《The Luna's True Mate》The Shift Part 1


Ophelias POV

Even though Im scared out of my mind to shift, Im also super excited to finally meet my wolf. Ive been waiting my whole life for this moment and the fact that I get to experience this with my mate by my side makes this so much better.

I squeeze Jordans hand and continue following him through the forest to his packs clearing that they use for training. He says its not much further and then Les makes her presence known in our mind-link.

'Ophelia, I know you are excited for this, and I am too but you need to listen to me. You need to make sure the boys dont tell anyone what happens here tonight until you give them the okay.'

'Wait what? What are you talking about Les? Whats going to happen? Oh goddess, I knew something was wrong.' I whine.

'No. Snap out of it. Calm the hell down. Nothing bad is going to happen to you but you are about to find out why it took me so long to come to you. You can do this, but you need to tell the boys to respect you and to not tell a single soul yet,' she stresses.

'Okay Les. I trust you. Ive heard you loud and clear and Ive got this,' I tell her. I trust my wolf more than anyone else. I know she wouldnt tell me these things if they werent important. I cut our mind-link so I can focus on talking to the boys.

As we come up on the clearing, I look around and take in my surroundings. Everything is covered in green. Theres obviously a giant clearing of grass in the middle with white circles spray painted every few feet. There are trees that circle the field but whats peculiar is that theres even green on the trunks of the trees. It looks like green moss has covered every single inch of the trunks. I look up through the opening of the trees and see the moon and stars in the sky. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The forest has always felt like my second home to me.


I open my eyes and look for the guys. They are all standing off to the side watching me. Jordan steps forward, cups my cheeks in his palms, and gives me a chaste kiss.

"You can do this baby. Im right here if you need me, my love," he says, stepping back to his place next to Renwick and Raine.

"I know Jordan. But I need to talk to all of you boys really quickly before we do this," I say looking at all three of them.

"What is it, Luna?" Renwick asks while Raine just looks at me curiously.

"Les talked to me on the way here. She told me that we are going to find out what took her so long to get to me, but she said you guys need to promise me you wont tell anyone what happens here tonight until I say its okay."

They all stare at me curiously probably wondering what Im about to show them but even I dont have any clue. Im just going by what my wolf told me.

"Okay, Luna. You have my promise. I will not say anything to anyone about tonight unless you say otherwise," Renwick says while baring his neck as a show of submission to me. Raine promises the same and mimics Renwicks movements.

I look at my mate and hes looking at me with so much love in his eyes, at least I think its love. I want to believe it is and I hope thats what it is. Im still not a hundred percent confident. But I want him to love me as much as I know I already love him.

"You have my word as your mate and the Alpha that I will not say anything about tonight unless you give me the okay baby", Jordan says.


"Thank you guys. So, you guys said you would help me with this. How do I shift?" I ask them politely while bouncing on the balls of my feet. I am so excited.

"You have to call your wolf forward in your mind, and when she comes, you push yourself to the back and let her take over. Imagining yourself as a wolf also helps," Renwick says.

Reign chimes in next, "Yes and it may hurt the first few shifts but thats normal."

Jordan gets my attention and says, "Just focus on letting Les our and it should come pretty easily baby."

I take a deep breath and call Les forward in my mind.

'Les, you there?'

'Yes, Im here'

'Okay, its your time to shine and meet your mate,' I tell her while imaging myself as a wolf.

I feel my bones start to pop, break, and then repositioning themselves. The pain is taking my breath away to the point I start panting and can hear my heart beating in my ears. I let out a little whimper and lay down in the fetal position. I forgot that I wasnt alone when I hear three audible gasps coming from the guys. The pain has finally subsided enough for Les to get us up off the ground.

I open my eyes and look at the guys. Renwick and Reign are standing there with wide eyes and their mouths literally hanging open. They look like a cartoon. I look over at my mate and see him staring at me nearly the same way as the boys, but he has lust swimming in his eyes along with awe. Damn, have they never seen a female wolf?

Les is in charge right now so all I can do is watch through her eyes as she walks up to Renwick and Reign, sniff them and rub against their legs. Then she walks over to Jordan, sniffs him, nudges his hand with her snout and then purrs as he begins to pet her. He is still staring at us like we hung the moon.

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