《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 17



Hoseok crawled back and screamed when the guards approached him. He was literally shaking and trembling in fear . He looked around the people's on his room. Looking at lot of Min's made his blood to froze. He spots seokjin who's crying next to him and crawled to him. He hugged him.

"Jin hyung, tell them to go away. I didn't killed anyone. Please,..."

Seokjin hugged him back and looked at Namjoon with his pleading eyes. He don't know what to do except protecting Hoseok. No matter what happens, he'll always stand with Hoseok.

"Young master. Namjoon, please leave him. He didn't do it. Listen to him. He won't lie..." seokjin pleads where left unheard by Namjoon.

The guards pulled Hoseok from seokjin and dragged him. Namjoon thought for a minute and stopped them. He came back to his sense. He doesn't wanna accidentally punish innocent people. So, he have to be careful about taking huge decisions. On top of that, Hoseok gonna be their future queen, so he have to consider about other's opinion too. He decided to wait till Yoongi arrives.

"Hmm, take him to our King's room. Lock him there. We'll wait till our king returns. He'll decide what to do. And, don't let any Jung's go near to him."

Seokjin stands up, "Master. Namjoon, please, don't do this to him. He don't like to he locked up. HE'S INNOCENT."

Hoseok was struggling to get away. His shirt was soaked in blood. It's covered until his mid thigh only. Some guards steals some glances at his thighs. Hoseok was kicking his legs and struggling which made the guards have hard time to hold him.

Namjoon looked at seokjin one last time and left the room. The guards dragged Hoseok to the castle and locked him in Yoongi's room. Hoseok was crying, while lying on the floor. He hate them.

Meanwhile, Namjoon walks into the meeting hall. He called the guards who guarded Hoseok room last night. Guards from Jung's arrived, they bowed to Namjoon and knelt down. Namjoon looked at them suspiciously.

"Hmm, straight to the point. Did you saw Jisung on your prince room? If yes, how and why did you let him in? If no, what are you doing instead of protecting your prince?"

The Jung guards were looking at each other. Namjoon asked them again but with a strict raised tone making them to piss on the place.

"Y..young master, yesterday night, we went to have dinner. A..at that time, M..Min's guarded our prince room. W..we didn't saw J..Jisung..." he gulped.

Namjoon grits his teeth and called his guards.

"Who guarded our future queen's room yesterday night, COME HERE."

Soon, a dozen of guards came to the hall. They all knelt down and bowed. Namjoon asked the same question but he didn't expected the shocking response.

"Our Young Master, yesterday night , Our prince. Jisung, came to the garden building before our shift ends. He said that he gonna meet our queen for the first time and he has permission. So, we let him . Then, we left because of our shift and also, Jung's came back after their dinner."

Namjoon frowned. He stands up and walked away. He don't know what to do with that information. So, Jisung went to Hoseok room. But, why? And, who killed him? The only person left is Hoseok. He decided to talk with Hoseok and know about his side.

Namjoon told the guards to open the door of Yoongi's room where Hoseok has been locked. As soon as the door opened, he told the guards to stay outside and went in.


"Our high....oh fuck god.."

He ran to Hoseok who's lying on the floor unconscious. He carried him to the bed and laid him. He checked his temperature.


Seokjin started to write letter to inform everything to their kingdom. He don't want to keep Hoseok here. This people don't deserve him. All they do is hurt him. He requested them to come and take Hoseok back. He gave it to one of their guard.

"Please, reach them as fast as possible. Take a water route and pray our goddess. She'll lead you to destiny. Look, you've to keep this secret. We've to save our Prince. Hurry up." The guard nods his head and left immediately.

Seokjin sighed and sat on the bed. He started to recall everything. He know who's Jisung, but why was he in Hoseok room? And, who killed him? He felt so weak and failed for not protecting Hoseok. Ever since, Hoseok stepped into Min's land, he's been suffering a lot. Both, physically and mentally. Seokjin can't do anything but watch his prince suffering alone.

A guard knocks his door and comes in.

"Dr. Jin, Hoseok is unconscious. They need your....,"

As soon as he heard Hoseok is unconscious, his body acted on it's own. He immediately took his kit and ran to the castle. He pushed everyone on his way and reached The king's room. There's no one except Namjoon and maidens. He rushed to Hoseok and checked his temperature. He immediately took a medicine from his kit and feeds Hoseok.

"Dr. Jin, is he alright?" Namjoon asked him.

Seokjin grits his teeth and didn't looked at the other. He nods his head.

"He's weak. He needs some rest and fresh air. I want everyone to leave this room."

Namjoon frowns, "May I know, why?"

Seokjin looked at him , "I'm gonna clean him."

Namjoon arched his brow, "that's not your job, doctor. Call your maiden and tell them to do it. And, I wanna talk to you. Meet me."

With that, Namjoon left the room.

Seokjin called Mimi to clean Hoseok and he left to see Namjoon. They told him that Namjoon was in garden. He sighed and went to the garden.

"Young Ma...."

"I'm here " seokjin heard from his behind. He turned and saw Namjoon.

"Why did you called me?"

Namjoon smiled, "Dr. Jin, mind your tone. Don't raise your voice at me." He said in a scary tone.

Seokjin looked down. He felt so weak and submissive.

"I..I'm sorry "

Namjoon smiled, "I need your help. Jisung is my brother. I don't even know he came yesterday. He loves to travel. So, it's so hard to see him or spend some time with him. It's been two years since I saw them. Seeing him in a puddle of blood broke my heart. He's like a......he's..he's like a son to me " he teared up.

Seokjin felt bad. He tried to calm him.

"Calm down, young master. Relax..."

Namjoon shakes his head, "I know it's Hoseok. All I want you to do is talk to him and get some information."

Seokjin smirks, "what if Hoseok was the one who killed him?"

Namjoon looked at him ,"killing is a crime. He'll definitely be punished. "

Seokjin shakes his head, "I don't think so. If our Prince killed him, then he's deserved to die. He must have did something wrong. Our prince never hurt anyone."

Namjoon got angered, "so, you're telling me that you'll excuse him even though he committed a crime, just because he's your prince. And, what'd I do if my own brother killed by someone? Ah yes, he deserved it, isn't it ?"


Seokjin sighed, " I didn't said that. No one knows what happened? What if, your brother did something to him? Or, what if someone else killed your brother? Hoseok said he didn't killed him."

Namjoon walks here and there. He don't know what to do .

"Listen, doctor. I want you to get information from Hoseok as soon as he wakes up. For that, you've to cure him soon. I wanna clear this mess before Yoongi arrives."

Namjoon left. Seokjin left the breath in relief. He hoped for the letter to be reached soon.


Yoongi placed the wine cup on the table after taking the sip. He cleared his throat to gain Jungkook's attention which worked.

"Yes, majesty?"

Yoongi sighs, "kook, I've this uncomfortable feeling. How about we go back to our place?"

Jung kook shakes his head, "no, not until the work finish completely. "

Yoongi shakes his head, "kook, you can't understand it. "

Jungkook arched his brow, "why is it so?"

Yoongi groans, "you've to be married."

Jung kook laughed, "oh my, hahaha..... just tell me you wanted to see your beautiful wife ."

Yoongi glared at him, "husband. He's my.....husband. and yes, I want to see him. I miss his beautiful face and his melody voice. His laugh..."

Before Yoongi goes deep, Jungkook stopped him. He don't wanna hear Yoongi rambling about his beautiful husband. They both left the shop.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked hesitantly.

Yoongi looked at him while readjusting his hat. He nods as an approval.

"Hmm, what's with the change? How did you changed your thinking about Hoseok? What did he do to you?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Normally, Yoongi would get angry if other's, even Jungkook, talks about Hoseok. But, this question knocked some sense in his mind. He started to question the same thing to himself.

'What did he do to me? A black magic?' He chuckled.

Jungkook looked at him weird, "why are you laughing alone?"

Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jungkook. He had his cold look now.

"Why there's so crowd?"

Jung kook looked at the direction the other pointed.

"Hmm, it's a rice cake shop."

Yoongi smiled 'my love likes rice cake'.

"Kook, buy me some rice cakes." He ordered him.

Jungkook looked at him in shock, "wait, are you sure? You hate rice cakes."

Yoongi frowns, "when did I said that?"

Jungkook opens his mouth wide in shock, "Yoon, I've been living with you since I was born."

Yoongi cleared his throat and looked away.

"Fine, just do as I say. Go and buy me some spicy rice cakes."

Jung Kook was still standing there in shock. Yoongi sighed and glared at him.

"Fine, fine, stay here. I'll come with hot and spicy rice cakes."

He dives into the crowd. Yoongi smiled and sat on the nearby bench. He dressed up as a civilian. He searched something from his bag.

"Where's it? Did I lost it?"

Yoongi frowned and checked his bag. He found the paper roll. He sighed in relief and took it out. He opened the roll, it's his husband's portrait.

"You look so beautiful, my love. I miss you so much. I hope you're having a good night sleep now. I'll come to you within two days."

"Here,....woo, you even brought your husband's painting." Jung Kook laughed.

Yoongi immediately rolled it and kept it in his bag protective. He felt so embarrassed. He ignored other's laugh and took the rice cake cup. He frowned looked at that.

Jungkook sighed and sits next to him, "it's a food. Don't give that look. Respect food, my king."

Yoongi took a tiny bite, then he took a big bite. He moaned at the taste.

"Hmm, not bad."

Jung Kook was excitedly waiting for his response. He clapped and laughs.

"That's what I said always but you never gave it a chance. Hmm, tell me what made you to eat that now."

Yoongi smiled at the last bite, "I'm just curious."

Jung Kook frowns, "lemme guess, Hoseok likes it, doesn't he?"

Yoongi gave him a death glare. He arched his brow and looked so angry.

Jung Kook bites his tongue and smiled, "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to say his name."

Yoongi nods his head, " I hope you'll kept that in your mind and never do that mistake again. I'll never tolerate if anyone disrespect my Hoseok."

He stood up, "let's leave to our inn."

Jung Kook nods and followed him.


Seokjin wakes up from his sleep when someone knocked his room door. He groaned and gets up after adjusting his clothes.


As soon as the door opens, panicked Mimi entered.

"Jin-shi, our prince....our Prince..."

He grabbed her shoulders and looked at her.

"What happened to our Prince?" He yelled.

She breathed heavily. Seokjin felt so worried.

"He's...He's missing."

Seokjin left her. He can't believe what she's saying. He ran to the Min's palace. He entered straight to the meeting hall where Namjoon is present.


He screamed. His face was red because of crying. His breathing was not normal since he ran to the castle.

Namjoon sighed and told the guards to leave. He rubbed his forehead and walked to seokjin.

"Look, doctor. He must be left somewhere. I already send my people's to...."

"NO, DON'T SEND YOUR PEOPLE. THEY'LL KILL HIM." He bites his lips to muffle his cries .

He failed to protect Hoseok. Before leaving Jung's kingdom, Hoseok mom trusted seokjin so much. She told him to take care of Hoseok. He promised her. But now, he felt like he failed to do his job. He saw how Hoseok struggled every day by King. Min and his people but he can't do anything.

Namjoon looked at him, "I've said multiple times. Stop raising your voice at me, Seokjin."

Seokjin wiped his cheeks and shakes his head.

"You failed. You said he'll safe here. But, he's missing. What now? Huh? Wait a minute, wait a minute, why do I feel like you did something to him since you think he killed your brother."

Namjoon gave him a cold look. His anger rose up.


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Look, I send my people. Don't portray my people like they're bad. You can send your people to search him too."

Seokjin laughed and clapped his hands.

"Wow, what a way to handle the situation? Didn't King. Min gave you responsibility to protect your people and the future queen? But you, accused him as a murderer and took him somewhere."

Namjoon grits his teeth, "watch your mouth, doctor. Seokjin. I've the power to lock you up for disrespecting me."

Seokjin laughed, "I'm sure you'll do that since I know about your true side."

Namjoon frowned, "what true side?"

Seokjin shakes his head, "you know what I'm talking about. I'll keep it in secret of you find my prince. Or else, I'll tear you into pieces." He left the palace.

Namjoon looked at the direction the other left.

"What the hell was he talking about? I think doctor seokjin needs some rest. He's been working too much that his brain stopped working." He shakes his head.

Seokjin walked into the forest. His only hope is here.

"My Prince, Seokie..." he wiped his eyes.

It's early morning, the sun is not up. It looked so dark inside of the forest. He didn't cared about anything except Hoseok. Finally, he reached the small pond where Hoseok baths.

"Seokie ~~~ are you here? My Prince, I'm sorry for failing to protect you. Please, come back to us. Let's go back to our place. "

He sat on the rock and cried.

"He's in the kitchen store room."

Seokjin jumped at the sudden voice. He looked around but he didn't find anyone. He looked at the water.

"My goddess, is that you?" He smiled and wiped his cheeks. He left the forest and ran to the castle again. He searched the kitchen and entered there.

"Ah, doctor. Jin, you're not allowed..."

He pushed her and went to the store room but the door was locked outside .

"Open this door " he shouts.

No one moved, seokjin glared at them.

"Open. The. Fucking. Door."

Namjoon enters the kitchen and sighed, "doctor. Jin, you're creating more chaos. I think you need some rest."

Seokjin shakes his head . He looked around and took a huge pan. He started to hit the door lock.


The guards bowed to Namjoon and approached seokjin. They caught his hands.


Namjoon closed his ears in annoyance. He stopped his guards.

"Open the door. Let's see if doctor. Jin is on his right mind."

The maiden unlocked the door. Seokjin immediately entered inside. He started to search for Hoseok.

"My Prince...please, where are you?"

He reached the room end but he didn't saw him. He kneels down and cried again.

"What am I gonna do?"

He felt wet next to him. He wiped his eyes and looked at the spot. He moved some of the sacks and started to get panicked when he saw blood everywhere.


Namjoon immediately rushed to the place when he heard the scream. He gasped and closed his mouth.

"You piece of shit. You killed him."

Seokjin had Hoseok on his lap and hugged him. Namjoon frowned and called his guards.

"Take him to medical room. Call all our doctors. Medical emergency."

Seokjin didn't let anyone carry Hoseok. He carried him by himself and took him to his room. His tears can't stop falling from his eyes. His heart broke seeing Hoseok's current state. This is not the Hoseok he knows. The bubbly and cheerful kid, not anymore to be seen.

Seokjin undressed Hoseok and searched for the wound. There's only some cuts on his left arm and right mid thigh. Thankfully, it's not a deep cut. He cleaned his wounds and applied some medicine. He dressed him up in his robe.

Seokjin looked at Hoseok who looked so pale and lifeless. He combed his hair and placed a tiny hairclip.

"Who made you like this, seokie? Let's leave this place. I'll end your misery. Let's say goodbye to these Mins."

Thank you for reading..... 😘😘

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