《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 41


Yoongi rushed to his husband who's getting down from the horse. He immediately pulled him for a kiss. Tears stained his pale face. He cupped his husband cheeks and kissed him deeply. Hoseok smiled in the kiss. He sensed that Yoongi must be worried about him since he came late. He hugged him in a comforting manner and enjoyed the kiss.

Two lips brushed against each other and got sucked and pulled by teeth. Soon, the hot tongues started to fight with each other. A shaky breath, moans and groans make Jungkook to sprint off the place with his horse for his dear life. Yoongi smiled after breaking the kiss. He wiped the saliva from his husband chin and pecked his lips again.

Yoongi, "I told you to come before sunset."

Hoseok smiled apologetically, "Sorry Yoongi....." he sings others name which made the other to chuckle.

Yoongi, "Come, let's go inside and have dinner."

Hoseok nods his head and took a step but screamed when his husband carried him in a bridal style. Hoseok felt so embarrassed and hid his face on his husband chest while Yoongi proudly carried his husband when the whole castle watched them. Even though it's not new thing, but Hoseok would get shy still because of his husband's actions. Yoongi walked straight to their building and ordered his maid to bring the foods.

Hoseok had a quick shower and rushed to sit on his husband lap, his favourite seat. Yoongi smiled as soon as other's scent filled his nose. He spreads his legs wide enough for the other to sit comfortably and hugged his waist. Hoseok wears a see through skin robe in black which was tied loosely. His hair was half dried and small drops of water falls down occasionally. Hoseok looked so beautiful in the candle light. His face glows like a moon. The two pretty blue eyes looked into brown eyes, dragging other's soul trying to use his charm again.

Yoongi immediately pushed the other on the mat and captured his lips. Hoseok whined but spreads his legs like a good husband and hugged other's waist pulling him close. Yoongi removed the robe to the sides while kissing and touched all over other's smooth honey skin. Hoseok smiled in proud thinking about how his husband gets weak for him every single time without failing. Ever since he discovered his husband's weakness over his blue eyes, Hoseok never stopped attacking him.

Hoseok pants after the kiss, "did you missed me?" He asked in a shaky breath.

Yoongi nods his head like a puppy while Hoseok was busy in untying his robe.

Hoseok touched his husband abs and rubbed the skin playfully. His hand travelled down and caught the hard throbbing flesh. He smirked and started to squeeze the flesh.

Hoseok, "Seams like your dick missed me too."

Hoseok groaned when his husband slapped his hands away. His hands got placed above his head by those strong veiny hands which he loves a lot. Hoseok loves when Yoongi takes control of him. He likes his dominating aura.

Hoseok arched his back when he felt his husband squeeze his nipples. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure he's receiving from his husband. It's going to be a long night. Yoongi didn't waste a single second and inserted his member into other's entrance. With a loud groan, he started to thrust the other. Hoseok closed his eyes with a smile on his face. He enjoyed every moment.

Next day, Hoseok woke up late. He opened his eyes and searched for his husband who's nowhere to he seen . With a disappointment on his face, he drags his sore body to the bathroom. After having a warm bath, he wore a beautifully hand printed hanbok. He left his room and walked straight to the dining room.


Hoseok, "What's for breakfast?"

The maid, "Your highness, our king ordered us to give you more healthy food since you're so weak."

Hoseok felt offended, "Who said that I'm weak?"

The maid, "Y...your highness, we're just following his orders. Should I bring you the foods ?"

Hoseok had an angry face, "Hurry up..."

Hoseok felt really weak because of the last night event. But,he didn't expected Yoongi to reveal this to the maids. He felt so embarrassed and angry too. As soon as the table got filled with varieties of dishes, Hoseok digs in and filled his hungry stomach. His anger was no where to be seen. It's like food eased him.

Seokjin spotted Hoseok who's busy stuffing his mouth and rushed to him.


Hoseok turned with a big smile. Seokjin laughed and wiped Hoseok stained cheeks. He moved a strand of hair that hiding Hoseok's beautiful face and sat next to him.

Hoseok, "Jin hyung...you became so busy..I missed talking to you."

Seokjin sighed, "I'm sorry, My Prince. I got busy with medicinal stuffs."

Hoseok arched his brow, "Really?"

Seokjin can feel the playfulness in other's question. He nods his head and smiled.

Seokjin, "Yes, My Prince. Why do you ask like that?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "Jin hyung, are you hiding something from me?"

"W...why would you ask like that? I..I didn't hide anything from you."

Hoseok laughed, "Hyung, I'm just teasing you. Tell me, did you had your breakfast?"

Seokjin nods his head, "When will the kids come? I miss them so much."

Hoseok smiled, "I miss them too. But, I wanted them to spend some time with their grandparents."

Seokjin smiled, "How did your husband accepted to this?"

Hoseok, "He'll do anything for me."

Seokjin chuckled, "That's so good to hear. I'm glad you came back. Don't leave again."

Hoseok nods his head. The other left when someone called him. Hoseok was waiting for Seokjin to reveal about his relationship to him but the other was so secretive about it. So, Hoseok decided to wait till the other reveal it.

Yoongi, "My love...."

Hoseok snapped to his husband and smiled. He opens his arms wide which the other didn't missed to pull him for a hug. Hoseok hummed after smelling his husband scent. He felt so good when his husband smell hits his nostril. Hoseok tightens the hug and looked into other's face without getting separated.

Hoseok, "Why did you left me?"

He wanted to sound angry but it sounded like he's sad. Yoongi gave him a warm smile and kisses his nose. He took a moment to appreciate his husband's pretty face and beautiful clothes. Yoongi loves how his husband always takes extra care for his beauty just to make him fall for him more.

Yoongi, "You look so beautiful, My love. I missed to see your morning face."

Hoseok cheeks got red, "Hmmm, are you free now?"

"Why? Does my love wants me to be free?"

"No...tell me Yoongi. Are you free?"

Yoongi chuckled, "I'm always free for you, My love."

Hoseok grins, "Let's go out. You and me. I want to spend some alone time with you."

Yoongi loved the idea. Lately, he's been busy with his works. So, it's a good idea to go out with his husband. They both left the palace in a single horse secretly. Hoseok sat in front of Yoongi, he's practically hugged by his husband protective. They reached a beautiful seashore. There was a small castle and thousands of maids and guards were filled.


Hoseok turned around to kill his husband with his glare.

"I told you that I want to be alone with you. Not with thousands of people around us."

Yoongi smiled, "I don't wanna risk anything anymore Hoseok. It's for your protection."

Hoseok spend the entire day bitterly. He didn't let the other touch him. After having a dinner, Hoseok got bored and decided to check the building. Yoongi was massaging his legs with a smile on his face.

Yoongi, "My love, do you want me to massage anywhere?"

Hoseok arched his brow, "Hmmm, how about here?" He points his dick.

Yoongi nods his head excitedly and crawled to his husband but instead, got kicked by his husband and fell on the floor. Yoongi frowns in disappointed while Hoseok laughed while clutching his stomach and rolling on the bed.

Yoongi, "My love, if this makes you laugh like this, you can kick me as much as want."

Hoseok immediately stopped laughing and rushed to his husband.

"I'm...I'm sorry Yoongi. I'd never do that again."

Hoseok almost forgot who Yoongi is. He knows Yoongi don't like if anyone disrespect him. He still remember how Yoongi don't even like if he calls his name. But now, Yoongi became totally changed. And, it's only for his husband. For other's, he's still the same Min Yoongi.

Yoongi chuckled, "My love, I'm serious. All I want is to see your beautiful smile. I'd die happily. I love you so much Hoseok. Your happiness is my reason to be alive."

Hoseok immediately kissed his husband.

"I love you Yoongi. I love you so so much. I'm glad you married me."

Yoongi froze hearing that. He always had a guilty feeling that every bad things happened because he forced Hoseok to marry him. But after hearing that his husband don't regret about the wedding, makes him feel so emotional.

"Thank you so much, My love. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear this from you. For this long, I felt so guilty that I'm the reason for your hard times."

Hoseok stops his husband, "Yoongi, we're meant to be. You're my destiny. You're the perfect match for me. Don't think like that."

Yoongi kissed his husband again and tried to remove his clothes. But, Hoseok stopped him.

Hoseok, "Really? Don't make me kill you. You almost ruined my bottom half."

Yoongi had a disappointment look and slight pout. Since he always gets what he wants, he can't take 'no'. He tried to seduce his husband but it didn't work. Instead the other dragged him to look around the castle.

Hoseok looked at a painting, "Yoongi, Who are they?"

Yoongi smiled, "My father, mother and this is my younger self."

Hoseok has seen them but this painting was so old. They look so young. So, Hoseok can't recognise them. He immediately apologized to Yoongi and checked other paintings.

Hoseok, "when was your last visit here?"

Yoongi, "Hmmm, maybe two or three."


"No, years. I don't have time to come here but I really love this place. I had a plan to come here as a family with our kids but since you asked, I brought you here."

Hoseok frowns, " Ohhh.....But, It looks so clean."

"Well, Jungkook is responsible for this place. He spends at least a week here for every month. And, there's maids too."

"Wait, so your every castle has someone to be responsible?

who's responsible for our castle? I mean, the one we're living."


They proceeded to check the whole building until Hoseok stopped at a locked door.

"Open this room too."

Yoongi chuckled, "yes, my highness."

Hoseok body froze when the other opened the door. This is the exact room where he gave birth to his babies. Hoseok constantly looked around and checked the room since he don't wanna mistake. But, he's sure this is the room where he spends a month.

Didn't yoongi said Jungkook is responsible for this castle?

Hoseok started to sweat. He's scared. The painful memories were brought back.

"L..let's leave this room."

Yoongi frowns, "My love, are you okay?"

Hoseok nods his head, "I...I just feel sleepy. Let's go back to our place."

"Love, what do you mean? You want me to carry you to our room?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "Yoongi, let's leave this castle. Please, let's leave. Let's leave this place. Please..."

Yoongi was shocked at his panicking husband. He pulled him for a hug and felt the other was trembling in his arms. Yoongi sensed there's something Hoseok has been hiding from him. He don't want to ask his husband since the other didn't want to tell him.

Hoseok got calmed in his husband arms but he didn't opened his eyes.

"Yoongi, let's leave this place."

"Yes, my love. Let's leave."

In the middle of the night, Yoongi left the castle with his Hoseok and travels back to his main castle. Hoseok stopped his husband when they reach a small pond near the forest.

Yoongi, "My love?"

Hoseok, "Let's spend our night here. It's a full moon day."

Yoongi chuckled, "Don't tell me you're a wolf."

Hoseok giggled when his husband tried to bite his neck. They both sat under a tree and enjoyed the full moon. Hoseok laid his back on his husband who's back was supported by the tree.

Yoongi tightens the hug and kissed his husband's cheeks making him to turn around.

"My love, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Hoseok smile dropped for a sec and regained. He shakes his head and leaned to peck his husband neck.

"It feels so good to hug you. I think it's because of the cold wind."

Yoongi chuckled, "Really? Then I've to thank the cold wind."

Hoseok laid his head on the other's crook and closed his eyes. Hoseok felt so safe and protected in his husband arms. The past memories made him to feel really scared. He don't ever want to experience the same thing again.

Next day, Hoseok rushed to meet Jungkook but he's already busy with his husband in the meeting room. Hoseok patiently waited for the other to come out so that he can clear some doubts. He got so impatient when they took so long. Hoseok decided to meet seokjin in order to kill some time. But, Seokjin was not in his room.

"Where did he go?" Hoseok mumbled to himself and wanders around.

Yoongi, "What are you saying? Why didn't you went to that palace? You're responsible for that palace, Jungkook."

Yoongi got furious when Jungkook said he didn't went to that palace while he's missing. Everyone mourning for their beloved king death, so Jungkook almost forgot about that palace. And also, he became busy because of the curse too.

Jungkook, "I'm really sorry my king. My priorities were changed that time. After we thought you're dead and the Jung's curse, our whole kingdom suffered a lot. It's really a hard time for us. So, I didn't went to the palace. But, after everything became normal, I visited the palace. It's still the same. Even I checked it last month."

Yoongi trust no one in his life but Jungkook. His beloved knight would never lie to him. But, one thing he's sure about is there's something in that palace that related to his husband past. He can't even able to imagine what it was after seeing how his husband became traumatised. Yoongi decided to check the palace again by himself.

Namjoon, "Your Majesty, May I come in?"

Yoongi looked at the door entrance and saw his smiling cousin. He nods his head as a approval. Namjoon walked in like a royal king with a beautiful dimple smile which can melt rock. Unlike Yoongi, Namjoon dress up extra. He steals everyone's attention with his dashing smile.

Namjoon, "Your maje.."

Yoongi, "It's fine. There's no one. No need to be more formal Joon."

Namjoon smiled, "Thanks hyung. Well, I came here to ask permission."


"For marriage."

Yoongi immediately stood up and walked to Namjoon. He pulled him for a hug and smiled happily.

"I've been waiting for you to say this. So finally, that doctor decided to accept you."

Namjoon frowns, "Hyung, which doctor?"

Yoongi , "hmm, the Jung..?"

Namjoon chuckled, "Haha...he's just a...you know...we're not serious. We had some needs. We're not in a relationship."

Jungkook, "Then, who are you going to marry?"

Namjoon frowns again, "I'm not talking about my marriage. You both misunderstood me. I came here to ask a permission to attend the marriage ceremony in our neighborhood kingdom."

Yoongi and Jungkook sighed at the same time. Everyone in the castle know about his relationship with Seokjin except Hoseok who's in the process of finding that. Yoongi wants his cousin to get married so that he can reduce his half of responsibilities.

With a blush on his cheeks, Namjoon continued, "It seams like you both are excited about my marriage."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Not only us, the whole palace is waiting. There's been so many complaints about how loud you both are. Why don't you change your room or his room like Yoongi hyung."

Jungkook got hit by both Yoongi and Namjoon. They're talking about some things until someone barged in and storms to attack the king. Both, Jungkook and Namjoon took out their sword proactively while Yoongi opened his arms wide with a huge smile on his face. A giggling Hoseok fall into his arms and hugged his husband.

Namjoon shakes his head in an embarrassment and left while Jungkook watched them.

Yoongi raised his brow at Jungkook while hugging his husband protective. He don't like the way Jungkook looks at his husband. Jungkook had a warm smile on his face and his eyes twinkle while he watch Hoseok.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"You can leave, Kook."

Jungkook snapped out of his thought and left after bowing. He didn't missed to wink at Hoseok while Yoongi was busy looking at his husband face.

Hoseok pouts after Jungkook left .

"Yoongi, I found something."

Yoongi raised his brow, "What is it, My love?"

Hoseok looked around and whispered, "I think Namjoon and Seokjin are being in a secret relationship."

Yoongi smiled, "Really? Oh my god, how did you find my smart husband?"

Hoseok giggled when his husband kissed his neck.

"I..I..haha...stop it Yoongi. I saw them doing something..."

Yoongi's eyes widens, "My love, that's wrong. You're not supposed to watch other's like that."

Hoseok, "I saw them hugging and kissing. That's it."

Yoongi smiled, "Wow, My love looks so proud after finding their relationship?"

Hoseok nods proudly and smiled. Yoongi kissed his both cheeks.

Yoongi, "Tell me, what should we do about them?"

Hoseok, "Hmmm, let's talk to them and get them married. I'm so excited."

Yoongi chuckled, "But, Namjoon denied they're in a relationship. How about you confirm with that doctor first?"

Hoseok frowns, "Why would he deny that? Wait, you know about this already? Why didn't you said it to me?"

"I just wanna confirm first before spreading a lie."

Hoseok nods his head agreeing with his husband. He noticed Jungkook left.

"Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

Yoongi smiled, "Yes. My love. But before that, give me a kiss."

Hoseok face turned into a tomato but he proceeds to kiss his husband like their life depends on it. After the sensual kiss, Hoseok struggled to break the kiss. He pinched his husband chest and pushed him.

"You....so so cruel... I'm not going to ask anything .."

"Haha...sorry, My love. Tell me what do you want to say."

Hoseok pouts but decided to ask.

"Today, I found something you don't know or you hid it from me."

Yoongi raised his brow, "And, what's that?"

Hoseok sat on his husband lap and he's hugged protective by his husband.

"Your father completely destroyed Jeon kingdom and enslaved that people. Everyone was died except few. The survived one's flew away and hid somewhere and some people were brought to your kingdom. I still don't know what happened to the people who arrived here. Except one. Jeon Jungkook. Am I right?"

Yoongi stayed silent.

Hoseok, "You discovered about your father's cruel act after his death. You felt pity and befriended Jungkook. You kept him with you and raised him. You literally raised your own death, didn't you? You don't want any bad thing happens to Jungkook. So, you kept him with you. Or else, you don't want Jungkook to revenge your kingdom."

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