《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 20


"Seokie, slow down. Haha...." Mrs. Jung smiled at her son and placed some spicy rice cakes on his place. She pats his head and looked at him adoring.

Mr. Jung laughed at them, "it's fine dear. Let him eat."

King Jung, felt like he has a huge debt with his goddess with the amount of times she saved his son . He don't know how to pay back for everything he gets from her. Now, She saved his son for two times. He closed his eyes and let a happy tear flow. Watching Hoseok got back to his normal life, he felt so happy. The king even ready to face death. He'll happily die now if the death comes. He decided to dedicate his whole life to serve his goddess.

Hoseok sighed and rubbed his little swollen belly because of eating too much of tasty foods. He missed his mom's cook so much. The foods were almost finished without leaving a tiny crumbs.

Hoseok grins at his mother after kissing her cheeks,"Mother, no one can beat you in cooking. I missed eating your foods. Look, I became skinny too . I wish I can cook like you." He pouts at the end.

She chuckled at his sweet actions and ruffled his hair, "I'll cook for you baby. You can eat your mom's cook every day."

Hoseok pouts, "But, I'll leave when Yoongi comes to get me. Mother, can you come with me?"

Mr. Jung sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Seokie, you're staying here."

Hoseok turned to him with a smile and hugged his side.

"I know father. I'm staying here right now. But, when my king comes..."

"No one is coming to get you. You're staying her forever." He said in a stern voice stopping him in a midway.

Hoseok opened his mouth in surprise. He turned to his mother. She nods her head with a smile. Hoseok immediately turned to Taehyung in disbelief. That's not what Tae told him.

"But, Ta...Tae told me that my...my king will co..."

Mr. Jung glared at Taehyung making him to immediately bow and apologize. He told Taehyung to leave the room and turned to Hoseok. He smiled at his confused son who's now playing with his hanbok with a pout.

Mr. Jung placed his hand over his son's head and pats him."My son, hear me clearly, you lost your memory when you got immersed in the sacred pond."

Hoseok blinks in confusion , "what memory father?"

Hoseok started to panic because he doesn't know what kind of memory his father is talking about. His mind is only filled with his husband. He felt so happy seeing his parents after a long time but he wants his husband. He needs him. He missed him so badly. He'd even swim to his husband if they won't allow him.

Mrs. Jung shakes her head and stood up. She doesn't have enough strength to hear the things that her son gone through for the past days. She told the maid to take the dishes and left the room leaving her son and husband alone in his room.

Mr. Jung took a deep breath and looked at his son . He saw how Hoseok was so happy and skipping while holding hands with Taehyung from the sacred pool. Everyone got so shocked to see their little prince became normal. Taehyung told them that he don't remember what happened after his husband left . He lost the part of memory where he got possessed by the demon. Taehyung told them that he saw a dark aura left from Hoseok's body when he immersed Hoseok in the pond. They're glad that he lost the memory. They don't want their prince to worry about the painful memory.


The king also decided to don't tell him the truth but looking at Hoseok who's excitedly waiting for his husband, broke their heart. He realised he can't hide the truth.

Hoseok was so confused when everyone hugged him and cried when he came from the pond. He thought they missed him so much like how he missed them. He hugged them back and cried with them. But, he became normal after some hours passed except his parents and people who still looked at him like he came from his tomb.

Hoseok was shocked when they told him that he forgot his memory when he hits his head accidentally. So, they told that they took him back to treat him to get his conscious. But now, looking at his father who told him to stay here forever made him to panic.

"Fa...father, look at me. I'm...I'm alright. I don't feel any pain and i don't even have any scar. My godmother totally cured me except my memory lost. It's not a big deal because I was unconscious on that time. I don't even remember when did I got hit." He giggled innocently.

Mr. Jung felt his heart so heavy. He gulped his saliva and looked at his son. He can't believe how'd anyone harm Hoseok. He's such a lovely and innocent kid who loves to spread positivity. How'd someone hate him?

Mr. Jung made his heart strong and shakes his head, "Son, That's not the truth."


"Hy....hyun...hyung, he...he...."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?" Yoongi yelled making everyone to shake.

He took his long sword. 'If anything bad happens to my love, I'll kill everyone who's responsible for that. I don't care if it's my cousin or guards.' He thoughts.

Namjoon took a deep breath and sighed. He's ready to face anything.

"He left."

Yoongi dropped the sword. 'No, he won't leave me. He promised to stay with me. I know he loves me. I won't do that to me. ' he started to panic. His heart broke. He tried so hard to make the other stay with him. He's so excited to see him after the most hardest week for him. But, hearing that Hoseok left is the biggest disappointment and a heart wrenching information . But, he still had some tiny hope sticking somewhere.

"You're...you're lying. Namjoon, TELL ME THE TRUTH." He shouted at them.

Namjoon started to cry. He laid down and holds his kings leg. He surrenders himself. He can't do anything now. It went beyond his control. He's sacred of angry Yoongi.

"My king, I failed my job. They took him." He bites his lips in embarrassment and looked down.

"Who?" Yoongi asked him in a low tone. He can feel his heart started to beat so fast.


As soon as Namjoon said their name, Yoongi immediately turned and walked to the door. He don't care about the weather. Nothing can stop him. He'll get his love back. 'He's my queen. I need him. My kingdom need him. ' He thoughts. He's ready to fight anyone for his love. Even if the world against him , he'll still fight for Hoseok.

"Hyung, stop?" Jungkook heard everything from maidens and stopped him. He know his king will do something regrettable when he gets into his extreme level of anger. He tried to stop him in order to save his King and Kingdom.

Yoongi stopped and didn't even looked at the other. He talked with a straight face without even blinking.

"Take care of my people, kook. I'll bring my husband. I hope you won't disappoint me."


Jungkook stopped him again making him to lose his mind. Yoongi raised his brow and glared at him. At this moment, he won't even listen to his mind. Does Jung Kook thought he'd listen to him?

Yoongi placed his sword back on his sheath and looked at Jungkook.

"Kook, if you stand in my way again, Your head will fall on the ground." He threatened him.

Jungkook moved aside in a second but he stopped his king again. He knelt down and bowed to him.

"Majesty, I'm sorry to say this but don't you feel suspicious why our weather is bad? I know you love your husband but what about our people who's suffering for two days straight."

Yoongi frowned and turned to him. He thought it's some bad weather. How'd he stop raining? He don't have any super power. He got confused, "two days?"

Yoongi turned to Namjoon who started to shake again. Oh god, he has never seen Namjoon like this before. He realised Namjoon is hiding something worse from him. His worry about his husband became high. He walked to him.

"Namjoon, what are you hiding from me? Spill everything before I go insane." He shouts again.

Namjoon closed his eyes and looked down. He don't have enough strength to look into the other's sharp eyes, "Hyung, I... Majesty, our Jisung died."

Yoongi gasped and dropped to his knees when Namjoon started to cry . Jisung was his second cousin, he's like a son for Namjoon. He can't believe it. It's so unexpected . He gave him a comfort hug. Namjoon hugged him back and cried on his shoulder. He pats his back.


Namjoon broke the hug and looked at him with anger. His face shows he's totally mad. I bites his teeth and tightens his hold on his sword.

"Hoseok k....."

As soon as Namjoon said Hoseok's name, yoongi's eyes grew large. He became angry. He stood up and shouted at him.


'What the hell does he think? No one can call my love by his name.' Yoongi thoughts.

Namjoon bowed,

"I....I'm sorry, Majesty. I didn't meant to. The truth is Our future queen killed him."

Yoongi looked at him in disbelief. He chuckled at his cousin.

"Do you think I'll believe this bullshit. Namjoon, you're alive cause you're my cousin. Don't be stupid."

Namjoon smiled, "do you think I'd lie about my own brother? Your husband did..."

"What he did ? Why'd he kill him? Do you think my husband is a murderer. Haven't you seen him? " he laughed at his cousin's stupidness.

Namjoon knows Yoongi would never believe him when it comes to Hoseok, Yoongi won't even believe a god. He started to think the rumor about how Hoseok is a witch who made his King an puppet.

"I don't know why he killed him. I'm sure Jisung didn't do any..."

Yoongi cuts him off, "Namjoon, are you stupid? Jisung must have did something. Don't be blind because of your love for him."

Namjoon started to laugh and shakes his head in disbelief , "blinded by love? Haha, it's you who's blinded by love. Our whole Kingdom gonna immerse in water within three days because of him. You didn't brought a queen, you literally brought a bad luck to our kingdom. He's son of death. He'll..."

Yoongi can't take it anymore. He slapped him harder and took his sword. He stepped on his stomach and placed the sword on his heart. The whole castle watched in pure horror. As he was about to stab him someone pulled him from behind. He turned to attack the other but stopped when he saw the person .

"Jungkook, stay away from this. He deserve to die for talking like that about my husband. HE DESERVES TO DIE."

Jungkook pulled him, "Hyung, this is not the right time for that. Please, save our kingdom."

Yoongi breathed harder . 'Namjoon not only failed his job but blaming my love. I never thought he'd say that. My love won't kill people for fun. I'm sure Jisung did something to him. Thinking about that makes my blood boil. What did Jisung did to my love? I'll kill him with my bare hands if he's alive.'

"How did Jung's took my love? And, why?" He don't think he can get clear information from Namjoon who's still crying for his dead brother. He turned to his palace peoples.

"Who's gonna tell me everything happened after I left?" He asked them.

A person steps in and bowed,

"Majesty, our queen killed Jisung, we locked him in your room but he got sick. We gave him treatment and took care of him. But, next day, he went missing. We searched everywhere and found him on kitchen store with some cuts on his body. He tried to kill himself. Then, he tried to jump from the top of the castle. He killed the guards who tried to help him. He even stabbed his own people. He gone insane and acted like a mad people. He's so dangerous ."

"STOP IT. DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM." Yoongi closed his ears. 'My love would never do something like that. Even if he did, there'll be some reasons. I won't believe them. I can't believe my people would lie to me. My love is right.' He started to think about why Hoseok gets insecure about his peoples.

"Ma...Majesty, he's right. His saviour came that day and killed every guards who tried to stop him when he tried to take our queen. Instead, he cursed our kingdom and took our queen. As soon as our queen left our kingdom, our weather became bad. So many villages were already having floods and people lost their houses too. He even said there'll no cure for the curse. We tried to pray our God, but the situation became worse. Please, stop this. Please, save our people."

'How do I stop this? What do I do? My people is suffering because of me. My love left me. I faced so many hard moments in my life but now, this situation , I don't know what to do. Who do I trust? They took my love and cursed my kingdom? Why? Why Jungs hate my people? All this because I married to him? How'd they know about what happened here?' Yoongi started to have mental break down.

"Now, May I speak? I've something to confess." A voice echoed in the castle. Everyone looked at the person and gasped. They started to murmur making Yoongi to turn to him.

Seokjin bowed,

"Our highness, I respect you. I always respected your people and helped them in needs. All I wanted was them to return the favour to our princess. I wanted them to respect him. But, they,...they don't like him. I'm not blaming your whole people. I'm only blaming your palace people because they only know about our prince's true identity. They hate him for being a man, they hate him for being pretty, they hate him for laughing and playing with kids. They hate him because you love him so much. They even hate him for breathing." His voice breaks.

Yoongi frowned, 'What is he saying? My people would never do that. They always respected my love. I've seen them always being gentle and respectful to Hoseok.' He don't know who to trust anymore.

"Ma..Majesty, two people from your palace possessed him by a demon. They made him to lose his consciousness. They.....they made him to live his life hell. They made him to kill himself. Not only that, he...he....I feel disgusted to say this." He started to cry.

Yoongi walked to him with a heavy heart. He stumbled on his way. His guards rushed to him but he raised his hand. He didn't fall yet. He kneels in front of the doctor and took his hands. He licked his trembling lips.

"Wh...what happened? T...tell me everything "

His voice cracks. He's already broke down, he don't have strength to hear more about what his love has been suffered after he left. He don't want it to be worse than what he heard already.

Seokjin looked at him with tear filled eyes, "They tried to rape him two times." He started to cry harder.


He shake his shoulder and screamed. Hearing that someone tried to touch his love made him so mad, but knowing it's his own people made him feel disgusted.

Seokjin cleaned his face, "Those two women who cooks for you."

He points at a direction making Yoongi to turn side in a second. He took his sword and walked to them.

The women kneels immediately and bowed,

"My king, we did this for your go......ahhh..."

Two heads fall on the ground and blood splattered everywhere making everyone go speechless. Yoongi face painted with blood which he wiped with his hands. His anger still hasn't cooled down. He won't stop till he like the people who tried to touch his husband.

"WHO TRIED TO TOUCH HIM?" His voice echoed the whole castle.

Every guards shakes in their spot. They looked down in guilty, not ready to face their angry king.

Seokjin was still crying. His conscious just came back when he got a dream. Whatever he said was heard in his dream. He believed once again it's his goddess. He stood up with struggles and heard some maids panicking about their King arrival. He rushed to the hall without wasting a time. And, he came at the perfect time.

Yoongi looked at his shaking guards and points his sword at them.

"Who tried to touch my love?"

He got no response.He sighed and looked at them again.

"Who had a thought of touching my love? Kneel down if you ever had sexual thought about my husband. Or else, I'll kill every guards who guarded him."


Almost 70 percent of guards who guarded Hoseok knelt down, Yoongi gasped in shock. He dropped his sword for the first time in his life. He can't believe. He didn't expected this from his own people. He felt betrayed. A heavy thunder roars at the perfect time making the guards shake in fear.

Yoongi bitterly chuckled,

"Out of everyone, my own people betrayed me." He said in disbelief.

His hold on his sword tightens. He closed his eyes and took a deep sigh. Within few minutes, he killed 200 guards.

Yoongi stood there drenched in blood. His eyes were red. He still holds his sword.


Everyone on the castle kneels down and bowed to their King.

Yoongi turned to Jungkook and his soldiers, "Kook, bring 50 men. We're leaving now."

Jungkook nods his head and walked with his king.

"But, Majesty, it'll take two days to reach Jung's place. Within two days, our kingdom will...."

Yoongi raised his hand and stoped him, "We'll take the water route."

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief.

"King, are you sure? It's raining heavy. Taking water route is dangerous."

Yoongi caressed the bracelet which Hoseok presented him. He remembered what Hoseok said before wearing the bracelet on his hand, 'this is me. I'll always stay with you. This pearls have power. It's gifted by my goddess, this will protect you.' He smiled thinking about his beautiful husband.

"As long as I've my love with me, nothing will happen to us."

Jung Kook don't understand a single thing but he obeyed his King's order.

Thanks for reading....

And, vote if you enjoyed.... love you, be safe... 💜💜💜😘

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