《A Twist of Mates》Chapter 25- When Shit Hit The Fan


Samira's POV

I don't know what else to do but run. Run away from what I just witnessed. Run away from Jared the fucking snake that he is. I need to get the hell out of this town. It's been nothing but stress and drama since I got here. I almost reach my grandparents house before I am tackled by Jared from behind.

"Get the fuck off me!!" I scream at him.

"Samira, you have to listen to me." Jared says.

"The fuck that I do. I knew you would hurt me. I should have left after I first got here like I wanted to!" I yell at him.

I then see a flash of hurt in his eyes that makes me feel bad for saying that for a minute but it's true. I hate him right now. Hate this mate bond. I hate all of it.

"Can you please just let me explain? Then if you don't like what I have to hear, I will leave you alone for good."

He says his voice laced with pain. I can tell it really bothered him to say that.

Then skank girl decides to chime in, "Would someone like to tell me what the fuck is going on?" She says angrily.

She looks at me and if looks could kill, I would be dead.

"Yes, but can we please go inside Samira's grandparent's house so the whole town doesn't get a show here?" Jared motion's for us to go inside.

"Fine." We both say angrily in unison. This is going to be fun.

Jared's POV

We get inside her grandparent's house and we all sit around the dining room table. The girls glare at each other angrily before I decide to finally try to hash this out.


"Look, I need you to both listen to me very carefully. Samira, I met my other mate. Paige is her. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I couldn't think straight. I am sorry. I should have stopped things before they escalated the way they did. I didn't mean for you to ever see that. I am truly sorry." I say with 100% honesty.

Samira looks at me again with hurt in her eyes but she seems to be a little more understanding although she doesn't speak.

Then Paige has to chime in, "That's right bitch. I am his mate. Not sure why the fuck he was wasting his time with a human while he waited for me but what-ever. I am here now." She says rudely as she grabs onto my arm.

Nope. Not cool.

"Shut the hell up!" I turn to Paige as I yell.

She can tell I mean it too because she quietly sits back down.

"Paige you need to understand something too. Samira isn't just some fling I have been having while I wait to meet my mate. She is my mate too." Paige looks at me like I have three heads.

"Excuse me what?" She states bluntly.

"It's a very unique situation, but I have two mates and so does she." I say as matter of factly as I can.

"How can a human have another mate? This is absurd. It's bad enough that you have a human as a mate but to have two mates is crazy." Paige says with disgust.

"Paige, if you make it sound like it's an insult to be a human one more time, I will reject you right now." I say bitterly.

She needs to pipe down majorly. Chill the cockiness. Paige then looks at me with hurt. Damnit I hate that look.


"I am sorry but we treat humans with fairness and respect here. We don't treat them like they are beneath us. I never thought I would want a human for a mate but that was before I met Samira. You don't know her like I do. She's an amazing person." I say laced with fondness.

Samira is wonderful. I mean every word of it.

"Thank you for saying that and taking up for me." Samira says back to me.

"Of course. You are my mate too and I will always defend you. No matter what." I tell her as I look deeply in her eyes.

She breaks the contact though to speak to Paige.

"Look Paige I don't like this situation anymore than you do, but it's the card we have been dealt. I am trying to adjust. The last few months have been a whirlwind for me. I find out about werewolves, find out I have a mate, I find out things about my parents that I never knew right after they pass away in a car accident. My life hasn't exactly been going as planned." Samira tells her.

"I am sorry." Paige says. "But this is going to take some getting used to. I was raised to believe you only have one soulmate out there and then when I finally find him, he already has another mate. It's not exactly easy dealing with rejection." She says bitterly.

"No one is rejecting you." I tell her. "But I am asking you to please cooperate and let's explore our mate bond a little bit before we make any decisions." I finish.

"You might as well reject me because I am possessive and I want to have a mate that is only mine." She says still clearly upset by all of this.

"Look, I refuse to reject you until I have at least given this some time. I promised Samira I wouldn't just reject you. That I would at least get to know you a little bit. But if you are that uptight, then you can reject me if you want." I say with sincerity.

Paige then looks at Samira, "You really asked him to give it a try with his other mate instead of just rejecting me?" She asks her.

"Yes. It's only fair. I don't want to get hurt and I know you don't either but you should explore things further before you make a decision." Samira replies.

She sits there thinking for a bit before finally saying, "Ok. I will give it a shot. But I do have to warn you that I am possessive and I am not going to like to see you two together. So can we please keep our dates and what we do on them to ourselves. No weird third wheel bull shit or spying on one another." Paige says.

"That's definitely a deal." I reply with a smile.

Good. Well I guess that's all worked out now. But I have to admit things just got even 10x more complicated and awkward.

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