《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 39


The sharp tip of a long shining sword placed over the huge belly, making the pregnant male to shiver in fear. A man in front of him had a mask on, but he had a smirk on his face which was hidden. Looking at the trembling pregnant male under him satisfied him in some way. The sword tip made a cross symbol over the belly but it didn't cut the flesh.

"You're lucky that you escaped from me that night. But, look at the fate, it brought you back to me."

Hoseok trembled with tears filled in his eyes. His hands were tied and his mouth were covered by a cloth. Hoseok shakes his head when the other played with the sword over his belly again. He wanna protect his babies. The man looked at him again while his sword lightly poked into his skin, letting a drop of blood peak out.

Hoseok closed his eyes and prayed to his goddess, which resulted in heavy thunder roar. The man sighed and took back his sword.

"Tsk, tsk, Hoseok, are you trying to use your useless power again. Do you think a heavy rain can stop me when you're safely tied up and locked up in this room."

The man smirked, "Seams like you wanna talk to me. Hmm, be a good boy and don't scream."

As soon as his mouth got freedom, Hoseok didn't screamed for help since he knows he's in a place where no one help him. He looked at the man.

"Please, I beg you. Leave me. W...Why are you doing this to me?"

The man, "Hmm, I don't want you to be alive. And on top of that, I don't want you to give birth. "

Hoseok shakes his head, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

The man smirked, "I'm your death, Hoseok. I want your son."

Hoseok thought for a moment, "Would you leave you if it wasn't a boy? Please, I won't step into Min land again. I'll hide from everyone. If..if I give birth to a girl, could you leave me?"

The man laughed, "You're so smart. But, I don't trust you. You can't hide from anyone. Are you stupid? People will search for you."

Hoseok, "Wait, why are you doing this? Who are you?"

The man stood up, "Hoseok, I'll kill you without giving you a pain since I like you. But,I'll wait until you give birth to your baby. So that, I can kill the baby too."

The man left making Hoseok life miserable. Hoseok was treated carefully until he give birth. He's heavily guarded. He's fed by healthy foods too. That day came, it's night. Hoseok muffled his screams when his stomach hurt. He didn't called for anyone since he don't want that man to come. Hoseok was untied since he's in a locked room. But, there's always come into his room and check whether he's present or not.

Hoseok spreads his legs wide as much as possible and pushed the baby with so much effort. But, the baby didn't came out. The pain was horrible, he felt like he needs someone to be present next to him. Hoseok mind filled with his husband.

"Oh god, please don't fight between you two and come out of mom's belly. I don't care who comes first, please help your mother and be good."

Hoseok talked with his babies while rubbing his belly. Soon, he gave birth to his son and daughter in a gap of 10 minutes between them. Hoseok endured the pain and holds his both baby on his arms.


"I don't know how am I gonna save you both. My godmother, please save them. Please, save them."

Hoseok felt an immense pain in his wrist, the green dot that witch made on his wrist glows. Hoseok rubbed his skin after placing his babies on his sides. "Fuck, it hurts a lot..." Hoseok already lost so many bloods. He can't able to bear the burning pain on his hand. The green dot started to disappear along with the pain gets reduced. Hoseok sighed in relief and turned to his babies. But, there was only one.

"No, no, no...oh god, where's my son?"

Hoseok realised the witch took his son, he felt like his heart stops beating. He left her house, he left his husband, just to find a solution to get rid of that witch. But, she took his son like she said.

Hoseok was too immersed in sorrow, while he didn't noticed his baby girl crying. He felt a kick on his sides by the small feet. Hoseok wiped his face and smiled after scooping her in his arms.

"Ah, look at my baby girl. She looks exactly like me. I didn't even looked at your brother." His lips trembled.

Hoseok hugged her to his chest and tried to calm her. As he was about to feed her, the door opened with a loud sound and the masked man came inside.

"Wow, finally, that day came. May I see the baby, Hoseok?" The man said after clapping his hands.

Hoseok shivered and hugged his baby closer. He shakes his head.

"It's a girl. It's a girl. P..Please, leave us. I'll go to somewhere. You know what, you can kill me. But, please...let my baby live. Don't do anything to her. I beg you." Hoseok begged him.

The man checked the baby and sighed, "Fine, promise me that you'll never show up again. If I found that you're alive, I'll come and kill you and your baby. I'll give you last chance. Don't let anyone know that you're alive."

Hoseok thanked him and feeds his baby. They took him in a cart and dropped him at the border. Hoseok hugged his baby girl.

"Listen here, If we saw you again, we won't kill you. Instead, we will use you as a sex slave. *Sigh* we tried already, but our leader didn't let us touch you. But, if we found you again, we'll hide you and lock you as a slave. You've to satisfy us daily. Don't worry, we have big dicks to satisfy your slutty hole....hahaha......"

Three men laughed at him and left. Hoseok felt so ashamed to even hear this . He's weak or else he'd have fought with them. But, he have to think about his baby safety too. The baby started to cry again. Hoseok felt do dizzy. His clothes were drenched in blood. His lower half felt numb. Hoseok was losing his consciousness.

"P...please, don't...don't cry, my dear. Are you hungry again? What do you want now?" He tried to calm the crying baby.

Hoseok slowly closed his eyes and passed out with the baby in his chest. The baby was crying loudly which was heard to the whole forest. A man heard that, He stopped in his track and followed the crying sound. It leads him to a big tree. He gets down from his horse and walked to the tree. His eyes widens when he saw them.


Taehyung ran to Hoseok and scooped the baby in his arms, while Hoseok on another arm. He tried to wake up the other but he saw the blood all over the other's cloth. Taehyung immediately scooped the person in his arms, he tied the baby in his chest by a long cloth. She slept as soon as she felt warm from others chest. Taehyung saved Hoseok from that day and took him far away from that place.


It's been a month, Hoseok lived with Taehyung on the house the other built for them. There's behind the tall mountains, which belongs to another kingdom. But no one knows they're living there. Hoseok felt so lucky to have Taehyung as his saviour. He felt so tiring raising a baby while Taehyung left to bring foods for them. But, what breaks his heart is his son. Hoseok can't help but worry about son every day.

Until one day, Hoseok felt someone knocking his door in the middle of the night. Hoseok thought it's Taehyung and opened the door but he's shocked when he saw the witch staring in front of him. Hoseok panicked as soon as he saw her. He's scared that she came to take his girl too.

"Son, it's so hard to find you."

Hoseok gulps, "W..what are you doing here? W...Where's my baby?"

She smiled, "Won't you let me in?"

Hoseok shakes his head and blocked her. She took a basket from the floor and gave it to Hoseok.

"Oh, I brought a gift for you."

Hoseok looked into the large basket as soon as she placed it on his hands. His knees gave up, he fell on the floor while hugging the basket. The sleeping baby stirred. He immediately scooped the baby and started to kiss his forehead. Hoseok holds him so gently.

The witch placed the tea cup on the table and smiled at Hoseok.

"Listen, I have some powers. One day, I saw a glimpse of your future where someone killed your son. So, I tried to save him. I didn't told you since I know you'll get panicked."

Hoseok placed his son next to his sleeping daughter, they both immediately hugged each other. Hoseok wiped his happy tears and smiled. He covered them with a soft blanket.

"Thank you so much, mother. If you have said that earlier, I should not have left your home."

"Well, I just saw a glimpse. I don't know how or where or when. What if he killed your baby in our house? I don't have that much power Hoseok."

Hoseok bowed, "Thank you so much for doing this to me, mother. I'll forever be grateful for that. Mother, my...my husband..."

She sighed, "He's still sleeping like a sloth. Don't worry, I'll tell him as soon as he wakes up."

Hoseok, "can you please don't do that? I heard that Min people's are suffering a lot. They need him more than I need him."

"Hmm, what are you talking? I know he's a king but aren't you a queen too. Why are you....wait, so someone is trying to kill you. Son, I can help you with that. I'll find the person and come back to you. Take care of your babies. But, what if your husband search for you?"

Hoseok smiled, "He'll definitely search for me. And, I'm sure he'll find me too. But, I want him to get back to the powerful king. His people needs him. I can wait for him."

The witch, "Here, this will protect you. Keep it in your home."

She gave a shining stone and left. The old woman don't know what's the need for Hoseok to hide. He a prince of Jung kingdom, and he's protected by the water goddess too. She guessed Hoseok is a sensitive man who gets scared easily. She decided to not tell anything to the king.

Hoseok felt so hopeful after she said that. He waited for her to come back and reveal the person but she didn't. He guessed she didn't find him yet. But, he's surprised Yoongi found him. He'd be more glad if Yoongi killed the man but he knows about his husband. Yoongi's mind was filled with Hoseok, he won't stop till he finds him.

Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts when Yuseok kissed his cheeks while Yoongi carrying him, he struggled on the other's arm.

"Yes, yes, kiss your mother. Show him how much you both love your mother." Yoongi praised the kids who ran to Hoseok's lap and kissed his both cheeks.

Hoseok laughed and hugged them both. He pushed them on the bed making them to giggle.

"Now, it's mother's time to show love..."



Hoseok tickles them both until they crawl out and ran away from his grip. Hoseok was about to follow them but they climbed to Taehyung when he entered the house. He came from fishing again, this time he didn't took the kids with him since they don't want to leave their father. Taehyung felt so happy but a little sad when he missed spending times with the kids. They stopped calling him 'papa' too.

Taehyung has been taking care of the kids since they're born. He stayed every night while Hoseok slept because of tiredness. He totally took a role of a father without being one. But, he didn't regret any moments, he felt like he got blessed. Now, he became a saviour for three human beings.

"Tae, show me..Show me the fishes."

Hoseok sighed, "Tae, why did you kill them?" He pouts.

Taehyung smiled, "I brought it for your husband since he loves seafood. They're still alive."

Yoongi, "You don't have to do something that upsets my husband. And, I know, Jung's won't kill them. If they're alive, then make a little pond and let them swim. Kids would love that."

Taehyung nods his hand and went to the backyard to built an aquarium for the kids. The kids followed them excitedly watching the fishes.

Yoongi smiled watching them. 'Maybe, he's not that bad.' His thoughts stopped when his cheeks received a soft press by a pouty lips. Without looking at the person, he caught his hand and pulled him. Hoseok yelps when his husband pulled him closer and slammed him on the wooden door, he bites his lips and winked.

Yoongi,"Stop teasing me when kids are around, My love." He whispered after holding the hand which cupped his dick.

Hoseok, "It's been a week, Yoongi. I'm so..."

"Mommy, Look at this fishes...haha..." Yuseok giggled when Taehyung throws water at his face.

Yoongi smiled, "Your knight is calling you. Maybe he has some connection or power, whenever we get close to each other, he'll separate us."

Hoseok laughed , "Yoongi, he's our son. So, he's exactly like you. Jealous monster."

Yoongi, "Am I a jealous monster?"

Ming, "Father?"

Yoongi replies in a second, "I'm here angel."

Ming grins, "Father, the fishes looks so beautiful."

Yoongi scooped her, "Hmm, lemme look. Huh, I don't think it looks as beautiful as my daughter."

She giggled and kissed his cheeks.

Yuseok, "Mother, you look more beautiful than the fishes."

Hoseok, "Awe, thank you baby. Love you so much." He kissed his son's nose making him giggle.

Yoongi, "Hey, did you stole my words? Think by yourself. Why did you copy other's?"

Yuseok turned away and acted like he didn't heard anything. They clapped their hands after Taehyung let the fishes on the aquarium.

A month passed,

Hoseok closed his eyes when he felt his husband back hugged him, he had a smile on his face.

"How's it?"

Yoongi stopped kissing his husband neck to talk. Yoongi started to learn about farming with the help of Taehyung. He's never lived a normal life since he's a royal kid. He realised how much he missed in his life. Yoongi felt glad that his babies are not like them, instead they've been raised well.

"It's fun. I can't believe I'd learn something from Taehyung."

Hoseok sighed and turned around to face his husband. He placed his hand over other's cheek, the other immediately caught it and kissed.

"Yoongi, I heard that people are still suffering."

Yoongi smile fell down.

"I...I know. Hoseok, I've already told you what your father said. I don't know why you don't want to step into my land."

Hoseok felt bad but he's selfish too, after having babies, he became selfish. He don't wanna risk anything in his life. But, Yoongi told how to break the curse. What Hoseok worried about is, he don't want to show other's, mainly Min's, that he's alive.

Hoseok thought Yoongi would leave him again for his people but he's surprised that he stayed with him. He can't believe that Yoongi would choose him over his people. Maybe, it's because of the babies too, but he's surprised and happy that they're Yoongi's top priority. He's ready to get anything.

Since the great king Min Yoongi has decided to leave everything for his family, Hoseok agreed to stop the curse. He still felt a little bit insecure but he became strong. He's ready to face anything with both Taehyung and Yoongi next to him, he stepped into the Min land and broke the curse. Yoongi kissed his husband on the spot.

"Thank you so much love. Thanks for forgiving us."

Hoseok, "I decided to be a queen, Your Majesty. I'll officially become a queen and lead our Kingdom along with you. I don't wanna hide anymore when I've you next to me."

Yoongi cried at that moment. He immediately dropped to the ground and bowed to his husband, soon to be the queen.

While the whole kingdom was searching for their missing king, Yoongi and Hoseok traveled back with their kids, their strong protection shield Taehyung accompanied them. Hoseok took a deep sigh and stepped into the castle along with his husband, babies and Taehyung on his side.


People got surprised and shocked. They know their King could do anything but they don't know he'd bring back the dead husband too. Their presence caused suspicious among people but they didn't mind it much since they're happy to celebrate the new Min's.

Everyone celebrated that day, people were so happy. Seokjin hugged Hoseok and cried for so long until Yuseok separates them. He kissed both babies and hugged them. Namjoon felt so happy and hugged his brother and bowed to Hoseok. He lifts the babies and gifted them. Jungkook felt relieved, he knows his king would return but he didn't expected he'd bring Hoseok and the babies too.

Yoongi felt so relieved and announced that Hoseok is the official partner of King. He has the same power as the king. And, both will be considered as Kings. Yoongi decided to announce Hoseok as a King too since he knows the other won't like if we call him with female terms, which made the other to get surprised.

Everyone was happy with celebration, while Hoseok watched everyone with hawk eye. He had another plan on his mind. He didn't came to be a queen or king, he came to find the man who threatened him. He won't sleep till he finds him. Hoseok hid about the man to both Taehyung and Yoongi. He didn't revealed how and where he gave birth. He lied to them. He suspects some people in the castle. And, he'll find them with or without his husband help.

Thanks for reading....

Love you, be safe.💜💜🤗😘😘

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