《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 36


Ming and Yuseok, ran to their mother, who's cooking in the kitchen. Hearing their babies footsteps, Hoseok smiled in content. His both legs were hugged by his both babies, making him hard to focus on the cooking.

Yuseok,"Mother, mother,..."

Hoseok sighed, "Yuseokie, I almost finished cooking. Both of you go and wait, I'll come."

Ming, "Mother,..."

"Gu baby, take your brother and leave. Don't disturb while I'm cooking. Here, eat this fruit till I finish cooking."

Taehyung left to bring some firewood. He travels deep into the forest and bring fruits, vegetables and firewood. They sell the fruits to buy their daily needs in the market which locates far away. Hoseok sighed when his babies didn't left his legs.

"Guu baby, don't you listen to your mother?"

Ming, "Mother, there's a horse."

"A horse?"

Yuseok nods with a smile, "Mother, it looks so big and it's dressed."

Ming, "Mother, it looks like a soldiers horse."

Hoseok dropped the spoon, his heart started to beat fast. 'It can't be. Did they find me?' Hoseok started to panic, he's been hiding here for three years successfully not getting caught. Hoseok turned to his babies and crouched down, he hugged both of them and kissed their cheeks.

"Listen to me, go and lock yourself in the room. Don't come out till I call you."

Yuseok lips trembled, "Mother, I'm scared."

Ming, "Come seokie, let's listen to our mother."

Yuseok shakes his head and hugged his mother by his small hands, clinging to his mother's neck. Yuseok scared that something bad would happen to his mother, he started to sob. Hoseok heart breaks hearing his sobbing son, unlike Ming, Yuseok is a sensitive kid, so Hoseok took extra care of him. The thing he can't bear is watching his babies suffer. Hoseok hugged his son protective and scooped him from the floor, on the other hand, he holds hand with his daughter.

The horse cries made them to flinch, Hoseok can recognise the pain in it's cries. 'Maybe, it's suffering. It needs help' Hoseok decided to look at the crying horse. Yuseok clinging to his mother as he's nearing the horse.

Yuseok, "Mother, do..don't go.."

Hoseok pats his son's back and smiled, "Yuseokie, I think that horse is in pain . Mother will go and check it. You've to be a good boy and stay with your sister."

Yuseok, "No, mother. Don't go. Please...I'm scared."

Ming, "Seokie, don't be cruel. Didn't you heard that mother said the horse is in pain. We must help someone in need."

Hoseok smiled proudly at his daughter, he kissed her cheeks and closed the door. Hoseok took a deep sigh and approached the horse which was standing behind a tree, it legs were struck into the trap that Taehyung sets for predatory animals. Hoseok felt so bad for the horse and ran to it.

"Oh you poor baby , I'm sorry, I'll free you."

As soon as Hoseok removed the trap, the horse attacked him making him to fall on the ground. Hoseok sighed in relief when the horse licked his cheeks, he giggled and pats the horse head.

"You want to thank me, aren't you a good boy? Did you got lost here? Oh, you poor thing, do you want something to eat? Wait, I'll bring some..."

The horse didn't let Hoseok to get away. Hoseok sighed at the clingy horse.


"Hey, why are you behaving like my son? Ohh, do you need some love? Ah, you need some love, don't you? Come, I'll comb your hair. Haha..."

Hoseok giggled when it tickled his belly by rubbing its head, what Hoseok failed to notice is that he's so familiar with that animal. Seams like the animal remembers him more than he remembers it. Until, Hoseok noticed the badge on the horse.

Hoseok, "Min Yoongi's baby."

Hoseok heart started to beat faster, his eyes widens, a tear fell from his eyes. Hoseok hugged the horse and started to cry.

"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize you, baby. Please, forgive your mama.. Baby, how did you came here? Wh...why are you alone?"

Hoseok gasped, "Did something happens to My king?"

The horse nods its head and started to walk to somewhere, Hoseok followed it with a beating heart. A King's horse without it's king is not a good sign. Knowing about his husband who loves his horse so much, he won't let it roam. The horse leads him to the river bank, Hoseok rushed to the human who's lying on the rock.


Hoseok can't believe his own eyes, his husband was lying there without conscious, he checked his heartbeat and hugged him close to his heart.

"Baby, let's take our king to my house."

Hoseok took his husband to his house with the help of Baby, Yoongi's horse. He thanked the horse and carried his husband inside. The horse felt relieved and started to eat the grass happily. Ming and Yuseok shivered when they saw a stranger.

Yuseok, "Mother, mother....," he made grabby hands and cried.

Hoseok placed Yoongi on the bed and pants. He turned to his son and rushed to comfort him. Yuseok clings to his mother and buried his face on the other's crook.

"Seokie, don't cry baby. Look, your mother is fine and came back to you. Please, stop crying. Don't make me sad."

While Hoseok tried comforting his son, Ming walked to the person who's lying on their mother's bed. She watched him closely.

"Mother, isn't he the King of Min land?"

Hoseok turned to her, "Ming, come here. It's time to eat lunch."

Ming, "Mother, is that his horse? What happened to him? Is he alright?"

Yuseok calmed down and looked at the stranger. His sniffles his runny nose, while pointing at the man. Hoseok wiped his face.

"Mother, he's lying on your bed. I don't like it. Put him down."

Hoseok chuckled, "Baby, that's so rude. He lost his conscious. He needs some good sleep."

Yuseok pouts, "Mother, I don't like him. He's in your bed. It's my mother's bed. Tell him go away." He whined.

Yuseok is a possessive kid, he won't let anyone touch his mother or his stuffs. He won't even let Taehyung sit close to Hoseok. Hoseok kissed his son's cheek and left the room after closing it. He tried to put his clingy son down but the other whined and clings more. Hoseok struggled to carry the foods with one hand because of his clingy son. He placed the foods on the table and served his both babies. Ming started to eat while yuseok told him to feed him, Hoseok smiled and feeds his son.

Ming, "Mother, let's save some food for that King too. What if he's hungry?"


Hoseok smiled and ruffled her hair, "Okay, baby."

Yuseok, "Mother, when will he leave? He's sleeping in your bed."

Hoseok sighed, "Seokie, he'll leave after he wakes up. Be a good boy and learn gardening with your sister."

Ming and Yuseok, had a huge grin placed on their face, while holding small bucket and shovel. Hoseok let them to go to their backyard to play gardening, he taught his babies gardening and farming, which they love to learn as well. He even teach them cooking sometimes. They learn how to fight by Taehyung.

"Yuseokie, don't eat mud.okay?"


Hoseok rushed back to his room and ran into his husband chest, his favourite place. Hoseok cupped his husband and kissed all over his face, his tears made the other face get wet.

"Did you find me? You took three years to find me. Why did you take this long? I thought you'd come for me soon."

Hoseok eyes searched for any bruises or wounds, but there's nothing except the long scar on his chest. Hoseok placed his hand over the scar and kissed it. He looked at his husband face and smiled. Hoseok kissed him again and again and again and again, until Yoongi stirred, Hoseok paused his actions and sighed in relief when the other was still sleeping.

"Thank god...I'm sorry, Yoongi. I made you suffer a lot. I deserved to be punished by you. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for not showing your babies to you. I'm so so sorry. Don't forgive me."

Hoseok hugged his husband, his hold gets tight as time goes by, he don't wanna get separated from his husband. He just wanna lock his husband and live a happy life in that small house, with his babies. But, he can't stop him.

Yoongi lost his conscious when he's searching for his husband, he felt so weak because of not eating for four days. He's been searching him for four days straight. Baby got tired and gave up, Yoongi realised it needs some rest. So, he stopped next to the river and laid on the rock. He closed his eyes but didn't opened till 10 hours. Baby got scared when his owner didn't woke up,and searched for a help. That's how it finds Hoseok home.

Yoongi felt a pleasant smell which reminds him his husband, he smiled in his sleep while hugging the person in his dream. At least, he can be with Hoseok in his dream. No one can take him away from him. Hoseok felt his husband squeezing him in his sleep, he smiled in content knowing that his husband is dreaming about him when he heard his name left from other's lips.

"My love...I love you..."

Yoongi mumbled, which warms Hoseok heart, he leaned and kissed his husband's lips again.

"I love you, My King."

Hoseok snapped to the door when he heard someone knocks it. He knows its his son. Hoseok left his husband's side and walked to the door after combing his hair. Yuseok jumped to him as soon as he opens the door, Hoseok giggled and carried his son out after closing the room door.

Ming, "Mother, Seokie ate mud." He giggled behind her hand.

Yuseok, "nooo....she's lying." He pouts while staring at his sister.

Hoseok gasped, "Seokie, what did mother said? What happens when kids don't listen to their mother?"

Ming, "no more sweets."

Yuseok, "Mother, she's lying. I want sweets." He pouts.

Everyone would believe Yuseok, because of his innocent look but Hoseok would never fall for that.

Hoseok, "Baby, don't lie."

Yuseok lips trembled, "I...I'm s...sorry, mother. I..I won't do it again."

"Awe, my baby, don't cry. It's not good for health, seokie. Don't worry, mother will give you sweets."

Yuseok smiled showing his teeth. Hoseok bathed both of his babies and started to cook dinner. Hoseok skipped lunch so he left hungry. For dinner, Ming also joins with Yuseok to get fed by her mother. Hoseok loves feeding his babies tummy full.

Ming, "Heyyy, papa came." She clapped her hands while jumping.

Hoseok turned to Taehyung and smiled at him.

"You took so long today. Go and freshen up, the foods are warm. Or, I'll reheat..."

Taehyung stopped him, "It's fine, seokie."

Yuseok, "Papa, did you brought my toys?"

Taehyung grinned and gave them wood sword that they were asking to him for so long. After getting the wooden sword, both Ming and Yuseok, played with it. Taehyung smiled when they kissed him.

Hoseok sighed, "Stop spoiling them, Tae."

Taehyung, "Seokie, do you know who they're? Grand son and daughter of the great king, Jung. They're royal babies who living a simple life in a small hut. It's the least I can do."

Hoseok took Taehyung hands and smiled, tears started to fell from his eyes. He looked so excited.

"Tae,...Tae,....he..he....I wanna show you something."

Taehyung wiped Hoseok tears and nods his head. They both entered Hoseok room and saw the sleeping male. Taehyung turned to Hoseok in shock and whisper yelled.

"How? Did he saw you?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "He's unconscious. Found him at river."

Taehyung sighed in relief and took Hoseok out to the room.

"Don't worry, seokie. I'll take him away safely."

Hoseok nods his head, "Not now, you..you can take him later. C..can you sleep with the kids?"

Taehyung smiled, "You don't have to say that. Your husband?"

"It's raining. Let him leave in the morning."

Taehyung nods his head and left to take a bath. Hoseok reheats the food and ate along with taehyung. Hoseok took a bath and walked into his room, after locking it safely. It's raining heavy, Hoseok shivered in cold since he's still wet. Hoseok changed into his sleep wear and laid next to his husband. The candle light stopped because of the heavy wind, making the room dark.

Hoseok still felt so cold, he covered themselves with a huge blanket and snuggled into his husband warm body. The warmth radiates from his husband warms his cold body, Hoseok hummed in content and closed his eyes.

"Love you Yoongi..." he mumbled.

Hoseok yelps when his husband turned him around and laid on top of him, he can't see the other's face properly so he extends his hand to check whether the other is sleeping or not. Hoseok hands touched his husband closed eyes, a smile formed in his face. He pulled his husband who's lying on top of him to give him a kiss, that he's been dying for so long.

Hoseok heart beats, his fingers slowly travelled to other's back neck and gets into the hair, he gripped it and licked his own lips before latching his lips to the other. The most surprising thing is Yoongi responded to his kiss, making him to get excited. Little did he knows, his husband was still sleeping.

Thanks for reading....

Love you, take care... 💜💜💜😘

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