《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 44


"He's not the killer. "

"So, who's that man? "

" He said that person must be with us,... He knows something..."

Yoongi sighed hearing his husband talking to himself. He's busy being a model for his both kids who're braiding his hair and applying make up on his face.

Yuseok, "Yoongi, sit straight... " He said with annoyance because of his father not cooperating properly. He noticed his father was looking at his mother the entire time which made him a little anger. He's currently braiding his father's long hair. Min Yoongi finally made his son to convince him that he's the real father and he'll a good friend to them. Yuseok accepted Yoongi as a friend but still he didn't called him as father. Yoongi would wait for that day.

"Yes, little king.. " Yoongi chuckles

Ming, "Seokie, he's our father. You should call him with respect. "

Yuseok scofs, " Well, he said he's my friend. I'll call him whatever names I want. Yoongi, don't listen to her. "

Yoongi chuckled and nods his head.

Ming whines, "Father, don't shake your head. And don't move your lips.. "

Yuseok, "Yoongi...... Straight... "

Ming, "Father, close your eyes... "

Yoongi, "yes dear... Okay dear.... Okay, my king.... "

Hoseok's mother entered their room and laughed at the sight.

"Kids, let's go for a tour. Your grandfather was waiting for you both. Hurry up.. "

Ming and Yuseok immediately left Yoongi and ran away. Yoongi chuckled.

"Take care kids. Be careful.. "

His words was unheard to the kids who's already left the palace. Yoongi immediately crawled to his husband who's painting something while sitting on the bed. Yoongi laid his head over other's lap and smiled.

"My love started to ignore me. I feel so sad. I'm going to cry. I need love and attention too... " He pouts.

Hoseok sighed and looked down to look at his clingy husband but he burst into laugher. His kids did an artwork on his husband's face. Hoseok can't help but feel his heart jump when his husband smiled at him adoringly. Hoseok cupped his husband cheeks and kissed his lips.

Yoongi smirked in the kiss and left other's lips making the other to frown. He winked at him and turned his face to the other's stomach. Yoongi kissed the soft stomach. Hoseok was clueless about his husband.

Yoongi, "I think you should continue your painting. "

Hoseok, "w.... why..? "

Yoongi, "I think you should continue what you're doing... I meant your painting. "

Hoseok completely understood his husband and continues to paint. He got excited. Yoongi untied his robe but didn't removed it. He sneaked his hand into other's pant and took the hard flesh out while lying on other's lap. Yoongi smirked when he felt his husband's thighs got stiffened and attached to each other.

Hoseok's grip on the brush tightens to the point the wooden stick would break anytime. Hoseok moaned loudly and arched his back when his husband sucked his dick. Hoseok gripped into other's hair and cried in pleasure. Hoseok laid on his back and breathes harder after coming into his husband mouth who swallowed everything.

Hoseok, "W.....Why ? It's so good. "

Yoongi laid on his sides, next to Hoseok and smiled. Hoseok immediately snuggled into his chest and smiled contently. He felt so relaxed.

Yoongi, "I know you needed this release. Now tell me why are you so stressed? Did you got any information from Jungkook?"

Hoseok frowns, "How'd you know that I met Jungkook? Wait, so you're awake last night."


Yoongi nods his head and played with other's hair.

"My love, How could I sleep without you? I acted like I'm asleep so that our kids would sleep too. I know you left the room and came a little late. Tell me, did you find anything? "

Hoseok arched his brow, "How are you sure that I went to meet him? "

Yoongi chuckled and hugs his husband waist. He learned closer and pecks his lips.

"It's because I smelt his scent on you. "

Hoseok felt embarrassed and wished he wouldn't have asked that question to his husband. He nods his head and sighed after thinking about what Jungkook said.

Hoseok, "It's not him. "

Yoongi smiled, "That's what I said. Hmm, so your doubts are clarified about him? "

Hoseok sighs and laid on his back, "I don't know Yoongi.. I just...i just can't.. I really want to find him. "

Hoseok was desperate to find the killer. He won't feel calm until he find him. Hoseok can't help but get stressed even though he tried to relax his mind. The thought of someone hurting his kids terrifies him. He wants a safe environment for his kids. Hoseok has suffered a lot. He don't want that to happen to his kids too.

Yoongi noticed his husband stressing over again by seeing his frown between his brow. He leaned over and kissed his brow. No matter how many times Yoongi tries to calm the other, it's not happening. Unlike Hoseok, Yoongi was not stressing over to find the killer. But, that doesn't mean he don't care. He thinks that he can protect his family no matter what happens. If the killer shows up again, Yoongi won't let him go. Yoongi remembers very well that something bad always happens to Hoseok whenever he leave him for a work. So, he decided to stick with him for the entire life. The killer attacks when Hoseok was alone. It means the killer is not a strong or powerful one.

Yoongi kissed the squishy cheek of his husband and sucked the skin. He trailed little kisses all over other's ear and neck. Hoseok closed his eyes and let his husband cool down him. He can understand his husband love. Everyone around him showers him with love but still his mind won't feel calm.

Yoongi, "What did he said? "

Hoseok, "You've to put someone else as a responsibility for that palace. Your trustful general didn't do his job properly which leads to me getting locked up there till I give birth to my kids. "

Yoongi nods his head, "I'll change the person, My love. It's my fault too. I overworked him. And, he's having a hard time too. "

Hoseok smiled, "you really love him so much. You are not even getting angry at him for being careless."

Yoongi smiled back. He's right. Jungkook is like a little brother to Yoongi. Unlike Namjoon who's always so respectful to Yoongi, Jungkook treats him like a own brother. He don't follow most of the rules and he never gets scared at Yoongi. Even, Namjoon gets scared of Yoongi sometimes. But, Jungkook is a cool guy. He never lost his coolness in any situation. His care free mind and friendly manner attract Yoongi.

Yoongi, "What did he said? Do you trust him now? "

Hoseok sighs, "Jungkook knows that I was there after a year. He said a maiden told him that. He even knows where I was living after I left the castle."

Yoongi's eyes widens in pure shock, "Then, why didn't he said it to me? I was searching for you everywhere like a madman. Do you know how much I struggled looking for you? Hoseok, I lost the will to live. I lost my soul. You and my kid were the one thing in my mind. I can't believe he'd do that. He's with me the entire time and watched I'm struggling every single day but he stayed quite. How cruel? "


Hoseok can't believe his husband would get this angry. He leaned closer and kissed his lips multiple times until the other calms down and kissed him back. Yoongi can't help but give up his anger fir the beautiful man who's lying on his top and trying to calm down. Yoongi thanks God everyday for giving Hoseok to him.

Hoseok smiles, "I'm so glad you finally came to me. Well, technically you didn't, your horse found me. "

Yoongi pouts, "it's not fair. Don't make me hate my BABY. Just say you love me. I'll forgive you. "

Hoseok giggled, "I love you so much. I'm so proud of you. You're my king. My powerful king. " He pressed his husband cheeks in between his hands.

Yoongi turned around the other and laid on top of him, "Am I your king? So, I can rule you? "

Hoseok breaths out, "you can rule me as much as you want, my king. " He licked his bottom lips.

Yoongi laughed and laid next to him, "Haha..... I don't want to rule you, my love. I want you to do that. I'm just a server for you. You're my goddess. I'm born to serve you. I'm your maid. "

Hoseok laughed, " Why'd to say that? I can't beat you. Why are you so good with words? Teach me too, Min Yoongi. "

Yoongi draws pattern on other's hips and chuckled, "I'd like to teach so many things to you, my love."

Hoseok laid on top of his husband and placed his chin over his husband chest. He talked with him while Yoongi rubbed his naked back.

Hoseok, "Jungkook mistook us. He thought I'm living with Taehyung as a couple and left without even meeting me. He's afraid that you'll seperate us. So, he hid it from you..haha...."

Yoongi mood spoiled, "Really? Why'd he thought that you'd be in a relationship with your personal servant? Is that why he hid it from me or he has another reason? Isn't he's supposed to be on my side? Why he's taking side on you? Wow, the betrayal..."

Hoseok frowns, " Wait, firstly, Tae's my savior. My Knight. Don't talk about him like that. And secondly, I don't know why Jungkook would do that. I thought he hated me. "

Yoongi shakes his head, "I didn't said anything bad. Jungkook is really stupid to think like that. When did he saw you? I'd have found you soon. I've wasted so many years. "

Hoseok smiles and leans closer to his husband. He placed his head on other's crook.

"Well, don't worry. He said that he found me a month before you found me. It's not too long. He tried to keep you away from that direction so that you won't find me But you still caught me. That's why, I'm so proud of my husband. He's so smart."

Yoongi, "But, why does he do that? Isn't he supposed to help me? Why'd he choose you over me? "

Hoseok gasps, "Oh my god, are you jealous that Jungkook took my side? "

Yoongi shakes his head, "I'm not. Jungkook knows me since childhood. He's like my own brother and he saw how much I suffered on that time while searching for you. But he decided to let me be in pain so that you can live happily with that so called saviour? "

Hoseok, "It's fine Yoongi. It's past. Don't think about it."

Yoongi, "No, my love. What if I didn't found you on that day? I'd have killed myself. "

Hoseok pinched his husband's cheek while the other looked so serious still trying to progress the information. Hoseok felt like crying after hearing what other's said. He also suffered a lot but he had his kids and his savior to show him love unlike Yoongi who's suffered alone. He leaned closer and kissed all over his husband face.

Yoongi sighed when his husband tried to calm him.

Hoseok, "You're my hero. You're my savior. You know what, only you can make my heart beat like crazy. Only you can wake me up from my sleep and make me arouse. Only you can do me so good. Only you can make me pregnant. You're my husband. And, I'm yours. Please, don't say like that. I love you so much Min Yoongi."

Yoongi gave in and chuckled, "I know... And I'm glad to hear that. I love you so much, my love. But, I want you to know one thing. "

Hoseok sniffles his nose, "What's it, My king? "

Yoongi intertwined his hand with his husband and kissed his knuckles. He looked into other's eyes and smiled.

"I want you to stop stressing over that killer and trust me."

"But.... "

"If you love me, you'd trust me. "

Hoseok closed his eyes and nods.

"I love you. I trust you. I'll try to stop stressing over someone who tried to kill me and my babies even before they born."

Yoongi wipes his husband tears.

"Love, if it's hurt too much, why don't you move on. It's almost four years. Trust me, trust your husband. I won't leave your side. I won't fail this time. I've been suffered a lot. I don't want to repeat things. Give me a chance."

Hoseok realised he's not only stressing himself but his husband too. Everyone around him forgot about everything and enjoying their present life. Meanwhile, he's still thinking about the past and future. Hoseok realised he's wasting his precious present time. He decided to be more careful and protective instead of worrying and stressing out. His husband is right. So, he agreed to him.

But, that doesn't meant he'd bring his kids back to the Min land. He left the kids and went back to Min land. They spent a whole month with the kids and left. The kids didn't protested, they're happy to live with their grand parents. The only person who's sulking is Yoongi.

Hoseok giggled and sat on his husband lap.

Yoongi, "you said that you trust me. "

"I still do, Yoongi. "

"Then, why did you left them? "

Hoseok sighs, "Well, didn't you saw me calling them. They don't want to come. You stole me from them and now, they stole your kids from you.... Haha.... "

Yoongi, "It's not funny but I'll laugh for you, My love. "

Hoseok stopped laughing and hits his husband who's fake laughing for him.

On that night, Jungkook revealed everything he knows. He felt bad for not checking the castle. So, he felt it's his fault too. Jungkook also tried to find the killer but the only information he got from the maiden was Hoseok was locked up in a room and guarded heavily with so many soldiers. They sent away every workers since they're suffering from the curse. Only few maids and maiden allowed and she's one of them, but no one knows it's Hoseok except that maiden. She's scared to reveal it.

Jungkook was sure that the killer was someone who has a power in Min land. But, what if it's done by someone who hates Hoseok. He really can't put into thoughts because he hasn't even saw the killer.

"Are you sure? OH MY GOD!? "

Seokjin shouts in shock when his lover asked him to get married. Is this a dream? He really can't believe. Seokjin was always worried that Namjoon was not serious about their relationship since he always stays silent whenever he talks about the marriage thing. But suddenly, the male shocked him with the proposal. It's not a romantic one. He just asked him straight, 'let's get married' when they're having a meal.

Namjoon smiled his dimple smile.

"Of course, honey. I thought about it. I'm ready for marriage. How about you? Don't you want to marry me? "

Seokjin jumped onto other and cried happy tears. This is not what he's expected. He wanted to shout to the world about how much he's happy. Seokjin cupped Namjoon cheeks and smiled at him. His face looks so red because of crying but he didn't stopped it.

Seokjin, "Namjoon, are you sure? I.. I.. feel so happy.. Oh my god.. "

Namjoon can't believe that the other would react like this. He expected the other would be happy but not this much. Finally, Namjoon realised how much the other loves him. He regrets for not making him happy earlier.

Namjoon kissed Seokjin soft plump lips slowly. Seokjin immediately returned the kiss like he's starving for it. They both decided to announce it to the King to get permission for their wedding. They both know that the king would definitely approve them.

Seokjin felt like his life became a fairy tale. He just came to support and serve for his prince but accidentally fell in love with a guy who's more powerful. He's scared to accept other's love since he's not a Royal blood. He's just a common man. But, You can't escape from love.

Thanks for reading...

Love you... 😘😘😘

Take care of your health, my love... 💕

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