《The Luna's True Mate》The Transiton


Alpha Jordan's POV

We finally get back to the pack house after running through the forest for over two hours. Although, I dont mind spending time with my mate, and it seems Asmo is the happiest he has ever been. I knew when we found our mate our lives would be so much better. We walk side by side into the back yard and see that Renwick and Reign are already standing there with changes of clothes for us. Asmo walks to Renwick, takes the clothes he offers in his mouth and walks behind a tree. He finally allows me to take control again and I shift back into my human form. I throw on my basketball shorts and t-shirt and walk back to the guys. I didnt want Ophelia to feel weird seeing me naked for the first time, so I gave her privacy. Normally nudity is common among us since we tend to shred our clothes when we shift.

I finally make my way to the guys and they immediately mind-link me.

'I cant believe shes a white wolf. I mean it makes sense, but this is crazy. Do you understand how powerful she will be when she gets her training?' Reign says all but jumping out of his shoes with excitement.

'I know. I am one lucky man. But on a serious note, we are going to have some serious protection work to do. If anyone found out what she is, we could have some deadly consequences. And I will not lose my mate now that I have finally found her. Reign, you are gamma which means your sole responsibility from now on, will be to make sure the Luna is safe. You are to protect her at all times, even with your life. Am I clear?' I use my alpha voice on the last part to make it command rather than a request.


'Yes, Alpha. I will protect the Luna with my life,' he promises.

'Renwick, you and I are going to make a nice little phone call to Alpha Jason about his son,' I smile devilishly.

'Yes, Alpha,' Renwick smirks.

I realize during this entire conversation I havent heard Ophelia. She is taking a while just to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"Ophelia? Is everything okay?" I call out to her.

"Um, not really," she says nervously.

On instinct, I take a step towards the tree she is behind but come to a stop when Renwick places his hand on my shoulder. I glare at him with a look that would have any lesser man cowering on the ground. He takes his hand away but links me and says 'Alpha, she wouldnt appreciate you barging over there while she is changing. You dont want to scare her.'

Asmo chimes in 'She isnt in any danger Jordan. I talked to Les. Shes just nervous.'

'Nervous about what?' I ask him but hes already cut the link and retreated into my mind.

I calm down and ask her "Whats going on baby?"

"Well, I look different. I guess when I finally shifted, I took on some characteristics that mirror my wolf."

I sigh. Is that what shes worried about? "Sunshine, I promise nothing will change how I feel about you or how the guys look at you. Please come out so I can see you."

It takes Ophelia a few minutes and I hear her take a few deep breaths before she finally steps out from behind the tree.

"Holy shit," Reign exclaims.

Her face immediately falls at his comment, and I elbow him hard enough in the ribs that he falls over gasping for breath. Serves the shit right.


I slowly walk towards my mate and get a good look at her. Her skin has gone from pale to a healthy golden color like she spent months in the sun. Her freckles look more pronounced on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are fully gold now instead of brown, but the most noticeable feature is the fact that instead of wavy brown hair, she now has completely straight and bright white hair.

"Goddess, my love. You looked so beautiful before but now, you look like like a goddess," I say on a whisper.

Ophelia beams her smile at me and runs into my arms. She stands on her toes and kisses the scruff on my jaw before planting a small kiss on my lips.

"Thank you. I was so scared you guys were going to think I was a freak or something."

"No way," Renwick interjects.

I throw my arm around Ophelias shoulder and start guiding her to the back door. "Come on Sunshine. Lets go inside so I can answer the million questions I see swimming in your mind."

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