《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 28



"Oh god!"

"No wonder our king has been hiding his partner."

"So beautiful."

"Ahem, What's so shocking about this? He looks like a woman."

All eyes turned to him. The man gulped and smiled awkwardly. Out of nowhere, a guard approached hm and dragged him for a punishment.


People looked at him with disgust. The man was dragged to the prison. No one dares to speak against their queen.

"He deserve it. Why'd he talk about our King's partner? Isn't our King already announced they'll be punished?"

"Yeah, you're right. But, did you look at his hair. Oh god, he's so pretty." A girl squeals.

Min Yoongi smiled proudly while hearing from his guards and spies about public reaction for his husband face reveal. He expected this. Even as a King who has seen so many beautiful girls and boys, felt awed at Hoseok beauty. How could the normal people survive from his charming attack. His unreal beauty can make people question whether he's real or not.

People accepted their "Queen" even before seeing his face but now, they're so happy and proud that their queen is the most beautiful person in the whole world. Everyone got hypnotized at his beauty. They stopped walking to look at his painting. He's the most topic talked not only by kingdom. It also spread to neighboring countries.

Hoseok portrait was drawn so elegantly. He wore a white clothes making him look more angelic than he already was, while his long dark hair travelled until his knees. His eyes were deep blue which would suck your soul if you look longer. A beautiful shy smile on his pink colored lips added an extra beauty to the art. He had a little crown on his head which made of beautiful and colorful flowers.

This attracted not only good but bad peoples too. Some people admired his beauty but scared to even spoke about him but some got attracted to him so much to the point they even ready to fight the king. His beauty started to spread to other kingdoms too which made Hoseok famous since they only heard about him. But now, his paintings reached everywhere and attracted some hungry wolves too.

Every information reached to Yoongi. He smirked knowing that no one can do anything to his husband and how everyone is talking about him meanwhile the other was lying on his lap and singing a song. He played with other's hair and smiled when the other stopped singing and looked at him.

"Yoongi, did you like it? I'm sorry I've never sing a song in my life." He said with a blush.

Yoongi shakes his head and kissed other's head.

"I can listen to your singing for my entire life."

"Ahh, but I won't sing. I'll get bored if I sing for my entire life." Hoseok complains.

Yoongi laughed at his childish husband. He frowned when the other gets up from his lap.

"My love, do you want something? Are you okay?"

Hoseok shakes his head and speed walks. Yoongi followed him in panic. He's shocked where his husband heading to. He didn't even said anything wrong, did he? Yoongi's heart broke when he saw his husband vomits.


Yoongi rubbed Hoseok back and gave him some fresh water. Hoseok cleaned his mouth and face. He pouts at his husband. He looks exhausted.

"Sorry..." he pouts.

Yoongi shakes his head and cupped other's cheeks, "My love, what happened to you? Are you sick? Don't hide anything to me."


Yoongi felt terrible. He can't bear anything happening to his husband.

Hoseok bites his lips and looked down. He played with his clothes. He started to blush. Meanwhile, Yoongi was almost died and came back from hell. His mind started to think every possibilities for the cause. His mind clicked a perfect answer.

"It must be because of that. I'll fire that cook."

Hoseok pouts, "Yoongi, please don't. I'm perfectly alright."

Seokjin arrived there and checked Hoseok pulse. He glared after looking at Hoseok.

"Are you eating well or not? Hoseok, you've to be careful." He warned the other.

A panicked Yoongi interrupted him, "Why..why why he have to be careful, doctor? Is..is there any problem in his health? Tell me, I'll bring every doctors from all over to world for him."

Seokjin sighed and looked at the worried King. He's not sure that the other revealed about the pregnancy or not. So, he stayed silent.

"You've to reduce your physical activities. Do you understand what I meant Hoseok?"

Hoseok blushed and looked down while Yoongi's jaw clenched. He knows exactly what the other was talking about but what does that have to do with Hoseok vomiting. He can't understand but one thing he's sure, his husband is hiding something from him.

After seokjin left, Yoongi carried Hoseok to their room and placed him on the bed against other's complaints about how he can walk by himself. Yoongi is stubborn but when it comes to Hoseok, he's too much over protective and stubbornness increase.

Hoseok watched his husband's worried face. He felt bad for him. He made grabby hands at him.


Yoongi looked at the other and smiled. He crawled to the other and hugged him. He's worried. He don't wanna miss Hoseok again.

"Yoongi, what do you think about babies?"

Yoongi broke the hug and looked at other excitedly. Why his husband is asking about babies now? Out of nowhere. It clicked in his mind . He connected the dots. He smiled widely.

"My love, why...why are you asking that now? Tell me" he's impatient.

Hoseok played with his clothes.

"Hmm, I just wanna know. I'm curious about how the mad mad King reacts to baby."

Yoongi sighed disappointed, "My love, I'm not mad king."

Hoseok laughed and kissed his cheeks, "I'm just kidding. Now, answer my question. I wanna know how my Serious looking handsome King reacts to baby."

Yoongi smiled thinking about tiny Hoseok or tiny Yoongi in his arms. The thought itself made a huge smile on his face.

"Hmm, I love babies when they're mine."

Hoseok gasped and laughed at his husband. He pinched other's chest.

"Meanie. What about other kids?"

Yoongi frowned, "why'd I think about other kids? Well, as a king, I love everyone. Aren't you talking about as a husband?"

Hoseok nods his head and snuggled into others chest. He played with other's shirt.

"Yoongi, Why didn't you married a girl? You know I'm a boy. And, I can't pregnant. How'd you rule your kingdom at an old age?"

Yoongi frowned. He didn't think about it but didn't Namjoon said that the other would get pregnant. So, it's a lie. He dreamt so many things about their future. Everything demolished. He felt so sad because of this shocking news. But, Hoseok is telling the truth.

"I love you Hoseok. I'd love you even though you can't get pregnant. You'll always be my love. I'll let my cousin rule my kingdom and leave every responsibilities to him. So, I can spend my remaining life happily with my beautiful husband."


Hoseok grinned and hugged the other tighter. He felt so loved and protected. He don't wanna hide it anymore. He wanna see his husband reaction. He decided to tell the truth.

"But, I don't know why'd Namjoon say that?" Yoongi said.

Hoseok frowns, "say what?"

Yoongi rubbed his husband back, "he said that you can get pregnant. I shouldn't have believed him. How could a boy get pregnant? Isn't it weird?" He chuckled.

Hoseok felt a sharp pain in his heart. He didn't expected this from his husband. He immediately left other's chest and sits. Hot tears started to pour from his eyes. Weird? Isn't it true? Only a woman can get pregnant and it seams normal. Hoseok lost his confidence.

He jumped when his husband placed hand on his shoulder. He wiped his eyes but the tears didn't stopped.

"My love, are you okay? Oh my god, my love, why are you crying? If you want a baby, we can adopt. Please, stop crying."

Yoongi pulled the other for a hug. His heart shattered when he heard his husband sobs. He tried to calm him but it didn't worked. His husband buried his head into his chest and cried making his shirt get wet.

"Do you see me as weird ?" Hoseok mumbled from other's chest.

Yoongi frowned, "My love, why would I.." he started to think about what Hoseok asked him. Before he connect the dots, Hoseok spilled the truth.

"My...My King, you're gonna be a f...father."

Yoongi sat like a statue. Nothing moved except his eyes which opened the waterfall. His mouth was opened but he can't speak. If he try to speak, nothing comes out. He blinked his eyes and pulled Hoseok face from his chest. He cupped other's cheeks and looked into his pretty eyes.

"My love, is..is this true? Please, say 'yes'."

Hoseok nods his head. His face was red and tears poured from his eyes . Yoongi kissed all over his face and laughed. Hoseok was shocked at his husband reaction. He thought the other would feel disgusted at him. But, he didn't expected this.

"Thank you so much. Thank you, my love. You brighten my life. You gave me the reason to live. I love you so fucking much. Thank you for bringing happiness in my life. Thank you."

Yoongi said while looking into his husband eyes. He claimed other's lips and kissed his soul out. He didn't broke the kiss for a long minute. When he felt Hoseok hands hits his chest, he broke the kiss and grinned.

"I'm gonna announce it to the whole world. I'm so happy." He tried to stand up but Hoseok stopped him.

Hoseok shakes his head, "Yoongi, I..I don't think we should reveal until the baby born. What if other's try to attack me again? I'm scared."

Yoongi shakes his head, "Don't worry when I'm with you. Let other's celebrate it. I'm sure people gonna love this news."

Against Hoseok protest, Yoongi revealed it to the whole kingdom. He felt so happy.

People felt so happy not only because of the news, but also because of the gifts they received. Yoongi ordered to issue sweets, new clothes and gold coins to his whole kingdom. He got blind and drunk of happiness that his husband gave him.

Jungkook congratulated both of them. He felt so happy looking at his King's happiness. It's been so long since he looked this happy. He looked like he won in a battle.

On the other hand, Hoseok felt scared. He's in his room with Taehyung who's massaging his legs. He can't help but get insecure.

"Tae, are you sure there's only positive reactions? Are you hiding the negative one from me?" Hoseok asked for nth time while biting his nails.

Taehyung smiled, "Seokie, so far, I've only heard positive reactions from people. But, it looks like they're more happy for the free gifts than the news."

Hoseok pouts, "Tae, don't be like that. What if they really felt happy for me? Well, even if it's not for me, at least they'd be happy for their King who's gonna be a father. Isn't it?"

Taehyung chuckled, "Why are you so confused? Don't care about other's reaction. No one can do anything to you when I'm with you."

Hoseok grinned at his friend. He pinched other's cheeks.

"That's why I love my Taehyungie."


They both turned to the sound. Hoseok smile brightened. He immediately stood up but Yoongi rushed to him before he walks to him.

"My King..."

"My love, you don't have to stand up. Sit." He made the other to sit and looked at Taehyung with a stern look.

Taehyung excused and left the room. He stayed beside Hoseok room. So, it's easy to guard the other. His hatred for Min's didn't reduced a bit. No one knows him except the castle people. So he travels around the kingdom and knows about how people reacting to his prince.

Yoongi glared at the other till he leaves the room. He don't like Taehyung a bit. Not because of he cursed his kingdom but because of he's being always close to his husband. He knows well that the other is a personal guard but their closeness makes him jealous. He don't like when Taehyung touches his husband but he don't mind if Hoseok touched the other cause he trust his husband unlike Taehyung. He doubt that the other has bad thoughts about his husband by watching the way he looks at his husband . So, he's always cautious about Taehyung.

He speed walked to lock the door and came back to his husband. He smiled when Hoseok pulled him for a kiss. Something new he discovered about Hoseok is, he's a clingy person which he loves a lot. Hoseok always sticks to him wherever he goes, he doesn't care about others.

Yoongi grown up alone after his parents died when he's a kid. But, he's matured enough to take own decisions. His mind was fully focused about his kingdom and tried to widen it. He tried hard to rise up the fallen kingdom that he lost his entire childhood and teenage life. He's never felt any kind of love except the one he received from his people. He thought that's enough until he met Hoseok, the lovely angel.

Everything felt new and strange for Yoongi after Hoseok came into his life. When he wakes up, there's a beautiful human being sleeping in his arms or some days, the beautiful man stares at him with a wide smile and showers him with morning kisses. He don't like even if his parents feeds him but with Hoseok, he'd forgot how to eat on his own. The only song he listens are Hoseok's laughs. He never got tired of his works because his husband would be waiting for him to shower him with love.

Hoseok showers love to the other like his life depends on it. Hoseok's character is, he'll never leave you once he got attached to you. He'll shower you with love that you'll get sick of it. But Yoongi would never get sick of his husband's love. More like, he'd still starve for the love like an unsatisfied baby.

Hoseok breaks the kiss and looked at his husband. He frowned at his tired looking husband.

"My king, you're working so hard for your people. How about reducing your burdens?"

Yoongi chuckled, "My love, it's not burdens. It's my duty. I've to be responsible for everything. Tell me, did you eat fruits?"

Hoseok nods, "Yes, I'm. Go and take a bath. Let's have dinner."

Yoongi pecked his nose and left to bath. Hoseok told his maid to bring the dinner to their room. It's his mid third month. He felt so happy. He's constantly showered by love by his husband. He sat on the floor and waited for his husband to come soon. He felt so hungry after looking at the delicious foods.

"Yoongi~~~ come soon."

Yoongi rushed from the bathroom and hurried to Hoseok.

"My love,what happened? Did anything happened?" He panicked.

Hoseok nods with a pout, "Our baby is hungry."

Yoongi sat next to him and smiled. He took a spoonful of soup.

"Our baby shouldn't be hungry. Here, ahh..."

Hoseok nods his head and opened his mouth. He moaned in the taste. Soon, his stomach got filled by delicious food. He rubbed his belly and smiled.


Yoongi wiped other's lips and pecked him.

"Does our baby got full?"

Hoseok nods his head and smiled. He leaned and pecked his husband lips multiple times. Yoongi chuckled and snakes his arms around the others waist. Hoseok sat on his husband lap and kissed his lips.

Yoongi broke the kiss and laughed when the other whined. He kissed him again but Hoseok doesn't wanna break the kiss.

"Does my love got full?" He asked while panting.

Hoseok shakes his head, "I'm still hungry."

Yoongi took the noodle bowl but Hoseok stopped him.

"I don't want that."

Yoongi chuckled and took rice cakes but Hoseok shakes his head.

"What do you want love?" He asked patiently.

Hoseok points his forefinger to his husband and poked his chest.

"I want you." As soon as the word left from his lips, he looked down in shyness.

Yoongi didn't wasted the time. He carried the other to the bed and laid him. He smirked and started to remove other's clothes without breaking the eye contact. Hoseok felt so embarrassed. Even though Yoongi is his husband, he still felt shy whenever the other see him naked.

Hoseok bites his lips excitedly. He's so impatient that he groaned when he can't untie others robe. He started to pull the clothes.

Yoongi laughed and took his husband hands from his cloth and started to strip himself. His muscle flexed when he removed his shirt. Hoseok licked his lips and stared at others body. He placed his hands on the others abs and rubbed it.

"Yoongi, you're so hot and handsome. I'm so weak for you."

Yoongi laughed and leaned closer. He's so conscious about Hoseok's stomach. So, he's careful at his every move.

"I feel so blessed getting compliment from a god of beauty."

Hoseok cheeks burned red. He smiled widely and closed his face with his both hands.

"Why are you making me blush? No one has ever done that to me." He whines.

Yoongi arched his brow, "Really? You're the easiest one to make blush. I've seen you blushing just by a simple compliments from the people."

Yoongi removed Hoseok hands to reveal his face and pecked his lips.

"Stop lying to me, cutie." He said to the blushing male.

Hoseok pouts, "Yoongi, there's a difference between blush and shy. You make me feel both at the same time unlike others. That's what I meant." He mumbled.

Yoongi smirked, "so, you're shy? Look into my eyes."

Hoseok shakes his head and turned his face. Yoongi chuckled and kissed his left cheeks which displayed to him since the other cheek buried into the pillow. Hoseok hits the other's chest and whined.

"Yoongi, oh my god, did you eat?" Hoseok gasped when he realised his husband hasn't eat yet . He's been feeding him the whole time.

Yoongi shakes his head and kissed other's chest making the other to close his eyes and groan in pleasure. He bites and sucked the skin.

"I'm not hungry for food." He kissed Hoseok's belly button.

Hoseok stopped his husband when he's about to reach his dick. He pulled his face to him and kissed his lips furiously. Yoongi spreads other's legs wide and placed it over his thighs while kissing him.

Hoseok moaned while kissing the other. He digs his nails into other's back when the other sucked his tongue. He felt so hot because of the friction between their naked body. Hoseok broke the kiss and pants.

"Yoongi, you..you should eat first."

Hoseok said in between his pants. He felt his husband biting and sucking all over his skin. His thighs were wide and his legs were hugging other's waist. He played with his husband hair while the other nibbled his ears.

"That's what I'm doing."

"Aren't you hungry? You need some...ahh...strength Yoongi." Hoseok scolds him.

Yoongi smirked, "You wanna see my full power. I don't think you can survive that in this condition."

Hoseok shakes his head in fear. He knows how Yoongi would go insane in his beasty mode. He moaned louder when the other reached down and took his penis into his hot mouth and started to suck it. It's gonna be a long night. Hoseok looked at the leftover foods and closed his eyes in pleasure.

Yoongi covered his sleeping husband's body with a blanket. He smiled and moved other's bangs that sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. He wiped the sweat and leaned closer to kiss his forehead. He chuckled silently when the other mumbled something in his sleep.

"Love you my love."

Yoongi ate the cold food since he felt so hungry. He told the maids to remove the dishes from the table. He turned around and got shocked when Hoseok grinned at him.

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