《A Twist of Mates》Chapter 4- Going For a Run


Samira's POV

I lie in bed naked excitedly waiting for the bathroom door to open. I have been waiting so long. Finally the door opens and out walks Jared in nothing but a towel. Oh sweet fuck. He stalks over to me hungrily raking my body over with his beautiful eyes. Jesus I may cum just from him looking at me like that. He makes his way to the side of my bed and slowly drops the towel from around his waste. Holy mother of Jesus his body looks like the statue of David. I can't wait to have it on top of me. God he looks amazing. As if he reads my thoughts, suddenly I am underneath him as he kisses me passionately. He trails his kisses down my neck stopping to suck and nibble on my breasts. I run my fingers through his gorgeous hair and I gently take my hand and begin to stroke his member. "Samira, oh God." He moans out. I love how my name sounds on his lips. He grabs my hands and pins them both over my head. He continues to nip and lick my breasts and stomach while he holds my hands over my head with one hand. He's torturing me slowly until his head falls between my legs. Oh yes. He begins to assault my folds with his tongue and oh how amazing it feels. "Yes baby. Right there. Mmmm. Don't stop." I moan. Before I know it I am cumming violently all over his tongue. "Fuck!" I scream as I come down from my high. He climbs back up my body and right when I think he is about to stick his throbbing cock inside me, his lips crash against me once again before trailing to my neck where he sucks and sucks for longest time before I feel a very painful stab in my neck. "Ouch!!" I scream. He jerks his head up at my sudden outburst and I see he has blood all over his lips and he is smiling. "You bit me you sick bastard!!" I yell and suddenly I am jolted awake panting, unsure of where I am and what just happened. I realize after a few moments that I had a nightmare. A very erotic and weird nightmare. What the hell?


A little shook up and covered in sweat, I decide to walk out onto my grandparents porch and let the cool night air hit my skin and give me fresh air to breathe. Why do I keep dreaming these sexual dreams about Jared? I have never been this caught up on someone before that I barely know. When he caged me in at the office I just wanted him to kiss me and take me right against that wall. I am wet just thinking about him. I have to stop these thoughts. I glance at my watch and see that it is 5:00 am. Not quite daylight yet but the sun should be coming up soon. I might go on a jog. I haven't gone on a run in so long. I miss it. I love to run.

I get myself dressed and I head off down the street at a steady pace. I go up several blocks and I find a trail that goes off up into the woods that surround the town. I could go up that way a bit and then head back down. I start up the path and after about 5 mins, I get the feeling I am being watched. It freaks me out. I turn to go back and I am met with a pair of yellow eyes staring back at me. A wolf. He snarls and growls at me and I do the only thing I can think of. I run. I take off as fast as I can but I am no match for the wolf. I am quickly pinned beneath him and his teeth are almost grazing my neck. So this is how I die? My last thought is of my parents. Atleast I will get to see them again. I close my eyes waiting for the pain to come but it never does. Suddenly the wolf is knocked off of me and once I realize he is no longer there I sit up to see there are now two wolves and they are fighting. Wait are they fighting to see which one gets to eat me? Within seconds I see that the new wolf is much larger than the wolf that attacked me. The larger wolf takes the smaller wolf down easily and bites his neck. I see the wolf struggle for a few seconds beneath the large wolf before he stops moving. He's dead. The other wolf looks my way but I don't give him a chance to start making his way towards me. I run as fast as I can out of the woods. If this bigger wolf follows me I don't have a chance. Maybe he was helping me? Yeah right. After running for a minute I turn to look back and see if the wolf is following me. Good. I lost him. I continue to run until I see streetlights again. I am going to make it! As I come to the clearing at the end of the pathway, I turn back once again to check and make sure I no longer see the wolf. Before I know it, I collide with a very hard object and I land directly on top of it. I look down to see the beautiful green eyes I have come to know so well staring back at me. Jared is lying directly underneath me on the ground. Oh God this is nice. I look over his face and his lips staring for about 30 seconds before I realize I am still on top of him. Oh my. "Um, can you get off me please?" He says. How embarrassing.

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