《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 19


Yoongi stopped his horse making the others to stop theirs too. They finished their work and returned to their kingdom.

Jungkook pats his horse and turned to his king.

"My king, your husband's gift is safe in my bag. Now, why did you stopped? We're almost reached our place?"

Yoongi's face looks pale. He's looking at a direction. He felt something weird. He points the direction at Jung Kook.

"What's happening in our kingdom? Why does it look so dark?"

Jungkook turned and saw the direction. He laughed at his king.

"Seams like our kingdom experiencing a different season. "

Yoongi frowns hearing his answer. He turned to him with a glare.

"I think it's serious. This is not normal to look this dark in a sunny day. We've to reach soon. Let's hurry up."

Yoongi's p.o.v:

As soon as we reached our kingdom, I was shocked because of the heavy rain and thunder roars.

"What's happening?"

I felt clueless. I turned around and saw the different climate between inside and outside of my kingdom. I can't believe this. This is not normal. Something is wrong in my kingdom. I rushed to my palace. My guards bowed to me.

"NAMJOON..... NAMJOON..." I called my cousin who I gave responsibility.

Everyone in the palace shakes in fear hearing my voice. Why they're shaking in fear? It means, they're hiding something from me.

"What's happening here?"

They hang their head low and remained silent. I don't like if someone doesn't answer my question. It's disrespectful for me.


"Ma..ma...majesty, our q..qu..."

I heard a loud foot steps. Namjoon ran to me and stumbled his feet on the way. But, he managed to stay still. He shakes in fear looking at me. He kneels down and bowed to me. Why he's also looking frightened?

"Our majesty,"

I made him stand by holding his shoulder. I looked at his eyes.

"Namjoon, what's with the climatic change? Why our kingdom is dark? AND, WHY EVERYONE LOOKING AT ME LIKE I'M A GHOST ?"

I really want answers not some reactions. They're making me angry. I looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon gulped and looked down, "h..hyung, "

I gasped, where's my love? Oh god, he's alone in that building while the climatic condition is worse. It's not safe for him. I'm gonna bring him here.

"it's raining heavy. And my love is living separately, it's not safe for him. I'll bring him first." I told my guards.

I walked to the back door. The door was locked. I told my guards to open the door. The rain was so heavy. Heavy wind makes me clothes wet.

"Our majesty, it's so dangerous "

They tried to alert me. But, my love is more important for me . He must be scared. I don't have enough time . I looked at the building and frowned.

"why that building looks so dark? He must be scared. Was he running out of lamp or match box? Guards, bring some candles and lights."

No one responded me. What happened to my people? Why they're acting so weird? Did they thought I won't come again?

I got impatient and turned to Namjoon. Looking at his face, I realised there's something really really wrong. I don't wanna imagine the worse. I licked my lips.

"Where's Hoseok?" My voice echoed.

Namjoon gulped and shakes in fear.

I approached him. His silence making the situation worse. He's making me get worried. Namjoon immediately kneels down and bowed. No, no, no, it's gonna be a bad news. I don't wanna hear. I dropped to my knees and grabbed Namjoon's shoulder.


"W..what's happening? WHERE'S MY HUSBAND?"


Taehyung's p.o.v:

"I know about them. That's why I didn't accepted that marriage. Taehyung, you know, and every Jung's know how I suffered so long for a baby. My son, my precious son, he's my only happiness."

I've never seen my king cried like this. I can't believe. He's one of the strongest man I've ever seen. He has been protecting our small kingdom single handedly. He always shows love and care to our people. That's why we don't have so many soldiers because we're against war. We only have soldiers to protect our border of our kingdom.

Hoseok happiness is our happiness. His sorrow is our sorrow. If a single tear falls from his eyes, we feel pain like we're stabbed in our heart. He's our precious prince. He brought happiness as soon as he born. Our kingdom became so rich and filled with natural resources after he born, before that we're so poor and struggled to even have a single meal.

Our king pats my shoulder, "Taehyung, please never leave my son ever. Promise me you'll protect him. I became old. I don't think I've strength to protect my people and my son. I trust you. I trust our goddess."

I bowed down, "I'll, till my last breath, my king."


We immediately turned to Hoseok's room. It's his voice. We ran to the room.

Hoseok screamed in pain. He clutched his stomach and whined.

"My dear, I..I. don't know...he..he's sleeping and he..he started to cry." Our queen cried while approaching the king.

I rushed to him and tried to wake him up. He's rolling on the bed while clutching his stomach. He looks like he's in pain.

"Taehyung, bring our holy water." My king ordered.

I immediately ran to our scared pond without wasting a single second . I collected some water and ran to his room. He's still screaming in pain. I rushed to him and feed him some water.

"Seokie, it's alright. It's gonna be good."

I don't know what to say. I feel like crying. Our king and queen were crying next to his feet. Soon, he stopped thrashing around. He became calm but he's still sleeping. He's sleeping for 16 hours straight. I'm worried. He's scaring me.

"Thank you, son. I hope he'll wake up soon." My queen said.

I bowed at my queen. She pats my head.

"I'll take care of him. You can leave, son. Go and eat something ."

I don't wanna leave his side but I've to respect my queens words. I left the room with heavy heart. But, I won't eat. I just can't eat. Seeing him struggling like this makes me lose my will to live. My whole life has been protecting Hoseok. I can't bear seeing him like this.

I was walking to the border wall to check the Min kingdom from afar.

"Taehyung, Taehyung, .."

My people surrounded me as soon as I came out of the palace. They look so worried.

"Taehyung shi, how's our prince? Is he alright?"

"When will he come out?"

"Is he looking good now?"

"What's he doing? Did he ate?"

I don't know how to answer them. They're already worried so much. But, there's no improvement in Hoseok's condition. They can't bear this information.

"Taehyung-shi, I prayed to our goddess and found this gem. Can you give this to our little prince? So, he can get well soon and play with me. I..I missed him ."


A small boy said while tucking my pants. I crouched to him and smiled. He gave me the stone. It looks so beautiful. Hoseok would definitely love it.

"Thank you for the gift, our prince gonna be so happy."

I stood up and looked at my worried people. I smiled at them.

"He's resting now. There's....there's some improvement in his...health. He'll get well soon. Let's pray to our goddess ."

I tried to give them some hope and I don't wanna be negative. I trust in our goddess. She'll cure him.

I climbed our huge border wall and looked at the Min's kingdom. I smiled, it's look more darker now. Just few more days, the most biggest and powerful kingdom gonna immerse in water. They gonna taste their own medicine now.


I turned to the guards who bowed to me. I bowed at them back. They guard at the border.

"Is everything okay?" I asked them.

"General, there's someone standing at the Min kingdom's border."

I frowned and turned to check the borders. There's a man standing and he's looking at us. He's standing in middle of our both kingdom. He doesn't have any weapon.

"Ignore him. He can't do anything." I turned to leave.

"B..but, general, he's standing there from yesterday. What if he travelled with us? He didn't left for a single second."

I looked at the person again. He's still standing there.

"Fine, go and ask him why he's standing there?" I ordered them.

A guard left and came back within a minute. He's painting because of running.

"Ge...General, he..he wanna meet you."

What's with that person? Why does he want to meet me?

I sighed, "bring him."

"I..I already asked him. He want you to come there."

Who's he? I don't care , I hate every Min's in this world. But, I wanna know what he wanna tell. I stood up and walked to him. As I got nearer to him, he took a step back.

"Stop there, don't...don't come closer."

I frowned, "who are you? You're not supposed to stand here. It's dangerous. Go away or I'll kill you."

The man was leaving. Didn't he told me to come, then why he's leaving? I wasted my time with him. I went back inside and closed our entrance gate. I'm gonna check my prince again. My soul is still in that palace. I can't stop thinking about him.

As soon as I entered his room, our queen stood up from the floor. She walked to me.

"Taehyung, I'm gonna talk with the king. Can you take care of him?"

I bowed my head, "I'll, my queen."

She left. I closed the door and walked to him. He looks so peaceful and beautiful. I think they changed his robe. I sat on the floor and laid my head next to his feet.

"Please, get well soon, seokie. I love you so much. It hurts to see you like this. I'll revenge them. I won't die until I kill every Min."

I didn't lied. I won't die until I kill every min in this world. They totally destroyed him. I closed my eyes and sighed.


"Taehyung....save him....help him....he's possessed by a dangerous demon. Save him. His soul is leaving his body. Help him. Save him. Pure his soul. SAVE HIM. TAEHYUNG. HOSEOK IS DYING.....TAEHYUNG......SAVE HOSEOK........PURE HIS SOUL......WAKE UP..."

I opened my eyes and breathed heavily. My whole body sweats. How did I ended up asleep? What kind of dream is that? Hoseok?

I stood up and looked at the bed. He's not here. Oh no, oh no, I started to get panic. Where did he left?


A woman voice heard from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen without wasting time. She stood there with a terrified look. I quickly approached her.

"What happened?"

I turned to the direction she points. My eyes came out of my socket.

"HOSEOK....STOP IT..." I approached him.

His body was soaked in kerosene. He slowly walked to the burning wood. I rushed to him and hugged him from back. He started to scream and struggled to get free.

"Leave me. I wanna die...leave me...it hurts. It hurts everywhere....LEAVE ME..."

I started to cry. I pulled him out of the kitchen. He struggled in my arms. He feels so brittle. I'm scared that he'll break when I hug him tight. He started to scream and cry. What's happening to you, my Hoseokie?

"Hoseok, my son, nooooo...." our queen started to cry.

"My son, look at your father. My son...here." he shakes his head and closed his mouth.

I dragged Hoseok to his room and laid him on the bed. His eyes were still closed but he doesn't stop screaming and crying. I hold his hands while Our king holds his legs. I tried to talk to him.

"Seokie, can you hear me? Listen to me seokie. You're gonna be fine. I'll cure you." I bite my lips to muffle my cry.

"IT HURTS....I WANNA DIE...PLEASE KILL ME " He cried while clutching to my hands.


I can't hold the tears anymore. I started to let it flow. How? How to stop it? If only I can take his pain from him.

My king stood up,

"Taehyung, I can't do this anymore. Bring very doctors from every kingdom, small or big kingdom, young or old doctors , I don't care. Bring them. Bring everyone. Give them money, our priceless stones and jewels, give them everything. I just want to save my son."

I nod my head and tried to stand up but Hoseok was still clinging to me. He stopped screaming and thrashing around . He was mumbling something inaudible. His tears didn't stopped. I wiped his cheeks. Don't worry my prince , I'll save you.

I took his hands away. Our queen sat next to his head and massaged his head. I bowed to my king and queen. As I was about to leave, I remember the weird dream that I had. I tried to recall it.

"Pure his soul?"

What does it mean? How to pure his soul? Wait a minute, how did I forgot about that. I turned to Hoseok and rushed to his bed.


I scooped him on my arms and carried him.

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" My king stoped me.

"My king, trust me. I've a solution. Let's just try this. If it didn't work, then I'll travel around the world and find him a cure."

My king was hesitant while my queen allowed me.

I carried him to the back of the castle where our scared pond. No one's know about this pond's speciality except me and Hoseok and, my king and queen. Our people knows about this sacred pond. They'll come to pray here to our goddess. But, they don't know about what the ponds real value.

My only hope is this sacred pond. I don't know if I can trust the voice that I heard on my dream. But, I don't have any chance. I reached the pond.

I looked down at my little prince. He looks so bony and pale. He's dark circle around his beautiful eyes. His lips looked colorless. My tear fell on his cheeks. I smiled thinking about how he always turn my tears into a pearl.

"My goddess, your son needs your help. Please, pure his soul and bring him back. Make him his realself."

I got into the water and immersed Hoseok into the water. I waited for a minute and raised him up.


Hoseok coughed and opened his eyes within few minutes . He blinked his eyes and coughed again. He shuts his eyes tight and opened it. Finally, He looked at me and smiled widely.


Thanks for reading.....💜💜😘

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