《ONLY YOURS (#2)》Chapter 6
Amaya's pov
After the encounter with that Chimpanzee Hooda, I directly drove to my house. To be honest, the only thing in my mind was him.
His God damn eyes. His face were just inches away from mine. He pulled me towards himself, probably towards his bare chest. He even picked me up and walked away...
Oh my Ammu... What was wrong with you..? Why didn't your hands fall on his cheek..?
' Because his closeness really hit you hard Ammu. ' There poked my subconscious mind.
Just shut up. He and his closeness, under my foot. He is just a shark. A rich spoiled brat.
' Is it..? Then why were you staring at him for God knows how much time. ' Again she came.
That's because he was staring at me.
' That's a lame excuse Ammu. He was staring at you doesn't mean that you should also stare at him. ' my subconscious and her detective thoughts.
I ignored her comments and concentrated on my driving. I parked my car and stormed into the house only to witness my crazy cousin walking or rather than running to and fro bitting her nails, maybe out-of tension. I moved my gaze towards the couch to see bade papa and badi maa looking at their daughter in wonder.
From where does she get this much of energy to run constantly... She literally looks like a cute skeleton.
" Oh my gosh...Ammu.... Ammu....Ammu.... Finally you are back. You know what, I was so scared."
I came out from my cute skeleton imagination when that cute skeleton itself started her yelling and almost pounced at me, making me stumble a little.
Aww.. My cutie is such a caring sis...!!
" Anu... Relax. I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry darling. " I said to her as I patted her back softly.
But to my surprise, she all of sudden pushed me away from herself by holding my shoulders.
Huh..!? That's strange..!
" Do I look like a nut case to be worried about you? I was worried for my boss. Mr Hooda... What you did with him..? Did you slap? Push him? Scream at him? Or.. Wait.. Did you kill him...? " She started her blabbering and palmed her mouth out of shock as if I really killed that chimpanzee.
I looked at her from head to toe out of shock. Is she really my sister..? Instead of worrying about me, this girl is caring for that poker face..?
" Fuck my life..! Bade papa.. Is she really your daughter.. " I asked facing both of them who was looking at their crazy daughter pathetically.
" Unfortunately the mistake is happened. What can we do now.. " Bade papa said blankly to which badi maa too nodded.
" Yeah.. That's true.. " badi maa said looking at her daughter.
" Hawww...! That was so rude.. " Anu winced crossing her arms.
" Then what else we should say? Here your sister is in trouble and you are thinking about your boss? " Badi maa asked her with a slight frown.
" Then what you all expect me to do.? We all know how Ammu is, when she gets angry. Badhrakaali is better than her. " She said annoyingly.
" Yes.. You are right. I pushed him, screamed at him and I wanted to slap him. But the situation didn't allowed me. " I said to her in a challenging tone.
" What was that situation, that you couldn't slap him? " She asked me narrowing her eyes at me.
Now I'm tongue tied. What am I supposed to tell her.
' Ammu, just tell her that the handsome hunk was too intimidating, that even your mind ditched you. '
There she peeked out again. I hope you got who I'm talking about.
I was nervously looking here and there to cook up some stories. But thinks like my mind is really ditching me, just by his mere thought.
" Umm.. That.. I.. " I stammered out.
" Yeah yeah.. Continue. I'm all ears. " Anu said standing infront of me crossing her arms.
" I.. I was in his house. Yeah.. That's why. " I said looking here and there.
" Whhaaatttttt.....!!!!! "
All of a sudden Anu almost screamed making all three of us to palm our ears.
" Stop screaming girl.. " I yelled at her.
" Why should I stop..? You freaking barged into his house and screamed and created a scene infront of his family..? Are you insane Ammu..? " Again she yelled throwing her hands in air.
'Oh my Ammu.... Was there anyone else? Did his family witnessed our crazy fight? '
" But I don't remember seeing someone else there.. Then.. " I said as I was thinking hard to figure out about the surroundings at that fighting spot.
" Wait.. Fuck.. I saw one more freak there. Means...? " All of a sudden I remembered about that guy who came jumping inbetween me and that Khadoos.
" Shit Shit Shit... Ammu.. How can you be so stupid.. You just screamed and created a scene infront of his family. What they must have thought about you... " Anu stated worriedly and started pacing back and forth.
What's wrong with her..! She is worried by that family's impression on me? For what..? It's not like I'm gonna marry someone from that family..
" But, why are you bothering about that. What their boy did was wrong, then what's my mistake? No, I'm right at my place. Anyways I'm not gonna face them again. So just take a chill pill sissy. " I said to her handing out a glass of water from the table.
" Okay fine... Now tell me what happened and up-to which state did your anger reached..? " Anu asked me taking the water from me.
" Well.. Your sweet,cozy, irresistible boss just fired me, because now I happen to be his employee.. " I informed her not leaving My tight lip smile.
" Huh..? He fired you? But why? What did you screwed up now? " she asked me raising her eyebrows.
This girl and her Mr. Dream Boss..!!
" Anu.. You are kidding me right..? How can you take his side again and again.. " I asked her annoyingly.
" Ammu.. Relax. I'm not accusing you. But I can't agree with the accusations that you are putting on Mr Hooda. I mean.. I know he is a rude person and all bossy type... But he isn't that kind of a man, who will just fire anyone without any reason. He has his own moralities. "
Again she came up with her Mr. Hooda and his qualities. I can't take it anymore.
" So you mean that I have screwed up everything and your that akdu boss is crystal clear...? You know what Anu.. He is a grumpy headed ,rude, egoist, self-centered bossy man with a dumb ass, who doesn't care about anyone's feelings. All he care about is what he needs. " I almost screamed at her.
" Ammu.. Honey.. Relax. Everything is gonna be fine. We will find a way.. " Badi maa said in a consoling way.
" Of course there should be a way. And I knew that very clearly. After all that khadoos dared to mess with me. " I said as a smirk automatically formed on my lips.
I looked at all others. Everyone passed me a smile, except one.. Guess who.. My cute skeleton.. Oops.. I mean my sissy.
" Ammu.. Don't tell me you are going to do what I'm thinking. " she asked with a horrified look.
" Aahaa.. My darling sissy knows me way too well. " I said with a teasing smile.
" Ammu no babes... You are not doing that.. Consequences won't be in your favor." she said in a serious tone.
What's with that tone..?
" Try me.. And about consequences, let him do whatever he wants. If he is Shivaay Hooda.. Then I'm also Amaya Mittal. " I said and walked towards my room.
To be honest, for the first time I slept well. Don't know why.. But it feels good. But what's wrong with my neck. Arghh... I dodged it with my hands, but to my bad it again started.
What the heck is that..!
Annoyingly I opened my eyes... Only to skip a heartbeat.
" What the hell.. " I almost screamed and crawled out of the bed.
" Why are you screaming dude..? I'm telling you, one day your throat will turn out like a desert out of dehydration. "
Zane... And his stupid jokes. Arghh..!
" By the way.. You got scared by this teddy bear..? Really..? How comes it's scary? It's so cute.. " He asked me as he started examining that fluffy thing.
" Just shut up dude. And from which hell you got that crap.. ? And where is Shona.. It's she who usually wakes me up." I asked him wearing my T-shirt.
" Wowww... Easy man...Your question bank runs like an express train.. " He said throwing that crap at me and laughing at me.
I stared at that fluffy thing for some seconds.
" Why the hell this crap keep smiling. And why does Shri carrying this. It's annoying. " I asked looking at that creature.
" Hainnn...! Then what you are expecting a teddy bear look like? A poker face like you? Then.. For your information, you have to manufacture one for yourself. But wait... Yeah, there is one toy..... Chimpanzee.. I think that doesn't smile. " he said sarcastically.
But one word I caught... Chimpanzee..!
" Drooling over your pics.. Under my foot. I hate chimpanzees. "
That's what that crazy girl stated. Arghh.. Why am I even thinking about her..?
" Shut up and answer dude. " I spatted back.
" Okay okay... Well, answer for your first question.. I didn't found this teddy from hell, but from our very own Prince Charming Shravan's room. And second question.. Di came to wake you up an hour back. But your sweet Shona stopped herself when she saw you sleeping peacefully." He said going through my shoe collection.
Of course to grab one... Such a shoe obsessed guy.
" What's the time now? " I asked him wondering how long did I slept or obviously how.?
" It's already 8.15 and you have a meeting with Kapoors probably at 9.30." he answered looking at his watch.
What the fucking hell...!
" Why didn't you wake me up you dumb ass. ? " I yelled at him as I threwed that shitty fluffy creature straight on his face.
" Ouch..!!! Wasn't I the one who woke you up few minutes ago? " he asked me setting his hair back.
" Of course you are.. But instead of 8 you should have woken me up at 10." I asked him giving my best sarcastic voice.
" I would have gladly done that. But.. Then what about the meeting? You will miss it right..? " he asked me in an obvious voice.
How can this guy be this dumb..? He is unbelievable..!!!
Before he could open his dumb mouth I grabbed my towel and entered inside the washroom to take a quick shower.
Taking a quick shower I came out and grabbed a coffee brown tuxedo with a white shirt. Wearing my watch and setting my hair, I was about to head out. But a phone call stopped me. I looked at the caller ID to confirm that whether it's important or not.
Of course it's important...
" Hey my little angry bird.. Whassup." I heard his usual cheerful voice.
Non other than Shri..
" Whatsapp..? Seriously? Here I'm running out of time due to my Shona who thought to show her big heart by letting me sleep. " I said to him walking out of my room.
" Woww.. Di really messed it... I need to congratulate her for this. " I heard him laughing from the other side.
" Oh just stop laughing you African creature. Now tell me why you called." I asked him straight, because I'm getting late guys.
" Well.. I heard that you had a face to face encounter last night.. Is it? " he asked me playfully.
From his tone, I'm sure there will be a teasing smirk plastered on his charming face.
" Oh.. So you got to know.. Who was the informer.. Ppa or Chachu or bade ppa ? " I asked him.
I know, if he will attend the calls, then it's only three of them.
" Sorry Fai.. No one from them.. " he said.
That's strange..!
" I called Zane. He told me every single thing. " Shri said.
Fucking hell.. No.. Zane.. I'm gonna ripe him apart.
" Look Shri.. If it's Zane, then there will be only half truths in his cooked up story. " I tried to make him understand.
Of course I have to make things clear. After all it's Zane.. He loves to add masalas in everything.
" Okay okay.. Cool. I believe you. By the way what's her name? " he asked.
" Why are you interested in knowing about that trouble? You just stay away from that weird girl. Now tell me when are you reaching ? "
I asked him or rather distracted him from asking more about her.. I mean Amaya. I just don't like it.
" Yeah.. Talking about that.. I will be there by tomorrow evening. Andrew you remember what's tomorrow right? " he asked me.
" Yeah I remember. So meet you tomorrow my brother. Be safe. Bye.. Gotta go. " I bied him and reached the dining.
Everyone were seated, but I stopped by Shona. She gave me a sheepish grin to which I kissed on her head.
" Sorry.. " she said pulling my cheek which I hate.
" Ouch..! Fai your beard pricks. Drym it. " she said or ordered me actually.
I just nodded at her and took a seat beside daadu. He just smiled and patted my shoulder. He always does that. Don't know why.. But it feels good.
" Shri called me and informed that, he will be here by tomorrow evening. "
I informed and everyone seems to be really happy. Of course they will be. Its been so long we all have met him.
We all were having our breakfast, but all of a sudden Zane yelled which caused chachu to choke his food.
" Fucking hell.. What's wrong with this girl? " he yelled out.
" And what's wrong with you stupid lade.. How many times I have told you don't distract me while eating. " Chachu scolded him maintaining his breathing.
" Abba please.. It's not time for our stupid jokes. If you have taken a look at this, I'm sure you also would be yelling by now. " he stated seriously showing his mobile to chachu.
Zane is serious.. So the matter is also serious.
" What happened? " I asked him.
" Amaya happened.. " He said handing out his phone.
I took it and ran my eyes through the mobile screen. I looked at all as a smirk automatically formed on my lips.
" Fai.. You have to do something about that girl. Or else it can create a black mark on your image as well as our business. " Zane said.
" She wanna play hard on me. Let her until I starts.. " I said as I stood up buttoning my suit.
" What are you gonna do? " I heard Ppa's stern voice.
I turned around and looked at everyone with the same devilish smirk. I could see the changes at their faces.
" The only difference between aim and craziness is that......Aim makes the mistake of making big things look small......And craziness....Its makes small things look big. "
Saying this I walked out. No doubt that my family must be wondering what am I gonna do. But they are sure about one thing...that is whatever I'm gonna do will be really bad.
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