《The Luna's True Mate》The Tormentors


Ophelias POV

I am different. I have known this since I turned 13 and my wolf never showed up. I never shifted even though I tried everything to force myself to shift. It didnt take long for Alpha Jason to get wind of my situation. He told me that I must be a late bloomer and my wolf would come when she was ready. I tried to hold out hope, but I truly believe that I have no wolf and she isnt coming.

See, I am a memeber of the Blood Moon Pack located in Massachusetts. Our pack borders with two other packs, the Black River Pack and the Bloody River Pack. I was born into this pack to my mom Julie and her mate, my father, Todd James. My Alpha, Jason Heinrich, is like a second father to me and his mate, Luna Caroline is like a second mother to me. I used to spend a lot of my time over at their house because my parents had to work as the pack doctors a lot. They taught me how to cook and how to fix almost anything that could ever need fixing. My parents and my bonus parents told me that as a child, I hated being the center of attention so I used to just hide out at home and barely made friends. I guess that was a good thing since my wolf never showed up and the bullying started.

Alpha Jasons son, Derrick, found out I had no wolf and proceeded to start tormenting me with his two best friends, Ryan and Ransley. They have picked on me, abused me, made fun of me, and anything else they felt like I deserved for being different. I know I could tell Alpha Jason, but it would be their word against me and I am pretty sure Alpha Jason would believe his son over some little pup. Instead, I just take whatever they dish out. I am holding onto the last shred of hope I have of finding my mate on my 18th birthday. I am hoping to find him and being able to have him protect me from my tormentors and love me no matter whether I have a wolf or not. I have some high hopes riding on this mating thing.


Tomorrow is my 18th birthday and for some reason, I stupidly thought maybe Derrick and his friends would cut me some slack. I should have known better. I was stuck in my thoughts so long about my life that I didnt notice the bell had rung signaling the start of first period. I went to shut my locker and it slammed in front of me. I turned around and am immediately surrounded by Derrick, Ryan and Ransley. Derrick is directly in front of me, Ryan on my left, and Ransley on my right. I try to not show my fear because thats exactly what Derrick wants.

"Well, what do we have here boys? Smells like failure to me," Derrick says while taking a sniff of the air.

Ryan and Ransley start chuckling while I just stare at the ground hoping they get this over with quickly.

"What? Nothing to say A?" asks Derrick.

Yeah, he came up with that nickname all on his own. I have never wanted to roll my eyes more than I did when he told me what it stood for. Its the shortened version of the word abomination. Super original that guy.

"Just leave me alone and let me get to class please," I practically beg which amuses Derrick. I just want to get to class so I can keep my perfect attendance record. I dont need school issues on top of having no wolf.

"Look at that, she can beg," Derrick says while laughing and holding his belly.

I start to get annoyed and angry which is never smart. My mouth has a mind of its own when my emotions get the best of me.

Case in point, I yell at Derrick and his friends "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."

Suddenly, there is a hand wrapped around my throat and my back is slammed against the lockers. Derricks eyes have shifted from blue to silver as his wolf, Grey, attempts to take charge.


"You dont tell me what to do you pathetic, worthless, waste of space. I am the future Alpha of this pack, and I will do as I please. Youll do well to remember that A," Derrick says in a much deeper voice than normal. He starts to squeeze my throat, making it harder to breathe. I keep trying to claw his hand and wrist, but it isnt helping at all. As the blackness approaches my vision, Ransley finally gets through to Derrick and he lets me go. I drop to the floor sucking in huge lungs full of air. I look up and the boys are gone.

Only a few more hours and I can find my mate and never have to worry about this bullying shit anymore.

But you know what they say about life: It never goes as planned

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