《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 30


"Here, drink this."

Seokjin hands a cup to his Prince. Before Hoseok gets the cup, Yoongi hurried to them and took the cup from seokjin. He turned to his husband and feeds him the medicine. He tried so hard to not break down in front of his husband.

Hoseok looked at his husband with tear eyes. He opened his mouth and drinks the bitter medicine. His face twisted in disgust when the medicine hits his tongue, which made Yoongi to panic.

"My love, are..are you okay?" Yoongi asked his beloved.

Hoseok turned to Seokjin and smiled, "Thank you so much, hyung. Can you please leave now?"

Seokjin nods his head and stood up.

"Hoseok, remember, don't eat anything spicy or sweet for two days. And, don't eat hot foods."

Hoseok nods his head. Seokjin ruffled his hair which made Yoongi to hold the cup so tight. It's at the verge of breaking.

"Take care, seokie. Please, I didn't told our king because of your request. But, don't expect me to be quiet if this repeats again."

Seokjin warned him. Hoseok nods his head and looked down. As soon as Seokjin left, Hoseok pulled his husband for a kiss. They both cried in the kiss. Hoseok didn't broke the kiss when the other tried to break it. He pulled the other's head closer. Tears started to wash their face.

Yoongi can't keep on kissing. He broke the kiss and cupped others cheeks. Their foreheads met.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, my love. Please, forgive me." Yoongi chocked in his cry.

Hoseok bites his lips to muffle his cry. He pulled his husband for another kiss but the other didn't let him. He don't want his husband to feel guilty.

"Yoongi, it's okay. Everything is fine. Our baby is fine. I'm fine. Please, don't...don't cry." He hiccups.

Yoongi shakes his head and wiped his face. He tried to smile but he failed big time. He don't want his husband to worry about him.

"I'm not crying, my love. Look, I'm just happy that I got you back. Please, stop crying. It's not good for your health and our baby too."

Yoongi wiped his husband's face and kissed all over his face. They both got calmed down and cuddled on the bed. Yoongi placed his hand over other's stomach protective. He kissed his husband's forehead and didn't broke the kiss.

"Yoongi...." Hoseok said in a tired tone.

Yoongi broke the kiss, " Please, don't leave me." He breathed out.

Hoseok pulled the other closer as much as possible. He hugged him so tight. He smiled when his husband placed his head over his chest. He hugged his head and played with his hair. Yoongi never laid over his chest. This is the first time. Hoseok realised how much vulnerable his husband was.

"I'd never leave you. No matter what happens. I'll stay with you. I already told you Yoongi. I'll always choose you over anyone. Why are you scared that I'll leave you?"

Hoseok heart broke when he heard his husband's sobs. He tried to break the hug and look into others face but the other shakes his head and hugged him tighter.

Hoseok smiled, "My King, show me your handsome face."

Yoongi shakes his head. Hoseok chuckled and played with other's hair.

"Why? Oh my god, don't tell me The great King, Min Yoongi was blushing." He giggled.

Yoongi groaned and shows his face to his husband. Hoseok heart broke looking at his husband's swollen eyes and face, his nose were red. But, he didn't showed it to other. Instead, he smiled and pulled his husband's face and kissed his nose.


"You look so cute, Yoongi. I wanna squish your cheeks and bite it. I wanna suck your..."

"My love, not now." Yoongi interrupts.

Hoseok arched his brow, "I said I wanna suck your cheeks. So dirty." He pinched his husband's cheeks.

Yoongi chuckled and snuggled into other's crook. He felt so vulnerable till the other wakes up. He's scared that the other would leave him after hearing the reason. But, he's shocked when the other pulled him for a kiss instead of getting angry at him. He didn't expected that.

Hoseok pats other's back.

"My Yoongi, now you're acting like me? Looks like we switched our roles." He giggled again.

As soon as Hoseok heard the reason for his stomach ache, his heart shattered. His fear against the Mins started to show up again. He's till scared the hell out of Mins except his husband. He'd bear anything if it happens to him but he won't tolerate when it comes to his baby.

But, one look at his husband's face, Hoseok forgot everything. His only worry is about his husband . He tried to look into other's eyes but the other avoided it. He saw how his husband face was swollen because of crying too much. He started to think about his husband. How'd have he felt at the moment?

Days passed, Yoongi was more cautious about his husband's health and protection. He cancelled everything and focused on his husband. He gave his cousin full responsibility of the Kingdom but every decisions was taken by him. Namjoon was only acted as a mediator.

Hoseok opened his eyes from his sleep. He rubbed his belly to check whether his baby is safe or not. He looked around and got panicked when there's no one.


Yoongi rushed to his panicked husband. He pulled him for a hug and rubbed his back.

"I'm here. I'm here. Breath in and out. Calm down ."

Hoseok hits him, "where did you left?"

Yoongi caught other's hand and kissed it. He smiled at him.

"I'm here. Next to you. Calm down."

Hoseok nods his head. Ever since that incident, Hoseok has panic attacks. He'll get scared if he's alone. So, Yoongi never left the other's side. But still, Hoseok sacred of every Min's except his husband.

Yoongi calmed the other. He can't help but see the changes in other's behaviour. He don't blame Hoseok for that but he blamed himself. He blamed himself for every struggles his husband getting so far.

"I love you." He kissed other's head.

Hoseok smiled, "Yoongi, let's have a bath in the pond. I wanna go out."

Yoongi nods and carried the other carefully to the pond. He stripped himself and his husband. They both got into the water. Hoseok giggled when he felt his husband back hugged him. He took a handful of water and splashed at his husband's face.

Yoongi laughed and kissed his husband's shoulder. Everything goes well as how Yoongi expected to. They left the place after bathing. Yoongi prepared the food for his husband ever since that incident. He don't trust anyone, not even his people when it comes to Hoseok. They went for a walk after lunch.

The news of the maiden death spreads like a wild fire. Everyone got scared to even talk about their queen. The unexpected thing was, it spreads to Jung kingdom too.

The Jung king took his sword and gathered around his soldiers. He's about to attack the Min kingdom until they received the letter from his son. Hoseok explained everything in the letter and told them to don't attack Min's. He said he's fine and, he's not poisoned. It's just a food poison. He lied them to in order to save his other kingdom from his angry father.


Mr. Jung was not convinced but he stayed calm because of his son's request. He sends some extra guards and cooks for his son. But, Yoongi declined them and send them back. As long as he's with his husband , he needs no one. He don't trust anyone except him. No one can protect his husband more than him.

As days passed by, Hoseok started to become his normal self which made the other feel so happy. He started to go out more and spend times with others but accompanied by his husband only. Yoongi introduced his husband to the public. Hoseok was hesitant at first but the love he received from the people made his heart warm. Maybe, he never met a good Min so far. And now, meeting the good people's and talking with him made him to change his mind about them. Hoseok felt so bad for mistaking all Mins are same. He started to get along with the peoples.

People loved their queen after they started to meet him and talk with him. They felt like they've never seen such a beautiful soul. Hoseok's beauty made them blind and hypnotized. They're so shocked after seeing him in real life. They gave so many gifts to their queen whenever he comes out to meet them.

Hoseok was currently having conversation with his friend, Taehyung in the garden. Yoongi watched them from afar with a disgusted face. He can stand anyone but Taehyung. He don't know why but he hates the other so much. He'd kill the other if it wasn't for Hoseok.

"Tae, what if my baby is a girl?"

Taehyung smiled, "Hmm, I'll teach my little highness how to fight and be brave."

Hoseok giggled, "Hmm, what if my baby is a boy?"

Taehyung thinks, "Hmmm, I'll feed him a lot of delicious food and teach him how to protect others. How to be strong and how to love his mother."

Yoongi grits his teeth but he stayed silent. He wanna smash other's head so badly. Listening to their conversation didn't help either. His husband's laugh calmed his mind.

"Tae, did you find someone for you?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "I'm with you. I don't want anyone."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stood up. He can't do this anymore.He walked to his husband and extends his hand.

"My love, it's getting late. Let's leave. It's time for your nap."

Hoseok pouts but stood up by the help of his husband. He said bye to his friend and walked to his room. He's covered by a blanket as soon as he hits the bed. He pats the place next to him for his husband which he accepts gladly.

"Yoongi, have you decided name for our baby?"

Yoongi smiled, "I'm happy with whatever name you give them. Does your feet hurts? I'll massage your feet."

Hoseok stopped his husband who's about to massage his feet. He pulled him closer and snuggled into his chest.

"Don't leave me. I need your warmth." He mumbled.

Yoongi played with other's hair and smiled. He started to tell some stories for his husband until he falls asleep. This is how their everyday goes on. Yoongi was so excited to see his baby that he can't wait.


Seokjin glared the other when he caught his hands. He raised his brow at him.

"Jinnie, how long will you be mad at me?"

Seokjin took back his hand and turned around.

"I don't know what young master is implying here. Who am I to get mad at you? I'm just a doctor from other kingdom."

Namjoon sighed and turned around the other. Seokjin pushed the others chest when he leaned closer.

"Seokjin, don't. Do . This. I don't like when someone ignores me. What do you want me to do? Just accept my love and be my partner."

Seokjin gasped when the other kissed him. He didn't kissed back instead he stood there like a statue. His heart beats faster. It's not like he don't like the other, he's scared that he'll accepts the other. He won't meddle with anyone who hurts their prince.

"I love you, Jinnie. Accept me."

Seokjin sighed and looked at him.

"Stop assaulting me whenever you've chance. That's the lowest a human can do. Now, leave my room before you lose your respect."

Namjoon sighed and turned to leave. He stopped when he saw a bunch of leaves.

"Jinnie, isn't it..."

Seokjin immediately looked at the leaves and turned to Namjoon.

"I took it for a research purpose."

Namjoon frowned, "but, it's prohibited. How did you get that?"

Seokjin took the leaves and puts it into a pot and closed it with a lid. He turned around to Namjoon.

"Why are you still standing here?"

Namjoon arched his brow, "you didn't answered my question."

Seokjin sighed, "I got it from the forest. There's plenty of it. I don't know how it's prohibited when there's literally grown everywhere in the forest."

Namjoon frowned and left the room. Seokjin sighed in relief and locked the door.


"Taehyung, why don't you get along with Jungkook?"

Jungkook spat the water and laughed. Taehyung glared at the laughing male and turned to Hoseok and smiled.

Jungkook scoffs, "Taehyung? Sometimes I mistake him as a statue. Haha, Hoseok, I can't believe you're friend with him."

Hoseok frowned, "Hey, don't talk like that about my friend. He's a sweet and protective guy. He's not a statue."

Hoseok pouts at his friend, "Tae, look at him talking like that about you. Prove him he's wrong."

Taehyung smiled, "My Prince, I don't have to prove anything to anyone. No one matters to me."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Why are you talking with an old man, your highness? Where's Majesty?"

"I think he's busy."

Hoseok placed the bunny next to Taehyung cheeks and made some kissy sounds like the bunny kissing his friends. Taehyung smiled and took the bunny in his hand and pets it. Jungkook grinned watching them.

"Haha...Taehyung, let's get this two bunny marry. They're always together ."

Jungkook laughs, "what if they're siblings?"

Hoseok pouts, "ohh... I didn't thought like that."

Everybody snapped to a direction where they heard a loud footsteps. Jungkook bowed at his king while Taehyung helped his price to stand up.


Yoongi caught other's hand and speed walks to the home. Hoseok placed his hand over his stomach and tried to walk with his husband. The other dragged him.

"Yoongi, slower...ahh....Yoongi..."

Yoongi opened the room door and locked it immediately. He claimed other's lips and started to kiss him furiously. Hoseok moaned and kissed his husband back. He thought his husband missed him and smiled in the kiss.

"Yoongi, My baby, what happened to my king? Did he missed his husband, huh?"

Yoongi looked at him with serious look, "Strip."

Hoseok frowned, "Huh? Wh...what?"

"Hoseok, I wanna fuck you so bad. So so badly . You don't understand."

Hoseok trembled when the other growls. He stood there in shock. His husband acts so strange.

"Yoo...Yoongi, but Jin hyung told..."

Yoongi pushed the other on the bed making him yelp. Without wasting time, he removed other's lower garment. Hoseok shivered when the cold air hits him. He's terrified because of his husband weird behaviour. He tried to stop the other.

Yoongi took his dick out and inserted into other's hole in a rough motion. He didn't made the other wet before inserting his dick. He straight out inserted it making the other to scream in pain. Yoongi snapped out of his mind and took his dick out immediately. He's painfully hard that it hurts like hell.

"I'm ...I'm sorry my love. Please, stay here and lock your door. Don't come out until I come back. Keep your friend as a guard. I'll come back."


The other left the room. Hoseok was so dumbfounded by the other's behavior. Soon, Taehyung came to his room. He's worried about his husband.

Yoongi went to the castle and locked himself in his room. He pants heavier. He took his dick out and stroked it faster. He's so turned on. He felt so hot so he removed his clothes.

"Oh fuckkkk ...."

Yoongi breathed heavier. He came all over the floor but his dick was still hard as rock. He cursed and stroked his dick again. He's not satisfied. He lost his mind. His painful hard member was strong, no matter how many times he came. He told his guards to bring Jungkook.

Jungkook knocks the door. Immediately the door opened just a little bit. He frowned when he heard a voice from another side.

"Kook, bring me a women."

Jungkook frowned. His king haven't had sex with anyone after that marriage night. He felt something weird.

"Your Majesty, are you sure?"

"Do as I say."

Jungkook nods his head disappointed and left the room.

Yoongi breathed harder and stroked his dick. He knows what he's doing is wrong but he'll go insane if he don't feel relieved. He tired to take a bath but his dick was hard as hell. He felt sorry to his husband. He's afraid that he'll hurt his baby when he have sex with his husband. So, he decided to have sex with a woman.

The door knock snapped his thoughts. He ordered from inside since he's naked.

"Come in and lock the door."

Soon, the door opens and he heard a locking sound. Yoongi was sitting on his bed while stroking his dick. He bites his lips and groaned.

"Kneel down and suck me."

Yoongi closed his eyes and groaned when the other started to suck him. He moaned and opened his eyes but his eyes grow larger. He immediately pulled the person.

"My love..." His voice breaks.

Hoseok's lips trembled, "Yoongi, I'm not dead yet." Tears poured from his eyes. He sobbed harder.

Yoongi felt so vulnerable. He pulled his husband for a hug.

"I'm sorry, my love. I don't know what happened to me. I..I.. just got horny out to no where. I...I don't wanna hurt you. So, I ..I.. I'm really sorry. I feel awful."

Yoongi buried his face on other's crook and cried. He felt so ashamed. Hoseok broke the hug and kneels again. But, Yoongi didn't let him to.

"My love, it's not good for baby."

Hoseok smiled, "I don't want anyone to satisfy my husband needs when I'm alive. You can stand and I'll sit on the bed. I'll..I'll help you to come." He looked down at the end.

Yoongi was hesitant but his hard painful dick didn't made it easier for him. He stood in front of the male and groaned when a hot warm mouth surround his dick. He moaned louder and started to thrust into other's mouth making him to gag.

Hoseok holds others hips and sucked him harder. He had tear stained on his cheeks and sweats dropped from his forehead. He gagged when his husband hits his back throat. He closed his eyes and tried hard to not vomit . He placed a hand over his belly to not let his baby hear his husband's moans.

A hot liquid filled other's mouth. He swallowed it and wiped his lips by his back hand. He pants while looking at his husband. His eyes grow large when the other was still hard.

"Yoo..ngi...maybe you can have sex with meeeee ....ahhh.."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Yoongi inserted into him. He started to move in slow thrusts in order to not hurt the other. Hoseok moaned in pleasure and hugged his husband. Yoongi filled him non stop.

After fifth round, Yoongi felt satisfied and passed out. Hoseok whined in pain and stood up. He hits his sleeping husband and scolds him. His shaky legs gave up when he tried to reach the bathroom. But, he managed to take a bath. He wore one of his husband cloth and left the room. He went straight to seokjin room.

"Seokie, what are you doing here? It's midnight. Come in." Seokjin yawns.

Hoseok bites his lips and looked down. He sips the warm tea and looked at seokjin.

"Jin hyung, we'd sex." He blushed after telling this to Seokjin.

Seokjin sighed, "Your husband is..sooo.... I don't wanna talk about that. Where's your brain? Didn't I warned you?"

Hoseok's lips trembled, "he's about to have sex with a woman. What do you want me to do? Just watch them."

Seokjin smiled and sat next to him.

"Seokie, it's normal. What do you want him to do when he gets horny while you're pregnant ? He has his needs."

Hoseok shakes his head, "He's mine. He's my husband. I won't let him have sex with anyone."

Seokjin chuckled, "I don't wanna talk about this but just be careful. You can have sex but be gentle. Your baby is fine. You don't have to worry. You can go and take rest. I'll accompany you ."

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