《A Twist of Mates》Chapter 23- Make the Right Choice


Samira's POV

We sit here not sure what we are going to do. How are we going to make sure that we meet our other mates? That could take a life time. And what if we develop feelings for our other mates? That could make it impossible to make a choice. I am feeling very overwhelmed and concerned. I don't know what to do. I look over to Jared and I see very similar emotions swimming through his eyes.

All of the sudden, our thoughts are interrupted by a well built older man coming through the doorway. Was she expecting company?

"Oh hello, I didn't realize anyone would be here." The man says sounding unsure.

"Hi, honey I am glad you are home. This is Samira and Jared." Scarlett introduces us.

"They have a similar situation to the one we were in so many years ago." She says with a smile.

He looks at her a bit wide-eyed. Honey? I thought her husband passed away?

She continues "Guys, this is Rayson."

Holy shit. How? What? Why?

Before I can even get the words out, Jared beats me to it.

"I thought you both married your other mates?" Jared asks with a bit of a smirk behind it.

"We did. But after we both became widows we reconnected. You never know what the moon goddess has in store for you." Rayson answers with a smile on his face as he gazes at Scarlett.

She looks back at him lovingly. It's like they are the only two people in the world. I feel that way about Jared.

My thoughts are interrupted by Rayson continuing, "I loved my other mate, my wife...but Scarlett is my second chance and I am going to take it. You will meet your other mate. But make your decision carefully. Make sure your heart is in it 100% whichever one you choose. Because if not, you will always feel the connection to your other mate. It will never go away and you won't feel whole. Even thought we rejected each other so many years ago I still felt the connection to Scarlett. And when both of our mates passed away that severed the bond completely with them. I finally feel whole again now that Scarlett is back in my life." He finishes as he gives Scarlett a sweet kiss.


Aww. My heart wants this. I have to remember this when I meet my other mate. I have to remember how Jared makes me feel so I can make my choice. He has to do the same whether he wants to or not.

We finish up talking and say our goodbyes. As soon as we get in the car, I am met with Jared devouring my face. He kisses me with such urgency and need I almost forget to breathe. I break away from the kiss.

"Jared, we really need to follow his advice. We need to try and find our mates so we can make a decision. We have to be completely honest with each other too, even if it's going to hurt one another in the end."

I look at him with seriousness and sadness in my face. He looks at me for a moment before responding.

"I know Samira. I know. But I also know that I am going to end up right back here because I can't imagine feeling this way...this deep of a connection, with anyone else but you. " he says sincerely.

"I know. I feel the same." I reply simply.

"Besides the faster we get this over with, the quicker we can mate and I can finally mark you as mine." He says determined.

Ok buddy remember I am human. The whole marking thing is still a bit scary to me.

We drive back home with some awkward silence. I think we both were lost in thoughts. We pull back into the pack house and I head to my room. Consumed with emotional and mental exhaustion, I fall asleep quickly. That night, I dreamt of a pair of piercing blue eyes.

Author's note:

Hello all! Sorry it's been a really long time since I have posted a chapter. Been very consumed in life as a mom with a full time job and kids that play sports. Hope you all are well and enjoy!!

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