《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 42


A small cup and a tea pot placed in a plate with some rice cakes were carried by the maiden who entered into the King's room.

"Your highness, your tea."

Hoseok who's immersed in reading Min's history replied, "I don't want anything. Don't come again."

The maiden left after bowing. She took the plate with her.

Yoongi sighed and looked at his husband who's reading a book. He's literally surrounded by a mini library. Yoongi approached him with difficulties and sat next to him. He don't know whether he should worry or feel happy that his husband got interested in their history.

Hoseok looks so beautiful while being concentrated on reading. There's a small serious looking frown in between his brows and his eyes widens and became normal while reading. Sometimes unknowingly he bites his bottom lips.

Yoongi shakes his head and smiled at himself for unknowingly getting drunk by his husband beauty. He placed his hand over other's shoulder.

"My love, let's sleep. It's getting late."

Hoseok shakes his head, "I'm not feeling sleepy. I won't sleep until I find him. You can sleep if you want."

Yoongi chuckles, "Are you going to find him by reading old history books? I don't think he's an old man or alive."

Yoongi starts to kiss other's neck and slowly travelled to the ear. Hoseok had a trouble in concentrating. He turned around with a glare but got kissed by his husband. Hoseok sighed and let his husband kiss him. After the kiss, Hoseok glared at him.

Hoseok, "Yoongi, is this how you sleep?"

Yoongi chuckled, "I really wanted to kiss you."

Hoseok dropped the book and laid next to his husband. His head rushed to his favorite pillow, his husband chest and hugged his waist. He hums when his husband played with his hair. It's been a week since that day. Hoseok started to study more about Min land. He's trying to find the enemies. So far, Min's destroyed and occupied thousands of lands and lakh of villages from other kingdom. So the possibilities for the enemies are too high. It became uncountable.

Yoongi extends his hand to put down the light. But the room still glows because of the moonlight. His chest felt so warm because of his husband lying over him and kissing the spot while his hot breaths hits him. With a tired smile on his face, Yoongi pats his husband head and stopped his actions.

Yoongi, "My love, I want to see my kids. It's been so long."

Hoseok looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry, let's go and meet them next week."

Yoongi face lits up. He smiled widely and squeezed his husband tightly. They both started to cuddle. Giggles, kissing sounds, whines , moans and sometimes even groans; the couple enjoyed their cuddle times. Not a single night ends without them cuddling.

Hoseok hums, "Yoongi, I decided to ask Namjoon about this."

Yoongi, "Don't hurt him, my love. I don't want to misunderstand something and hurt others feeling."

Hoseok sighs and pouts, "If it turns out to be him, I'm gonna hurt you instead. At least, let me ask Jungkook."

Yoongi chuckled, "What are you going to ask? My love, there's no way Jungkook would do this."

Hoseok frowns, "Yoongi, I'm serious about this . Tell me, what would you do if it's one of them?"

Yoongi closed his eyes and relaxed his mind. He hugged his husband tightly. Without taking too much time, Yoongi responds which shocked Hoseok.


"I'll kill them."

Hoseok looked at him in shock. He know about his husband but he didn't expected this answer from him. He thought his husband was playing around.

"I'm serious, Yoongi."

Yoongi looked at his husband eyes and smiled.

"I'm serious about it too, my love. Do you think I'd let a person live who tried to kill my love and my kids? I don't care whoever it is, I'll kill them. I'll give them the most painful death in the whole world. Even if it's Namjoon or Jungkook or whoever, I don't care."

Hoseok body trembled in fear because of his husband deep scary voice and his right grip on his arms. Hoseok whined in pain when he can't bear the pain on his arms. Yoongi noticed that and left his arms immediately.

Yoongi, "I'm sorry, My love. I didn't mean to....I'm really sorry. Let's...Let's talk about this later. Sleep baby."

Hoseok felt shy whenever Yoongi accidentally calls him as 'baby'. He started to blush but it's unnoticed by his husband who's in deep thoughts. Hoseok feel into deep slumber while Yoongi stayed awake. He don't give that much attention whenever Hoseok talk about that killer but while being alone, his mind is filled with that man.

Yoongi started to think like Hoseok for a moment. What if it's Namjoon or Jungkook. His heart started to beat fast. No. He can't bear if that's true. Yoongi can't handle being betrayed from his loved ones. It'll kill him. Yoongi started to feel weak. He immediately turned to look at his sleeping beauty.

Yoongi smiled immediately and moved closer to his husband. Whenever he feels vulnerable, he'd hug his mother. But, after his parents died, Yoongi has never received these types of love. He's been treated like a king since he's child.

Yoongi crawled like a baby and laid his head over his husband chest and hugged him tightly. Hoseok hands immediately hugged back his husband since it's became his habit because of his kids. Yoongi slept soon.

As days passed, Hoseok made Seokjin to spill everything about their relationship. He felt so happy and informed his husband immediately. But, Namjoon still denied it. Hoseok was scared that his favorite person got cheated. He wanted to talk with Namjoon so he went to his room.

Namjoon immediately stands up.

"Your highness..."

Hoseok, "Namjoon-shi, can I ask you something?"

Namjoon, "Of course, your highness."

"May I know about your medical methods? How much our land was specialised in medicinal field?"

Namjoon smiled and got excited.

"Hmm, we've so many new medicinal practices and method. Our doctors are all still researching. We can proudly say Min land is best for medicinal treatments."

Hoseok smiled, "Wow, I'm so glad. Oh, I forgot to say something. Doctor. Seokjin is leaving to Jung land."

Namjoon nods with a smile.

"And, he won't come back. I'm sending him back since I don't need any Jung's. I can't find him here. So, if you go to the research place, convey this message to him. The reason why I'm telling this to you is because I've heard you'd visit the place every day since you're so interested....I mean you're interested in medicinal field."

Namjoon smile was no where to be seen and his eyes shows an unknown emotion. Hoseok smiled when he realised his plan was working. He left the room.

Namjoon immediately travelled to the research place by his horse and reached there. He storms into the building making everyone to turn and look at him. Namjoon walks straight to Seokjin.


Seokjin, "Hmm, Namjoon-shiii.....ahh, Namjoon..."

Namjoon dragged the other to a separate room. Peoples saw that and smiled awkwardly. The door shuts made the whole building to be silent.

Seokjin, "NAMJOON, what the fuck? People were..."

Namjoon, "Why are you leaving me? I told you to wait but you decided to leave permanently."

Seokjin has no clue about what other was talking.

"What are you taking about?"

Namjoon, "Hoseok said that you're leaving back to your land."

Seokjin smiled widely, "Really? Oh my god, it's been so long...when am I leaving?" He asked excitedly which angers Namjoon.

Namjoon caught Seokjin throat and pulled him closer. He looked into other's eyes.

"Look at me. Don't ever think about leaving me."

Seokjin wanted to tease him. He arched his brow.

"What if I wan...ahhh...."

Namjoon slammed the other on the wooden wall behind him and claimed other's lips. His hand was still choking the other. Seokjin is a masochist. He enjoyed it but he's not satisfied. He wanted more.

Seokjin immediately removed his and Namjoon clothes. Seokjin turned around and hugged the wooden pillar tightly. A loud muffled moan left his lips when the other entered him raw. Namjoon starts with a strong and hard thrust making the other to scream in pleasure. Namjoon caught other's long hair and pulled it while increasing the thrust.

People in the small building watched Namjoon leaving without even a single frown in his clothes. His hair was tied beautifully into a pony tail. Seokjin came out after Namjoon left the room. Seokjin promised Namjoon that he won't leave him but he don't want their relationship to be a secret one. He don't know why his lover don't want to reveal their relationship.

Seokjin started to have so many doubts and worries because of that. Sometimes, he thinks that Namjoon was just messing with him. But, he has never seen Namjoon with any other men or women. He decided to meet Hoseok to talk about what he said to Namjoon.

Hoseok, "you look like you'd kill anyone who comes in your way?"

Jungkook chuckled, "If that's true, I'd have killed you on that day when I first saw you. You looked like a lost puppy, so I left you."

Jungkook continues to exercise while Hoseok watched him. He slightly felt uncomfortable when he felt other's boring hole.

Hoseok, "What's your future plan?"

Jungkook sighed, "Are you bored, your highness? Don't you have anyone to talk to?"

Hoseok, "Don't tell me what to do. I'll talk to anyone. Answer my questions."

Jungkook laughed again, "Yes, Your highness. My current plan, future plan, every plan is to protect Min land till my last breath."

Hoseok frowns, "Why? You're not even a real Min."

Jungkook smile dropped a little.

"I was raised and loved by a Min.."

Hoseok, "you mean Min Yoongi. Do you know about your clan?"

Jungkook smile disappeared from his face . He turned around and started to walk away which shocked Hoseok. It's a sensitive topic for Jungkook.

Hoseok , "Hey, Where are you going? I commend you to stay..."

Jungkook stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry, Your highness."

Hoseok felt bad for Jungkook. He imagined being in Jungkook shoes. Your whole clan was destroyed and you're raised by your enemy. What would you do? Will you revenge them for your people or be grateful for their love?

Hoseok jumped when Jungkook pulled him for a hug. He tried to get free.

Jungkook, "Don't fight, Hoseok. I can feel you. You're having a hard time. Please, don't cry again. You look so sad. It hurts me."

Hoseok realised he's crying. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Jungkook is right. Hoseok getting insane as days pass by. He lost his peace. They both got separated with a jump when a sudden voice heard.

Yoongi, "May I know what's happening here?"

Hoseok wiped his eyes and smiled at his husband. Yoongi's heart melts into a puddle.

"My love, I've been searching for you. It's time to eat." His voice softens and his smile was warm.

Jungkook was surprised at how Yoongi totally changed his approach to Hoseok. He realized Yoongi really loves his husband a lot.

Hoseok nods his head and walked to his husband. He immediately hugged him. Yoongi chuckled and kissed his head. His cat eyes bored a hole in Jungkook face making the other to gulp.

Yoongi, "I've a work for you. Come and meet me at evening."

Jungkook nods and bowed his head. Yoongi face softens when his husband kissed his cheeks.

"My love, I told them to prepare your favorite foods. Come, let's go."

Hoseok shakes his head and hugged his husband like an adamant kid which caused Yoongi to laugh.

"Yoongi, I love you."

Yoongi's heart beats faster whenever he hears this from his husband. He feel like flying. He cupped his husband cheeks and kissed his nose. After seeing his husband hugging Jungkook, he didn't felt angry over Hoseok but Jungkook. One day, he really gonna kill Jungkook for being too close with his husband.

Yoongi,"I love you so much, My love."

Hoseok smiled, "Yoongi, I think it's Jungkook."

Yoongi frowns, "What?"

Hoseok was so sure about that.

"Yes, he is the one who hid me in that castle. He's the one who left me. I'm sure he's the one who took care of me in that palace. Yoongi, I'm sure it's him."

Yoongi frowns, "Hoseok, how are you sure it's him? On that night, he's in that village. I don't think he's the one who stabbed me and fired the building."

Hoseok shakes his head, "Yoongi, did you saw him on that night. What if he came back after you left me and fired the building? I'm not sure but I think he's the one."

Hoseok don't know why but he strongly feels Jungkook involved in this. He don't have any solid proofs. Hoseok knows very well that Jungkook loves Min land, Min people and on top of that, he worships Min Yoongi. And that person didn't attacked Yoongi, his target was Hoseok. Yoongi got stabbed by mistake.

Maybe, Jungkook hates Hoseok and wanted to kill him. Or, he wants the throne. Even though Hoseok has been attacked by Min's many time, it got worse after he got pregnant. No one expected Hoseok would get pregnant. So, the news shocked so many people.

Yoongi, "My love, let's go and spend some time with our kids. You need some rest."

Hoseok wants to deny but his husband was right. He really needs some rest. He can't even think clearly.

Hoseok, "Thanks, Yoongi. Let's spend some time with them. Or, I'll go insane."

Yoongi kissed his husband and left the place. Jungkook hid behind a door and heard their conversation. He rubbed his forehead and heaved a sigh.

Jungkook, "It's getting out of my hand. Fuck..."

Thanks for reading...

Love you...💜🤗🤗😘

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