《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 22


Hoseok tossed around when he felt uncomfortable. He groaned and opened his eyes. His eyes meet an handsome face. He smiled and reached his hand to touch the face but the person caught his hand. He frowned.

"Tae, I thought you're asleep."

Taehyung smiled, "As your personal guard, my job is to protect you. I won't sleep when you're sleeping on my lap."

Hoseok slept on the other's lap for four hours. Now, he found the reason why he felt uncomfortable while sleeping. He stood up with sore muscles. He placed his hand over his shoulder and groaned.

Taehyung immediately turned to him and placed his hand on the other's shoulder. He started to massage it gently.

"Hmm, it feels good." Hoseok said with his closed eyes.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here? Our king called you." Mrs. Jung glared at him.

Taehyung immediately stood up and bowed to her.

"I'm leaving now, my highness."

He turned to Hoseok, "I'll come later."

Hoseok nods with a tired smile, "Come soon."

As soon as he left, Hoseok's mother sat behind Hoseok and took his hair in between her hands.

"I don't know when will you became like an adult. Hoseok, you're married, don't forgot that."

Hoseok whined when his mother pulled his hair while combing. He holds his hair and pouts.

"Mother, ahh... slower."

She combed his hair more rougher. One thing that she's against of her son is him being close with his protector.

"Stop whining. Can't you even bear this pain?"

Hoseok frowns with a pout, "Mother~~~~"

She braided his hair and placed some hair accessories. Hoseok checked himself in the mirror and smiled.

"Wah! Is this me? Haha...."

Mrs. Jung smiled and cupped his cheeks.

"Seokie, I know you love your husband. But, you've to maintain distance with other males. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and nods his head. He's been hearing this from her ever since he kissed Taehyung's cheek when he's a kid. He loves Taehyung as a friend. But, his mother don't see them like that.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I'm sure your husband won't like it either."

Hoseok sighed, "he doesn't even like if my shadow follows me. He's a jealous monster."

Mrs. Jung gasped and hits his head, "Is this how you talk about your husband? Seokie, you'd respect him."

Hoseok stood up and checked himself on the mirror. He turned around and saw his braided hair.

"I'm sure my husband like my hair like this."

Mrs. Jung stood up, "Why? It looks pretty."

Hoseok turned around and pinched his mother's cheek.

"Mother, he likes my free hair, not tied or braided. Sometimes, I've a doubt whether he married me for my hair." He laughed playfully but got hit at his head by his mother.

Hoseok scratched his head and pouts,"mother~~~~"

"Our prince, our prince..." Mimi rushed to his room.

They both looked at her. She got embarrassed and looked down.

Mrs. Jung glared at her, "You, what are you shouting for? This is not your home."

Hoseok pushed his mother aside and walked to her.

"What happened Mimi? Does anything happened?" He looked concerned.

Mimi bowed at her queen, "I'm sorry my highness. I won't repeat this again."

She nods her head. Her face shows she still haven't apologized her.

"Our prince, your husband...."

Hoseok rushed to her with a smile, "Did he came?"

She nods her head. Before she finishes her sentence, Hoseok left his room. He felt so happy to the extend he wanna scream and cry in happiness. The castle people felt happy looking at their happy prince running around. They felt like they went past days.


Hoseok heart beats so fast. He stumbled and fell down. He giggled and stood up.

"I'm fine. I'm alright." He said to his guards who tried to help him.

Hoseok giggled and ran to the castle entrance. He's about to leave but his father stopped him.

"Hoseok, May I know where are you running?"

Hoseok pants heavily. He smiled and rushed to his father.

"Father, he...he came. My king....my king came to me." Tears started to fell from his eyes. He wiped it and laughed .

"Father, don't worry. It's just a happy tears . I'm not crying..." his lips trembled.

Mr. Jung opened his arm to comfort his son which Hoseok happily ran into. He hugged his father and cried. He don't know why he's crying a lot.

Mr. Jung looked at his guards, "Let him in."


Jungkook scrunched his nose and sniffles, "Hyung, I'm hungry."

Yoongi turned to him with frown. He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Kook, if you're hungry, then eat something. Did you brought food?"

Jungkook shakes his head with a pout, "We're in rush. And, I thought we won't make it alive."

Yoongi has a disappointed look on his face. He face palmed.

"Hyung, hyung, look a Jung is coming. Finally, they saw us." He stood up and pats his butt.

Yoongi smiled, "Finally, we've been camping here for a whole day. I'm afraid that I'll fail my country." He blinked his eyes to not shed tears. He don't wanna break down. He has to protect his people. He have to be strong no matter how much he suffered.


Yoongi looked at his soldiers, "Stay here till I return. Don't cross the border. I'll take kook with me."

They kneels down and bowed, "Yes, our majesty."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook and nods his head. They're about the step into the Jung's land but stopped when Jung soldiers stopped them.

"Only king is allowed to step into our land. Other than him, no one allowed here. If they step in, they'll disappear in the air."

Jungkook gulped while standing in one leg while the other hanging in the air which was about to step into other's land. He took his leg back and looked at his king with a frightened face.

Yoongi can't help but chuckle while standing on neighbors land. He turned around and walked with them. He's so excited to see his love after a long break. He felt nervous for the first time. He bites his lips to hide the smile that tried so hard to appear on his face.

"Our king is waiting for you." The guard bowed and left.

Yoongi nods his head and entered into the place he has never seen. It's a pond which looks so calm and beautiful. He felt weird why the king made him to come here. He turned around and saw Mr. Jung who's praying while kneeling down.

Yoongi waited for the other to finish praying. He stood there looking at the beautiful pond. He don't know why but he kinda mesmerized by the beautiful scenario. The calming sound of water drops, bird chirping and a gentle wind felt like a therapy. He closed his eyes and breathed the fresh air.

"So calm, isn't it?"

Yoongi turned to the other and nods his head.

"So peaceful and relaxing."

Mr. Jung smiled proudly, "Let's go to the discussion hall."

Yoongi nods his head and followed him. He don't know why but he had hope. He felt more positive. As soon as he stepped into the castle, his eyes searched a pretty human being. He felt disappointed when he didn't find him.



Yoongi entered the room. The guards closed the door and stayed outside for a protection. Yoongi looked around the room and sat on the mat in a kneeling position.

"Did you saw that pond? It's our sacred pond. We believe our goddess stays there."

Yoongi nods his head. He don't know why the other talking about random things. He don't have enough time now. He have to hurry up and save his kingdom before it fully destroys.

"Our power is water. Our strength is water. We're protected by water. Our kingdom border surrounded by water bodies."

Yoongi became impatient. He grits his teeth in anger. He's about to lose his mind but he stayed calmer for his people. If it's other way around, Yoongi would snap at the boring man.

"And, do you think we need your protection?"

Yoongi frowned, "I didn't say that."

Mr. Jung raised his brow, "you didn't? But, your man said that when he's asking my son to marry you."

Yoongi stayed silent. He'll admit that he proposed an offer with protection to marry his son. That's where he's wrong.

"How do you think we survived this long without having a large amount of soldiers? No one can cross the border with an evil thought. They'll immediately get swiped away by the water. Do you think you can win against our goddess? Not even your millions of soldiers can cross the border if they have evil motive."

Yoongi frowned, "Why didn't you said that before? We thought your kingdom was rich and unprotected. So, we decided to protect you."

Mr. Jung laughed, "do you think I'll reveal our secret to anyone who's not our people? I told you now since you thought that we're alive because of you."

Yoongi immediately shakes his head, "I don't think like that. I already know there's some kind of protection you have. I just wanted to add extra protection and built some friendship between our country by trading."

Mr. Jung stood up, "I know why did you came now. I'll give you a choice, choose wisely."

Yoongi waits for the other to continue. He don't have a good feeling. He knows where this is going.

"My son or your people?"


Hoseok can't help but pace around his room in impatient. He looked at his mother and frowned.

"Mother, why are they taking so long?" He asked her for nth time.

She smiled, "Trust your father. He'll always keep his words."

Hoseok pouts, "but, it's been so long. I wanna see him. Mother, shall I go?" He asked excitedly.

She shakes her head, "wait for you husband. Didn't you said that he like your hair free?"

Hoseok gasped, "I forgot."

He ran to the mirror and untied his hair. He combed it and smiled after placing a flower behind his ear. He frowned looking at his cloth.

"Mother, I'm gonna change my clothes."

He walked into his closet room and hurriedly changed his clothes. He checked himself in the mirror.

"Hmm, sometimes is missing?"

"Honey, it's fine. You look beautiful. Your husband would like it. Come out."

Hoseok pouts , "NOO... he's travelled so long to see me. I've to look extra pretty."

He looked at a white hanbok which decorated with silk patterns and some white stones. Just a simple elegant, nothing flashy. He wore it and checked himself again. He smiled widely.

"Mother, how do I look?" He asked while spinning.

Mrs. Jung walked to her son and smiled at him, "So pretty."

She corrects his disheveled hair and pats his head.

Hoseok was grinning non stop, "Mother, shall I, shall I go, please~~~~"

She laughed and nods her head, "Be careful. Don't disturb them."

Hoseok sprinted off. He speed walked to the discussion room.

"Hmm, guards, open the door." He ordered them.

The guards looked at each other and hesitant to open the door.

"Our prince, they haven't finished their talk."

Hoseok frowned, "Do I look like I don't know that? Step aside, I'll go by myself."

The Guards were nervous. They moved aside and let their prince do whatever he wants.

Mr. Jung nods his head and sipped the tea.

"I hope you'll keep your words this time. Or else,...."

He turned when he heard the door opens and a wild Hoseok came inside with a huge grin on his face.

Yoongi immediately stood up and walked to him. Hoseok looks like an angel with the white hanbok and beautiful long hair which danced along to the wind. Yoongi felt like he's put on a spell and moved his feet automatically.

Hoseok looked at his father and turned around. His beautiful smile turned into a sad frown. The natural glow was replaced with tiredness on Yoongi's face.

"Son, don't you see we're....."


Hoseok ran to him and jumped on his arms. He hugged him so tightly. He felt safe. He felt like home. He closed his eyes and let the tear flow.

"Why did you took so long?" His voice muffled because of him burying his face on the other's chest.

Yoongi smiled and hugged him back. He closed his eyes and felt the other in his arms. His heart aches remembering the things his husband has gone through. He felt so ashamed for not protecting him. He felt like he don't deserve Hoseok.

They both were hugging each other like their life depends on. Yoongi hugged him gently while the other suffocated Yoongi with the amount of tightness he applied with the hug. Hoseok face was totally buried in the others chest making Yoongi to feel wetness because of the crying. He tried to break the hug to look into his husband's beautiful eyes but the other whined and tightens the hug.

Mr. Jung groaned and left the room. He told the guards to keep an eye on Hoseok.

Yoongi kissed his sobbing husband's head and smiled.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I..." he licked his bottom lips and continued."I don't deserve you."

This made Hoseok to look at his husband with a frown on his beautiful flushed red face. He shakes his head violently and looked into other's eyes.

"Don't talk like that, my king. You deserve me and I deserve you."

Yoongi lost himself in the deep blue eyes. He's so captivated. Without control, he leaned closer. Hoseok looked down and smiled. Suddenly, he felt so hot and blushy. He gasped when the other took his chin and claimed his lips.

Hoseok placed his hands on the other's arms and squeezed the muscle while trying to kiss the other back. His eyes were tight shut and he struggled to keep up with his husband's gentle kiss. His heart started to beat so fast which scared him since he has never felt this. The same annoying feeling on his stomach comeback again.

Yoongi poured his heart and love through the gentle kiss. He has never been gently in his entire life. He always choose violence and rough to show to his love. But, for Hoseok, he chooses gentle this time. He don't wanna hurt the other who has already gone through a lot. He likes to be gentle with the person he loves. And, the only person is, Min Hoseok.

Thanks for reading.......

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Happy New year. Love you, take care everyone...🤗🤗😘😘😘

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