《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 24


After Yoongi went to Jung's land, Jungkook and the soldiers stayed at the border. As much as Jungkook wants to go along with his king, he can't because of the Jung's threats. He stayed at the border and waited for his King to arrive.

The dark clouds and thunderstorms were stopped in three hours. The people got surprised and shocked when the climate changed back to normal. After the information of their King reached everyone, they praised their King. They felt like Min Yoongi is the best King in the whole world and felt so happy. They celebrated it like a festival. After losing the hope to survive, the people's were lost the will to live. But, they didn't ran away from their kingdom. The one thing Min's were so stubborn about is they'll never leave their kingdom for any reason. Even if their kingdom is at the verge of completely immersed, they stayed there.

After the rain stops, People started to come out of their home. The damages were heavy because of the constant rain for four days. Getting back to normal life should take some time. They started to repair the damages. They've to work more harder and faster to get into their normal life.

At the border,

"Seams like our king fixed the problem." A guard said happily.

Jungkook smirked, "Did you forgot who's our King?"

A guard ran to them hastily.

"Our king! Our king is coming !" He pants while pointing the direction.

Jungkook stood up and looked at his king with a proud smile on his face. The one thing that he admires the most from his king is that he works hard to protect the kingdom. Min Yoongi's number one priority is his people which made his people to love him so much.

Jungkook kneels down and bowed, "all hail to the king."

Yoongi had a smile on his face but it didn't reached his eyes. It's short and sweet smile with a hint of tiredness and sad. He passed the border and stepped into his kingdom.

Jungkook stood up and ran to him. He hugged his king which was accepted by the other.

"How's everyone?" Yoongi asked him.

Jungkook broke the hug and grinned, "hyung, the rain stopped in few hours after you went in. But, the damage was still huge. We'll get back to normal within few days. And, we already started to built houses for the people who lost......hmm, wait, where's Hos...I mean, where's our queen?"

Yoongi's smile dropped a little but he gets back to smiling in a second . He pats the youngest back and sat on his horse.

"Don't follow me. I'm heading to castle."

With that being said, Yoongi rides his horse and left the place. He wanted to be alone. He don't wanna show his weak side to his people. He's at the verge of breaking down.

"Where's my queen? How could I answer that?" He smiled with tears on his eyes.

Jungkook don't know what exactly happened but he can say that his queen didn't came. He felt bad for his King who's madly in love with his husband . Jungkook felt like his King don't deserve what he's getting right now. Like, being blamed for something he didn't do and now being punished.


"Husband or people?"

As soon as Mr. Jung questioned the other, Yoongi stood up and glared at him. He can't choose between the two. He completely lost respect for that old man after this question. He knows what's behind this stupid question. Yoongi tried to keep his face.


"You know what you're doing? Do you know that'll affect your son too."

Mr. Jung raised his brow, "I told you to choose the options, not question me. If you choose your people, you've to leave our land. I'll take back the curse. But, if a Min steps into our land, he'll die even though he's innocent."

Yoongi looked at him with shock. Why does the other hates his whole people for some stupid people's mistake. He can't help but get hurt whenever someone talk bad about his people. Even he felt sad when Hoseok got scared at his people. He waited for the other option.

Mr. Jung waited for the other to speak. He continued when he received silence.

"If you choose my son, don't worry. I'll take back the curse. You can live with your husband happily."

He saw a hint of happiness and excited look on the young king. He smirked and continued.

"But, you've to live here."

Yoongi completely lost his patience. He grits his teeth, "A King will never leave his people."

Mr. Jung smiled, "I know, so you don't want my son who's stupidly in love with you. He'd have know that you don't deserve his love. Hmm, he's ready to leave us for you. But, you?"

Yoongi's hold on his sword tightens. He wanna kill Hoseok's father. The urge to kill him increased as time goes by. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. Crying Hoseok face comes in front of his eyes, so he didn't killed the other.

"Tell me why can't I deserve my husband?" He asked patiently.

Mr. Jung scoffed, "your husband? Where were you when he suffered to death? A fucking guard slapped my son in front of everyone. Is that what he deserves? " He raised his voice a bit.

Yoongi tried to explain the other.

"They're dead. And, I punished everyone who tried to ha..."

Mr. Jung smiled, "King Yoongi haven't relieved his husband details yet but my son was almost died. If you punished everyone who has harmed him, then you'll have to punish millions in future if my son identity gets revealed. Unless your people's mind changes or they accepted him for his identity, I'll never let you have him. I want you to make a safe environment for my son."

Yoongi had a little hope after hearing that. Maybe he can make his people accept Hoseok. He has hope in his people. He nods his head.

"I'll...I'll do that. I'll release my husband identity. Some people will accept while other's won't. But, they'll change. If they see Hoseok or talk to him, they'll see his pure heart. No one can harm him. They'll love him." He smiled thinking about his husband's smile.

"Are you sure about that? Min Yoongi, you said you'll protect my son like a shadow while marrying him. A wise man should keep his words. I don't think your people will accept him. I don't wanna risk my son's life. He's so precious for us."

Mr. Jung's word stabbed into his heart like a sharp knife. He felt so helpless. He can live without Hoseok but like an emotionless statue.

Yoongi dropped to his knees, "I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry for failing to keep my words. I'm sorry for not protecting my husband. But, I can assure you that, I won't repeat this mistake. Please, give him to me."

For the second time, he apologised to someone in his life while kneeling. The damage was done. He can't do anything but cautious in future. He needs his husband to be next to him. He wanna see his husband's beautiful face in the morning and night. He wanna sleep while hugging his husband. He want his husband to lead his kingdom along with him.


Mr. Jung chuckled, "King Min is so stubborn. Time is clicking. Don't waste your time by begging to me. Choose an option or leave."

Min Yoongi, the king, stood up for his self respect. He took a deep breath and looked at the other through his red eyes which was burning in anger. He tried his best but he don't wanna stoop so low.

"I'll choose my people but..."

Mr. Jung frowns, "what?"

"I want the relationship between the two kingdoms to continue. Trading, marketing and business wise, for the benefit for both countries. And, your people can come to our kingdom border for business exchange. We won't cross the border."

Mr. Jung thought for a moment and nods his head.

"And, I want to see my husband one last time."

Mr. Jung shakes his head, "no, you're.."


The whole room echoed. The guards entered inside but Mr. Jung told them to leave. He looked at the mad king who's fuming in anger. He thought for a moment and sighed.

Yoongi chuckled, " I agree, you won. You're so manipulative. As expected from your age. You took him from me like you planned. I'd have aware of you. You're against our marriage from the start."

Mr. Jung frowns , "Yoongi, what nonsense are you talking? Yes, I didn't accepted your marriage. But, I still let my son live with you. I gave you a chance which you failed to use. It's not my fault that you're careless."

Yoongi scoffed, "You know your son loves me a lot but still you want to separate him from me. Is this what a father would do?"

Mr. Jung stood up, "Yes, that's what a father do when he lost his every child and got to save only one precious son. You want me to watch my only son die in front of me. He tried to burn himself because of the torture he received from your people. Have you seen him crying and screaming in pain?" Tears poured from his eyes while he spoke.

Min Yoongi stood there without saying anything. Few of his people made Hoseok life a living hell. He took responsibility for what his people did. If this is the punishment for making his husband suffer, he'd accept that for his people.

"At least one last time with him, please." Yoongi didn't cared about his pride or dignity. He don't care about his self respect too. He felt so funny that he's no shame when it comes to Hoseok. He wanna see him so bad. The thought of not gonna see him anymore made him to loose his pride.

Mr. Jung sighed,

"You've to leave before dawn. Don't tell him anything. We know how to take care of him. I hope you won't do anything in future to take my son back."

That's when Hoseok burst into the room with a huge grin and looked at his father and his husband. He don't know what they talked. He's so excited to see his husband after a long break.


Taehyung bowed to his queen, "your highness?" He's guarding his prince room. But, he didn't entered inside as per his queen order.

Mrs. Jung nods her head. She can't help but worried for her son who's still sleeping sound. As soon as she steps into his room, she realised he's so tired and needs a lot of sleep. But, it's been 12 hours, the other didn't wake up. She tried to check up on him.

Taehyung opened the room and moved aside. He stayed at the door even though he badly wants to see his prince.

Hoseok's mother shakes her son to wake him up. She stopped when she heard a painful groan from her son.

"Monster, what did he do to my son? He looks so weak and tired. Moron, don't he have some mercy?" She cursed Yoongi while looking at her son's bruised body. She wiped her tears and tried to wake him again. Hoseok was in deep sleep. She sighed and left.

Hoseok's whole body left numb. He opened his eyes and looked around. His hand tried to reach his husband but there's no one next to him. He frowned and called his husband name to check whether he left outside.

"Yoongi.... Majesty, where are you?"

Hoseok started to panic. He raised from the bed and stood up but he fell with a thud. He groaned and clutched his stomach. He felt severe pain from his back. The room looked like a whole mess with everything scattered around. He don't even remember what happened last night.

"My god, why does it hurt like this? It felt so good while doing it. Argh... lord please give me to strength to stand up."

Hoseok legs were shaky. He felt so thirsty. He pressed his hands on the floor and tried to stand up.

"Yoongi, come soon." His lips started to tremble.

Taehyung opened the door as soon as he heard some noise from inside . He rushed to Hoseok who's lying on the floor with tear eyes.

"Mr prince.."

Taehyung scooped Hoseok from the floor and lays him on the couch. Hoseok clutched other's arms and hissed in pain. Taehyung realised the other was in pain. He took a small bottle of portion and feeds it to Hoseok. Hoseok drank the cold liquid and closed his eyes with a sigh. He felt a little better.

"Tae, where's my king? Tell him to come to me now." He ordered his guard.

Taehyung looked down, "My Prince, he left."

Hoseok didn't heard the other. He looked at him clueless when the other still stayed.


Taehyung nods his head who's still kneeling in front of his prince. He don't know whether he can tell the whole truth to his prince or not.

"I told you to bring him." Hoseok sighed.

"Seokie, he left."

Hoseok looked at him in disbelief. He hits others head playfully and chuckled .

"Don't play like this Tae. It's not funny. Go and bring my husband."

"He's telling the truth, my son. Your husband left early."

Hoseok snapped at his mother . He can't believe what she said. He shakes his head.

"No, he won't leave me like that . I packed my things. Where's he? Did he told you to say this? This is not funny. Mother, bring him to me. I want to see my husband." Hoseok started to cry.

Mrs. Jung shakes her head and left the room. She can't bear to watch her son breaking down in front of her . She walked straight to her husband.

"My dear, did he wake up?"

She nods her head while glaring at him.

"Is he throwing tantrums? Ahh, he's still our 10 year old. Let him understand the truth. Give him some time." He sipped the wine.

"Are you for real? How could you do this to your own son?"

He raised his brow, "what do you mean?"

"Go and talk to him."

Taehyung tried to stop the other who tried to stand up.

"My Prince, you've to take rest."

Hoseok can't even see the other's face because of the tears welled upon his eyes. He slapped his hands away when he tried to make him sit.


Hoseok stood up with effort. His clothes were not tied properly. His hair was messed all over the place. Bangs covered his red eyes. His lips were red because of biting it so hard to muffle his scream. He wiped his eyes and started to run.

"Hoseok, be careful."

Hoseok opened the door and ran fast. His feet moves on its own. He left the castle and ran into the residential place. People gasped when they saw their prince.

"Little prince,"

"Little prince, be careful."

Hoseok didn't heard anyone. His mind is filled with his husband. As soon as he reached the entrance gate, guards stopped him. Hoseok glared at him. His blue gentle eyes were replaced by red which scared them the most since it's the first time they've ever seen him this angry. They started to shake in fear.


Hoseok clutched the iron bar and cried. He dropped to the floor.

"He...he won't leave me. He loves me. Yoongi, why did you do this to me? This is not fair. Don't you said you love me? This is how you show your love?" He wiped his cheeks but still the tears didn't stopped.

He can't believe this. He thought Yoongi would take him with him. He don't care whatever his father said or did, Yoongi wouldn't have left him. He had a lot of hope that the other would take him.

People surrounded Hoseok and looked at him in pity. Their first time witnessing their prince in a broken state. They don't know how to help him.

"Did you just left me like that? Yoongi, why'd you do that. I hate you. Please, come back and take me with you. Guard's, sorry for shouting at you, can you please open the gate? I wanna go to my husband."

Thanks for reading...

Sorry for the late update.

Take care and be safe . Love you...🤗🤗❤

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