《A Twist of Mates》Chapter 1- Welcome to Mooncreek


Jared's POV

I spend my nights driving the streets of my town, Mooncreek. It is a town filled with a very diverse population you could say. You see, many of us are werewolves. Not all of us are but more are than aren't. I am the alpha of my pack, the Mooncreek Wolves. We are well known across the country and highly respected. We take care of our fellow werewolves and humans. Although we know we are far superior to humans, we still make sure they are safe. Some werewolves don't have good intentions and harm humans for their own selfish reasons. We usually go to battle with these werewolves to protect our town's humans from harm. We do not wish them ill will like some do.

I am also the police chief in town. My office only consists of werewolves though. We know we can't take a chance on letting the townspeople find out about werewolves so we only allow werewolves to join the force. Werewolves are able to tell which people are werewolves and which ones aren't. We have a very keen sense of smell.

All werewolves have mates. They are what a human would call a soul mate, basically a person's other half. Without your mate you are never fully complete. I am 22 and have yet to meet my mate. Some people are lucky and find them early. I unfortunately have not been as lucky. The majority of the time our mates are other werewolves. Occasionally werewolves get a human mate but it's very rare. I haven't ever met anyone that has a human mate and I probably never will. I am not even sure how all of that would work and I don't even want to know. I personally would never want a human mate. They are much weaker than werewolves and I am an alpha. I need a mate with alpha blood.


My work shift has almost come to an end. Thirty more minutes and back to the pack house where I have more business to tend to. I never stop working. Whether it's at the police station or at home. It's probably a good thing I haven't met my mate yet because I don't know how I will have time for her in my life.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a small sports car that comes flying past me on the road. I make an abrupt u-turn and quickly turn on my lights and press down on the accelerator until I catch up with the perpetrator. They are flying! Going 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. Not in my town.

As I get closer I see the license plate says New York. Oh boy. This guy obviously thinks he's still in the city. I have news for him though. He's not. I am going to slap this punk with everything I can in tickets. The car finally sees my lights in their rear view and slows down quickly and pulls off to the side of the road. I pull in behind him getting my things as I exit my vehicle.

I see the person I stopped roll the window down and as I approach the car, I am hit with the most intoxicating and erotic smell I have ever smelled in my life. It smelled like fresh cut grass and laundry fresh out of the dryer with some sort of flowery scent mixed in with it. It was amazing and making me feel things that confused the hell out of me. I approach the vehicle carefully until I am right at the car door. As I look inside the most beautiful pair of blue eyes are staring back at me. Fuck it's a woman. I then start to look over the rest of her and I really like what I see. Damn. She's the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. She has full lips that I long to taste, long brown curly hair that I instantly have to fight the urge to run my fingers through, and from what I can see of her body, she looks amazing . What the hell is wrong with me? I have never felt like this. Suddenly I feel dizzy and have to hold the side of the car just to keep myself upright. I feel weak and it's taking all that I have in me not to grab this woman and hold her in my arms. Oh Goddess. The sudden realization probably shows on my face as my wolf screams the the words in my head I have been longing to say for so long, "MATE!!!!"


I don't say this out loud though because I have another sudden realization that actually makes me a little sick to my stomach. She's human. 100% human. I have no doubt about it. Fuck my life. What has the moon goddess got me into??

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