《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 29


"Your highness."

Hoseok stopped in his track and turned around. He looked at Namjoon and smiled politely.

"Yes, Namjoon-shi."

Namjoon smiled at him showing his deep dimple proudly. He gave a bag to Hoseok and bowed.

"Congratulations... a small gift."

Hoseok gets excited whenever someone gives him gifts. He giggled and took the bag from other's hand. He immediately opened it and started to look what's inside. His eyes widens.

"Oh my god, so many beautiful hair pins . How do you know I love hair pins?"

Hoseok was so happy looking at the beautiful hair pins. They look so costly. He giggled and thanked the other again.

Namjoon sighed in relief, "I'd be relieved if you accept my apology. You've been gone through so much because of my carelessness. I felt so bad for that. I'm genuinely sorry for that."

Hoseok placed a blue stoned hair pin on his hair and looked at Namjoon.

"Huh? Did you said anything? Namjoon-shi, how does it look? I'm so happy...haha...it suits my hair, doesn't it?"

Hoseok checked other hair pins too. Namjoon was amused by the other's reaction for a hair pin. It's just a hair pin. Why'd the other overreact about it? Namjoon smiled at the innocent Hoseok. He felt so guilty for making him go through a lot of struggles. Still, Yoongi didn't talked to him which made him feel so bad. But, Hoseok showed him kindness and love instead of anger. He didn't expected this from Hoseok.

"Hmm, where's my king?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon bowed, "your highness, he's in the meeting hall."

Before he finishes the sentence, Hoseok sprinted off. He walked to the meeting hall and entered. Everyone's attention turned to him except Yoongi who's busy checking the report details. When a certain pleasant scent entered his nostril, he looked up with an excitedment.

"Ma...maje...Majesty...." Hoseok pants.

Yoongi immediately stood up and rushed to his husband . After seeing the couple's, the ministers decided to leave the meeting hall. But Yoongi stopped them.

"Where do you think you're all going in the middle of the meeting?"

"My king, but our highness..."

Yoongi raised his brow, "What does it mean? What are you implying? Are you telling me that my husband interrupting our meeting? Mind your business. The meeting is not dismissed yet."

Hoseok grinned when the other looked at him with love. Yoongi's cold look turned into a soft mushy one for his husband. He walked to him and took his both hands.

"My love, do you want something?"

Hoseok shakes his head while smiling. He turned around and showed his hair pin. Yoongi lost in his beauty.

"My king, Namjoon-shi gave me this. How does it look?" He asked excitedly.

The ministers looked down and tried to focus on their business but it's so hard when the lovely couples where standing in the middle of the hall and giggling. They tried to not overhear their conversation.

Yoongi frowned, "why'd he give you that?"

Hoseok turned around with a pout, "He gave me that as a gift."

Yoongi chuckled, "I'm just kidding. I know it's a gift. It looks so beautiful after placed in your hair, my love."

Yoongi looked into other's eyes and leaned closer. Hoseok bites his lips and smiled. He shakes his head and points the people in the room. Yoongi smirked and pulled Hoseok closer by his waist making him gasp.


The ministers sighed and left while murmuring how they already know they're expecting this . Hoseok yelps when the other immediately pulled him for a kiss. Hoseok's beauty and clingy attitude gets increased daily which Yoongi would love to see.


Hoseok broke the kiss and smiled at his husband. Yoongi was too close to him which made him to blush. But, he tried to not get shy. He raised his brow.

"Is this how a King would do? Aren't you in the middle of the meeting? Yoongi, you've no self control." He hooked his hand around other's neck and wiggled his brow when the other smirked.

Yoongi lifts the other making him to laugh. He carried him to the throne and made him to sit on the seat. Hoseok gasped and tried to stand up but Yoongi placed his hands over the other's shoulder and pressed him down.

"My king, this is not my place. I shouldn't be sitting on....oh my god, Yoongi stand up." Hoseok whisper yelled when his husband sits on the floor next to his leg.

"This is where I belong to." Yoongi replied making Hoseok to melt in love. Day by day, Hoseok was having hard time because of his husband's constant love attack.

Yoongi took other's feet and kissed it making Hoseok complain again about how it's disrespectful . But, did he care? Not even a single bit. If he can, he'd built a temple for Hoseok and worship him 24/7.

Hoseok sighed and looked at his adoring husband. He placed his hand on the other's head and ruffled his hair.

"My King, why'd you love me so much? I still can't understand it. You haven't even saw me in real but you already fall in love by just looking at my painting."

Yoongi massages other's feet while looking at his husband. He laughed at the question because Hoseok has been asking this question for so multiple times.

"My love, how many times I've answered that question? Aren't you satisfied with my answer?"

Hoseok nods with a smile. He leaned and pecked his husband lips.

"Please, tell me clearly Yoongi."

Yoongi took a deep sigh and laid his head on the other's lap.

"Hmm, I really don't know. At first, I thought you're a goddess. But, I didn't fall in love. The moment I heard that you're a man made me to love you."

Hoseok frowns and stop petting other's head, "so, you like men?"

Yoongi shakes his head, "That's the point. I don't like men. But, A man made me to loose my mind and hypnotized me with his unreal beauty for the first time. I felt something shake my heart when I looked at your eyes. I'm serious that I've never ever felt that before with anyone. So, I decided to marry someone who made me loose my mind just by a painting."

Hoseok was blushing like he always do. He tried to pull his husband to kiss him but he can't when the other was sitting on the floor.

"Yoongi, sit with me." He orders.

"Yes, your highness." Yoongi replied which made the other to laugh. He stood up and sat next to the other. He pulled Hoseok on his lap and hugged him.

"What does my love want me to do?"

Hoseok buried his head on the other's crook. He called his eyes and sighed.

"Yoongi, what happened to your meeting? Did I interrupted it?"

Yoongi chuckled, "No, my love. I never see you as an interruption."

Hoseok smiled, "Yoongi, I feel sleepy. Can you sing me a song?"

Yoongi smiled, "Of course, my love. Bear my poor singing skill."

Hoseok chuckled and nods his head.

"You've been bearing my singing skills. So, I'd bear it for you."


Yoongi felt his heart feeling heavy because of the amount of the love the other shows. He felt so lucky and blessed. He never failed a moment to worship his husband.

Fourth month starts,

Yoongi became so over protective of his husband. He didn't even let him walk to bathroom. He stayed beside him. He missed his every meetings. He didn't left the castle without his husband. He protected the other like a shadow. As days passed, Yoongi started to have this uneasy feeling that disturbed him a lot. His protection mode over his husband increased to another level.

The good thing is Hoseok never complained about anything. Instead, he enjoyed his husband presence next to him. But, sometimes, he pressures the other to care about his kingdom too. He's scared that Yoongi will receive backlash because of him. He don't wanna be a cause of his husband's downfall.

Hoseok started to have a new hobby, reading story books. So, his husband brought him a whole library. Hoseok started to doze off while reading a book. It's a boring long story so he's not interested. He yawned and waited for his husband to come.

Yoongi went to have a meeting with his ministers after Hoseok pressured him. His mind was filled with Hoseok. He can't concentrate about anything.

"Your majesty, the work was done successfully. So, the only remaining thing is your visit."

Yoongi nods his head, "Tomorrow, I'll come with my husband. Don't reveal it anyone. Or else , people would gather."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed.

"Hmm, is there anything else?" He asked impatiently.

"No, your majesty."

Yoongi sighed in relief, "Then, everyone can leave."

Yoongi rushed to the door before other's leave. He walked straight to his husband's room. He nods to the people who's bowed on his way.

Hoseok turned around with a wide smile when he heard the door opens. He tried to stood up but Yoongi ran to him.

"Yoongi~~~~~" he sings his name.

Yoongi smiled and pecked his nose. He lifts the other from the couch and carried him to the bed. He laid the laughing male on the bed and laid next to him. He leaned closer and claimed other's lips. Everything happened in a blink of eyes making the other to get excited.

Hoseok smiled in the kiss and hugged his husband back. He grinned when the other broke the kiss.

"How's the meeting?"


Hoseok laughed which felt like a music to the other. Yoongi stopped having sex with the other since Seokjin warned them to wait till Hoseok reaches 5 month.

"I missed you so much."

Hoseok smiled, "I didn't until I read this awful story." He giggled when the other looked at him disappointed.

"So, you didn't missed me?" He arched his brow.

Hoseok nods his head while looking at his husband. He's so good at provoking his husband whenever he has chance.

Yoongi glared at the other. His hold on others hands tightens making the other to whine in pain.

"Yoongi, oh god, leave my hands."

Yoongi leaned closer and was inches away from the other's lips. His hot breath hits the others lips making him to excitedly open his lips for the kiss. Yoongi smirked watching how his husband was holding his shirt into his fist with his closed eyes, his lips were opened from him to dive in. But, he didn't.

Hoseok looked at him with disappointed look. He sighed when he realised his husband was teasing him.

"Yes, I missed you too. I admit. Now, will you...hmph.."

Hoseok kissed back the other happily and enjoyed the violent kiss until the door knock stopped them. Yoongi groaned and turned to the door.


"Ma..Majesty, I brought the tea." A maiden voice heard.

Hoseok pushed Yoongi away and sits properly. He cleared his throat.

"Yes, come in."

The maiden opened the door and walks in. She placed the tray on the table and left after bowing. Hoseok points the tray at his husband.

"Yoongi, my lovely husband, bring me the tea." He said in a sweet tone making the other melt.

Yoongi chuckled and pecked others lips before leaving him. He took the tea cup and gave it to Hoseok. Hoseok hummed after a sip. He closed his eyes in content.

"Feels so refreshing."

Yoongi took the book the other was reading and started to look into the story.

"Hmm, My love, tomorrow we're going to see the dam. The water project is finished . All I want you to do is make it pure by your touch."

Hoseok placed the tea cup and frowned, "How?"

Yoongi turned to him, "I want you to bless the water in our kingdom. It'll protect our kingdom."

Hoseok thinks, "hmmmm , I'll pray to my goddess to bless the water in our kingdom. She'll stay here with us."

Yoongi smiled and nods his head. He wanted to create a safe environment for his people and most importantly for his husband. Hoseok has power with water. It can help him in his needs.

Hoseok laid on the bed and snuggled into his husband chest, "Yoongi, can you continue the remaining story?"

Yoongi pecked his head, "You said it's an awful story?"

"But, I wanna know what happens in the end." Hoseok mumbles after a yawn.

Yoongi chuckled and nods his head. He started to read it. It's a love story between a man and a mermaid. It's not that bad, but he don't know why the other hated it.

"And, he died in the end? Oh god, you're right. It's an awful story."

Yoongi laughed and turned to the other but he's sleeping like a child. He shakes his head and covered his husband with a blanket. It's 3p.m. Hoseok having his afternoon nap time. Yoongi hugged the other when he snuggled into his chest. He started to read the report.

Yoongi felt the other was wiggling in his arms. He thought the other doesn't feel comfortable. So, he removed his hands and let the other turn around freely. But, a painful whine left from his husband's lips made him to get shocked.

"My love, are you okay?" He panicked.

Hoseok clutched his small belly and whined again. He snapped open his eyes and tears started to fall.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, it hurts...it hurts so much."

Yoongi started to panic. He don't know what to do.


Hoseok felt immense pain from his stomach. He felt like someone is pulling his womb out. He started to panic and screamed in pain.

"Yoongi, baby....my baby. Yoongi, it hurts."

Yoongi heart clenched. He started to cry. He took other's hand and tried to calm him.

"My love, don't panic. Nothing happens to our baby. Trust me."

Seokjin rushed to the room and looked at the screaming Hoseok. He immediately gave him a seductive and made him loose conscious. Yoongi scared when the other passed out.

"Doctor, wh...what happened? Why he's passed out."

Seokjin touched other's stomach and pressed it lightly. He felt the baby's heartbeat. But, it's slow.

"Baby is in danger."


Seokjin told the guards to bring his medical kit. He mixed some powders with water and feeds it to Hoseok. He checked others temperature.

Yoongi pressed a cloth on his husband forehead and wiped the sweat. He cried silently without making noise. He almost died watching his husband whine in pain. He can't bear to watch his husband tears.

"Someone poisoned him."

Yoongi snapped at him, "what..what do you mean?"

Seokjin continued, "But, it's don't affect him since it's a weak poisons but it's strong for the baby. I gave him a powerful medicine. Don't worry, but can you tell me how our prince got poisoned?" Seokjin glares with his arched brow.

Yoongi wiped his cheeks and looked at seokjin. He don't have an exact answer for that question. He tried to do everything to protect his husband but how does it happened? His head lowered again at the Jungs. Yoongi remembered Hoseok drinking a tea.


Hoseok stirred when he shouts. So, he decided to leave the room. He told Seokjin to stay with his husband. Taehyung doesn't know what happened. He went to the market to buy some spicy snacks for Hoseok since the other bugged him to buy some snacks because his husband won't let him. He gets into the room after knocking the door. He frowned when he heard seokjin voice.

"Jin hyung, what are you doing here?"

Seokjin wiped his cheeks and told everything. Taehyung dropped the snacks bag and rushed to Hoseok. He felt like he failed again. He felt so terrible. He took Hoseok hands and cried.

"I'm sorry, my prince. I failed my job again."

The maiden kneels down and started to cry louder. She shakes in fear. Her King's angry gaze made her to tremble. She bowed again.

"M..Majesty, I..I... didn't do anything. Please, believe me. I didn't do it. Please." She begged and cried.

Yoongi placed his sword on her shoulder.

"Why did you do that? He's fine until he drank the tea. Tell me, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?"

He slashed her throat. Bloods scattered everywhere. He gave his bloody sword to his guards and told them to clean it. No one can get escape from him. He becomes sensitive when it comes to his husband. All he wanted to do is protect his husband and live with his happily.

"Throw her away. Let everyone know about this. So, no one would dare to do anything to my husband."

He walked straight to his husband room. He's scared that the other would leave him again. He sighed in relief when he saw his husband but frowned when he saw Taehyung.

"Leave." He said.

Taehyung walked to him and tried to stop him. He didn't let the other reach to his husband. He stood in between them.

"Don't go near him."

Yoongi arched his brow and chuckled.

"Who are you? Don't you dare to stand in front of me." He warned other.

Taehyung stares, "Is this how you'll protect your husband? Why can't you just let him live peacefully? You really want him to die, don't you?"

Seokjin interrupts, "The baby is important as much as our prince to us. Let us take him back to our kin..."

"NEVER.....I'll never send him away. He's MY HUSBAND. Don't you dare to separate him from me? I'll kill everyone. I don't care. I'll never let you take my husband from me. LEAVE NOW."

Taehyung glared at him, "Wait until our king to arrive here and take his son back. You'll never protect him. You don't deserve him. We gave you a chance but you tried to kill two life. I don't think he'll be safe here. Let him go back to his kingdom. Let him live." He spats.

Yoongi was at the verge of killing other. He glared at him back. His jaw clenched. If he brought his sword with him, he'd have slashed Taehyung hear from his body. But, he don't wanna hurt his husband who loves his friend. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Doctor, take him away before I kill him. I don't wanna upset my husband when he wakes up."

Seokjin sighed and dragged stubborn Taehyung with him. They left the room. Yoongi rushed to Hoseok and laid next to his husband. He hugged his husband legs and started to cry silently.

"No one can take you away from me. I killed her. My love, no one can hurt you again. And, no one can take you away from me. How'd they say that? Why'd they wanna separate us so badly?"

He wiped his cheeks.

"They wanna kill me. I won't let them take you away. I don't care if your father comes to take you. I'll kill him if he try to lay a single finger on you. I don't care if he's your father. I'll protect you and our baby. They can only take you over my dead body."

"I'll protect you and our baby. No one can hurt you. I promise. Don't leave me. Just kill me before you leave me."

Yoongi slept hugging the other's legs. He was scared to hell for the first time. He's scared that they'll take his husband again. He's scared how Hoseok would react after waking up. Is he gonna leave him again because of his people? That's what he feared the most.

Thanks for reading.

Love you, take care....💜💜💜😘

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