《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 34


Hoseok smiled widely after placing his husband's hand over his belly. This time, he don't wanna miss to show his husband how active his babies are, "Do you feel it? They're so active, just like you. Hahaha...."

Hoseok made his husband to feel the baby kicks,but he wanted to see his husband reaction too. Just like every pregnant person, Hoseok also had so many wishes, he had so many weird cravings and he wanted to be loved by his husband. Whenever he felt exhausted or pains, he wanted to be hugged and kissed by his husband, to hear sweet little things like, 'it's okay or I'm with you, I love you'. But he felt lonely, except his babies were his only companions. Hoseok kissed his husband's hand and placed it on his cheeks, like his husband is cupping him.

"Please be safe. I'll come back as soon as possible. Love you, My king."

Hoseok looked at his husband one last time and closed the door. He decided to go to his own kingdom, to get the holy water without getting caught. Hiding his face won't help in his kingdom since his people always find him whatever clothes he wear. So, he hoped to not get caught, he don't want anyone to know about them being alive.

Hoseok walked to the old woman, who reading something. Her room filled with so many books and solutions, and some weird things. A weird smell make him to frown and close his nose.

"Mo...Mother, I'm going to the market."

"Do you want to buy something? We have enough fruits and vegetables."

Hoseok played with the basket and looked around the spooky room. He knows she's a witch, but he never checked her things.

"Mother, I've some weird cravings. I want to eat some fried chicken. So, I'm gonna buy a chicken."

She stands up, "I'll buy for you."

That's not his plan, but Hoseok thought for a minute and accepts, since he can leave the house after she leaves to the market. He gave her the basket and some pearls. He waited for her to leave and made sure the other went too far, he goes back to his husband and kissed him.

"My king, I'll come for you as quick as possible."

He removed his necklace and wore it to his husband.

"It'll protect you. I pray my goddess to protect my husband."

Hoseok kissed him one last time and took a small bag which contains foods and water. A small boat were placed at the bank, he used that to cross the river to reach the market. The witch didn't used it so Hoseok used that to reach another end. The goddess protected him safely.

Hoseok left the home with so much confidence but after walking for a quite distance he became fatigue. The sun didn't helped it either, making Hoseok to feel thirsty. The non stop movement made the babies to be more active and started to kick their mother. Hoseok whined and clutched his belly, he supporters his body by the tree and sat down with so much difficulty.

"Oh god, My goddess, I can't walk anymore. Please, give me some strength."

Hoseok ate some food for energy and drank some water, he rubbed his active belly and closed his eyes.


"You two, I'm waiting for you both to come out. So, I can whoop your ass. Stop drinking my energy."

Seams like his baby heard his complains, they stoped kicking and hugged each other. Hoseok noticed that and smiled with his closed eyes, he rubbed his belly like he's rewarding his babies for listening to him and started to fall into deep slumber.


Jungkook were in a meeting hall, listening to his new King's plans about how to get rid of the curse. Jungkook doesn't wanna compare his late and present King since he know no one can comes to his late King's sincerity and boldness. But, lately, people started to do that and became so disappointed at their new king, as the curse started to get more dangerous. This worries Jungkook since he's know very well Namjoon has low self esteem and he's a sensitive person.

"A...and, what happened to the water tanks in the south?"

"Your Majesty, Only few tanks has water. We can survive when rain comes but it's hot summer. Well, if he consider summer rains, then we can say it'll be helpful. The thing is people started to consume large amount of water since it's summer."

Namjoon sighed, he became a king in the worst period, this is not what he wanted but he can't avoid it either. The curse affected him more than the people. Like the curse, a weird unknown disease started to spread, but still in low quantity. It may multiple soon, unless he finds a cure or stop the curse.

Namjoon, "Jungkook, I don't have any option. You've to travel to Jung land and give them this letter. Please, let them re consider about what they did."

Jungkook, "But, how, aren't we banned...."

Namjoon,"Not you, it's only us. Jungkook, don't forgot that you're not Min."

Jungkook nods his head and gets the letter from his king. One thing Jungkook forget the most was, he's not a Min. Maybe because of living with a Min's his whole life, he forgot he's a Jeon. Travelling to Jung land will takes up to two days and a night, but with water route, it'll take up to eight hours. So, he decided to take the second option.


Hoseok woke up with a gasp when he felt someone touching his cheeks, he placed his hands over his huge belly in a protective mode and looked around. It's dark, he slept for too long. Hoseok sighed and stands up with so much difficulty.

"I don't have any lights. What am I gonna do?"

"Maybe, I can help you."

Hoseok jumped in shock and placed a hand over his racing heart, he can feel his babies waking up by the tiny kicks and rolling movements in his belly. He started to tremble, the cold climate didn't helped him either.

"Wh...who are you? What do you want? I've pearls. You can take it. Please, don't do anything to me."

The man eyes grow wide when he heard the word 'pearls', but it's unnoticed by the other since it's pitch dark except the same light he has. He looked at the short male but can't see him clearly but he didn't care. All he want is his tiny bag, he snatched it from the male and ran away.


Hoseok gasped and clutched his stomach because of the rough motion. He steadied himself with the help of the tree behind him.

"My food bag." Hoseok pouts.

Since it's so dark, Hoseok slowly waddle with one hand extended while the another placed over his belly. The hunger started to grow in his stomach while he walked with effort. He can't endure it since his babies also felt hungry, they started to kick him.

Hoseok, "Oh god, you both are so cruel. I know you're hungry but I'm also hungry too. Let mother walk a little longer. Be a good babies and play with each other, your mother will reach to the near village. We can get something to eat."

Hoseok expected the babies to listen to him like earlier, but they didn't. Their tiny legs kicked him non stop, he can feel their kicks on his hand. A smile crept on his lips, he slowly stroked his belly in order to calm his hungry babies.

"Mother will feed you both in few minutes. I can see the lights far away. We can get some food."

After reaching the house, Hoseok hesitantly knocked it. He felt little awkward since he has never asked food from strangers, but he wanted to eat for his babies. Hoseok took a step back when the door opened and an old man came outside, he looks too old.

"Son, do you want any help? Come in, it's so cold outside."

Hoseok bowed and went inside the hut, it's small and cozy and he felt so warm after been in cold for so long. A old woman came from the kitchen with hot soup and foods, she placed it on the table and smiled at the new guest.

"Please, sit down. I'll serve you some foods. Eat before it gets cold."

Hoseok felt like crying since he has never seen someone more welcoming and warm, he hugged her and started to cry. The old woman don't know why the young man was crying but she can feel there's something wrong. She rubbed his back and let him cry his heart out. They started to eat the food but Hoseok stayed calm the whole time, he's surprised they didn't freaked out by his huge belly. The old duo didn't bothered him and placed him some extra foods.

Hoseok, "Enough, madam. I'm full."

The old woman, "What about your babies? They need to be feed to."

Hoseok coughed, he didn't expected but their kindness really shocked him, it reminds him of Taehyung. Without realising, Hoseok eyes started to shake with tears, the look on Taehyung's face before he closed his eyes, still haunts him.

"Son, is it hot. Here, drink this juice."

Hoseok smiled at him and took the cup, he gulped it in one go and thanked them. Hoseok was about to leave but they didn't let him.

"Son, it's so cold outside. I can see that you're heading to somewhere but you can go on the morning."

Thinking about how Yoongi is alone with that witch, Hoseok don't think he can waste a single second. He don't wanna risk anything anymore. As he was about to get up, his babies kicked, he whined and sat on the floor.

The old woman, "Son, you'd sleep. I'll wake you early in the morning."

Hoseok stayed the night. He thanked them with a bag of pearls that he made from the water before leaving. Hoseok carried the small food bag they gave him and heads to his destination.

But fate played in his life again, the border soldiers didn't let him pass. They told him to return to his home that Min's are not allowed. Hoseok dressed as a lady as per the old woman request, since he don't wanna get caught because of his huge belly, so he stayed quite.

"Lady, go back to your home. This place is dangerous."

Hoseok shakes his head and stood there stubbornly. Meanwhile, Jungkook reached the place but he didn't saw Hoseok.

Jungkook, "I'm going to Jung land as king ordered me to. Be careful."

"General, someone is trying to go to Jung land."

Jungkook sighed, ever since that curse started, Min's became angry at Jung's and tried to attack them. So, it became so hard to guard the border.

Jungkook, "put them in a cage for a day and let them go back."

What Jungkook didn't know was, the person is pregnant and the guards failed to inform him. He heads to the Jung land while Hoseok was sent to prison against his protest.

Hoseok cried when they locked him in a room. It's small and dark. He don't feel safe there.

"My goddess, how much you want me to suffer? I can't bear this anymore."

Guard A , "Who's inside?"

Guard B, "A pregnant lady."

A, "ohh, is she looks beauty?"

B, "Are you weird? I said she's pregnant. Don't get in trouble. You don't have to guard here."

A, "hey, I won't do anything to her. I just asked a simple question. I'll leave."

The guard left.

Hoseok rubbed his belly and opened the small bag. He drank some water after eating some food.

"My King, I hope you're safe. I wish she'd treat you good. What if she punish you for my mistake? No, I won't happen. No one can get inside your room until you've my necklace on your neck."

Slowly, Hoseok drifted into sleep. Travelling made him tired easily but he slept for too long. Hoseok squinted his eyes when the bright light seeps into his room, he groaned and placed a hand over his eyes. The babies kicked him.

"I'm awake. I'm awake. Are you two got bored since mother slept for so long? What do I do? You both making me so tired. Just two more weeks, you'll be in my arms."

Hoseok rubbed his belly and talked with his babies for too long, they responded by tiny kicks which made Hoseok happy. Since he's immersed with his babies, he failed to notice he's totally in a different room. Hoseok face twisted when he realised he's in a wooden bed, he looked around and saw there's someone else in the room. Hoseok's eyes widens, his heart started to beat faster, his total body trembled in fear, sweats dropped from his forehead when the same man who tried to kill him sits in front of him.

Thanks for reading...

Love you, take care...❤😘

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