't take advantage of his advantages, wasn't that stupid? His mind then drifted imagining which one he would use the energy for. Should he use it on his eyes, so it shot a beam of laser, like a certain bespectacled mutant? Should he use it on his bones, so it regenerated infinitely, like a certain character from an anime? Should he use it on his brain, so he became a genius, like a scientist with a bald head? Or should he use it on his vital organ, so that he became the manliest person in the world? While he was imagining things, suddenly his ears felt pinched. "Ouch!" "Didn't mom already say you can't play with fire, you brat?!" There he realized, knowing that no matter what he chose, he was still a child in front of his mother.
8 94 - In Serial37 Chapters
The Cullens Shared Mate
THIS IS A COMPLETED STORY AND THERE WILL BE NO SEQUEL ANY TIME SOON.In this story Elizabeth Swan is the older sister of Bella Swan. Bella hates Beth for being older than her and her not being the only child. She especially hates her when she grows close with the Cullen family. You should also now that I made this cringy and like other stories because that seems to be what everyone likes. Some of it will be cheesy and other parts will be extra dramatic but its intentional. Bella is not with Edward in this story. None of the Cullens are together they only consider eachother siblings. Esme is not in this story and I am so sorry, I love her but with how im doing it I don't know if I could fit her in correctly. In this story the Cullens are a coven that was blessed with having only one mate that they must share with eachother. THIS IS A BELLA BASHING STORY. It is based in 2020 and ALL the Cullens are seniors. Well except Carlisle. The coronavirus is not a thing. Bella will be VERY out of character, go with it.There will be some cursing and smut with warnings when it will happenI do not own twilight or its plot I only own Elizabeth Jo Swan and the plot I created. This will not follow the timeline or the plot completely so bare with me.
8 130