《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》Final chapter


"Wait, do you know why this urgent meeting? It's midnight" The guy yawns.

"How'd I know that? Our king is full of surprises. "

"But, I think it's kinda urgent since he called us in midnight. "

"Yeah, yeah, I left my wife and ran here. She's waiting for me. "

The ministers chuckled.

"Our king is arriving.. "

Everyone immediately stands up and bowed when Yoongi walked in with his husband. He sat down and the other's followed him. Hoseok sat next to his husband but with a huge distance.

Namjoon smiled at his brother, "Your Majesty, is there anything important? "

King Yoongi smiled and nods his head. He looked at the ministers and bowed his head.

"I'd like to apologize for disturbing you're all in this midnight. "

"No, it's not a problem, your highness. "

Yoongi smiled, "I wanted to announce something important. And, I'd like my husband next to me. "

Hoseok blushed and glared at his husband for making him the center of attraction. But, he obeyed his order and sat next to his husband. He still maintained a distance but the other hugged his waist and pulled him closer.

The ministers looked down and smiled silently. Hoseok felt so embarrassed and looked down. He glows like a moon in the midnight which caught attention. The other's felt they're blessed by the beauty of their queen.

King Yoongi turned to the people and noticed they're looking at his husband. His smile turned into a frown in a millisecond. He cleared his throat to caught other's attention. The ministers wiped their sweat and apologized. Yoongi nods his head. He don't like if anyone look at his husband this way. His mood spoiled immediately.

Hoseok noticed his husband tension and caught his hand. He intertwined his finger with the other making him calm. He smiled at his husband.

Yoongi immediately felt so calm. He wants to cancel the meeting and make love to his husband right there. But, he controlled himself.

King Yoongi smiled, "Namjoon son's first birthday is coming. And, we're decided to celebrate it like a festival."

"That's how we always do it. "

Yoongi continues, "I know but I want it to be more special."

"Hmm, your highness, we don't understand.. Hehe... "

Yoongi smiled, "I've decided to retire. "

The whole room gasped and the ministers opposed it. Yoongi stared at them for breaking the rules of meeting which is being calm and polite. He likes to be discipline and expects his people too. The room goes silent in few seconds.

The king continues, "I've a beautiful family, the most beautiful husband and lovely children. I've worked so long for our kingdom. Now, it's time to focus on my family. I've decided to give my position to my cousin brother, Namjoon. "

Namjoon eyes widens. He didn't expected this. He shakes his head. After everything he's done, he don't think he deserves to be a king. Namjoon was sitting on his knees. He immediately bows down and shakes his head.

Namjoon, "Your Majesty, I don't think I deserve this. Please, be our king. "

Yoongi smiled, "No one deserve it more than you, Namjoon. And, this is my order. You've no rights to go against it." He turned to other's.

"Does anyone have a problem? "

The ministers shakes their head and praised their king.

"Your highness, you'll never do anything wrong. We trust you. And, Namjoon shi is the one who deserve this position. But,.... "

Yoongi raised his brow, "But, what? "

"What about our crown prince? "


Yoongi chuckled, "Yuseok? He's still a kid. And, yes, I've decided for my kids future too. My both kids, Ming and Yuseok will rule Jung land. "

Everyone gasped again.

"Jung land? But, they're our prince and princess. "

Hoseok frowns. He don't like where this was going. He has no clue what his husband was going to announce in the meeting. He's surprised when his husband announced his retirement. He wanted to jump and dance in happiness but stayed calm.

Hoseok had no clue about his kids being Jung land future king and queen. But, yoongi already talked with their parents. They're more than happy.

But, Hoseok won't watch anyone slanting his land. He started at the person.

Before he say anything, Yoongi shuts them up.

Yoongi sighs, "Do you want me to remind who I'm married to? My kids are mixed. They've same rights on both kingdom. Since, my husband is a single kid. Their kingdom has no one to rule after his parents."

"But, Jung land is small. Our crown prince should lead us. We're the bi"

Hoseok opened his mouth, "Don't underestimate our land by it's size. Can you step your foot on our land? "He raised his brow.

The man shakes his head, "I... That land was cursed. "

Hoseok growls, "Only for Mins. Everyone can enter except Mins. No one can defeat us. No one can even get pass our entrance gate. No one, not even your mighty King. Do you all forgot how your king stood at the border and wait.... "

This time, Yoongi calmed his husband by squeezing their intertwined hands. Hoseok immediately stopped talking and apologized. He don't like how Mins always overlook his kingdom because they're minorities. But, they're more rich and powerful than any kingdom.

Yoongi cleared his throat and points at the person, "You can leave. If anyone talks low of Jung land or thinks low of that kingdom, you're not invited here. "

The ministers gulped and stayed silent. Not because of their Kings threat, they saw how Hoseok eyes changed red when he's talking. Jung's are really scary. That man bowed and apologized immediately. Hoseok forgives him.

King Min continued, "I'll retire at June's birthday. After Namjoon, June will rule our kingdom. And, no one, not even the future king, has rights to break the relationship between Jung and Min land. They'll forever a friendly country."

Min Yoongi felt so relived. He's been working so hard for 25 years to built this kingdom. He felt so proud to be a Min. But, now, he decided to give his responsibilities to his cousin because of his beautiful family.

No one told him to do this. He's been thinking about this for so long and now he did it. Yoongi also thought about Jung land future. So, he decided to let his son rule the land after his grandparents along with his sister.


Even though, people were so against of this idea, Min Yoongi makes his cousin as a king. The people loves Yoongi so much like their son. They don't want the other to leave so early. But, Yoongi was exhausted. His heart felt full seeing his cousin sitting in his position.

Namjoon tried so hard to not cry since he became a king now. He bowed to his cousin and thanked him for giving him an opportunity. Seokjin was so proud of his husband. Hoseok congratulated him.

As days passed, People accepted Namjoon as their king and started to see his talents. Namjoon started to get praise from the people just like he wanted. But, why don't he feel happy? Guilt eats him alive. Slowly and painfully.


Seokjin tied other's belt and smiled at him.

"Your Majesty, you're ready to go. "

King Namjoon smiled and kissed his husband. His happy place. Seokjin smiled in the kiss and pushed the other.

"Come soon. Our son wanted to play with you. He miss his father so much. "

Namjoon nods his head, "I'll dear. Tell him I'll come soon. "

It's been three months since he became a king. Ruling the most biggest kingdom is not easy. But, he tried his best. Unlike Yoongi, Namjoon don't have anyone beside him like Jungkook. But, he has his husband who guided him in everything. Namjoon did so many good things to people but he still can't feel happiness. He cried silently.

Namjoon wanted so badly to apologize but he's scared. And, his son totally resembles the other which made it worse for him.


Yoongi grinned and sucked other's knees. He immediately got hit on his head by his husband. Yoongi rubbed his head.

Hoseok pouts, "I told you to massage my leg by your hand, not mouth. "

Yoongi frowns, "It's not my fault. Look at this knee, it looks so tempting. I'll eat it. "

Hoseok giggled at his husband and extends his hands. The other immediately laid next to him and kissed other's lips.

Yoongi, "My love, thank you for everything. "

Hoseok giggled, "Why so suddenly? "

Yoongi continues, "Thanks for accepting my decision. Now, I feel so relieved and happy. Don't have to worry about anything. "

Yoongi and Hoseok left the castle after he retired. They moved to a separate home which located in the border of Jung and Min land. It's a big home which was heavily guarded by the water goddess. No one can harm anyone. Their kids can spend their time with both their parents and their grandparents.

Now, Hoseok and Yoongi was alone in their beautiful house. They're cuddling in the bed. Hoseok points his nose, his husband kissed it. He points his forehead, the other followed the kiss wherever the other points.

Hoseok giggled and points his neck. Yoongi smirked and dived into his neck. Hoseok bites his lips and swallowed the moan. Hoseok was supposed to point another spot but Yoongi caught his hands and sucked the Adam's apple. Hoseok toes curled. His legs automatically hugged other.

Yoongi moved down and started to bite other's chest. Other's moans and mewls turned him on. He noticed the swollen pink buds and latched his mouth. Hoseok screams. Yoongi found that the weak spot for Hoseok and didn't turned back.

Hoseok whispered. He's so sensitive on that spot. His eyes rolled back when the other's teeth pulled his bud and left it.

"Min Yoongi.... Oh god... "

Yoongi licked the poor bud and blows out air. Hoseok body twitched. He came with a loud moan. Yoongi smirked and started to lick other's cum off from his stomach and dick. Hoseok was about to pass out in pleasure but his eyes came out of his socket when he's lifted by his husband and the other's dick entered him.

Hoseok took a hold of the blanket in his hands and closed his eyes shut. The other pounded into him making his inner side to burn in fire. Yoongi's thick member tore his inner wall and hits his prostate. His body twitches again when he felt his husband filling him.

Yoongi immediately started second round....


Hoseok checked himself in the mirror and blushed. He dressed in a beautiful hanbok and decorated his hair.

Seokjin came to visit Hoseok with his son. He bowed to Yoongi when he saw the other was going out. Min Yoongi saw his son and ran to him. He lifted him from the ground and kissed his cheeks. The baby giggled at him.

June, "papa... Haha... "

Yoongi tears up a little, "My precious angel, I missed you so much. "

Seokjin smiled at them. He can feel their emotions. They're so brave to give their baby to him. So, he always treats June as a God's gift and treasure. Seokjin loves his son so much.

Yoongi took his son for a horse ride while Seokjin waited for them. After they return, he took his baby and went inside to meet Hoseok.

He goes into the room and waited for Hoseok to come out from the bathroom.

Seokjin, "Seokie, come soon. I feel hungry. "

Hoseok giggled, "I'm coming... "

He knows the other was coming. Hoseok opened the door and walked to them. He immediately lifts June and kissed all over his face. June kissed his mother back. Hoseok missed him so much. He thanked Seokjin for bringing him. Hoseok hugged his son for a long minute and played with him.

Seokjin, "where are the kids? "

Hoseok feeds sole fruits to his son, "They comes here only for sleeping sometimes. Father and mother spoils them so much. And, they're getting education and proper training in Jung land. "

Seokjin smiles, "I've meet them too. I brought so many gifts for the kids. Do they come here? "

Hoseok wipes his son lips, "They know you're coming. They went to bring their grandparents. "

Just like Hoseok said Yuseok and Ming brought their grandparents with them. Everyone hugged June and gave him so much gifts.

June giggled, "than vu.. "

They cooed at him. He's 18 months old. Hoseok spends the whole day with his son. His mother heart aches sometimes when he miss his son but he ignores it. He took the decision but he thought they're going to live together.

Since Yoongi decided to make the kids as Jung king and queen, the kids should learn everything from Jung land. So, they built a home on the border and lived there.

The kids fell asleep in their room. Hoseok kissed them and went back to his room.

Seokjin smiled at him, " Your home looks so beautiful and calm. There's no one except you and your family. "

Hoseok nods his head with a smile.

Seokjin,"when will your husband comes?"

Hoseok sighs, "He'll come early but today he's taking so much time. "

Yoongi started farming since he's bored. He's new but learned a lot with the help of Taehyung and Hoseok.

Seokjin noticed Hoseok was looking at the door waiting for his husband. He smiled at him.

Hoseok smiled at Seokjin, "How's Namjoon? "

Seokjin smile dropped a little, "He's fine. He's little busy. "

Hoseok noticed the other was hiding something. He caught other's hand.

"Hyung, are you okay? "

His concerned voice broke Seokjin. He immediately hugged the other and broke down.

"He's not fine, Seokie. He's hiding something. I don't know if he's sick or not, he looks dead. He don't smile. He looks like he's struggling with something but he don't want to tell. "

Hoseok frowns, " what do you mean hyung? "

"He has some mental issues. I think he's depressed. He's hiding something painful inside him. He don't want me to help him. He started to ignore us. I've seen him crying alone. I don't know what to do. "

Hoseok smiled and rubbed other's back.

"Hyung, I think he's stressing because of being a king. This is new for him. Give him some time. Hmm, how about let him come here and meet his cousin? They can talk and solve things but don't tell him the reason. You said he don't want to talk about his problems. So, tell him that Yoongi called him. "

Seokjin nods his head and felt relieved. He stayed for two more days and left. Before leaving, Seokjin dragged Hoseok to his room. Yoongi frowned and followed them but the other closed the door.

Hoseok frowns, "Hyung, what are you doing? "

Seokjin pinched other's cheeks.

"You son of a witch, how did you hide it from me? Seokie, you're pre... "

Hoseok immediately closed other's mouth and shakes his head. He slowly walked to the door and opened it causing the male to stumble. He tried to eavesdrop them.

Hoseok glared at his husband, "What are you doing here? "

Yoongi opened his mouth and closed it.

"I.. I... He dragged you.. I. I came to see if you're okay. "

Hoseok nods his head, "You're so.... I'll deal you later. "

Seokjin left with his son. The kids went to their room and started to play. Hoseok sat on the swing and breathed the fresh air. Yoongi sat next to him and took other's hand in his hand.

Hoseok smiled, "The climate looks so good. "

Yoongi pouts, "Seokie, why did he dragged you? Are you hiding something from me? "

Hoseok chuckled and shakes his head. He watched his husband sulking next to him. He wanted to tease him. Yoongi whined again but Hoseok ignored him.

A week later, Namjoon has arrived just like Hoseok said. He brought so many gifts for the kids and bowed to Hoseok and Yoongi.

Yoongi felt so proud seeing his cousin as a king. He's about to how but Namjoon stopped him.

Namjoon, "Hyung... How are you? "

Yoongi smiled and pats other's back, "I'm fine, Joon. I heard so many things about you from people. "

Namjoon frowns after taking a sip of the tea Hoseok served them. Yoongi noticed his reaction and smiled.

"Don't worry, it's only positive comments. I'm so proud of you, Joon. This is like your home. You can come here anytime. "

Namjoon smiled and drinks the tea. Yoongi took him for a walk and talked with him for so long. They spend a quality time in the farm too. Namjoon felt so happy for Yoongi. They had lunch prepared by Hoseok.

Yoongi winks at his husband and slurped the noodles. Hoseok shakes his head and chuckled. But, Namjoon avoided talking with Hoseok. He totally avoided the other. He don't have guts to look into other's eyes.

Namjoon decided to look around the beautiful house. He stopped at the garden and smiled. It's so refreshing. There's a small pong and there are rabbits, ducks and little lambs were running here and there.

Hoseok, "So refreshing, isn't it? "

Hoseok smiled at Namjoon. The other smiled back and looked down. He's about to leave but stopped himself. He dont want to run away anymore. Hoseok stood there clueless. He yelps when the other kneels in front of him and touched his feet.

Hoseok gasped and took a step back, "Namjoon shi, what are you doing? "

Namjoon didn't even raised his head and cried silently. He moved a little and caught other's feet again. Hoseok touched other's shoulder and pats him.

"Namjoon shi, leave my feet. Oh god, what are you doing? You're a king. If other's see this.. "

Namjoon shakes his head, "I'm sorry. Please punish me. I want you to punish me Hoseok. Please, punish me. "

Hoseok heart breaks when he confirmed Namjoon was the killer. He's prepared for this moment but he hoped he's wrong. Hoseok felt other's face pressed on his feet. His tears washed his foot. Hoseok stayed silent and wiped his tears.

Hoseok, "I can understand you. You don't have to apologize. I can understand your pain. I'm glad you're changed. Do me a favor and don't tell this to anyone. "

Namjoon looks at him in disbelief. He has never seen someone as kind as Hoseok. Now, he felt more worse. He don't want forgiveness. He wants to be punished by the other.

Namjoon shakes his head, "please, punish me your highness."

Hoseok smiled and wiped his cheeks, "Namjoon shi, you're a good person. You're not a murderer. You left us that day and even warned your guards to keep me safe. It's in the past and I saw your changes. Stand up. "

Namjoon finally stands up and looked into other's eyes. Hoseok smiled at him.

"Promise me, you won't tell this to anyone. "

Namjoon frowns. Hoseok insisted him to promise him. With heavy heart, Namjoon promised him and left.


Hoseok kissed his husband cheeks but he felt weird when it's wet. He immediately turned other's face and gasped in pure shock. He cupped other's cheeks.

"Oh my god, Yoongi, why are you crying?"

Yoongi burst into tears and pressed his face on other's hand. Hoseok heart hurts. He immediately pulled other's face and kissed him.

Hoseok started to cry along with his husband. Yoongi stopped when he heard his husband hiccups. He wipes his eyes and cups his husband face.

Yoongi, "I'm not... I'm not crying... Love, please stop crying. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. "

Hoseok pouts, "Why did you do that? "

Yoongi smiled, "I.. I wanted to prank you. "

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