《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 25


The meeting hall was so silent except a clicking sound of the King's shoes. Every minister's presented there, they patiently waited for their king to speak.

"My partner is a male. I'm married to a man. Our future queen is not a queen, he's a man. He'll lead this kingdom with me. He's the most beautiful human being in this whole world . He's the most gentle and soft hearted person who don't do and wish any harm to others."

Yoongi's voice cracks at the end. He blinked his eyes to not shed a tear. He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. The ministers and guards looked at him with questionable look. They can't take every information into their brain since it's too much for them. Yoongi continued before they tried to progress what he said.

"Build a huge wall between us and Jung kingdom. The wall must be taller than any other walls in this world. No one, absolutely no one should be able to cross the wall. There must be only one gate. It should be guarded heavily with thousands of guards."

"But, Majesty, why there should be this much security between us and Jung's?"

Yoongi looked at him, " Do as I say. Don't question me. One more thing, I've arranged so many spy. Thousands and lakh of spies."


Yoongi smirked, "If I hear anyone talk about my husband in a bad way, it'll reach to me in a minute. They'd be punished with death in front of public. No one can make or even think about talking ill about my husband. And, not only talk, They'd be punished to death if they even look at him with sexual thoughts."

"But majesty, how'd you say they've that type of thoughts about your husband just by their look?"

Yoongi was walking with his hands behind. He stopped walking and smiled without looking at the other.

"Meeting finished. Inform this to people and let me know their reaction. Tell me everything even if it's good or bad."

Everyone left the hall with so much confusion while Jungkook and Namjoon stood there. Yoongi looked at them and arched his brow.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Yoongi asked them.

Namjoon looked at him with guilt, "I'm sorry for..."

Yoongi raised his hand and stopped him. He don't wanna hear anything related to that awful past.

"It's fine, Joon. I forgive you. We can't change the past. You can leave. Hope you'll be more aware in future."

Namjoon sighed and left with heavy heart. He can't help but still feels guilty for everything happened in his kingdom. If he had did his job, it wouldn't have happened. His people and his King won't be suffered like this.

Jungkook approached Yoongi who's about to leave.

"Hyung, when are we going to bring him?"

Yoongi didn't looked at him. He took a deep sigh and walked towards the door. He don't have anything to say. He walked straight to the garden. The memories of his husband playing around and laughing displayed in front of him. He smiled and shakes his head. He can't help but feel like husband's presence everywhere he goes.

The guards bowed down when Yoongi walked into the small house where Hoseok lived. He told the guards to leave and went straight to his husband's room. The place looked so calm but lifeless. The usual relaxing feel he gets whenever he comes here don't felt this time. Every corners filed with Hoseok's memories. He can only see Hoseok. He closed the door and walked to the bed.


Yoongi's knees dropped on the floor. He laid his head on the bed and closed his eyes letting his tear flow.

Jungkook closed his eyes and let the tears flow when he heard his King crying and screaming sound. Not only him, the whole castle heard his mourning sound. Ever since Yoongi returned back, the castle filled with his mourning sounds at night. They felt so bad and prayed to their god to bring their queen soon to end their King's misery.

As per Yoongi's order, the people worked at the castle before got fired and new people were hired with the help of Jungkook. But only after Yoongi's approval. He asked his people so many questions related to homosexual to know their mind before hiring. He don't wanna repeat the same mistake again.

Yoongi ordered the people who does black magic to leave their kingdom. He announced new laws regarding to homosexuality. He hired so many people just to educate his people about this topic. Yoongi tried so hard to create a safe environment for his husband as how his father in law requested even though he had a little hope.

People didn't reacted with the same way. They're mixed reactions with both negative and positive. But with the constant educating, the people started to accept the law. And also, the death punishment played a huge role in changing the people's mind who were all against it.

Not to mention, they went back to their normal state after the damage caused by the curse.

People started to become curious about their King's partner. Everything happened as how Yoongi planned. Not completely, but still he reached half way to make a safe place for his beloved.


As soon as Hoseok realised his husband left him for his people, he stood up from the floor and left the gate. Taehyung tried to follow him back but Hoseok shows his hand to stop him. The other stayed at the spot to obey his order.

Hoseok walked to the sacred pond and gets into the water. He sighed in a relief. The pain left his body immediately which made him to smile a little. He feel relaxed and soothing. The entire body got healed except his heart. He closed his eyes and cried silently. His tear drops which fell into the pond turned into a beautiful blue pearls.

"Mother, make me pregnant. I wanna carry my King's baby. Please, wish me. Help me to get pregnant. I'll live my entire life with my baby."

Hoseok stepped out of the water. His whole body was dripping with water droplets. He felt a sudden cold and hugs himself. He hurried back to his room and locked the door before his mother enters.

"My son, please, open the door." Mr. Jung said.

Hoseok looked at himself in the mirror. He looked so beautiful and flawless. The bruises were nowhere to be found. He laughed at the reflection. His laugh turned into a cry soon. He took a flower vase and broke every mirror in the room.

"You're not allowed to see your beauty. You don't deserve it. No one allowed to see me. This is only for my HUSBAND. My beauty is only for my husband's eyes. Only he can see me. NO ONE DESERVE TO SEE ME THAN MY HUSBAND." He screamed.

Glass pieces were scattered around the room. Hoseok hissed when he stepped into the glass. He groaned and skipped to the bed.

"I deserve it. I deserve every pain. I want to feel more pain."

He took the glass piece and throw it away. He laid on the bed while clutching his knees. The door was kept on banging by his mother and father. They worried about him when they heard loud noises.


Mr. Jung ordered his guards to break the door and gets inside. He gasped and stood at the entrance when he saw his son with a knife placed on his throat.

"If anyone gets inside my room, I'll kill myself." Hoseok said with his trembling voice.

"NOOOO....HOSEOK, MY SON." Mrs. Jung fell to the floor and cried. She don't have enough strength to look at her only son die in front of her.

Mr. Jung sighed, "Hoseok, listen to father. I gave him choices but he chooses his people over you even though I told him I'll save his kingdom when he choose you ."

Hoseok gripped the knife and cried, "I don't care. I want my husband. Bring him to me or leave me alone."

Mr. Jung stood there. He don't know what to do. He let his son to take some time to get well. He thought his son needs some time to take rest. He left with his crying wife.

Hoseok throws away the knife and cried. Taehyung watched the other with heavy heart. He felt like he failed as a saviour for his prince. Hoseok's cries and hiccups wrenched his heart. His hold on the sword tightens while he stood at the entrance. He looked at the broken glass pieces and a blood stain on the floor. Without realising, he ran inside and took Hoseok feet on his hand.

"My Prince, oh my god, I'll bring.."

Hoseok took back his leg and turned his back to the other.

"Taehyung, close the door and leave. Tell every guards to leave except you. I'm gonna sleep ."

Taehyung felt a sharp pain on his heart. Hoseok has never ignored him. This is the first time he turned his back and didn't looked at him. He stood up and crouched down to clean the glass pieces.

"Tae, I told you to leave. Please, go."

"Seokie, I'll leave after cleaning."


Taehyung dropped the glass piece he picked from the floor. He sighed and left the room. He closed the door and told other guards to leave.

Next day, Hoseok woke up with a tiny hope that everything happened was just a dream and Yoongi would be next to him. But, the reality hits him so hard after looking at the room. He slept with the wet clothes. He called Taehyung to inform something.

Taehyung was looking down since the other didn't want him to see his face. He's kneeling in front of other. But, Hoseok insisted him to stand up.

"No one allowed to come into my room. Not even a single person. The room must be cleaned when I was bathing. Foods should be delivered through the small door. No one's allowed to see my face. Only my husband can see me. I'll cover my face. Inform it to my mother. And, One more thing, don't ever leave me. You've to stay in the opposite room since I don't want anyone to guard me except you."

Taehyung nods his head.

"Yes, my prince."

"Inform them and come soon. I've to take a bath."

Hoseok closed the door. Taehyung stood up with a heavy heart. He can't go a single day without looking at the other's face. He informed it to the queen and went back to guard Hoseok.

Mrs. Jung worried sick for her son. She tried so hard to convince her husband to let Hoseok go back to Min kingdom but he didn't approved. He's so stubborn when it comes to his son. She felt so helpless and terrible that her son didn't even let her to talk to him.

Hoseok looked through the cloth that's covering his face.

"Tae, are we ready to go? Did you told my mother?"

Taehyung nods his head while holding Hoseok hands to guide him since the other can't see properly.

"My Prince, I told them as you ordered. Hold my hands tight."

Hoseok told Taehyung to stay a little afar. He dipped into the water and prayed again.

"Mother, protect my king. Make me pregnant."

Taehyung heard what other said. He turned around with a shock written face. He approached Hoseok against his orders.

Hoseok gasped when he felt someone pull his forearm. He turned around and looked at Taehyung.

"Tae, what are you doing? I told you to...Tae, leave my hands."

Taehyung gets the other from the water and made him to sit on the rock. He kneels in front of him and took his prince's both hands. One thing he followed is he didn't looked at other's face.

"Taehyung, can you tell me what you're doing right now? Did you just pulled me from the water while I'm bathing? What if I'm naked?" Hoseok scolded the other.

Taehyung buried his face on the others hands. Hoseok stopped scolding when he felt wetness.

"Tae, why are you crying? What happened to you?" He asked with concern.

Taehyung shakes his head, "why did you pray that?"

Hoseok concerned face turned into an angry face. He took his hands back and glared at the other.

"Why did you heard that and why do you care? Taehyung, stay out of my business."

Taehyung shakes his head, "Don't pray such things Hoseok. I'm talking as your friend, please listen to me. Take back what you said to our goddess."

Hoseok stood up and changed into a clean robe. He covered his face and started to walk. Taehyung followed him while pleading.

"Seokie, no one will approve this. You know it's not right."

Hoseok turned to him with a death glare, "what's wrong with you? I can't understand you sometimes. Are you even my friend? Are you telling me I'm getting pregnant is not right?" His lips trembled while his eyes burn with anger.

Taehyung nods his head with a stern face, "My Prince, your body..."


Taehyung nods his head and followed the other. After reaching the room, Taehyung brought foods to Hoseok and stayed outside. He stood there like a statue while his eyes didn't stop pouring tears. BEHAVE LIKE A GUARD, echoed in his head.

Hoseok felt terrible for what he said to Taehyung but he was so emotional. He wanted to get pregnant so badly. He don't care about whether his body can bear it or not. Getting pregnant is his key to get back to his husband. And, he'll do anything to get back to his husband. He looked at the food and the door. The guilt eats him. He stood up and walked to the door.

Hoseok raised his hand but was hesitant to open it . He knocked the door two times.

"Tae, are you there? If yes, knock twice."

Hoseok smiled when he heard two knocks. He gets close to the door and placed his cheeks on the wood.

"Tae, I'm sorry. I'll never say that again. Please, don't talk about that topic."

He didn't got any response. Hoseok pouts and opened the door. He gasped when he witnessed a crying Taehyung kneeling on the floor. He crouched down and pulled him for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. You're my friend. We're friends forever. You know that I don't see you as a guard, right? I..I... was angry at the time. Oh god, I'm sorry Tae."

Taehyung bites his lips. He didn't hugged back the other.

"It's fine, my prince. Even if you see me as a friend, I'm still a guard. I'm born to protect you. And, I'll do that till my last breath."

Days passed, Hoseok stayed at his room. No one allowed inside except Taehyung and a maid to clean the room when he's not there.

Hoseok spend his time by painting his husband portrait with colorful beads. He took only healthy foods and a lot of vegetables and fruits. He made sure he should be healthy enough to carry a baby.

Hoseok prayed to his goddess regularly. But, he had a doubt whether he's pregnant or not and how to find it since, Seokjin was not there. Hoseok has no one to know about his health condition and check him. It's not like there's no doctor in his kingdom but he's not comfortable with anyone and he don't wanna reveal it.

"Tae, how many days passed since my husband left me?"

Taehyung smiled, " a month."

Hoseok pouts, "Tae, can you see any changes in me? In my face?"

Taehyung chuckled, "My Prince, you should remove your clothes."


"I..I mean, the cloth that covers your face." Taehyung gulped.

Hoseok bites his lips and giggled, "I'm so stupid...haha... it's fine, I'll find on my own."

"Hmm, what do you wanna find about? I'll help if you want."

Hoseok thought for a moment. He realized how Taehyung was against of him getting pregnant. So, he stayed silent.

"Tae, stay here. I'll have a bath and come. And, don't eavesdrop me."

Taehyung smiled and stood at the spot the other points. He can figure out what the other asking him about but he stayed silent since the other don't wanna reveal it to him.

Hoseok giggled when the fishes jumped after looking at him. He feeds them some food that he bought for them and sat on the rock.

"Mother, am I pregnant or not? Help me to find out." He whined with a pout.

Hoseok hugged his robe and closed his eyes. He felt someone patting his head.

"Huh, ghostie? Is that you?"

Hoseok opened his eyes when he felt or heard none. He looked around and sighed. He dried his hair and combed it with his fingers.

"I'm curious about my king. What's he doing? He'd get sick if he don't see me. I hope he's fine and healthy. Mother, at least tell me about my husband."

Hoseok sighed and stood up. It's his habit of always talking to his goddess even though he never received any response except some dancing fishes and splashing water. He turned around but got stumbled by a branch.


Hoseok closed his eyes and clutched to Taehyung. He opened his eyes and sighed in relief that he didn't fell down . He realized that his face was not covered. Before covering his face, he felt something weird. He raised his face and looked at the person who caught him.

"M...Mother, is that you?"

Hoseok asked when he saw there's no one. He felt so warm and safe. He felt like someone is hugging him so much love and care.

"My son, be careful and protect your baby."

Hoseok felt chills down his spine. He started to cry in happy tears for both his goddess talked to him for the first time and he got PREGNANT.

"Mother, thank you so much. I'm..I'm so happy. Mother, thank you. I'll never forgot this. I'm sure you're protecting my husband too."

Hoseok giggled and skipped to Taehyung. As soon as Taehyung heard his prince laughing sound, he looked at him curious but he felt happy.

"Tae, let's go back to my room."

Taehyung realised something happy happened to Hoseok but he waited for Hoseok to reveal it on his own. He walked him to his room and stayed at the door.

Hoseok locked the door and ran to the clay statue of his husband which he made when he's so bored. He dressed up the clay statue like his husband. He hugged the clay and laughed.

"Yoongi, You're going to be a father."

Thanks for reading...

Love you, stay safe. 💜💜

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