
" Sometimes, words are not enough to describe what exactly I feel. And that's what I feel, when I'm with you."

- Amaya


" What's wrong.? "

A thick husky voice caught me off guard.

I looked back only to find Fai standing at the doorway in his full glory.

Thank God that my phone didn't slipped out from my hands.

Wait a minute.!

Did he hear something.?

Fuck it then.. I will be screwed.

" Shri.. You okay.? "

" Huh.? "

I was too lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realize he was now almost shouting my name, that too a foot away from me.

" I asked you what's wrong.? " He asked me again as he walked up-to his table and leaned on it. Crossing his arms around his chest, he looked directly at me, as if he is waiting for me to say something.

' Oh Teri..! Shri, why does he looks so scary.? Even papa doesn't look this sharply. '

My conscience yelled at me, seeing my brother in his famous emotionless expression.

Which is hell a scary one. May I add.

" Shravan Hooda, you better try to talk quickly. I don't have the whole day. What's wrong.? " Once again his deep voice bought me back.

Ehh.? When did he take a seat on his chair.? Where were I at that time.?

' Sorry to say, but in your "oh Teri world " to be honest. '

' Uh-Oh '

I saw him tilting his head to his sides , and leaned back into the chair as he cracked his knuckles.

These two things were something I have seen in daadu and Papa. Daadu used to tilt his head when he is beginning a serious conversation, and papa only cracks his knuckles, when he is thinking deeply about something. I have never seen him tilting his head though.

' But the human species sitting infront of you are doing both at the same time. Now tell me what's he doing.? Starting a serious conversation.? Or, thinking deeply.? '

My subconscious sarcastically yelled at me.

Well.. Can't be blamed. Even I can't understand him though.

' Ahmm.. Maybe both.? '

I looked at Shivaay and saw him still staring at me with a look which said, ' Better speak up, or I will chop your fucking balls. '

" Wrong.? Nothing.. Nothing is wrong. I'm all okay. What about you.? " I asked him back, praying to my stars that he just get convinced by my reply.

But about whom I'm talking. It's " Shivaay Hooda " after all.

He raised an eyebrow at me, leaning forward to his table resting his interlocked fist under his chin.

I gave him the most innocent look and smile I had within me. Which can easily melt anyone. I hope he too melts in its.

' How could a burning volcano or an entire Antarctica melt.? '

There came my subconscious again, exclaiming his stupid thoughts.

" I saw you talking to someone looking at your phone. You looked stressed. That's why I asked what's wrong.? You were talking about someone getting in your hands or something... Is everything okay.? "

He again explained what does he meant by " What's wrong ".

" Oh.. That, it's just one of my colleagues called me and said that, there's a crossbreeded Lion in the East cost direction of Africa. So if we try to get a snap of it, then it's gonna be a great achievement for our company and our team too. I was just talking about that lion to getting in our hands. "


I lied too smoothly that none could believe if God himself comes down and say that I'm lying. Hahaha..!

I'm becoming too pro in lying. No bad. Good for me anyways.

I looked at Shivaay to calculate his expression. He just looked at me blankly and nodded.

" If you say so. "

Ehh.? What does that supposed to mean.? Did he believe me or not.?

Hushhhh.! Forget it. Let's just go with the flow.

We both was startled by someone barging into the cabin without even knocking.

Guess who it was.?

" Zane.. How many times do I have to remind you to knock before entering.? " Shivaay snapped at him in a second.

But cares.. Dude.. It's Zane after all.

He just ignored Fai and took a seat infront of him.

" And can you please tell me that when I have followed this shit off a rule.? " Zane asked in a bored tone.

Shivaay just pinched his nose tip and took a deep breath just to calm himself down.

An idea popped up in my mind. Why not see a picture now.? Aahaaa..!

" Ahmmm.. Zane, where were you all the while. We both came into the office together right. Then were did you vanished all of a sudden. " I said loud enough for Fai to hear, and took a seat on the couch.

" Zane.. Care to explain. " Shivaay asked him firmly.

I just gazed at Zane and I swear, If looks could kill me, then I would have been six feet under the ground by now.

" Traitor. " I heard Zane gritting out looking at me with a murderous look.

I just muffled my laughter in to a cough.

" Zane Sheikh.. " Fai yelled at him in a warning tone.

" Yeah yeah.. I'm right infront of you. No need to shout. " Zane yelled back at Fai.

" Same goes for you too. " Fai just snapped at him making Zane shut his big ass of a mouth.

" Explain.. " Fai just said a word, which of course have to be elaborated by ourselves.


" I.. I was in the storeroom. Checking a file. " Zane said looking everywhere except Fai.

" File name.? " Next shot by Fai.


" Ann...Na..Na.. I'm mean Anasuya pvt. Limited. I was looking for their file. "

I wanted laugh out my guts. I'm sure if I was in any other situation, I would have been rolling around the floor out of laughter.

I'm sure, he was with Anushka, flirting with her. But, I don't think the outcome of his input must have been

went right.

Oh come on.. It's Anushka Mittal for God's sake.

[ ]

" Oh.. Then where's the file.? " I again asked him looking as innocent as I'm.

Zane kept glaring at me which I ignored royally.

" I didn't get it. Maybe it must have replaced during the rearrangement process. " Zane just said a convincing lie though.

" Hmm.. Well, it's good that you reminded me about their company. I was going to call a conference meeting next week. Their company can be a present their ideas if they want. " Shivaay said with a frown, as if he is thinking about something deeply.

" So..? " I saw Zane looking at him suspiciously like, he is sure that my brother's deep frown is injurious for him.

And my guess turned out to be yes.

" Go and collect the file, and give it to Ms. Mittal for crosscheck. Tell her that I need it before lunch. "


Both mine and Zane's eyes widened at Shivaay's statement.

" How cruel of you Fai. They are our old investors. There will be tones of files. How am I supposed to get all those. And crosscheck by lunch.? Seriously? That's ridiculous. " Zane said showing how serious he is right now.

Oops.! Seems like they all know too much about business matters for their age. I should also have taken a masters in business as an additional degree rather than photography.

" Fine.. Now no need to yell. I will try to get all those files. "

" Good for you. "

I came out from my business land by Zane's annoying yell.

Uh-Oh.. They were arguing all these time.?

Seems yes.

I saw Zane walking out muttering curses under his breath eyeing me with ' you traitor ' look. I just looked casually around the cabin finding it's interior so beautiful all of a sudden.

" Shri, why don't you take a tour of our office and warm up with everyone. " Shivaay just suggested.

" Yeah.. That sounds good."

" Ok then, by the time I will finish this paper work. "

I nodded at him and walked out of his cabin. Let's start from the ground floor. That seems appropriate.

God..! Why on earth is there this much of stairs to reach upstairs.

That idiot of a grumpy vampire is loaded as hell. Why can't he place an escalator instead of this stupid stairs.?

Mumma..! My legs hurt as hell.

' Hell..! Exactly. That's the new name for this office from now on. '


It's been 15 minutes, still I'm climbing this stupid stairs.

Why did he even placed my desk in the top floor. He could have been just given it somewhere in the ground floor.


Now where is this Anu.?

I looked around to find all the employees working their guts out. Some of them running with files here and there. Some of them glued to their computer.

Whom to ask.?

I saw a girl of my age walking towards my direction, but her eyes are just stuck on the file which she is reading.

" Umm.. Excuse me.. I.."

" Really sorry.. But I can't be excused. " I heard her almost pleading voice.

But what amazed me was, she never broke her eye contact with the file which she is holding.

Her day must have been pretty rough.

I feel so bad for her.

No need to think twice Ammu.. Just go by your own way.

I once again looked around, before shouting on top of my lungs.

" Annuuuuuuuuu... "

" Yeahhhhhh.! " I heard a scream back. I grinned like an idiot.

Yes.. I got it. There she is.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me as if I'm some kind of alien. I gave all of them a nervous smile.

" Umm. You.. You guys please carry on. I got what I wanted. " I said to them pointing at Anu's direction, and gave a nervous laugh.

Thank God they didn't push it further, and got back to what they was doing.

I immediately walked to Anu who was grinning like an idiot standing there. And not to forget about her waving her hand at me, as if I'm coming after years from abroad or something.


" Was that a way to answer me.? " I scolded for her yelling.

" Huh.? As if you didn't just screamed my name. " She shot back.

" Because I didn't had a choice. Everyone was too busy to excuse themselves for me. But you.. Why on earth did you scream back. I thought like everyone you will also get my attention. But you just screamed back like nothing happened. " I almost whisper yelled at her.

This girl is unbelievable.!

" Uh-Oh.. That's because you just yelled my nickname like always you do. So for a secound I forgot that I'm in this damn office. " She said with a cute pout.

Aww..! My cute skeleton.

" Yeah.. Whatever. Now tell me, do you have a concealer by any chance? " I asked her looking my sides, just to make sure that no one could me.

" Don't tell me you got a damn hickey on the first day of your office. Or did you come with himmmm..mm..-" Anu was almost yelling that I had to palm her mouth to stop her from being dramatic.

" Shut up.! I just needed it to cover up my tattoo on the back of my neck. And, no, I didn't come with him. I came in my car. " I whisper yelled at her.

I saw realization flashing through her eyes. She nodded at me and immediately started shuffling through her bag. After two seconds she handed me the concealer and pointed the way towards the washroom.

I was about to walk, but Anu stopped me by holding my hand.

I looked at her in question.

" Take a crosscheck on the one behind your ear too. " She said to which I nodded my head.

I walked into the washroom and took a cabinet. I made sure no one is there before closing the door behind me. I looked at my reflection infront of me. Then I turned my gaze towards the reflection of myself in the mirror behind me. I moved my ponytailed hair to a side revealing the tattoo. I gazed at the half hided tattoo that represented him.

Then my fingers trailed towards my neck, exact behind my right ear. I slowly rubbed out the makeup away from it to reveal the tattoo which is carved in a beautiful cursive font along with his sigil tailed to its end.

My mind travelled to the day, when I got these tattoos.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

" Aamy.! Why the hell do you even got these tattoos in the first place.? That must have freaking hurted you like Shit.. And on top of that, you got two of them. " He almost yelled at me as he trapped me inbetween his arms.

His hold was tight around my waist, that I had to give in. I circled my hands his neck and moved my face near to his cheeks. I rested my face on his, I could feel his breath near my ears, exactly where I got the tattoo. I smiled at that feeling.

" It didn't hurt me. Because it represents you. And it satisfies me. " I said facing him now.

" That's a stupid reason for defending yourself Aamy. " He cupped my cheek with his one hand and gritted out straight up on my face.

" Maybe it sounds stupid for you. But not for me. I promised you, I won't be just a better half for you, I will be your shadow. And you know, shadows always follows us, doesn't matter where it is. Hell or heaven, Right or wrong, Good or bad.. Nothing matters. It just follows us.. Silently. " I said looking at his eyes which was mysterious as always.

The mystery that I loved.!

" These tattoos will always remind me that I'm not alone. It will remind me that, You are with me. " I said cupping his face in my palm, still in his arms.

" And what's this for.? " He asked me as he traced his finger behind my ear.

I smiled at him as I rested our foreheads together.

" That one will remind you and the world that who I'm. "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I smiled at the memory as I traced those letters.

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