《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 38


Yoongi crouched down and sat on his knees, his arms wide opened for his son, he's at the verge of crying happy tears. But, Yoongi face twisted and his eyes closed when his son throws the wooden sword at him. Yoongi opened his one eyes and frowned when he didn't received the hit. He looked up and saw Hoseok caught the sword, and shooting angry daggers to his son.

"YUSEOK, HOW DARE? Is this what I taught you? Where are your manners?"

Yuseok jumped when his mother shouts at him, it's the first time his mother scolded him. Yuseok ran to his mother and hugged his legs.

"Yuseokie sorry, mother.. please, don't get angry at me..."

Yoongi stood up and whisper yells, "My love, what did you do?"

Hoseok felt awful. He crouched down and hugged his son. He can feel his son's whole body shaking in fear while clutching to him. Hoseok has never behaved like this to his babies.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, seokie. Mother will never get angry at you. I'm sorry. I love my son. Aren't you my happy pill?"

Hoseok kissed all over his son's face making him to giggle. Hoseok can't believe he'd react like that to his own son. He felt so bad and calmed his crying son. When he saw his son throwing that wooden sword at his husband, his heart stopped. Protecting his husband became his priority.

Hoseok ruffled his son's hair and kissed his chubby cheeks. He gave him a candy.

Hoseok, "Seokie, where are they?"

Yuseok chewed the sweet candy, "They're so slow,mother. I came fast since you're alone with the stranger. I came at the perfect time." He grinned showing his teeth.

Yuseok glared at the male who's smiling at him, he turned around and hugged his mother protective. Yoongi wants to scoop his son for a hug and lift him so badly, his heart didn't stopped pounding hard. Yuseok angry dares didn't affected him a single bit, instead he felt proud of him.

Yuseok, "Mother, why didn't he left?" He whispered to his mother but it heard to Yoongi clearly.

Yoongi felt awed at how his son is over protective on Hoseok, he don't have to worry about protecting his husband anymore. He watched his giggling son with heart eyes. Yoongi felt like he don't deserve what he has gone through. He should have had a chance to spend time with his pregnant husband, feeling the baby kicks, staying with his husband on labor, holding his babies for the first time and kissing their forehead, protecting them like his life depends on it. Saving sweet memories like, their first walk, the first word they spoke, their kiss, thinking about how the list goes on makes Yoongi feel sad. On the other hand, he realised how hard for his husband to raise them alone.

"Mommy, I'm back."

Yoongi gasped in happiness when he heard his daughter voice, he immediately stood up and walked to the door. He's so excited to see the mini female version of them. Yoongi heart stopped when he saw his daughter. She looks so beautiful like his husband, a mini version of Hoseok. The same beautiful blue eyes looked at him and blinked.

Ming, "Sir? Oh,you're finally awake. My name is Ming. And, this is my papa, Tae."

Yoongi's smile dropped, his gaze turned to the male he hates the most. Yoongi has always had a bad relation with Taehyung, and now, it reaches its peak.

Taehyung ruffled her hair, "Mingu, I forgot something. You can go inside. I'll come soon."


Ming nods her head and kissed Taehyung cheeks. She waved at him and turned to get in. Ming bowed when the other blocked her way.

"Sir, you're blocking my way. Can you move aside?"

Yoongi crouched down with a smile, he pulled her for a hug and kissed her cheeks, he received a hit from his daughter. She glared at him.

"Sir, who are you? You're not allowed to touch or kiss me. My mother taught me everything. Move aside."

Yoongi can't help but feel pride, he smiled bitterly how Hoseok taught their kids everything except who's the father. He can't help but get angry at him. Even though he can understand every situation Hoseok has gone through, he can't tolerate how he totally hid him from the babies. Hoseok searched Yoongi when he didn't came back. He gave some sweets to Ming and walked to the entrance.

"Yoongi? What are you d...."

"Whose kids are they?"

Hoseok felt like a sharp sword stabbed in his heart, tears formed like it's ready to fall any time. His lips trembled, he closed his mouth and left a sob. "Yoo..ngi,..." he breathed out. But, Yoongi didn't reacted.

"Tell me, why are they don't know about their OWN father? You wanted to hide from my people cause you're scared of them. Fine, it's reasonable. I'll accept that. But, WHY DID YOU HIDE ME FROM THEM? FROM MY OWN KIDS?"

Hoseok flinched, he sacred that kids will hear them.

"Yoongi, please calm down." He whispered.


"Yoongi, I..I don't want them to ask about you. I don't know what to say when they ask about me. So, I..I..."

Yoongi holds other neck, "So, if I have found you, you'd have never revealed about me to our kids ."

Hoseok trembled. He hugged Yoongi when he left his neck, he hugged him more tight.

"I'm sorry..."

Yoongi closed his eyes and let the tears flow, He chuckled, "What did I do to receive this punishment, Hoseok? My own daughter thought I'm..I'm.... assaulting her."

Hoseok gasped, "I...I'm sorry, Yoongi . I'll tell them everything. Please don't cry. Please, Yoongi... I'm sorry."


The kids stopped eating and gasped when they heard their mother.

Ming, "Seokie, did you heard that? Our father came back." She grinned.

Yuseok,"Isn't Tae is our father?" He asked while licking his hands.

Ming sighed, "Seokie, how many times mother said , Tae is not our real father. Come, let's go and meet our father." She squealed.

Yuseok nods his head. They both ran to the door and saw their mother was hugging that stranger. Ming frowned but her mind clicked in, she grinned knowing that her father is the man who kissed her. She left a relief sigh knowing she's not assaulted by a pervert.

Yuseok, "Let my mother go."

Yuseok lips trembled after shouting at the duo. He ran to them and hits Yoongi's leg.

"Leave my mother."

They broke the hug and turned to the kids. Yoongi smiled getting hits by his son while Hoseok sighed. He stopped his son by pulling him, he lifts him up and placed him on his hips.

"Ming, Yuseok, this is your father. Do you both remember when I said your father is a soldier working for the king. He came to see you both."

Ming grinned and hugged her father legs.

Ming, "Father, I'm sorry for hitting you. Don't leave us again."


Yoongi heart warmed, he lifts her daughter and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry for being late, my angel."

Ming giggled, "Father, promise me you won't leave us."

Yoongi kissed her again and hugged her. He felt happiness for the first time after the other left him. Hoseok not only took his babies, he took his peace, happiness and emotions. And now, Hoseok also the one who gave it back to him. Yoongi felt full, he don't wanna be king anymore. He wanted to leave every responsibilities and spend his remaining life raising his kids along with his husband.

Hoseok, "Yuseokie, look, Ming got attached to her father. He's gonna buy a lot of sweets for her. Don't you wanna be friend with your father?"

Yuseok looked at how his sister Ming and that man was talking while hugging. He saw that man lifting his sister up and laughing. He even made her to sit on the horse. Yuseok pouted, he hides his face into his mother's crook.

"I don't wanna be his friend . I'm mother's son. I don't want anyone except my mother."

Hoseok heaved a sigh. He knows about his son who'll take time to get attached to anyone. Unlike Ming, Yuseok never asked about his father. This concerned Hoseok a lot. He realized he did a huge mistake by not showing their father's picture to them.

Yoongi, "My angel, let's go for a ride."

Ming kicked her legs in the air in excitement. She clapped her hands.

"Heyyy, horse ride. Seokie, aren't you gonna come? Father gonna ride the horse for us."

Yuseok shakes his head without looking at them. Yoongi marched to them and snatched Yuseok from his husband, the boy kicked his legs and hands in the air while screaming.

Yoongi, "You brat, come and sit here."

Hoseok, "Yoongi, careful..."

Yuseok, "Mommy...mommy ..."

Looking at his crying son, Hoseok can't bear it. He walked to them. Yoongi placed him on top of the horse in front of Ming.

Hoseok, "Yoongi, it's fine. He'll take time. You can take Ming."

Yoongi smiled, "Don't worry, I'll take ca...Yuseok."

Yoongi caught the boy who's about to jump down. Hoseok gasped and snatched his son and pulled him for a hug. He panicked.

"Seokie, my baby, why did you..."

Hoseok looked at his husband and smiled.

"Don't worry, Yoongi. He's little stubborn. Take Ming for a ride and come back. I'll prepare the foods."

Yoongi nods his head and left with heavy heart. He smiled at his daughter, who's smiling widely at him. They left the home for a ride. Hoseok smiled watching them leave and gets inside with his clinging son.

Hoseok cooked while his son clinging to his side. It's a habit of Yuseok, whenever he feels upset or happy, he'll cling to his mother.

Hoseok, "Yuseokie, my little knight, how many boiled eyes do you want?"

"Two..." a tiny voice heard from his neck.

Hoseok giggled, "Good boy. How's the fishing?"

Yuseok smiled, "Mommy, I caught two red fishes. It's so beautiful. They played with me. And, papa caught a lot of fishes. Hmm, mommy, where's papa?"

Hoseok smiled, "He'll come soon. Don't worry. Yuseokie, why don't you wanna ride the horse?"

Yuseok pouts, "I'm s...scared of horse."

"So, you aren't scared of your father?"

Yuseok whined, "Mommy, hungy.."

Hoseok giggled and started to feed his son. He felt so happy that Ming attached to her father unlike Yuseok. Hoseok found out that his son is mommy's son, he felt so happy but he wants the other to accept his father too. Hoseok worried when Taehyung left without saying anything.

Ming and Yoongi, arrived back. Hoseok served them lunch and ate along with them, he saved for Taehyung too. Hoseok felt surprised when Ming never left her father's lap, this is surprising to him since Ming has never behaved like that to him. Hoseok played with the hairs of his son who's sleeping on his lap. Soon, Ming also fell asleep. Yoongi placed her on the bed and sat next to Hoseok. He back hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

Hoseok blushed, "she likes you a lot."

Yoongi grinned, "Thank you so much for bringing my happiness back, My love. I love you.."

Honey skin face turned into red, Hoseok placed his son on the bed without waking him up. He laid his head back on his husband shoulder and turned his head to kiss his husband neck.

"I love you Yoongi...so much."

Yoongi grinned, "My love, I decided to stay here. I don't wanna leave you. Let's hide from this world and live a happy life. What do you say?"

Hoseok sits up and turned to face his husband. He caught his face in between his hands and showered him with kisses."

"Don't leave us, Yoongi. We need you."

Yoongi stood up suddenly which made Hoseok to frown. "Y...Yoongi," he wiped his cheeks. Hoseok yelps when his husband caught his wrist and dragged him out of their kids room. "Yoon...gi, slow down. What happened..?"

Yoongi cupped his husband cheeks as soon as he dragged him to Hoseok room. He leaned closer and caught the pink lips, making the other to gasp and took a handful of his shirt. Yoongi pushed the other on the bed while kissing him, he pulled the bottom lips between his teeth and sucked it. He left when the other whined in pain.

"So mean.." Hoseok placed his finger over his bruised bottom lips and patted it.

Yoongi grinned, "You can do the same to me. I won't complain like you."

Hoseok hugged his husband waist by his honey legs as soon as his lower garment fell on the floor. He tightens the hug around other's waist and pulled him close to him.

Yoongi arched his brow when his husband pulled him by using his legs. He smirked and removed his remaining clothes, his eyes roamed all over his body and eye fucked him. Yoongi slapped his husband hands when he tried to remove his clothes, earning a cute whine from him.

"Y..Yoongi, be gentle. I'm already sore."

Yoongi's eyes widen, his hand holds other's neck.

"What ? HOW?"

Hoseok laughed behind his hand, he whimpered when a thick throbbing flesh teared into his already abused hole.

"Yoo ...ngi, slow... "

Hoseok rolled his eyes and squirmed around. He raised his body by the support of his hand and tired to get away from that sharp knife like flesh teared his inside. "Yoo...AHH...FUCK..."

Hoseok screamed behind his hands and shakes his head, tears flowed from his eyes while his husband angry fucked him. Hoseok started to enjoy it too much, he can't believe he'd get turned on even after being fucked all night. He realised his body also missed Yoongi so much.

Yoongi saw the male was enjoying it so he increased the pace. He wanted to punish him but the other was enjoying it way too much. Yoongi stopped the movement. "Yoongi~~~~ I'm about to cum." Hoseok whined. But, he moaned louder when his husband stroked his hard dick while thrusting into him.

Yoongi closed his eyes when thick string of cum touched his face. He smirked and left his husband soft dick. Yoongi bent down and licked the cum from his husband chest and sucked his nipple. Hoseok felt like he's getting hard again.

Yoongi left the other, "Tell me how you're sore?"

Hoseok, "You did me so hard last night."

Yoongi frowned, "Wait, I thought it's my dream. My love, why did you raped me?"

Hoseok whined and hits his husband, "You didn't let me get away, monster."

Yoongi laughed and moved his hips slowly. He leaned closer and nibbled the bruised neck. His husband's sounds were music to his ears.

Hoseok closed his eyes with a smile on his face, he hugged his husband more close to him. He didn't even let the other take his dick out. Hoseok don't wanna get separated from his husband.

Yoongi smiled, "I can hear you heart beat. It's so calm and relaxing."

Yoongi who's lying his head on his husband chest, looking at the other. Hoseok played with his hair and smiled.

"Kiss me Yoongi."

Yoongi raised his head and leaned closer, he caught other's lips. They both cuddled until a loud knock heard.


Ming, "Father..Mother...."

Hoseok giggled, "they're awake."

Yoongi immediately searched for his clothes while Hoseok laughed at him. "Stop laughing, my love. I feel embarrassed." Yoongi throws the clothes at his husband after wearing his own.

Ming, "I think they are sleeping. Let's leave."

Yuseok, "Noo, mommy...open the door..."

Hoseok immediately wore his clothes and opened the door. He pulled his both kids for a hug. Ming looked at her father and extends her hands to be lifted. Yoongi chuckled and lifts her up while Yuseok clings to his mother.

Thanks for reading...

Be safe, love you... 😘😘

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