《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 45


"Wow! I didn't expected him to be gay just like his cousin. "

"These Royal people are something different... Haha... Well, I'm not complaining it. Our queen can get pregnant since he's blessed by the goddess. What would the doctor bring? He's just a commoner."

"Hahaha..... You're right man. He's just a common man. These Jung's knows how to seduce powerful man. Well, I don't care about them unless they don't bring another problem to our kingdom. But God, they're so good looking. "

"You're absolutely right. Don't mess with this Jung's. They're devils with beautiful look."

Even though, there's so much mixed reactions from people, there's also people who supported this wedding. People who're complaining are some old people who's stubborn to change their mind even after so many lectures. But, they're just minorities who loves to complain about everything while drinking in the bar.

So many people felt so happy for Seokjin more than Namjoon since it's not common for a Royal people to marry a commoner. They blessed Seokjin and sent him so many congratulations gifts. The wedding was held in Min land. They invited every kingdom, even small and also enemy kingdoms too.

Jung Hoseok was the one who felt more happier than everyone, even more than Seokjin. Seokjin is really a kind and good person. He loves to help the needies. He always studies about medicines and do research. Hoseok felt more proud of him. Ever since they announced the wedding date, Seokjin was sent to Jung land. Hoseok wants this marriage to be so grant and held in public, unlike his marriage where he got married secretly dressed in a woman attire.

It's the day. The wedding day finally came. Jung Seokjin arrived a day before to Min land with his Jung people. Mr and Mrs. Jung also came with their grand kids. Hoseok was worried about the safety for his kids but he didn't showed it. He felt safe because of his husband and his savior who guarded the little Prince and Princess carefully with his hawk eyes.

Jungkook, "Hey kids, did you both missed me? "

Ming and Yuseok, "Of course, haha.... " They giggled when Jungkook carried them both at the same time.

Taehyung frowns, "What are you doing here? Put them down. "

Jungkook didn't even reacted to the other. Since he likes teasing a lot, he decided to tease Taehyung. Jungkook faced the kids.

"Hmmm, Isn't it boring here? "

Yuseok sighs, "so much... "

Ming, "actually, I like it. I'm curious to see this celebration since it's my first time." She excitedly clapped her hands.

Yuseok, "Hmm, lookie, let's go for a horse ride. "

Jungkook, "wow, you read my mind. That's where I'm going to take you. "

Taehyung stopped them, "Don't take them anywhere. It's prince order. "

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "They're kids. Let them be free. "

Yuseok, "let's go.. Wheeee... "

Taehyung tagged along since he's responsibility for the kids. If something happens to the kids, Hoseok would kill him. Jungkook is such a pain in ass for Taehyung. He ignored other's constant teasing and joking, and kept a straight face.

Everyone is busy attending the ceremony but Hoseok's eyes and heart searched his kids. Yoongi noticed his panicked husband and excused himself from the guests. He approached the worried male.

Yoongi, "My love, are you okay? "

Hoseok shakes his head, "Majesty, My kids. Where are they? "

Yoongi wanted to kiss his husband right there but he refrained himself. Hoseok looks so gorgeous like an angel. Yoongi felt so lucky to have him as his husband. He risked everything for this beautiful angel. With a sigh, Yoongi smiled at his clueless worried husband.


Yoongi, "They're playing with horses. Don't worry, Kook watching them. And, your beloved savior too. Now, tell me one thing. "

Hoseok frowns, "What is it, your Majesty? "

Yoongi felt turned on hearing his husband calling him respectively and acting so obedient. He knows the other was doing it because of the public but there's still somewhere in his mind, his dominance aura appears again. He wants to push the other on the wall and ravish him when the other blinks at him clueless.

Hoseok, "Majesty, are you okay? Do you want an..? "

Yoongi breathes, "You.... I want you Hoseok. Right now. I want you."

Hoseok choked on his saliva and coughed. He didn't expected this. Hoseok immediately started to sweat. He looked around and saw the Hall where hundreds of people were gathered. He avoided eye contact with his husband since the other glaring at him with his sharp eyes. Hoseok felt so small and weak. But, he scared that the other would do something shameless since he knows very well about his shameless husband. He wanted to escape the situation he's put into.

Luckily, the ceremony started which brought a huge relief to Hoseok. He pushed his husband who's totally sticking to him and approached the couples. Hoseok felt so happy and overwhelmed. He feels like crying out of happiness.


Jungkook glared at the male who's pinning him on the ground. The other's silver eye felt so pure. Jungkook wanted to get away from the alpha male who's sitting on his top while holding his hands. Jungkook felt a little surprised and shocked but he didn't showed it.

Jungkook, "Wow, nevertheless, Jung's are really strong. I agree. Fine, I lost the game. Can you leave me now before the kids come here and misunderstood us? "

Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook eyes widens, "wow, so you can smile too. I thought you're a statue. "

Taehyung left the other and stands up. Jungkook left a sigh and sits up. He has never felt like this before. Taehyung looks so intimating for him. He decided to stay away from him as much as possible.

They went to attend the ceremony before it ends to wish the couples. The kids ran to their grandparents and Hoseok thanked both Jungkook and Taehyung for

taking care of the kids. Hoseok felt so relieved after the ceremony. Everything happened like how he wanted to be. He arranged everything for the wedding. From the decorations, food, clothes, guests, etc. He wanted it to be the most memorable day.

Min Seokjin gasped as soon as his husband pushing him to the bed. He closed his eyes and enjoyed every single second. Seokjin has never ever even dreamt thay his life would end up like this. He felt so happy and proud. He's glad that Namjoon's love was true and genuine. Seokjin thought that Namjoon would leave him and marry some beautiful woman since the other kept their relationship as secret. But, Namjoon proved him wrong.

Seokjin, "I love you, Joonie. Thanks for everything. "

Namjoon stopped reading the book and smiled at his beautiful husband who just woke up from his nap after passing out in the middle of having sex. Apparently, Seokjin has never seen Namjoon's full force in bed. So, he passed out in the middle. Namjoon chuckled and let him sleep.

Seokjin pouts, "I'm sorry..... I feel so embarrassed. "

Namjoon stroked other's cheeks and leaned to kiss the male who's lying on his right half of the whole body. It's a short and sweet kiss. Namjoon pecked him few times after the kiss and looked into other's eyes.


Namjoon, "You're something that I've never thought I'd get in my life. You're so precious for me. "

Seokjin blushed, "Don't make me feel like this. I don't like being shy. "

Namjoon laughed and kissed his husband again. Namjoon always sets some goals in his life and focus to achieve it. At first,he saw Seokjin as a huge distraction in his life goals but at some point, he realised he needs the other in his dry life. Namjoon realised he needs Seokjin in life at one incident.

Namjoon suffered to rule the whole kingdom when the king was disappeared. And the Jung's curse made it worse for him. He tried so hard to save his people from the misery. He barely slept and ate. He's mentally drained. Namjoon was at his breaking point where Seokjin came to support him. Seokjin stayed with him and guided him. He played a huge role behind which no one knows. Seokjin gave him full support.

Namjoon, "what do you want? "

Seokjin smiled, "what do you mean? "

Namjoon hugged the other's waist and pulled him closer. Seokjin chuckled and kissed his husband. They both fought with their tongues. Namjoon turned the other down and laid on top of him. He looked into other's eyes.

Namjoon, "Tell me your wish. I want to fulfill your wishes. "

Seokjin laughed, "Really? Hmmm, Can you bring me that? "

Namjoon turned to the direction the other points out and laughed. He turned to his husband and shakes his head.

"Honey, I can't do that. Are you testing me?"

Seokjin pouts, "Meanie... "

Namjoon smiled, "Are you sure you want that? Hmm, maybe, I can try... "

Seokjin pulled his husband face and kissed him.

"I don't want anything other than your love and your kiss. "

Namjoon smirked, "Oh, you'll have that every second baby. "


Yuseok, "Then, what happened? " He asked with a yawn.

Yoongi continues, "Your father fought with that monster and saved your mother. "

Hoseok watched the kids who's lying next to his husband and listening to the stories his husband was narrating for them. His heart felt so heavy because of happiness. He felt grateful for his life. Mr and Mrs. Jung left early along with the guests. But, the kids stayed with their parents this time. It's been a week since the ceremony.

Hoseok felt shocked when he noticed his son getting so attached to his father lately. He felt little sad that his both kids started to ignore him and spend their time with their dad. He thought Yoongi stole his kids from him.

Hoseok pouts, "It's not fair. Notice me too. "

Yoongi stopped narrating and chuckled at his husband.

Yuseok, "Tsk, Yoongi continue the story."

Ming, "Yes, father. It's interesting... "

Yoongi nods his head and continued the story while Hoseok sighed and left the room. He felt bored and walked to the garden. Hoseok noticed Seokjin and rushed to him with a big smile but stopped when he saw the other was with his husband. Hoseok don't want to disturb them so he left.

Namjoon, "Baby, it's getting late. "

Seokjin, "But, I want to spend more time. This place is so refreshing and calm. I've never experienced this in my life. "

Since, Seokjin was a commoner, he's not allowed to spend time in the castle garden. But, Hoseok gave him permission but Seokjin didn't want to take advantage of his position. But, after getting married to Namjoon, Seokjin has been treated as a Royal which was so new and weird for him.

Namjoon, "I've to leave early tomorrow. I've to check the villagers. "

Seokjin nods his head and smiled. He knows who he's married to. So, he never complained about anything.

Namjoon, "So, let's go to our room and spend some alone time."

Namjoon holds his husband hand and went to his room. They both cuddled in the bed till midnight. As time goes, the sweet moment turned into hot.

Seokjin, "Enough. I can't do it. Let's continue next week. "

Namjoon laughed, "Next week? Baby, haha... You're so funny. I'll leave you now but not tomorrow. "

Seokjin grins, "I'm happy as long as my ass gets a rest. "

Namjoon chuckled and laid next to him.

"How Hoseok got a gift of getting pregnant? "

Seokjin frowns, "Why'd you ask that now? "

"I'm just curious since he's male. "

Seokjin smiled, "He's special. Gifted by our goddess. Hoseok can get pregnant only if he wishes. "

Namjoon nods, "Hmm, he's really special."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon and smiled, "I know what do you want. You want a baby. Don't you? "

Namjoon shakes his head, "I'm happy with you. Don't think like that. "

Seokjin smiled, "I can't get pregnant like him but we can adopt if we want. "

Namjoon nods, "But, I want it to be our blood. "

Seokjin heart beats crazy. If that happens, then Namjoon should have to have sex with a female. Seokjin don't like this even a bit but he needs a baby. His husband needs one. People accepted Hoseok because his ability to have kids. Seokjin felt bad.

Namjoon noticed his husband silence and kissed his cheeks.

"Hey, don't worry. I'd never touch anyone else other than you. I'm okay with adoption. You're more important. "

Seokjin smiled, "Thank you so much, Joon. I'm sorry I can't help. "

Namjoon shuts him up by kissing his lips. Namjoon has never worried about his heir since he knows he ain't gonna rule the Kingdom. He's glad that Hoseok can get pregnant. But, Seokjin decided to ask help to Hoseok. He wanted to bear kids for his husband. He don't want to be a curse or downfall for Namjoon or the Royal family. If Hoseok can't help, he'll find another way.

Namjoon, "Baby, look at me. Think about me. Kiss me. Talk to me. Don't worry about anything. Trust your husband. Love you baby. "

Seokjin smiled, "Yes, Majesty. "

Namjoon frowns, "Why'd you call me like that? I'm not a King. "

Seokjin continues, "But, you're my King. Namjoon, I've always wanted to see you as a king. This is what I wish for. "

Namjoon didn't expected this. He's shocked and surprised at the same time. Seokjin words made him speechless. He didn't expected the other would think like that.

Namjoon, "Baby, I'm afraid that you'll be disappointed in me. Yoongi is our king. After him, We've our crown prince Yuseok. "

Seokjin smiles, "I know. But, isn't this a largest kingdom? It's hard to rule as a single person. How about dividing it... "


Seokjin jumped.

Namjoon glares, "There'll be no division. We won't divide our kingdom for anything. Do you understand? "

Seokjin nods his head and felt bad. He shouldn't have said that. Now, he disappointed his husband. Seokjin tried to calm his husband but the other was surprisingly calmed down immediately.

Namjoon, "I'm sorry for raising my voice baby. Ruling this kingdom is not easy. Yoongi hyung is a genius. No one can come to his level other than his son. "

Seokjin nods his head and apologized. He's right. Yoongi is on another level. But, little did he still wishes to see his husband in that thorn.

Thanks for reading...

Love you... 😘😘😘

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