《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 26


Yoongi opened his eyes when he felt so cold. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. It's dark except the moonlight. He realised where he was. Yoongi always spent some time in the forest lake where Hoseok takes bath. Living with the memories of his beautiful husband made him calm. But, he slept because of tiredness.

Yoongi turned aside and draw a figure on the sand. He smiled at the figure.

"My beloved, I'm sure you're safe and protected but I'm worried whether you're happy or sad like me. I want you to be happy. You don't deserve any of this. I made your life a mess. I married you and brought you here against your will. I'm sorry. "

Yoongi started to shed tears again. The full moon glows in the water. Yoongi was about to leave.

"When will you stop crying? Is this the place for crying?" A annoyed voice heard.

Yoongi took his sword and stood up. He looked around with his sharp eyes.

"Who are you? Reveal yourself before I find you." He threatened.

The cute demon sighed and throws an apple at the angry king but the king sliced the apple into two pieces. The demon was sitting on the tree.

"You're Min Yoongi, right? The king, aren't you?"

Yoongi turned to the direction where the sound came from. He points the sword at the direction.

"Who are you?"

The demon was kicking his legs in the air.

"You've something on your hand which protects you. I can't reveal myself in front of you. It'll drain my energy. I'll talk from here."

Yoongi looked at the bracelet that Hoseok gave him. He realised the other was not a normal human.

"What are you?" He asked again.

The demon pouts, "hey, where's respect? Fine, since you're my pretty friend's husband , I'll tell who I'm . I'm Jimin, a dangerous demon." He made some weird noises.

Yoongi points the sword at him, "are you the one who made him suffer?" He asked angrily.

Jimin shakes his hands, "What? I'm the one protected him. You should thank me instead of blaming me."

Yoongi still felt suspicious. He won't trust anyone easily.

"You said that you're friend with my husband? Tell me something about him?"

Jimin placed a finger under his chin and started to think.

"Hmm, he has pretty blue eyes and a long dark hair. His hips looks so curvy but his butt..."

"ENOUGH STOP IT." Yoongi shouts.

Jimin sighed, "you only asked it."

Yoongi don't like that demon. He wanna kill it but since the demon said it saved Hoseok, he left him.

"Did you...did you watched him while he's bathing? And, calling yourself a friend? Disgusting demon." Yoongi spats.

Jimin took another apple and started to munch it.

"Hmm, aren't you forced him to marry you? Because, you're attracted to his beauty. You're worse than a demon."

Yoongi points the sword at him, "behave, or else..."

"Or else? What you gonna do? You're the one invaded my place. I tried to ignore you but your annoying crying sound makes me deaf. First Hoseok came here to cry. But, at least, he looked so angelic and pretty while crying. You look awf ...Hey, don't come closer.."

The demon disappears from the tree and jumped to another one. Yoongi glared at him.

"Wow, he's right. You're so dangerous. I'm glad he's safe now."

Yoongi looked down. He sighed and washed his face. An idea popped in his head. He looked at the demon.


" Aren't you a demon? Can you tell what's he doing right now? I wanna make sure you're not lying."

The demon laughed, "Just tell me you wanted my help to know about your pretty husband. I'm sorry that I can't help you. You know how protected his kingdom is. I can't even enter inside." He pouts.

Yoongi sighed and sat on the rock. He's dying to know anything about Hoseok right now. He wanna know about his well being. He wanna make sure he's happy.

"No one can help me?" He chuckled and laid on the grass. He looked at the full moon and smiled.

"My love, are you sleeping right now? I'm sure you're angry at me for leaving you. Please, forgive me."

"Hey, don't be sad. I can try to communicate with him in dreams. It'll burn out my energy but I'll try for you."

Yoongi immediately sits up and looked at the tree where the small demon is sitting. He nods his head excitedly.

Jimin closed his eyes and tried to sneak into others dream but he can't do it . He tried one more time which didn't succeeded either.

"Hmm, I think he's awake. How about you come back tomorrow morning?"

Yoongi's smile drops, "Why he's still awake? Did he ate?"

Yoongi worried about his husband health. He left the forest and went to the room. He felt so happy after a long time. He can't wait till morning. He paced around his room while talking to himself. He slapped his cheeks to check whether it's real or not. He finally slept on the couch.

Next day, Yoongi had a bath and ran into the forest. He went to the exact spot where he met the demon last night. He looked around and called him.

"Jimin...Jimin....JIMIN.. hey demon. "

The demon groaned and jumped from the tree. He looked at the excited king and frowned. He rubbed his forehead.

"It's you. Look, I slept just a hour after waiting for the whole night to talk with your husband. Why did you wake me up?"

Yoongi tried to hold his anger and smiled at the other. Right now, he just wanna know about his husband. He ignored the demons complaint.

"Did you talked to Hoseok? Is he fine?"

Jimin smiled, "yes, I'm."

Yoongi smiled widely and placed a hand over his heart. He felt his heart pounding. He felt like he get back his life.

"How's he? Is he fine?"

Jimin sat on the rock and smiled, "I talked to him. He freaked out at first but he talked to me later. He told you to take care of yourself and don't have to worry about him."

Yoongi chuckled, "How'd I take care of myself and not worry about him? I'd do if that's easy for me."

"Hmm, one more thing, he looked so freaking beautiful. Like he glowed like a sun. I can't believe my eyes..."

As Jimin was talking, Yoongi grits his teeth and glared at the other. He fumed in anger. His hand formed into fist.

"That's enough information. Thanks for your help." He said coldly.

The demon smiled, "It's fine. I missed him too. Do you want me to ask anything to him ?"

Yoongi thought for a moment and shakes his head.

"I don't wanna disturb him. Don't remind about me to him. He'll became sad. I want him to be happy. Can you...can you talk to him daily?"

Jimin shakes his head and stood up


"That's a lot of energy. And, I'm not a strong demon. Maybe, once in a week."

Yoongi nods his head. He's okay with it. He felt alive and happy now. At least he can know about his husband. His hope increased now.

Jimin watched the king leaving with a smile on his face. He lied to him. Jimin tried so many times to get into Hoseok's dream but he can't. Something powerful protects Hoseok in his motherland. Jimin guessed it's his goddess. But, he sneaked into Taehyung dream to alert him about Hoseok. For that alone , he used all of his energy and became more weaker. If he try again to sneak in, he'll surely die. He felt pity for Yoongi and tried to cheer him up.

In a week, People saw the changes in their King's attitude lately. They don't know exactly what has happened but they felt relieved that their king looks happy.

Jungkook can't help but got curious. As usual, he asked the other. He can't keep anything when it comes to his King.

"Hyung, looks like you're finally moved on from your husband. Hmm, how about remarriage?"

Yoongi placed the tea cup on the table making it to shatter into pieces. He knows the younger was playing around but the thought of replacing Hoseok made him to get mad.

"Kook, I remember that I gave you a job. Did you finished it?"

Jungkook nods his head, "yes, Majesty. I'm on my free time." He grinned.

Yoongi stood up, "fine, then go and have fun. Leave my room."

Jungkook stood up, "hyung, do you know what our people are talking about?"

"My husband?" Yoongi guessed.

"Hmm, you're half correct. But, there's something new topic is going on."

Yoongi turned to him, "what do you mean?"

Jungkook walked closer to him, "Hyung, do you remember the black magic people that we chased out from our kingdom?"

Yoongi nods his head. Just thinking about them made his blood boil. But, he don't know why the other bringing it up.

Jungkook continued, "I heard that they're living on the east forest."

Yoongi frowned, "east forest? Didn't we prohibited that area because of some unusual incidents? Hmm, it's the perfect place for them. Let them rot there."

The east forest is like an abandoned area. It's not like the small forest in the castle garden. East forest occupies one fourth of the Kingdom. But, why it's abandoned?

People are stopped going to the forest even before Yoongi born. It's like cursed area. No one came out after going into the forest. Yoongi gathered so many of his soldiers and entered the forest but he there's no one. And, nothing happened to them. He thought it's some rumor caused by people and left. He told the people it's safe to go but the next day, people went missing. So, Yoongi build a huge fence and made a law to not go near the restricted area.

Jungkook hummed, "But, what if they tried to get revenge or something?"

Yoongi smirked, "Not anymore. Kook, I made a plan to increase our water resources. Connect our rivers and divert them to the east side. And, build a huge fence. No one should be able to cross the water to get other side. It has to be deep. Lead it to the east forest."

Jungkook nods at his king but he don't understand the plan. Why his king choosing water as a protection lately? It's not like they're in Jung's land and there's no goddess to save them from the water . Unless, he's doing this for Hoseok protection. Something clicked on Jungkook's mind, he smirked.

"You're still hoping for your husband to come back, aren't you?"

Yoongi looked at him , "Why'd think that? And, what if I'm?"

Jungkook shakes his head, "Nothing, I'd be glad if that happens. Without him, it feels like something is missing in this...."

Jungkook stopped when he heard his King's throat clears. He chuckled at his over protective and jealous king.

"Hyung, you told to connect every rivers and lakes. So, the water sources will increase in our kingdom which benefits us. But, why am I thinking that you're doing it for Ho...our queen?"

Yoongi smirked, "I know you're genius but keep it to yourself."

Yoongi made sure one thing for Hoseok protection. It's self protection. He realised Hoseok can't rely on others for protection even though he knows how to fight. But, if the enemy is more powerful, there must be some alternatives. Yoongi thought for so long and decided to use water as a protection for Hoseok.

Yoongi knows very well about how water protects Hoseok. So, he ordered his people to connect water resources. For each mile, there should be any types of water resources must present. If anything happens to Hoseok when he's not around, the water will protect him.


Hoseok finished the bowl of fruits and looked at Taehyung who's cutting fruits for him. He rubbed his flat belly and groaned.

"Tae, hurry up."

Taehyung placed the fruits on the bowl and hands it to his prince.

"Seokie, what happened to you? Did something possess you again like a hungry demon or something?"

He laughed when the other throws a grape at him.

Hoseok talked with a mouthful of fruits, "I wanna look more pretty for my husband. Tae, I'm full but there's still fruits in my bowl. Empty this bowl for me. Don't waste foods."

Taehyung smiled and started to eat the remaining fruits from the bowl. He guessed there's something but he's not sure. He don't wanna assume anything as mistake. He hoped for Hoseok to tell him.

Hoseok laid on the bed because of tiredness. He felt tired because of eating too much. He sighed and closed his eyes. He didn't revealed his pregnancy to anyone.

"Tae, sing me a song till I fall asleep."

Taehyung nods his head. He started to sing a song but Hoseok stopped him.

"Tae, I wanna lay my head on your lap. I don't feel comfortable ." He mumbled with his eyes closed.

Taehyung stood up from the floor and sat on the bed. Hoseok hurried to place his head on the other's lap. He hummed in relief when the other played with his hair. Taehyung sang till the other sleeps. He smiled looking at other's revealed face cloth.

"You look so beautiful Hoseok. I'm sorry I saw your face. It was an accident. But, I'm not regretting . You're literally glowing now a days. Are you..."

Taehyung stopped talking when the other stirred. He almost forget he's talking instead of thinking.

A month passed, Hoseok started to have symptoms which made him so happier. He rubbed his flat belly after drinking the juice. It became a habit for him. He always rubs his belly whenever he eats, just making sure his baby also eating it.

Mrs. Jung felt happy that her son was eating a lot of healthy foods lately but that doesn't stop her from getting suspicious. She asked Taehyung about it but he himself don't know anything for sure.

Hoseok packed his clothes and gets ready to go back to his husband. After getting pregnant, he missed the other more. He wants to be in between his husband arms. He waited for his husband to come to take him but it looks like it won't happen anytime soon. So, he decided to go back in his own.

"Tae, tell my mother and father to be at meeting room. I'm gonna talk to them."

Taehyung nods his head and left the room. He didn't questioned the other. He just obeys whatever they other orders.

Hoseok wore a beautiful hanbok and perfectly combed his hair. He decorated his hair with small fragrance flowers and covered his face. He still didn't looked at himself in the mirror, not even in the water reflection. He made sure that only his husband should see his new glow.

After Taehyung came back, he walked to the meeting call with him. His mother rushed to him and pulled him for a hug but Hoseok took a step back.

"No one is allowed to touch me."

She gasped and started to cry while Mr. Jung got angry. He don't know why his son is so stubborn.

"Son, I gave you enough time to get normal but you're still stubborn and disrespectful. Your father did everything for your own good." He shouts.

"I'm heading back to my husband. I belong to him. I've my responsibilities. Father, you taught me to take care of people. You taught me how to follow your responsibility. As my King's husband, I should lead his kingdom with him. I should be presented next to him."

Mr. Jung groans, "Seokie, they don't deserve you."

Hoseok protests, "But, I deserve my husband. I promised to stay with him forever. I don't wanna break my promise."

"Hoseok, they'll do something bad...."

"It's my fault too. I shouldn't be naive and trust everyone. I should be more aware of the situation and people around me. I failed to inform the bad people's to my king. I heard them talking bad about me. I should have told them to my husband . Instead, I ignored them."

Mr. Jung sighed. No matter how much he tried , he can't convince his son.

"Son, what about us?"

"Father, I'll come and stay with you for a weak once for every two months. Now, can I leave? Please, let me go. I want him." Hoseok started to cry.

King Jung was so hesitant but he don't wanna hurt his son anymore. He took a deep sigh. He pulled his son for a hug and rubbed his back.

"Fine, you can leave but with some conditions."

Hoseok grinned looking at his father , "father, thank you so much. "

His father smiled, "Take Taehyung with you. And, take our guards too."

Hoseok shakes his head, "Father, I don't need any guards excerpt Tae."

Mr. Jung tried one more time to convince his son, "Seokie, do you really wanna leave us? Think about it. Take your time."

"Father, I'm pregnant."

Hoseok hugged his mother one last time before getting into the ship.

"I'm sorry mother. I'm sorry for hurting you."

Mrs. Jung shakes her head. She wiped her son's cheeks and kissed him.

"Baby, take care of your health. How about going after giving birth? There's no one to take care of you."

Hoseok pouts, "Mother, how could you say that when I've my husband? Don't worry, he'll take care of me and my baby." He giggled.

Mr. Jung tried so hard to not cry. He looked at the soldiers.

"Did you placed everything on the ship? Don't forget anything. My son loves rice cakes. Dear, did you packed it?" He asked his wife.

Hoseok hugged his father. Mr. Jung tried to he stronger. He cupped Hoseok cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"Our goddess will always protect you. Don't forgot to pray her. Here, wear this."

He puts a long pearl necklace on his son's neck.

"Seokie, it'll protect you. Don't remove it. Remember, don't ever remove this. Do you understand?"

Hoseok nods his head.

Mr. Jung sighed, "Son, at least show your face before leaving."

Hoseok shakes his head, "I won't. Not until I see my husband."

Hoseok gets into the ship with Taehyung and some guards. There's another ship which contains so many beautiful clothes for Hoseok and so many gifts for him. It's packed with tasty fruits and snacks.

Hoseok waved his hands and the ship started to move. Min's let them in since Jung people can enter. But, they don't know their queen is sailing in the ship.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited. Tae, do you have any idea how he'll react?" He asked while grinning.

Taehyung smiled while shaking his head, "I don't know seokie. Hmm, he'll be happy, I think."

"Of course, he'll be happy or else I'll stab him." He laughed.

Taehyung adored his prince a lot. As soon as Hoseok revealed his pregnancy, he felt so happy. He's gonna be a uncle.

Hoseok pouts, "how long will it take? Tae, baby is hubgry."

Taehyung left the room and came back with foods. He placed it on the table. Hoseok started to fill his stomach.


"Majesty, over 300 people were killed for disrespecting your highness."

Yoongi nods his head.

"What about the outcome of new law?"

Minister continued, "About new marriage law, there's mixed reactions. But, an shocking news is so many people came out to be homosexual to. They're hiding their sexuality."

Yoongi felt bad for them. At first, Yoongi thought he only like women until he met Hoseok. But, he can understand his people's struggles. He felt ashamed for not giving them the rights. Thankfully, he made a new law.

"Glad to hear that. Those who oppose, let them get educated. How's the work of connecting the water?"

"Almost finished, Majesty. We've to pass it to the east forest."

Yoongi hummed and checked the reports.

"What about our financial status?"

The door opened with a bang and loud footsteps heard. Yoongi gets so mad. He closed his eyes to calm his mind. He don't like if anyone disturb him while meeting which Jungkook always do. No matter how many times he warned him, the other won't listen to him.

"GET OUT...." he shouts.

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