《A Twist of Mates》Chapter 11- Am I Going Crazy??


Samira's POV

I close my eyes waiting for the pain to come. Sobs wrack my body but I don't feel anything. It's then I realize I hear loud growling and I open my eyes to see three wolves fighting one another. Where did the men go? Did the wolves scare them off? Shit. Wolves. I am tied up here like a meal being served on a platter. Are they fighting over who is going to get to eat me? Fuck my life. Seriously. I watch in horror as the wolves gruesomely attack one another bringing lots of blood. One wolf is all black and he is bigger than the other two. He definitely seems to have the upper hand right now. He looks a lot like the wolf I saw in the woods that night when I was running. The one that saved me. The other two wolves are gray and brown. They all wrestle and fight until you can tell they begin to get tired. But they continue to fight. Finally the solid black wolf gets the upper hand with the brown wolf and quickly bites down on his throat and tears it out. He then begins to stalk towards the gray wolf but the gray wolf has gotten a second wind. He swiftly dodged the black wolves attack and scratches down the stomach of the black wolf leaving large, gaping and bleeding wounds. The black wolf whimpers in pain and the gray wolf takes this to his advantage again and then bites down harshly into the neck of the black wolf. For a moment I think it's all over and that the gray wolf has won the battle. That he was going to do just as the black wolf had done to the brown one and tear his throat out. But just when the gray wolf thinks he has won, the black wolf tackles and pins the gray wolf down and in one swift and hard motion bites down into the chest of the gray wolf ripping his heart out and destroying it as if the wolf would still be alive if he didn't. The black wolf stands up and looks me straight into the eyes. Oh my God. It's going to kill me now. It slowly crawls over to me and moves his snout to where my hands are. I close my eyes waiting for the bite to come but instead I hear the sound of metal tearing and I open my eyes to realize that the wolf bit my handcuffs and broke them open. I am free. The wolf helped me. Why? I look at the wolf in complete shock and confusion before the wolf collapses down in front of me and goes unconscious.


I stand up and gather up what's left of my clothes and put them back on my body. I have to get out of here before those guys come back. I start to run away but then I feel tremendous guilt about leaving this black wolf here. He is wounded and could die and he saved my life. I have to find him help. But who is going to help a crazy looking woman holding on to a wolf? I have to do something though. I walk over to the van that my jackass kidnappers brought me here in. I look inside and breathe a sigh of relief when I see the keys are still in the ignition. Thank God. I then start the van and turn it around so I can back it up close to the wolf. I plan to get him inside of it so I can find a vet or something that will help him. They will probably have me admitted for being a lunatic afterwards but I don't care. I have to do this. I pet the wolves fur to let it know not to be afraid of me. It wakes up and I swear it sounds like it's purring. I am going to enroll myself in therapy after this is all over. I then open the back doors of the van and help the wolf to his feet as he limps over and climbs into the back of it and lays down. Wow, he's really tame for a wild animal. Probably just because he is injured. I shut the van doors and climb back into the drivers seat and drive away as quickly as I can from these creepy ass woods.

Once I get back out to the main road after a few wrong turns, I am able to figure my way back towards town. Once I get there I know the first place I am going. I am going to the police station to try to explain to Jared what happened and hope that he doesn't send me directly to a mental institution for bringing a wild animal out of the woods. The wolf hasn't moved much since we left. I am sure he is in tremendous pain and he must be exhausted. I want him to remain subdued so I don't do anything to bother him. I pull into the police station as I try to figure out exactly what I am going to say and how I am going to explain to Jared what happened. He hasn't spoken to me in 3 days and I am pretty sure he is done with me but he is a cop and he has to help the citizens of the town so he has to talk to me and hear me out. I get out of the van and leave it running. Hopefully the wolf doesn't wake up and destroy the van, escape, and go running through the town viciously attacking the townspeople. Man I watch too many scary movies. My thoughts are interrupted when I realize I am standing at the door of the precinct. I open the door to see some of the officers standing in the lobby and they look my way when they hear the door open. I recognize one of the faces. It's Lance. I didn't realize he was a cop too. I don't think Jared ever told me that but it makes sense since they are close friends. He looks at me with a look of relief. What the hell?


"Samira, thank God we have been looking all over for you!! We saw your vehicle was abandoned at the diner and we couldn't find you. We looked all over town and your grandparents are worried sick." He says.

Shit. I wasn't even thinking about myself and what happened and the fact that anyone would be looking for me. He takes a long hard look at me clearly noticing that I have been through something by the look of my clothes and face. I look horrible I am sure. Concern etched his face and he quietly asks me "What happened?"

Ok, how do I answer this? Geez. It's then that all of the emotions of this evening's events hit me like a tidal wave and I begin sobbing uncontrollably. Lance wraps me up in a hug and takes me into an office. I assume it's his and he shuts the door.

"I know we don't need an audience to hear what happened. Can you please tell me?" He asks.

I think carefully about what I am going to say and then I realize I haven't seen Jared yet. Where is he?

"Lance, where's Jared? I really need to talk to him. It's important." I say sort of changing the subject.

"Well Samira he went out looking for you hours ago and hasn't returned yet. I am sure he will be along soon." He says calmly trying to make it sound like he isn't worried so I won't worry.

But my heart sinks and flutters at the same time. I am worried and he really does care about me. Where are you Jared?

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