《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 21


Hoseok stood up and started to pace around his room. His father told him why he's here but he don't know what to do. He's so confused.

"My son, you know very well how me and your mom suffered for a baby. You're our only son. We don't wanna lose you too. This is your place. This is where you belong to. You'll be safe and protected here. "

Hoseok walked to his father and sat on his knees. He took his hands and looked at him.

"But, father, my king didn't do anything. Why'd I punish him for that? He's...he's innocent."


Hoseok jumped at his father's raised voice. He started to tremble in fear. Mr. Jung never raised his voice at his son. His sudden outburst made Hoseok to cry.

"Fa..father..." His lips trembled.

Mr. Jung, didn't looked at his crying son. Instead, he stood up and walked to a painting. It's Hoseok's painting which he cherished a lot. Hoseok looked so happy in that painting. He wants Hoseok to be like that painting. Happy and smiling, being carefree and live his life. He's so against this marriage but fate won this time.

Hoseok hiccup made him to snap out of his thoughts. He immediately walked to him and crouched down to him. He opened his arms where Hoseok immediately dived in.

"I'm sorry, my son . Your father will never raise his voice at you. Trust your father. Your husband will never make you feel happy. Even if he make happy , his people would never. They'll k..kill..." he hugged his son and closed his eyes. His heart aches. He don't even wanna imagine that.

Hoseok cried while hugging his father. He's sure that the people would do something like that to him. But, his husband would never do something like that. He trust him and loves him so much. He badly wants to see him. He missed him so much.

"Father, what if my king comes to take me?" He asked breaking the hug.

Mr. Jung, looked at his son. He wiped his son's tears and smiled at him.

"No one can take you away from us, my son. Don't worry, he can't even cross the border."

Hoseok gasped, "it's not fair." His lips trembled.

"Father, if he comes....I know he'll come. You've to let him in. Promise me you'll never disrespect him. He's my husband and he's a king. He don't like if someone disrespects him. And,..."

Mr. Jung chuckled, "My son, did you forgot whom you're talking with? You want me to respect someone who failed to do his....."

"But, father, his people betrayed him. He's a great king and a caring husband."

Mr. Jung smiled, "When did you fall for him?"

Hoseok cheeks burnt. He looked down and a shy smile swam on his pretty lips. It's true, even though he never said it to him. Hoseok missed his husband terribly. He's been counting every seconds.

"My son, I'll let him in."

Hoseok immediately looked at him with a beautiful wide smile. He jumped on his father to hug him.

"Thank you so much father. I love you."

Mr. Jung pats his head and smiled.

"But, you've to promise me one thing."

Hoseok broke the hug and looked at him. He nods his head happily. He'll do anything to see his husband again.

"I'll do anything, father. Thanks for accepting my wish." He smiled.

Mr. Jung smiled and left his son. He's sure that Yoongi will come for his people. He made a decision at how to protect his son.


After his father left, a maiden entered the room. She bowed.

"My Prince, do you need anything?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "no, Mimi. I'm fine. Hmm, Mimi, can I ask you something?"

Mimi nods her head and smiled.

"Where's seokjin hyung?" He asked her.

Mimi started to sweat, "My Prince, you...you stabbed him."

Hoseok gasped and stood up from his bed . He walked to her and sat next to her on the floor.

"Mimi, what do you mean? No one told me about that." He started to cry.

Mimi shakes her head and closed her mouth. She felt like she revealed something which other's didn't to the Prince.

"I'm sorry Prince . Don't ask anyone. I don't know why they didn't told you that. Maybe, they don't know. I'event said it to anyone. On that day, before leaving that castle, you stabbed him. "

Hoseok felt so terrible . He felt guilty. He can't stop Crying.

"Mimi, did....did I killed him?"

The maiden shakes her head, "no, my prince. You're not in your right mind. You slightly stabbed his left side if stomach. They took him for treatment. That's why, we can't take him with us. I'm sure he's fine."

Hoseok shakes his head, "I hurt him. I'm so terrible. Why'd I do that? Why can't I remember?"

The maiden felt so bad for her Prince. She don't know how to comfort him. So, she left and sent his mother.

Mrs. Jung rushed to crying Hoseok and pulled him for a hug. She rubbed his back.

"Seokie, baby, please stop crying. You know that mother can't bear it. Look at me, tell me what made you sad."

She cupped his chin and raised his face. She smiled and wiped his cheeks.

"Mother, I miss my husband. I want him."

She frowned. Her heart breaks seeing her precious son crying so hard. She's always strict with Hoseok but ever since he left after marriage, she felt horrible without her trouble maker son. She combed his hair.

"Baby, I'm sure he'll come. Don't worry. Look at your face, don't you hate your crying sad face?"

Hoseok nods with a pout.

She smiled, "good boy, it's okay to cry but not this much. You'll get sick. Go and take a bath. Wear a beautiful dress and comb your hair. What if your husband comes and you look terrible."

Hoseok gasped and checked himself on the mirror. He frowned.

"Mother, you're right. I'll take a bath first." Hoseok sprinted off to the pond.

She laughed and shakes her head. He's still her innocent son.

Hoseok took a bath and sat on the rock to dry his hair.

"Mother, why did you took so long to cure me? I'm angry at you." He complained to his goddess.

Hoseok gasped, "no, no, I'm sorry for being angry at you. Don't be sad. I always love you."

Small colorful beautiful fishes danced in the water making Hoseok to laugh. A beautiful lotus fell on his lap. He took the flower and smiled.

"Thank you , mother."

He placed the lotus on his hair bun. He checked himself on the crystal clear mirror water. The lotus looked so good.

"Mother, I want you to always protect my husband like how'd do to me. Please, he's a good person. If he's in danger, please protect him. I don't wish for anything." Hoseok closed his eyes and prayed her.

"You're here. I was searching for you."

Hoseok turned to his friend Taehyung. He stood up and smiled.


"Tae, how do I look?" He grinned.

Taehyung smiled, "You look so pretty with that flower. You really made the flower look beautiful."

Hoseok giggled and spins, "I know."

Taehyung caught him when he's about to fall because of spinning. He laughed at him.

"Still clumsy."

Hoseok steadied himself.

"Tae, this place hasn't changed. I missed bathing here so much. Tae, let's collect some stones. Let's see who's lucky."

Taehyung had an amused smile, " are you sure you're married to a king? You still act like you're a kid."

Hoseok pouts, "stop making fun of me. Wait, I'll tell my husband to attack you."

Taehyung's facial expression changed instantly. He sighed and turned around.

"I've to guard the border. Come, I'll walk you to your room."

Hoseok plucked some lotus, "no need tae. I'll manage. I'm in my land. I don't have to worry about anything."

Taehyung nods his head, "I'll see you around."

Hoseok waves his hand.

"Hmmm, wait tae, can you bring some fish foods? Please."

Taehyung nods his head and smiled at his cuteness. He found that Hoseok don't know what's happening in Min's land. He's scared of how Hoseok's reaction would be after he knows the truth. He told a maid to give fish foods to Hoseok.

Hoseok looked at the reflection, "Mother, do you show my husband face? Please, please...."

He pouts when it didn't showed.

"Don't you know who's he? Why it's hard for you to show him? He's the great king Min Yoongi."

"Little prince?"

Hoseok turned to the maiden and frowned, "where's Tae?"

She bowed, "Taehyung shi told me to give this to you. I don't know where's he heading to but he seams rush."

Hoseok got suspicious. He knows Taehyung so well. If he does anything out of normal, Hoseok would catch him.

"Hmm, are there guards on the border?"

"Every guards are at the border."

Hoseok frowned. 'Why are you guarding the border? They don't want husband to come to me, don't they?' Hoseok pouts.

"Why?" He asked her hoping for an answer which she gave him.

"They're waiting to watch whether the curse is broken or not."

Hoseok frowned, "what curse?"


Hoseok marched to his room and called his maids to bring Taehyung. He wants to confirm so many things.

Taehyung entered into his room and smiled widely. He rushed to Hoseok who's sitting on the mat and looking at outside.

"My Prince..."

Hoseok turned to him. He stood and speed walks to Taehyung. Taehyung opened his arms wide but Hoseok caught his hanbok.

"Did you cursed my kingdom? Tell me, did you cursed my kingdom?" Hoseok asked angrily.

Taehyung smiled. He realised that the other found out. He kneels in front of him and looked down, "yes, my prince. They deserve to die for wha..."

Hoseok stopped him by a slap. He can't believe what the other did . Hoseok was so against of punishing and revenge. If he decided to punish them, he'd have did that so early. But, he always ignored the people who hated him. He only focus on the people who loves him.

"Why did you do that? Do you know how many innocent people are suffering because of that curse? Are you happy?"

Taehyung head was still hanging low but he nods. He was shocked when the other slapped him but he expected it from the other. He smiled.

"I'll be more happy if their whole kingdom get vanished."

Hoseok gasped and closed his mouth in disbelief. He can't believe what the other said. As soon as he stepped in Min's kingdom, he started to see them as his own people even though he never received any love from them. It's not the people's fault, his husband also have part in that for hiding his identity. He looked at Taehyung.

"TAEHYUNG, what are you? A monster? How did you say something like that. You're not my friend. This is not you."

"Seokie, they deserve this because they tried to kill you."

"Who? Are you telling me millions of Min's tried to kill me? Tae, it's just some jealous people in that palace. Min kingdom is so huge and my king didn't even revealed my true identity. I'm sure millions of people who lived there don't even know who I'm, how do I look or even my name. The most worst thing is, they don't even know why it's raining there and Why are they getting cursed."

Taehyung stayed silent. He knows Hoseok is right but he don't regret what he did. He still stands on his point.

"I'm sorry, my prince. The King's fault will affect their kingdom."


Hoseok sat on the bed and tried to calm his mind. He became so mad because of people blaming his husband.

"He has a huge part in this. Nothing would have happened if he didn't forced you to marry him."

Hoseok got so tired after arguing with his friend. He don't have enough strength. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes.

"Tae, my feet hurts." He mumbled.

Taehyung stood up and walked to him. He sat next to his feet and removed his footwear. He started to massage the foot.

Hoseok moaned in relief.

"Tae, can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Taehyung nods his head, "we received a letter from Seokjin hyung."

"What did he said?"

"He told us they captivated you and locked you in a room. They suspected you for a murder. Someone related to the King's family."

Hoseok frowned and opened his eyes , "my father didn't said this. Who died and Why'd they suspect me?"

"He died on your room. Seokie, do you remember anything?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "I don't remember a single thing . After Yoongi left, me and Seokjin hyung tried to sneak out but they caught us."

Taehyung nods his head, "our king told us to bring you as fast as possible. We took water route and reached the palace without getting caught. I told our people to stay in the boat and walked into the castle. But, the sight..." His hold tightens on the other's leg.

Hoseok whined, "Tae, you're hurting my legs."

Taehyung immediately looked at him and apologized, "I'm sorry, my prince. I'll be gentle."

Hoseok nods and sighed , "what sight?"

Taehyung took a deep breath, "You're wearing a thin robe and your skin was revealing. So many guards are over you and tried to carry you. They touched you."

Hoseok realised the other was angry from the moment his legs were squished violently. He took back his legs to protect it. He rose up and sat next to Taehyung.

"Tae, did they touched me inappropriately ?"

Taehyung nods his head, "Not only that, a guard slapped you so hard making you to lose conscious."

Taehyung looked at Hoseok who had a broken sad face. He felt a pang on his heart. He smiled and stroked other's cheek. Hoseok looked at him.

"Don't worry, I killed them all."

Hoseok laid his head on the other's shoulder. The only thing he can't understand is why everyone wants to touch him. Why can't they be a normal good human being. Hoseok never experienced this in his kingdom. People outside of his kingdom scared him. He took Taehyung's hand and played with his fingers.

"I still don't know what I did bad for them to treat me like this. I can't imagine what'd happen when the whole people know about my true self. I don't think they'll accept me if they know my gender ." His lips trembled.

Taehyung frowned, "They have to be alive for that to happen. No one can hurt you, my prince. I'll protect you."

Hoseok closed his eyes with a smile.

"Tae, can you broke the curse? Please."

Taehyung sighed, "It's not in my hand . I've to follow my King's order."

Hoseok pouts, "can't you do that for me?"

Taehyung smiled, "I did that for you."

Hoseok sighed that he can't convince his best friend. He looked at Taehyung.

"I'm gonna sleep. You can leave if you want." He said after yawning.

Taehyung smiled, "I'll stay."

Hoseok placed his head on the other's lap and slept while Taehyung played with his hair and hummed a song.


"My king, I've already alerted you. This is not the safe way. "

Jungkook struggled to talk. They're in a big ship sailing toward Jung kingdom. The heavy rain and thunders, on top of that, their cloud are darker making them so hard to see. Yoongi stood there like a statute and watched the waves. He's the one who's sailing the ship. His full focus is to reach the kingdom as soon as possible.

Jungkook sighed and left when he didn't got any response from his stubborn king. One thing that made him curious is how Yoongi can see in the darkness.


Everyone held something to steady themselves to be safe when their King reached the place. Yoongi smiled looking at his people who're safe with him. He felt proud for not losing anyone or putting them in danger.

"Remember, be kind to other's. We're here to save our people. And, to bring our queen safely. UNDERSTOOD?" Yoongi informed.

They bowed down, "yes, king."

Yoongi nods at Jungkook. They all started to get down from their ship. They're at the border of their kingdom. Their border guards immediately rushed to their King and bowed at him.

"Ma..majesty, May I know what made you to come here?"

Yoongi was looking at Jung kingdom which is shining under the sunlight. He smiled bitterly thinking about how his people is suffering right now while other kingdom who he tried to protect from others made his own kingdom to suffer.

"Open the door." He ordered his guards.

They bowed and rushed to open the border walls door. Yoongi walked along with Jungkook. He told his soldiers to stay in the border.

"My king, do you think they'll let us in." Jungkook questioned.

Yoongi smiled, "I'm not sure kook but we don't have any choices. I heard Jung's are kind hearted peoples. Proof is my husband. Let's hope they'll let us in."

Thanks for reading....

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