《The Prime Minister's Beloved Wife》Smart or Stupid?


Bai Yu Yan was a little slow in matters other than designing but she was definitely not stupid.

While she was admiring her mother-in-law's appearance she was a little too concentrated. It was after all her occupational habit. Later when she realized that there was someone else in the room, it was already too late. So she deliberately pretended to not see that person. Moreover, appearing a little slow in front of her mother-in-law was not that bad of an idea. Afterall it would lower her mother-in-law's guard against her.

Another reason was that she really wanted to ignore Lu Tong Xiao. This man had easily discarded his wife for his lover. So what if he is hot enough to cause her nosebleed? So what if his beauty could topple the cities? So what if he could be her muse? No matter whether he is the Prime Minister or the emperor himself, she couldn't get herself to prostrate and greet this slag man.

Bai Yu Yan had actually not read the entire novel completely and had even missed out on some plot details. However, one thing she was sure about is that nothing good would come out of getting close to this man. Even so, making him, the Prime Minister and the male lead, an enemy would be akin to a suicidal gesture. So she had already thought of keeping this walking jinx at an arm's distance, neither offending nor befriending.

"Xiao'er, how have you been these past few days? Look at how much you have lost weight! " Madame Lu looked at her son with genuine concern. This was after all her only son. The Lu couple had only two children to begin with. Lu Tong Xiao's younger sister, Lu Weiya, was married last year. Now her only son didn't even have time to rest on the night of his marriage.


Madame Lu gritted her teeth as she grumbled, "That damn Xin Li Jun did not even consider that was the day of your marriage and sent you to the south. He is the emperor but acts like Xin country cannot run a day without the men of the Lu family." After Father Lu resigned from the position of Prime Minister, the emperor didn't want to let go of him and appointed him as the teacher for the crown prince. Madame Lu still couldn't let go of that grudge.

Lu Tong Xiao pinched the space between his brows as he listened to his mother mention the emperor by his name. Father Lu's pampering has made her fearless of anything and anyone.

"Mother, this son is fine. And the emperor wouldn't have asked me to go there if the matter wasn't important. You should worry more about yourself. I have brought some rare bird's nests from the south. The servants will bring it to the Plum Garden. Let them prepare soup for yourself and father."Although Lu Tong Xiao's voice was still cold, there was a hint of helplessness when talking to his mother.

Bai Yu Yan sipped on her tea as she listened to the conversation between the two. She sat obediently while her eyes followed their conversation like two little balls. As she was enjoying the battle of concern between the mother and son, Lu Tong Xiao smoothly distracted Madame Lu's attention from himself.

Sure enough, Madame Lu appeared gleeful realizing that her son remembered to bring her the specialty from the south.

Knowing that her son was doing well, Madame Lu stopped nagging him and turned to look at her daughter-in-law. "Yu Yan, what about you? Have you gotten used to the Lu manor?"

Bai Yu Yan hurriedly swallowed the tea to answer, "Daughter-in-law thanks mother for her concern. Lu manor is my home now, so there is no such thing as getting used to it."


Satisfied with her answer Madame Lu nodded her head. "There is no need to be so formal when we are home. If there is anything you need in the future, you can directly tell me or Gui Momo. You are a part of this family now so no need to hesitate for anything. It is understandable that you didn't have a good life in Bai manor but now that you are the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, you should live in comfort and also act accordingly."

Bai Yu Yan could sense the goodwill from Madame Lu. She looked at Madame Lu with her 'touched' expression and thanked her softly. Internally, she was cursing her urinary bladder. She had no idea about what kind of tea was served but she liked it so much, she ended up drinking 3 cups. As soon as the topic turned to her, she had been pressing her legs together to hold her pee. Now if she held it any longer, she would directly wet her skirt.

Fortunately, after chatting for a bit, her mother-in-law seemed a little tired, "You must be tired from all the traveling, Xiao'er. Go and get some rest. I'll tell the kitchen to prepare some nourishing soup and send it to you."

Nodding his head, Lu Tong Xiao stood on his feet. "This son will come to see you again."

He glanced at Bai Yu Yan in passing before turning to leave.

Right on cue, she bowed towards Madame Lu as she said her farewell.

After her mother-in-law waved her hands indicating her to leave, Bai Yu Yan walked away with lotus steps. However, soon as she passed the receiving hall's door, she scurried towards the entrance.

Lu Tong Xiao hadn't reached the entrance of the Plum Garden when he heard footsteps behind him. He knew Bai Yu Yan had left right after him. Hearing how hurried they sounded he thought Bai Yu Yan was chasing after him to apologize for her earlier action and maybe...with that excuse...take a walk with him out of the Plum Garden..Ahem!

In fact, he had not once talked to her after their marriage nor met her before it. However, Gu Jin, being the over-enthusiastic one, had collected information about her and sang it to him happily. In addition to not having a good family background, she didn't have an enviable reputation. No one knew why the Empress Dowager bestowed this marriage but Lu family couldn't back out of it.

Actually Lu Tong Xiao did not have any expectations from this marriage but earlier in the receiving hall, although his wife seemed like a little fool, he did not find her so unbearable.

Sorting out his thoughts, Lu Tong Xiao decided to be generous and forgive her. He slowed down his walking pace as he admired the flowers.

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