《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 49


Yuseok slowly walked to his father, "Papa, is this right? " He showed the letters he wrote. They're having a writing practice.

Yoongi sighed, "Baby, how many times I've told you. This is wrong. Go and write again. "

Yoongi is not only a strict king but also a strict teacher for his kids. Ming and Yuseok started to learn writing with the guide of their father. Ming excels in everything. She's a quick learner. Not only in studies, but also in gaming techniques, fights, archery and farming. She's an all rounder. But, Yuseok is a slow learner but he's so good at arts. He always loves to draw his mother portrait.

Yuseok's lips trembled. He started to write again with a large pout on his lips. Yuseok is also a sensitive kid. It's because he has never left his mother's side even since he born. Unlike Ming, Yuseok always depends on his mother for everything. Since, Hoseok loves his kids, he spoiled Yuseok too much to the point that the other won't even leave his side.

Hoseok heard what Yoongi said to his son. He looked at his son expecting the other was writing again. But his eyes widen in shock when he saw the other was sitting with a big pout and playing with the ink. He glared at Yoongi who's praising Ming. Hoseok heart aches looking at his son. He becomes so weak and sensitive for Yuseok. Hoseok called his son immediately.

Hoseok coos, "Seokie, come and sit in your mother's lap. "

As soon as he heard his mother's voice, Yuseok took his notebook and ran to his mother while giggling happily. His mother became a savior for him.

Yoongi noticed that and glared at Hoseok for disturbing his son study period. He watched how Hoseok kissed his son's cheeks and gave him a candy. He helped him to write again.

Yoongi pats his daughter back, "My little princess, you can play now. Here, this is your gift for being so good. "

Ming smiled, "Thank you so much father. But, I'll wait until seokie finishes. So, we can play together. "

Yoongi heart melts. His love for her always reaches its peak. She started to read some story books and used dictionary to learn meanings for the word she don't understand. Ming loves to self learn.

Yuseok chews the candy and mumbles, "Mother, is this right? "

He wrote it wrong again but Hoseok smiled at him. He gave him kisses. Hoseok took other's hand and helped him to write the letter again.

Hoseok smiles, "A little correction. My baby is so talented. I'm so so proud of you. "

Hoseok looked at his daughter and called her. He hugged his both kids and kissed their cheeks. He gave them some sweets.

"What am I going to do with my talented babies? I feel so proud. Now, both of you, go and play. And, don't go to Jin hyung room. The baby is sleeping. "

Hoseok and Seokjin takes care of that baby in day time, meanwhile in night, the baby sleeps with Hoseok till he reaches six month. Then, the baby will sleep with Seokjin.

Hoseok flinched when he felt a kiss on his cheeks. He looked at his smiling husband who looks so excited since they're alone in their room. Hoseok pinches Yoongi's chest making him to groan in pain.

Yoongi, "Ahhh~~~my love, what did I do? "

Hoseok glares, "Why are you so strict with the kids? Especially to my son? "

Yoongi chuckled, "Love, he's my son too. And, there's nothing wrong with being strict. "


Hoseok pouts, "No, there is. I don't like if anyone hurts my son. Yoongi, you know very well he's a slow learner. Give him some time. Don't be harsh on him. He's at the verge of crying. I can't bear it, Yoongi. Please, don't make my son cry. "

Yoongi frowns, "Love, why are you over reacting? You'll spoil our kids. Don't come to this room when I'm teaching them. "

Hoseok placed his hands on others chest and pushed him.

"How rude? Don't come near to me, you rude old man. "

Yoongi was shocked, "W... What? Old man? Me? "

Hoseok stands up and walked to the door.

"Yes, you, old man. Enjoy being alone. "

Yoongi chuckled, "No, don't leave me alone. Love, at least give me a kiss. "

Hoseok shuts the door and walked to Seokjin room. He gently knocks the door. Just like Yoongi said, they changed their room next to Namjoon's. It's almost fifth month. The baby was legally adopted by Namjoon a week ago. Nothing changed except the rooms for the baby.

The door opened immediately and revealed a smiling Seokjin. Hoseok went inside and closed the door. He walked straight to the crib and took the baby in his arms. Hoseok heart felt so full after hugging his baby. He closed his eyes and smiled.

Seokjin, "How did you came at the perfect time? He just woke up with hungry. I was about to call you. "

Hoseok smiled, "I just wanted to check him. I'm glad I came at the perfect time. "

Seokjin nods his head, "I'm going to have a bath. Seokie, you can take him. "

Hoseok shakes his head, "I don't think I can. He's sleeping again. "

Seokjin rushed to them, "What happened to him? He became so lazy lately. "

Hoseok laughed, "The climate is so dark and chilly. Maybe, he's feeling sleepy. I'll put him in the crib. "

Seokjin thanked the other, "Seokie, can you watch him. I'll come soon. "

Hoseok, "You don't have to say that hyung. You can take as much as time you want. Don't rush. "

After Seokjin left, Hoseok looked around the room. He's been there so many times but he never noticed the room. Namjoon love for arts can be clearly seen. Hoseok looked at the art pieces. He's surprised he saw his own picture. The one which was sold by his people to the tourists. He's sure it's placed by Seokjin.

Hoseok noticed a door. His curiosity leads him to the door. As he was about to open, his son kicked the crib. Hoseok immediately rushed to the crib and saw the baby was changed his sleeping position. Hoseok smiled in relief and covered the baby with the cloth properly.

As he was about to go to the room again, the bathroom door opens. Seokjin came out with a wet hair and beautiful hanbok. He smiled at Hoseok and dried his long hair.

Seokjin, "Is he still sleeping? "

Hoseok nods his head, "Hyung, your room looks so beautiful. "

Seokjin smiles, "A correction, it's not my room. Technically, it became ours but still it's Namjoon room. He's an artistic person. I think Yuseok got his skills from his uncle. "

Hoseok chuckled, "Maybe, I should let him teach Yuseok about arts. "

Seokjin nods, "It's a good idea, Seokie. I'll tell him. "

Hoseok smiled but his eyes still wanders to that room. He points at the door.

"Hyung, is that a store room? "

Seokjin laughs, "Why we need a store room in our bedroom? Haha, seokie, that room was filled with Namjoon art collections. You can see if you want to but don't break anything. He'll throw me away from this castle. "


Hoseok refused. He don't want to bring any trouble to Seokjin. Hoseok is little clumsy so he don't want to risk anything. But, his curiosity wins. Hoseok skipped to the room excitedly and opened it. He's so awed as soon as he entered the room. The room was not dark instead it's lighted perfectly and there's a big balcony. There's beautiful flower plants hanging everywhere. It looks like Namjoon use this room for his work purpose too. There's so many books. It looked like a mini library.

Hoseok spend so long looking at the arts, handmade crafts, paintings, sculpture. He lost himself. The room felt so cozy and warm. And, it smells so pleasant. Hoseok felt relaxed. He smiled with his eyes closed and breathed deeper.

Hoseok, "Namjoon shi is so interesting... "

There's an entire rack just for long shining swords and short knifes. Hoseok got mesmerized by the things presented in the large room. There's a large mirror too. Hoseok stood in front of the mirror and checked himself. He giggled and skipped to next spot.

Seokjin opened the room, "Seokie, I thought you fell asleep. "

Hoseok jumped because of the sudden sound. He placed his hand above his heart and giggled, "I was about to... Haha.. "

Seokjin laughs, "That's the special of his room. Sometimes, I come here to sleep. Namjoon use this room for his relaxing purpose. I'm going for a walk with the baby. Are you coming or not? Or, if you want to stay, then don't forgot to lock the door before leaving. "

Hoseok nods his head, "I'll join you in a minute."

Hoseok looked around the room and was about to leave until something caught his eyes. Hoseok walked to the shelf where a big black box was placed. He crouched down and took the box. He excitedly opened it. Hoseok eyes widens in pure shock. The box was filled with precious jewels and stones. Namjoon loves to collect priceless unique stones. Since, Hoseok also has a habit of collecting stones, he excitedly watched everything.

Hoseok felt like he's in heaven. He lost in the moment and started to check every boxes. Namjoon saved different kinds of jewels, stones, gems and pearls in a separate boxes. Hoseok decided to collect and save gems like Namjoon.

His smile dropped when he saw a tiny bag under the shelf. He reached his hand under and tried so hard to take it. He smiled when he took the bag and opened it. He looked inside excitedly.

Hoseok body shivered. He felt chill under his spine. His hands started to tremble. He immediately throw it away. Hoseok started to panic. The room feels so dark and suffocating. His feet gives up. Hoseok tried to crawl back.

"It can't be... No, no.. It can't be... "

Hoseok felt like his head is spinning. He immediately lost his consciousness and passed out on the floor while tears stained his cheeks.


Seokjin came back to his room and closed the door, "He's still sleeping. "

Namjoon, "Is he alright? How did he passed out? Is he okay? "

Seokjin rocked the baby, "He's little weak. I told him to take rest. Yoongi worried so much. It's so hard to convince him that the other was perfectly fine. You've to learn something from your brother."

Namjoon arched his brow, "And, what is it? I'm ready to learn. "

Seokjin giggled, "I'm just kidding. Here, have him. "

Namjoon took the baby from Seokjin arms. He placed the baby on the bed and gave him a toy to play.

Seokjin didn't revealed that Hoseok went into Namjoon's private room. He's scared that Namjoon would get mad at him since he saw Hoseok opened that black box and some stones were spilled on the floor. Seokjin already warned Hoseok to not touch anything. He collected all stones and placed the box back. He made sure everything was perfect.

Seokjin had no clue why Hoseok passed out in that room. He thought the other slept because of the room nature since the other didn't slept well last night because of the baby. So, he carried him to his room which shocked Yoongi. He's bombarded by so many questions by Yoongi. He told the other was sleeping and ran away to save his life before Yoongi kills him.

Namjoon worried, "As a personal doctor, you'd take extra care of him. He's a husband of the king. He should he healthy. "

Seokjin laid next to his baby and talked to the baby instead of listening to his husband. Namjoon sighed. He loves how Seokjin always turn into a baby while playing or talking with a baby.

Seokjin, "Aww, my son wants to eat my finger. What am I going to do with four finger? " He fake cried which made the baby to giggle.

Namjoon laid on the bed with the baby in middle of them. He watched them playing with a smile on his face. After a long time, he saw his husband being so happy. He didn't realised how much Seokjin has suffered this long. Looking at him being happy made his heart full.


Yoongi kissed his husband knuckles and stayed beside him. He can't help but pray to the God to wake his sleeping husband. Yoongi heart started to ache when the other took so long to wake up.

Yuseok was lying on top of his mother, hugging him so tightly. Yoongi tried to take him away but the other didn't moved an inch. He didn't even drink a water. Yuseok don't know what happened to his mother. He scared when he tried to wake up the other but the other didn't.

Yoongi sighed, "My baby, your mother will struggle to breath if you lay on top of him for so long. Please, lay next to him like your sister. "

Ming moved a little and pats the space.

"Seokie, you can lay next to mother. Don't hurt him. "

Yuseok sobs, "No, mother is sick. I won't leave him. He told me that I'm his medicine. I'll cure my mother. "

Yoongi ruffled his son hair and let him stay like that. His little son voice can be heard by the other. Hoseok finger twitched. His hands hugged his son. They all looked at Hoseok excitedly. Hoseok opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

Yuseok, "Heyyy! I saved my mother... "

He leaned to his mother and kissed all over his face. Ming also joined the kiss battle. Yoongi wiped his tears before his kids notice. He squeezed Hoseok hands making the giggling male to look at him. Hoseok smiled tiredly at his husband. He can see the pain in his husband eyes.

Yoongi, "You scared me. "

Hoseok drinks some water with the help of his son. He smiled at his husband and tiredly spoke.

"I ain't going anywhere without you all. "

Yoongi voice barely came out, "please, don't do this again."

Hoseok kissed his lips in front of the kids which made them to giggle and turn away. But, Yuseok separated them successfully.

Thanks for reading...

Love you... Take care.. 💕😘😘😘

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