《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 43


Hoseok and Yoongi travelled to Jung land to spend some time with their kids. They both really need a break and also they wanted to meet their kids. Spending time with their kids will bring some peace. Hoseok cried as soon as he saw his children. He hugged them and cried happy tears until his father separated the kids from him. Yoongi smiled adoringly at his family and felt so full. This is what he wanted. This is how he wants to live his life. He gave so many gifts to their kids and kissed their cheeks.

Yuseok and Ming, the prince and princess of both Jung and Min land has became a hot topic around the world. But, they received praises and loves instead of hate. Who'd hate them? No one has a nerve to even think about hating the most powerful King's children. But, where does the death threats and attempts came from? Who's behind this? It's still a mystery.

Hoseok spends his time happily with his kids and parents. But, that didn't stopped him from thinking about the killer. His mind screamed him to find that man. Hoseok brought Jungkook along with him since he wants to make clear about his doubts. After tucking his babies on the bed, who're sleeping next to their father, hoseok left the room with a smile on his face after kissing his sleeping husbands forehead.

It's midnight and thr moon was hid behind the dark clouds. Hoseok walked straight into the dark hall and reached the room where Jungkook was staying. He had a thought of knocking the door but he didn't. He sneaked into the room without getting caught. He locks the door and looked around. It seams like the other was bathing.

The warm water relaxed the sore muscles which made the man to not get up from the tub. But it's been hours he's soaked in the tub and the water started to get cold. With a long sigh, he got out of the tub and tied a silk towel around his hips. He took the wine bottle which he brought to the bathroom and drinks it. Jungkook felt like he's a King because of the Royal treatment he's getting from Jung. This is the first time he's staying in Jung land but he would spend his entire life there because of the luxuries. He realised now why Jung land is called as "living heaven"

As soon as he entered into his bedroom, a pleasant scent hits his nostril. A immediate smirk formed on his lips while his eyes closed automatically because of the beautiful scent. He clicked his tongue and walked straight to the bed while chucking down the whole bottle. Jungkook confidence rose up because he knows the owner of the scent. The red wine droplets travelled down to his naked chest and reached the silk towel which was tied around his lower hips. Jungkook looks like a beautiful sculpture which turned into a human. His wet long hair were dripping the water droplets. He removed the only piece of cloth which was covering his private part and dried his hair.

Jungkook placed the bottle down. He wiped his lips with back side of his hand while looking at the gorgeous male who's sitting in the bed. Jungkook felt like he's put in a spell and his feet dragged him automatically to the angel by its pretty blue eyes. Jungkook fell for his blue eyes the moment he saw him. He feels so weak looking at his eyes. So, Jungkook always avoids eye contact with Hoseok. But looking at the most beautiful angel looking male, who's dressed in a white clothes drives his mind.


Out of his mind, Jungkook cupped Hoseok cheeks and pulled him in a rough motion for a kiss. Jungkook heart started to beat crazy while he felt the soft lips for the first time. He knows what he's doing is wrong but he don't care. After sucking and pulling the lips for a minute against other's protests, Jungkook tried to enter his tongue.

Hoseok placed his hands on the other's chest and pushed the other with little force. His pretty blue eyes started to turn into a fierce fire red. He's at the peak of his anger but he tried to remain calm. Hoseok had no clue that the other would do something like that. It's so shocking for him to believe. How'd Jungkook kiss his beloved King's husband?

Jungkook looks so intimidating but that doesn't make Hoseok weak. Nothing can shake Hoseok heart or eyes, not even a naked Jungkook, but except his husband. Hoseok is only submissive for his husband. His body and soul belongs to his husband. A sharp knife like an eye brow arch and a pair of red eyes bored holes into Jungkook face.

Jungkook felt like he got his mind back but he don't feel guilty. He bites his lower lip and winked at glaring Hoseok. This is going to be one of his most memorable day in his entire life.

Jungkook wears a plain silk robe, "Don't tell me you didn't enjoyed it?"

Hoseok smirked, "I'm impressed by your bold act. It seams like you really don't care about your life? Do you wanna die?"

Jungkook chuckles, "why should I care? Everyone's gonna die one day. We've to enjoy our life without having a fear. I felt like I wanted to kiss you on that moment, so I did it. It's your fault too. You did that eye thingy, didn't you? Tell me, why do you want to hypnotise me? "

Hoseok stands up after pushing the crawling male on top of him. He turned around and glared at the laughing male who's lying on the bed supported by his hands.

Jungkook continued, "Tell me what's the reason behind your secret visit? Huh? Haha....You wanted to do something dirty with me, don't you..?"

Jungkook sat on the bed and extends his hand to pull the short male. As soon as he caught the male he made him to sat on his lap, Jungkook hugged him so tight. Hoseok looks so small next to Jungkook.

Hoseok, "You love me, don't you!? "

Jungkook looked at other's face which was inch away from his face. He looked into other's blue eyes and got drunk by other's beauty. He cupped his cheeks and leaned closer to peck other's lips. He started to kiss every inch of other's face. He didn't missed a single spot on Hoseok face. He acted like a wild animal who's starved for so long.

Hoseok stops the other when he felt like its gutting out of hand. But, it's hard to get away from the other who's more huge and stronger than him. Hoseok shrieks when the other pushed him on the bed. Frightened Hoseok took the knife that he hid under the pillow for his safety which he hid when the other was bathing. But, Jungkook caught other's hand and snatched the short knife. He laughed at the glaring male who's having a trouble in breathing.

Jungkook smirks, "Tsk...tsk...A deer acting like a lion? That's so cute. "


Hoseok hands were locked by other's tight hold even though he didn't tried to get away. He simply watched the other male. Jungkook is a strong man, fighting against him won't work. But, the male's body crushed his small body. The other was totally lying over him.

But what shocked him the most is he can't believe Jungkook also had a dirty mind about him. He can't believe Jungkook also like other men in the Min land. He felt so betrayed. His doubt becomes clear about Jungkook but he's shocked and surprised to react.

Jungkook continues while looking at the other's face which was an inch away from him. He smiled gently while looking at Hoseok face. Is this right? No, he knows it's wrong to behave like that. But, he let his heart and mind go crazy over the beautiful man he's been dreaming about.

"I fell in love with you on the first sight Hoseok. And, I'm the one who saw you first. But unfortunately, hyung fell in love with you too. I felt really worse at that time. Haha....you know what, I've never felt like that sad in my entire life. But, I accepted the fate."

Jungkook caressed other's cheek and kissed it. A one night with Hoseok is enough for him. He'd live his entire life with that memory.

Hoseok gasped and crawled back when he realized his hands are free, "Jungkook, stop messing around."

Knowing very well about Jungkook's playfulness, Hoseok didn't fall for that. Maybe the other was messing with him. He don't trust whatever the other said. Hoseok adjusted his clothes and tried to leave. His mission was failed. Right now, he wanted to save himself more than anything.

Jungkook caught the male and pulled him again. Hoseok hits other's chest and slapped his cheeks. Jungkook didn't even flinched. He caught other's hands and laughed.

Jungkook, "Tell me, why did you came to my room in this time? Huh, are you seriously kidding me? Did you came to check on me after everyone slept? Don't lie honey. "

Hoseok frowns, "you monster, let me go. Did you forgot where we're? If I make a sound, you.... "

Jungkook sighs, "They'll kill me. I know... But, tell me why did you came here? I won't mess with you. "

Hoseok, " I wanted to talk to you. "

Hoseok looked at Jungkook while breathing hard. Jungkook left other's hand which was bruised now and gave a glass of water to the younger. Hoseok whined and rubbed his wrist. He looked so hurt.

"What am I going to say to Yoongi?" He mumbles with a frown.

Jungkook chuckles, "Say that we had sex."

"JUNGKOOK.... this is not funny. Stop joking like this. "

"Ooo... Calm down, your highness. This is normal. Well, Yoongi also had sex so many times with other female after married to you. If he gets mad at you, then he's a hypocrite. "

Hoseok anger rose up again, "So what? That's before... Now, he loves me. "

Jungkook chuckles, "Stop being a fool Hoseok. He's a king. He can't be sexually frustrated for so long. You just disappeared for years. Do you think he'd keep his dick in his pants fresh and untouched until you return? Haha..... You're so naive honey... There's even a day where he slept with more than three peoples in a single day. "

Hoseok heart started to beat crazy. He started to sweat. The feeling of being cheated and betrayal spins his head. Without his knowledge, he started to cry. Hoseok curled his robe into his fist and cried harder without making a loud noise. Hoseok still remember Yoongi sleeping with other's when they don't have a good relationship between them. Even though he don't like his husband at first, he still got hurt. But now, it's on another level.

Jungkook can't believe Hoseok would believe his lie and cry like a child. He laughed silently and used this opportunity to get close to the other. He pulled the younger for a hug and rubbed his back.

Jungkook," It's fine... Don't cry.. Even though you look so damn beautiful while crying, I don't want you to cry. Hey... Baby... My sweet rice cake ... Okay, fine... I lied."

Jungkook cupped his stinging cheeks and glared at Hoseok.

Hoseok, "Don't ever talk about my husband, you low life. "

This hit a nerve for Jungkook. Being a general and close to the King as a Jeon, many Min's hated him. So many wanted to be in his position. They think Jungkook don't deserve this treatment and he's not belong to their land. But, this is only minority. Because, majority of the people adores Jungkook. But, these minorities hurt him when he's a child by calling him "low life". After he became an adult and a general, no one dares to open their mouth to disrespect him in front of him.

Jungkook chuckled and hides his tear.

" I'm sorry, your Highness. I'm just messing around. Forgot whatever happened here and leave. Go and sleep with your sweet family. Be happy with them."

Hoseok, "Tell me, why did you locked me in that palace? I know it's you. Perhaps, are you the one who... Tried to kill me on that day?"

"What are you ta.. talking about? "

"I know it's you... Why did you do that!? You said you loved me? "

Jungkook sighs, "I told you forgot that.... Hmmm, yes I loved you and got jealous when Yoongi married to you. I felt bad for you when hyung treated you like a shit before. I even had a thought of taking you somewhere and live a happy life. But, you both started to love each other. So, I left my thoughts. To be honest, I felt happy that you both fixed your relationship. Why'd I kill you? "

Hoseok frowns, "you're responsible for that palace. I was there for two weeks. Don't you know that or you're not maintaining the palace properly? "

Jungkook chuckles, "well, you got me. At that time, we're busy with finding the cure for the curse your father left. I had no time to check that palace. But, after hearing what you said, I think the person is in between us, don't you feel that? "

Hoseok felt shivers when the other whispered next to his ear from behind. He immediately turned and points at the other.

"I'm sure it's you. Tell me, why you wanted to kill my son? " He started to tear up again.

Jungkook sighed and hugged other.

" The only thing I can't bear to see is.... Your tears Hoseok. I'm sorry. I'll tell everything. "

Thanks for reading.....

Love you.... 😘😘😘

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