" A truth can walk naked...But a lie always need to be dressed."
- Shravan
Sitting quietly and traveling with Zane for a least thirty minutes is definitely not a cup of coffee for anyone. Well, miraculously Shravan was a bit exceptional case.
Shravan looked towards his right, at the driver's seat only to find Zane sitting with a zoned out expression, which is really out of his character.
" Zane.. You there.? " Shravan called out making Zane startle at the sudden voice.
" Huh.? What.? " Zane asked as if speaking to some stranger who just bumped into him and asked him for a cond*m.
" Is everything alright? I mean, it's a bit odd for you to be silent for this long. " Shravan said casually giving him a cheeky smile.
" Oh.. I.. It's.. Nothing. I was thinking about a... a chick actually. You know, I was thinking for a variety idea how to bring a sorry.. I mean, how to say sorry to a girl, without sounding it like a sorry. You get it right.?"
Zane stuttered for a secound , but only to return back with his big burger like mouth.
Shravan looked at him with a weird face, of course who won't look at him like that.?
" What on earth did he just say.? "
Shravan thought in his mind.
But he was now afraid to ask it to Zane. Because we can't predict what will be his reply for his doubt.
" Come on Shri, you are Prince Charming right ? You should know how to say a sorry, not sounding like a sorry. Tell me, tell me. " Zane again asked him making Shravan mentally facepalm for his utter bluntness of waking up Zane's calm mind.
" I'm taking a bow for your tolerance level Fai. " Shravan took a bow mentally for his brother.
" Shri, why are you.. - "
" Zane, Zane.. Tell me something about our office. Well, technically this is my first day of my game.. - "
Zane started his wailing, but got cut off by Shravan who immediately jumped out into action, to change Zane's mind from the stupid sorry thing he is peddling with.
" Game..? What's that supposed to mean.? " Zane immediately cut off Shravan's sentence with a confused face.
Shravan looked at Zane with a jerk of realization that he used the word "game" for his job. Which is a really reputed post in a company like Hooda empires.
" I mean my job. For me it's like a game, a chasing game which I have to study from A to Z. I have to observe, collect, then act. " Shri said with a casual tone making Zane to slowly nod his head.
" Now tell me how does our office work. It's you and Fai who's in charge. So let me know, so that I can behave like a professional CEO. " Shravan started to insist looking at Zane's clueless face, not forgetting to air quote the word professional CEO.
" Professional CEO.? Really.? You will be crazy to think that CEO position can be easily handled. It's even more difficult than having a good fuck inside a car. " Zane said with a sour face.
" Yuck Zane.. Why do you have to bring the topic of sex in every discussion you make.? " Shravan almost winced at him.
" I'm habituated to that. Maybe genetical disorder. I can't help. " Zane sprouted out in a duh tone making Shravan want to bang his head on a brick wall.
" Whatever, now tell me something about our office. " Shravan asked in an exciting tone.
" What about our office.? Well it's a 42 floor building, with more than 200 employees working in various departments. The current CEO is Fai, who will resign soon after you cop-up with those files and partners, and especially with the better half of Fai, which is unfortunately his laptop. Fai works there for 5 days in a week. And the rest three days in ' F Label. ' . Most probably he preferred Monday to Friday in Hooda empires, and Friday to Sunday at label. "
Zane took a pause and glanced at Shravan who was gaping like a fish.
" That's a.. a lot. " Shravan blurted out unknowingly.
" That's nowhere near "a lot ". It's just a teaser Prince Charming. " Zane grinned at Shravan's face.
" Fuck my life. " Shravan muttered under his breath, but was loud enough for Zane to hear.
" Sorry brother.. I'm straight. " Zane gave him an apologizing face.
" But actually someone else can help you. There's a lot of dolled up girls in our office. When you will walk inside just give your charming smile. I bet the girls will surely get an heart attack. " Zane started with a chuckle and ended up laughing at his own words.
" What you mean.? " Shravan shot back with an annoying face.
" Look here, Fai and you have same face. Yeah I agree there's a bit difference in the physic and all. But someone who will see you for the first time will definitely misunderstand you as Shivaay. So, technically Fai doesn't even spare a glance at those girls who is really upset with his act. So why don't make those girls happy at least for a moment.? " Zane explained it grinning like an idiot.
" And you want to book a one-way ticket to heaven using me.? " Shravan asked back as sarcastically he could.
" Huh.? " Zane gave him a confused look.
" Just think about what will happen after I explain all this plan of yours to Fai. " Shravan said casually giving him a smile.
Zane's face paled just by a mere thought of Fai looking at him which those electric radiating eyes.
" Uh - Oh. That will be similar to my funeral. " Zane gulped down visibly, while imagining himself inside a coffin and everyone crying hysterically looking at him.
" Do you still want me to smile.? " Shravan questioned him not forgetting to give a stress on the word smile.
" I will stitch it up, if you open your mouth infront of any girls in office." Zane warned him with a stern face making Shravan to broke into laughter.
"And also dating inside the office is strictly prohibited. Once you enter into Hooda empires, you are just an employee of the company. Outside the company what you do, is non of our business. " Zane stated seriously, which stopped Shravan to laugh.
" Prohibited.? Really.? That's something unpredictable. " Shravan said amused by the new found information.
" Well, your baby brother is unpredictable, So his rules and actions are. " Zane casually gave him a wave.
" That's true though. " Shravan agreed slowly nodding his head.
" Here we are. " Zane said as he parked his car infront of a well Porsche glass building.
Nodding at him, both of them got out of the car. Zane just passed the keys to the security guard and walked along with Shravan.
Finally here I'm. The Great Hooda empires. It's not like I haven't been here before, but every visit was just a quick and uninterested one. But this one is my need. I need to be around here, and I know, this empire is the most safest place for people like me.
No doubts, no comments, most important, my work will be easier.
' All the best Shri. ' I cheared myself and walked in through the well cleaned glass corridors.
I could could see our employees working as if they don't even wanna take a breath. As if breathing would get them fired.
" Hey.. Good morning guys. Attention please. " I was brought out of my thoughts by Zane's voice.
Everyone just stilled and all their attention was set on me now. I could see some of them gulping visibly, whereas some looking at me with curious eyes. I just looked casually around and gave them a greeting smile.
I was startled to hear too many visible gasping. Looking around only to find almost everyone looking at me with wide eyes and mouth.
' Uh-oh.. Seems like my smiling will be injurious for their health. '
" Hey hey.. Relax.. Please loosen up a bit guys. I'm not Shivaay. " I said and everyone looked confused as hell.
" Yep.! He's not our ticking time bomb. He's his twin brother. The exact opposite. Cool and the Prince Charming. " Zane introduced me to everyone. And seems like they just started to breath normally.
" Nice to meet you all guys. I will be joining today. Don't know for how long. Still.. Let's be friendly as long as I'm here. " I said and they all looked impressed, maybe.?
" And I'm sure, you can easily recognize both of us. Just focus on the tattoo, and attitude. Physic is also an option. I won't mind that. But I don't think it's good for your health if you by chance stared at Shivaay more than 30 secounds. Forget about staring, just imagine how it will be if you guys check him out. " I said and all of them broke into a fit of laughter.
" Welcome to Hooda empires, sir. " A young lady came forward and greeted me in a very professional tone.
" Thank you. " I thanked her and looked at Zane.
But to my surprise, he was again silent, and his gaze was fixed at a single spot. More precisely, at someone. I followed his eyes and saw him gazing at a girl who was searching for something, without even caring that someone is here who has gained a lot of attention from her colleague.
' Anushka...Not bad. '
I thought as a smile automatically carved on my lips.
" Well, Shivaay is on his way. Will be here any time soon. "
" Oh shit.! "
" OMG.. My mail. "
" Shoot.. My presentation. "
I didn't had the idea that, just my angry bird's name would drive them this scary, as well as crazy.
God.! He's something else.
" Zane.. I will be in the office. "
" Yeah,yeah..okay okay.. " he just repeated his words in a daze.. Maybe.
' Someone is smitten badly.. Really really badly. '
I walked up-to Shivaay's office, which is technically CEO's cabin. I scanned the entire cabin.
Oops.! Even his cabin looks just like him. Each corner screams attitude and dominance. Taking out my phone I walked up-to the glass window, from where I could watch the entire city. Dialing the first number in my private call list, I waited patiently for the other end to be received.
Within the sixth ring, the call was received.
" Hello my boy.. How are you.? " I heard from the other end.
" What do you think.? " I asked back.
" Fine... After all you are with your family. I'm sure you will be happy there. "
" That's true. "
" How's Amaya.? Did you meet her after reaching there.? "
" Amaya, she is fine I guess. You know how reckless and stubborn she is. She just crossed paths with Fai. I don't know who gave her this idea.? "
" So my Ammu indeed took my words seriously.? God.. This girl. " I heard the shocked response.
" So you where the one who gave her such ideas. Shit.! Now don't know what else will be waiting for her, as well as me here. "
" Hey, cool my boy. Well.. Does she know that, you are in contact with me.. Or anything else about me.? Did you mentioned something.? " I could hear the hesitation in the voice.
" Don't worry, she doesn't know anything. No one knows.." I said to her in an assuring way. But I got only silence in response.
" I know you don't want to keep her , or anyone in the dark. But you yourself requested me to be with you. Right.? And who am I to expose you, when I myself is in the dark. "
" I don't have a choice Shri. But you do. You choose to keep everyone in dark. I always told you to let them know the truth. They will understand. They are your family. At least think about Shiva's sacrifice. Yea, he will be angry, he will feel betrayed. But at the end, he is your brother.. Your blood. He will forgive you. You know that , right.? Hopefully I will be back soon. And I'm really tensed about the consequences I would have to face. "
" Everything is going to be Okay.... Bye then. It's time for the game. I mean work. " I heard a chuckle from the other side.
" Okay then. Keep updating me. Bye... I love you all.. "
" Sure.. Love you too. And.. And we miss you too. "
I heard a sharp intake of breath and then the line went dead.
" I hope everything will be settled soon. Once I get my hands on him, then everything will be fine. " I whispered looking at the blank screen of my phone.
" What's wrong.? "
Zane who was staring at Anushka was bought back into the present was Shravan. To be clear, Zane didn't even hear a word that Shravan said. His gaze was transfixed at the cute girl who was desperately searching for something, without even caring about her surroundings.
Her cute little face and long silky hair was which attracted him the more.
Before.. As well as now..
He walked up-to to her and leaned at her desk, successfully gaining her attention.
" What.? " She just asked him with a blank face.
" Looking for something? " he asked leaning a little more, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him.
" None of your business. I can handle it. And for your information, don't try to invade in my privacy again. " Anushka said firmly not forgetting to stress on the last part.
Without another word, Anushka walked out, making a beeline to the storeroom of the office. Zane just sighed at his fate and walked out of the office.
Here Anushka was desperately searching for a file, with a bee sting face.
" What does he think of me.? Am I looking like some toy or something, which he can just toss around. Huphh..! I should have gone to some other company and work. At least I don't have to see his stupid face everyday. The famous playboy that's currently available. After all, he is Zane Sheikh. What more can be expected from him. I.. I just hate h.. Aahhhh -"
Anushka was continuously muttering to herself, until she got cut off by a sudden pull. She almost screamed at the action.
" Shhh.. It's me kitty cat. " a familiar soft whisper calmed her down.
" Don't call me that stupid nickname. Or I will chop your fucking balls. " She hissed at him, almost threatening him.
" You haven't changed a bit. Except your appearance. Have you.? " Zane asked her pulling her close.
" But you have changed.. A lot maybe. " she whispered back, almost breathless, due to their proximity.
" Changes are good for people like us. But one thing never changed. " Zane said caressing her cheeks slightly.
" What.? " she closed her eyes feeling his thumbs on her skin.
" The effect I have on you. It's still the same, just like it was 5 years back. " He said slightly leaning forward to her face.
As if realization stuck her, she pushed him off, parting herself away from Zane.
" Zane I need to go. " She said looking here and there before running back to her desk.
" I'm sorry my kitty cat. I promise, we will be together soon. Just wait until this game reaches it's finishing point. Then everything will be in its right place. "
Sighing heavily, Zane too walked out of the storeroom.
Here on the other side, Amaya reached infront of Hooda empires. Standing infront of the huge glass building, the only thing she could say was..
She walked in with her head high as a symbol of confidence. She could clearly feel the burning gazes of other employees. But her eyes didn't even gave a glance, nor her head bowed in nervousness.
Her mind wandered off to someone's words.
' Listen to me Aamy... You are my girl as long as I'm alive. Because you asked me for it... And my girl never bows her head for anyone. Because you are my queen. Keep your head high and maintain eye contact with everyone whom you are dealing with. Never allow anyone to rule your mind. Except me. '
A smile crept on Amaya's face when she thought about the words.
She looked at the lift and saw that, it's on work process. So without giving another thought she walked in to the other lift, which just opened it's door. Entering in, she pressed her floor number and turned around only to find one more guy standing over there.
' What the heck is he doing here.? '
' Because it's his office you dumbass. '
Amaya just stared at Shivaay who was looking at her blankly. Her eyes just scanned him up and down. Of course he was in his full glory.
' Black really suits him. '
' Shut up.! '
" And you know what Ammu, That Mr. Poker face carried you like a newborn baby and laid you here. Aww.. That was a worth watching scene. "
Amaya's mind again wandered to Anushka's words in the morning.
' I should thank him, right.? He did help me last night. ' Amaya thought about it and about to thank him, but only to be cut off by Shivaay.
" Mr. Hooda.. Thank y - "
" You do know that this is an executive lift, right.? " He asked her as he fished his phone into his pocket.
" The other one was in work process. "Amaya defended herself.
" There's an emergency lift at the corner. " Shivaay casually replied back.
" So what do you want me to do now.?" Amaya asked crossing her arms around her chest.
" Get out. "
' What..! Is he insane. '
" What.? Are you crazy or what.? You think that I am supposed to jump out of a moving lift.? " Amaya shooted back giving him a are you serious look.
Shivaay just pressed the next floor number. Amaya just looked at him with wide eyes, not getting his point.
As the lift door opened, Amaya looked out and again at Shivaay's face with an unbelievable expression.
" Out.. " He just said and waited for Amaya to walk out.
Amaya just glared at him and took a step in, but only got pulled back taking her in surprise.
She felt her back hitting Shivaay's hard chest.
" You sucks at hiding your tattoo. You surely do need a tutorial for that. " Whispering it near her ears, he just pushed her out slightly.
" And for your information, the emergency lift will only stops at the rooftop as well as ground-floor. " He said, mocking clearly visible in his tone.
Amaya just looked at him with wide eyes, as he smirked at her indicating her neck. Amaya's eyes widened even more at that, as her hand automatically went to her back neck.
" Shit..! Fucking asshole. " Amaya just cursed him under her breath and walked down the stairs.
Shivaay walked out of the lift and made a beeline to his cabin. As he opened the door, he saw Shravan standing by the window and whispering something.
"- Once I get my hands on him, then everything will be fine. "
Shivaay could only hear the end which left him confused badly.
" What's wrong.? "
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A thousand lifetimes ago, Qiu Xuanwu stood atop the world as the King of the Underworld. He sealed the righteous deities and reigned alone--until the last remaining righteous deity, Kai Bailong, tore him from his throne, released the righteous deities, and restored order to the world. Instead of exterminating Qiu Xuanwu, Kai Bailong consigned his soul to enter the cycle of samsara, experiencing countless reincarnations until his soul purified. Kai Bailong followed him into the mortal cycle, watching over the evil deity. For eons, the two reincarnated together, locked in eternal moral combat. As orange trees, bees, cats and dogs, and a thousand other lifeforms, the two struggled endlessly. A thousand lifetimes later, Qiu Xuanwu awakens as the young Chen Wuya, finally reincarnated into a human form capable of cultivation. With Kai Bailong nowhere in sight, he sets out to once more become the strongest martial deity and finally complete the vengeance that led him to become the King of the Underworld in his first life. Though a thousand lifetimes have passed, nothing will keep him from his goal... unless that damned Kai Bailong finds him again! -Low-fantasy for Xianxia, high-fantasy in general -Lightly comedic, mostly action/adventure -Updates biweekly Mon/Fri, daily updates until I catch up to backlog!
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