《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 50


Namjoon has been watching the baby for an hour since Seokjin slept. He can't take away his eyes from the baby who resembles Hoseok. The baby looked exact small version of Hoseok. The heart shaped smile, blue eyes and lip mole too.

This made him feel so angry. How did this happened?

Namjoon has always been received only back handed compliments in his life. No one trusted him or his ability. He has never shined in his life. But, that never made him to get angry, instead that made him to learn more. He wanted to be a person that no one has anything bad to say. He wanted to be perfect in every field.

People has always failed to see Namjoon's talent since they're only focused on Min Yoongi. Namjoon wanted to show his skills to everyone but the only person who noticed his hardwork and talent was none other than Min Yoongi. So, he always stayed with Yoongi. He started to see him as a role model. Namjoon built a beautiful bond with his King.

Namjoon always felt so proud when he received compliments from Yoongi. People started to look at Namjoon's talent and skills after Yoongi gave him a posting which is next to the King. Everyone felt awed by Namjoon's kind nature and fighting skills. Not only that, Namjoon also studied arts, literature, medical and combat skills. He's the one who trained every soldiers in the Min land.

The only problem is, he started to see himself as a King. He wanted to sit on the throne. But, only after Yoongi. He'll wait until Yoongi retire. He felt so happy that his cousin married to a man. A man can't get pregnant. So, there's no competition for him. And, he made clear that no one get pregnant after Yoongi has sex with a woman. He gave them some kind of medicine to not get pregnant.

Namjoon thought his plans were going smooth until he discovered that Hoseok can get pregnant. He really liked the younger but now his baby became his enemy. Namjoon don't want to kill Hoseok but the baby. He tried so many times. He poisoned his tea, he made Yoongi horny, he did everything to kill the baby before it's born. But, he failed.

At one point, Seokjin got suspicious when Hoseok told him that Yoongi acted like he's drugged. He immediately went to Namjoon and asked about the leaves. Since, he's the one told the place where it's grown. Namjoon made the other to believe he's innocent. He used love as a weapon to separate Seokjin from Hoseok.

But, he changed his plan when he realised it's too hard to kill the baby without killing the mother. So, he decided to Kill Hoseok. He made a plan and send Yoongi far away. He burnt the building and tied Hoseok in the bed. He killed Taehyung. He didn't expected Yoongi to come back. He got scared and tried to escape but if he leaves this opportunity, then it's impossible to kill Hoseok. But, he's shocked when he stabbed Yoongi instead.

Namjoon left the place and hurried back to sleeping Seokjin. He acted like an innocent but his heart aches because of his Hyung. He felt so bad for stabbing Yoongi. He cried so hard.

But, Namjoon found out the duo escaped. He framed like they're dead and searched them secretly. The most unexpected thing was the Jung's curse. It drained his full energy to handle the cursed kingdom but it didn't stopped him from searching for the duo. There's thousands and thousands of soldiers who works of Namjoon. They'd do anything for him. With their help, he found Hoseok again. But, looking at the sleeping Hoseok with huge belly made him soft. He felt bad for everything he did to him.


Namjoon protected Hoseok. He decided to take the baby if it's a boy but not to kill it. He'll send the baby somewhere else. He's glad that Hoseok gave birth to a girl. So, he left him with his baby. Namjoon decided to bring back Hoseok after few months but the other was no where to he found. He has no idea where his king also. So, he focused on his broken kingdom.

But One day, Min Yoongi came back alone. He believed that Hoseok was dead after Yoongi announced them. He felt so bad for that. He thought it's happened because of him. The guilt started to eat him alive. Another thing is, Hoseok cursed the person who burnt the building. The curse affected Namjoon heavily but he endured it. With the help of Seokjin, Namjoon got the scared pond water from Jung land to break the curse for him.

But, the most shocking thing was when Hoseok came back with his baby, more like babies. He's shocked when he saw a little boy. Does he wanted to kill the boy? Yes. Very badly. But, he refrained himself. Instead, he started to love the kids. Because, Yuseok totally resembled Yoongi. Namjoon felt so ashamed for thinking about killing him. He looks so pure and hid behind his mother.

Namjoon buried his dark past and decided to marry Seokjin to live a happy life. But, Seokjin worries about baby made him lost his happiness. Out of everyone, he can't believe he'd regain his happiness by the person who he tried to kill so badly. Namjoon can't believe Hoseok would do such a thing. He felt painfully guilty.

And, raising this baby will bring him more guilt. Namjoon can't live peacefully without apologizing. Yoongi would cut his head off from his body if he tells the truth. But, he's ready to do it.

Namjoon thoughts broke when the baby kicked him with his tiny legs. Namjoon smiled at the baby and caught those tiny legs. He placed the tiny feet on his face and cried.

Namjoon, "I'm sorry, Hoseok. I'm really sorry for making you go through a lot of pain and hard time."

Seokjin groaned in his sleep and realised he's passed out of tiredness. He snapped open his eyes and checked the baby. Seokjin sighed in relief when he saw his husband was kissing the baby's feet. His smile turned into a frown when he realised the other was crying.

Seokjin gasped and sits, "Joonie, oh my god, why are you crying? Are you alright? "

Namjoon was shocked when he heard his husband. He's scared that the other would have listened what he said to the baby. But, looking at worried clueless Seokjin face, he realised that the other didn't heard him.

Namjoon knows Seokjin would leave him if he spills the truth. He can't live without the other. He loves him in an insane amount. So, he lied with a smile.

"I... I feel so lucky because we got our baby. That's why, I'm thanking him for making my husband and me happy. He brought light in our family."

Seokjin smiled, "He's our treasure. I'll forever be grateful to Hoseok for bringing a new meaning in my life. Min June is my life. "

Namjoon, "What about me? Am I not your life? "

Seokjin laughs, "Not anymore.. "


Hoseok heads spins evey time he tried to think about what he saw in that room. Yoongi feeds Hoseok even though the other said he's perfectly fine. Yoongi was already a clingy husband but now, he beats his own son in clinginess.


The kids were sleeping by using their mother's lap as a pillow. Hoseok combs their hair to make them sleep. This is how he always make them sleep. Hoseok stops Yoongi and shakes his head.

Yoongi sighs, "Just one more spoon. "

Hoseok pouts, "you've been saying this for 10 minutes. I'm already full. Don't treat me like a sick person. I just slept in that room because it's so relaxing. I want you to make a room like that for us. "

Yoongi frowns, "You want a room like Namjoon room? "

Hoseok nods, "He have a separate room where he has some of his treasure items. That room is so cozy and feels like home. "

Yoongi smiled, "I'll tell them to start the work from tomorrow. "

Hoseok was excited, "Really? Hmm, I want so many beautiful plants and flowers, a small pond and swing. Hmmm, and colorful fishes. And... "

Hoseok kept on adding while Yoongi watched him with adoration. Yoongi carried the kids to their room and tucked them with the blanket. The kids room was attached to their room and there's a door which connects to their parents room. Yoongi use that door to check their kids multiple times in the night. Some days, he opens the door wide. His kids safety becomes first.

There are hundreds of guards alone guarding the kids room and Seokjin room since the baby was there. Today, Seokjin told them he'll take care of baby at night since Hoseok needs some rest. Yoongi checked his babies and went back to his room. He locked the door and walked straight to his husband.

Hoseok smiled, "Finally... My Yoongi came to me.. "

Yoongi cupped Hoseok cheeks and laid next to him. He looked into other's eyes. Hoseok sticks out his tongue playfully and giggled. He wanted to play with his husband but he's shocked when the other started to cry. Hoseok heart starting to beat crazy.

Hoseok, "Your Majesty, oh my god, why are you crying? Please, I'm fine.. Don't cry... "

Hoseok lips trembled. He started to cry with his husband. Yoongi heard his husband sobs and immediately wipes his eyes. He tried to smile.

"I'm not crying... I'm.. I.. I just feel happy... "

Hoseok sniffs his nose, "Really? "

Yoongi smiles, "Yes, love. "

Hoseok wipes his runny nose on his husband shirt and giggled.

"Then, say you love me. "

Yoongi chuckles, "I love you so so much. I only knows how to love you. I'm only alive just to love you. "

Hoseok giggled when the other squeezed his cheeks and kissed his nose. But, he wanted more. Hoseok pulled other for a kiss. A desperate and emotional kiss. They both kissed like it's their last kiss. No one wants to break. Their breathing rate increases causing them to feel so hot. Hoseok broke the kiss and pants at his husband with a smirk.

Hoseok, "Looks like someone's ready for another baby. "

Yoongi shakes his head and hugged his husband protectively. He closed his eyes and smelled his husband scent which calms his mind. Yoongi has always been over sensitive and emotional for Hoseok. But, that's not why he's reacting like this. Yoongi heard Hoseok mumbles when he's passed out.

Hoseok occasionally prayed for his godmother to save his babies and his husband to come soon. He called his husband to come and save him. He desperately called his husband to protect the babies. Yoongi realised the other was having a dream when he's locked in that room by the killer. It made his blood boil. Yoongi felt so helpless. He felt so bad that he's not there to save his family.

But, what made his husband to pass out and dream about that incident? Yoongi suspected there's something in Namjoon's room which has trigged his husband. Yoongi went to his cousin room and checked everywhere except that room. Because, he left in the middle to calm his crying son.

Hoseok felt his husband squeezing him. He tried to break the hug. But, the other didn't let him go. He started to pinch his husband skin and whined.

Yoongi, "What did you saw in that room?"

Hoseok stops his actions, "I.. I didn't... Yo.. Yoongi, I...I saw some art collection. And, I saw he had so many mask collection. One.. One mask reminded me that..that person. "

Yoongi cupped his husband cheeks and looked into his eyes. He looked so helpless and scared.

"My love, do you think it's Namjoon? "

Hoseok shakes his head immediately, "No, Yoongi. It's a different mask. Just a little similarities. "

Yoongi, "Are you sure? " He asked again to confirm.

Hoseok smiled, "100 percent. "

Yoongi sighed in relief, "I was about to kill him. "

Hoseok giggled, "Really? Haha... "

Yoongi looked dead serious, "My love, I've already told you, I won't spare anyone when it comes to you and my kids. I don't care whoever it's. I'll kill them"

Hoseok can feel his husband. The other was squeezing hips in the act of anger without his knowledge. Hoseok bites his lips and touched the hand which was making a hand print on his hips. Yoongi eyes softens. He apologized to Hoseok and kissed his lips.

Yoongi was scared that the killer must be his cousin. But, after hearing his husband he felt so relieved. Because, Yoongi can't take betrayal. He won't forgive and forget. He'll kill if someone betrays him. But, Namjoon is not like other's, so yoongi prayed that it's not to he him.

Hoseok smiles, "Yoongi, What would you do if you see that killer again? "

Yoongi chuckled and wiped his tears.

"Have you seen my favorite sword? The long and sharp one."

Hoseok loves that sword but Yoongi never let him even touch it. Yoongi use this sword in the war. It's committed so many sins. Hoseok nods his head.

Yoongi smirks, "I'll use that sword and chop that person into tiny pieces and throw it to my dogs. "

Hoseok felt shiver, "You look so scary. "

Yoongi immediately changed his expression into a soft one for his husband. He has many plans how to torture than killer. He won't kill him that easily. Yoongi has a side that no one has ever seen. Not even Jungkook.

Hoseok sat on his husband lap making the other to surprise. He winked at his husband and started to grind his hips. Yoongi chuckled and caught other's hips and stopped the action. But, Hoseok stripped himself. Yoongi's eyes bulges when he saw his husband pink buds were so hard and swollen. Like a current passed into his body, Yoongi turned the other under him and latched his lips on the hard bud making the other to scream in pleasure.

Thanks for reading...

Love you... Take care.. 😘💕💕

It's gonna end. Thanks for staying with me.

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