《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 16


"Hmm, hey? A..are you here?"

Hoseok asked before stripping his clothes. He came to take a bath but he's scared about the ghost. Today, he wore the necklace that taehyung gave it to him as a protection. He looked at the surrounding and left a relief sigh since he didn't got any response. He touched the necklace.

"Maybe, this necklace have powers."

He grinned and started to remove his clothes completely.

After getting naked, he steps into the water and immersed himself till it reach his chest. He sighed in relief and closed his eyes. The water was so chill since he wanted to have a cold bath. He started to swim slowly and chased the little fishes. He felt so relieved and happy. This was so relaxing and refreshing experience for him. After getting exhausted, he stops swimming and started to wash his hair while humming a song.

"Hmmm, such a beautiful voice " a silver voice said next to his ears.

Hoseok jumps at the sudden voice. He got startled. He placed his hand over his beating heart and tried to calm himself. He pouts because of his precious time got disturbed again.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry for scaring you." This time the voice was heard from his front.

Suddenly, The ghost appeared in front of hoseok and sat on the rock. He smirked and winked at Hoseok.

Hoseok glared at him and turned his back immediately. His beautiful honey skin back displayed to the other until he covers it with his long hair.

"What are you doing here, ghosty? " hoseok spats. He don't like when someone disturb his alone time.

"Hey, don't be rude. I'm just a demon, a good one. My name is Jimin. If you want we can be friends." The demon said with a genuine smile.

Hoseok gets out from the water and started to dress himself. He thought for a minute. 'Having someone with powers is not a bad thing. It's advantage for us. And, I'm bored as hell. I don't have any friend here. Jin hyung also busy. But, he's a demon. What if he does something bad to us?well,I've my mother to save me.' He grinned and turned to Jimin with a straight face.

Jimin had a disappointed face.

"Why'd you think of me like that? Don't worry, I won't eat people even though they look delicious like you." He grinned.

Hoseok was taken back. 'Oh no, he can read my mind too... wait, is he hearing this also?' His thought. He looked at Jimin. The other nods his head in approval and smiled .

Jimin stood up and approached Hoseok. But, Hoseok took a step back. He was in a protective mode. His frightened feeling made the water to raise a little which was notified by Jimin.

"W..wait, w...what's your motive? Are you gonna kill me?" He stuttered and took a wooden stick from the ground. He forgot to bring his tiny knife.

The demon laughed out loudly while clutching his stomach . His laugh echoed the whole forest.

"What's so funny here?" Hoseok asked with an arched brow. He felt offended.

Jimin stops laughing and looked at the other , "I'm...haha....I'm sorry. I didn't meant to. Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Hoseok frowns,"how could i trust you?"

Jimin hums while thinking. He snapped his finger and smiled brightly. A light bulb glows next to his head.

"You can trust me. Because, the thing you're wearing on your neck is so powerful. That's why I can't touch you today but thankfully I watched you ." He winks at the end.


Hoseok looked down and touched his necklace. He smiled thinking about the letter taehyung wrote for him. Suddenly, he missed him so much. The memories started to flood in his mind making his eyes to shed tears. He felt so thankful for taehyung.

'You're still protecting me even though you're not next to me. I miss you tae.'

"Who's tae?"

Hoseok wiped his eyes and glared at Jimin for being nosy. He puts his long hair in his front and started to dry it.

"It's none of your business."

Jimin nods his head and sat on a tree branch. He grabbed an apple and started to eat it .

"Your hair looks so silky. At first, I thought you're a girl."

Hoseok felt offended, "why? Can't a bit have soft hair?"

He puts his hair back and sat next to Jimin. He plucks an apple for him and started to eat.

Jimin chuckled, "your personality is far away from your look."

Hoseok turned to him with a glare, "what does it mean, ghosty?"

Jimin sighs, "hey, I'm a demon. And, I said that because you look like an angel but you're so rude." He pouts.

Hoseok bites his lip apologetically, "I'm sorry. I'm just ..I was scared. Hmm, do you live here?"

Jimin smiled and nods his head.

"Actually, I can go anywhere but I like this place since no human will come here. It's like a restricted area until one day when you came here. You're so cute on that day. You look so excited and happy. So, I didn't sacred you. And top of that, you're so beautiful."

Hoseok frowns, "wait, does that means that you've been watching me bathing? D..did you saw my body?"

Jimin grinned, "what do you think when I said you're so beautiful? I was talking about your perfect stunning body. "

Hoseok throws the apple at him and glared.

"Stop it, you pervert demon. Eww, you're nasty ."

Jimin was laughing.

"What do you mean nasty? Didn't you stroked yourself on that day....hmph..hmph..."

Hoseok closed his mouth immediately. He's so embarrassed. Hoseok would take a bath if he feels horny since he don't wanna have sex with his husband. Before bathing, he'd pleasure himself. And, that only limits to hand job.

Hoseok felt so exposed. He thought no one saw but he got caught by a invisible demon. He gets down from the tree.

Jimin stops laughing, "hey, I was joking. Don't go."

"No, I've to go. Or else, my people will come for me."

Jimin followed him too.

Hoseok looked at him.

"Wait, what are you doing? Go away. If they see you, I'll get a lot of problems."

Jimin smiled, "don't worry, no one can see me."

Hoseok opened his mouth but closed immediately. He smiled brightly.

"Jimin, can you take me out? Like, I feel so bored here. My husband is not here too."

Jimin stopped him, "husband? " his brows furrows.

Hoseok nods his head, "I'm married to the king."

Jimin's eyes pops out, "wait, you're a queen for this kingdom? Wow, no doubt why you looked so beautifully. Tell me, did he kidnapped you?"

Hoseok gasped, "wow, you can read my past too. Can you tell my future?"

Jimin sighed, "no, I can't. I just guessed it since it's not normal for a king to marry a man. "

Hoseok pouts, "well, you guessed it right. He kinda forced me to marry him. "

"Wow, it's cruel. You wanna do something bad to him? I can help."


Hoseok shakes his head immediately.

"Noooo.. I...I.. started to like him."

Jimin laughs, "wow, interesting. But, why'd look sad most days?"

Hoseok sighed, "in past because of Yoongi . In present is also because of him. "

Jimin can't understand anything. He tried to get into hoseok's mind but he didn't find anything clear. They reached the end.

"Bye, angel. Wait, you didn't even said your name?"

Hoseok smiled, "I'm Hoseok . Aren't you coming to my place?"

Jimin shakes his head, "May be, next time."

Hoseok left the forest. His guards were not there. He sighed and walked to his building.


Soon, the girl named Mimi ran to him. She bowed.

"Yes, our Prince ?"

Hoseok frowns, "where's my guards? I don't saw them at the forest and here too. Where are they?"

She bites her lips.

"My Prince, I'm sorry. I was busy in kitchen. I didn't noticed. You can go to your room. I'll search for them ."

Hoseok sensed something fishy. There's no one in his building, not even Min's to guard him. For the first time, he felt scared of being guardless.

He walked to his room. It's dark without lights. He sighed and called his maids. He told them to light up his room . The sun sets and darkness filled his room.

"My Prince, I'm sorry for being late. We're..."


She nods her head and bowed again.

Hoseok sighed and told them to leave. He realised the problem in his building. He doesn't have enough of his people. And, he don't want to fill his safety place with Min's either. He decided to send a letter to his kingdom, requesting for more people.

Hoseok finished his dinner and left his building for a walk. His guards went to next town to buy kitchen supplies and tools. Hoseok got angry and scolded them for not informing to him. He's not scared of his life being in danger because they left him alone, he's scared of them. He scared that the Min's will hate his people too if they knows his true identity. So far, only castle people knows about him. That alone, showed the true color of min people.

Hoseok sighed and laid on the grass. He closed his eyes and started to think about his husband who he's missing so much right now. His life was so much boring ever since he left his kingdom. Now, his only entertainer was not here.

"Hmm, Hoseok?"

Hoseok snapped open his eyes and looked at the person. It's night time so he can't see the person clearly. He sits on the grass and looked at the person again who's hiding the only light source he's getting.

"Hey, it's me. Namjoon."

Namjoon moved aside from the light and stood next to Hoseok. Hoseok immediately stands up and bowed.

"I..I'm sorry I didn't saw."

"It's fine. It's my fault. I shouldn't have stood in front of the light." Namjoon said with an apologetic smile.

They both stood there awkwardly. They don't know what to talk. Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Hmm, I got a message from Yoongi hyung. "

Hoseok's face lits up. He smiled widely.

"What did he say?"

Namjoon smiled looking at the most beautiful man. Hoseok's face glows up because of the light and the news too. His blue eyes twinkle.

"So beautiful..." Namjoon mumbled. He's mesmerized.

Hoseok frowns, "huh?"

Namjoon immediately snapped out. He blinks his eyes.

"I..I he told me he'll come next week."

Hoseok face lost it's color, "oh! One more week.," he pouts.

Hoseok can't imagine another week without Yoongi. He regret for staying here. He's gonna die out of boredom.

"It's too late and cold. It's good for you to stay in your room." Namjoon said.

Hoseok nods his head, "thanks for the information. Hmm, May I ask something?"

"Of course..." Namjoon smiled.

Hoseok bites his lips and sighed.

"Did he...did he said anything about me?" His eyes looked excited.

Namjoon shakes his head with a smile. He nods his head.

Hoseok face regained it's lost colour.

"Really?" He asked in a excited tone. He looks like an excited puppy who's wiggling his tail.

"Hmmm, I don't know why he said that but he told you to check your health conditions. Who knows may be he's expecting some good news from you?" Namjoon hints but Hoseok was clueless.

"What good news? I'm already healthy. Is this what he said?" He sighed in disappointment.

Namjoon clearly understands what Yoongi said. The problem is they don't know, getting pregnant is on Hoseok's hands. Without his approval, he won't get pregnant even though he has sex. Both, Namjoon and Yoongi, thought that Hoseok gonna get pregnant soon.

Hoseok sighed, "I'm leaving. Good night, Namjoon-shi."

Hoseok went to his building along with his guards. He saw seokjin room was still locked. Unlike Hoseok, seokjin was always busy since he's an doctor. Hoseok sighed and went back to his room. He locked the door. His room was so bright because of so many lights and candles.

"Ahh, I feel so lonely...." he sighed and removed his robe. His pants followed after. He walked to his bed and made his room little darker by reducing the amount of lights. The only thing he wears is his inner shirt which went up to his mid thigh. He gets into the bed sheet and slowly drifts into the dream land.


Hoseok felt someone kissing his neck. He groaned and moved his shoulder. But, the kiss didn't stopped. Slowly, it started to get close to his ear. He immediately squirmed.

"Yoonie~~~~" he mumbled in his sleep.

The disturbance stopped. Hoseok felt so hot. He started to sweat. He removed his bed sheet. He felt like his whole room is burning.


Yoongi screamed.

Hoseok immediately wakes up. It's a dream but a bad one. He looked around his room. Everything was normal except the wind blowing sound. It disturbed him so much. He stood up and walked to his huge window. He looked out and checked if there's anyone. He locked the door and turned. The remaining lights were off making his room fully dark.

"Oh god, help me please "


Hoseok started to panic. He extends his hand and waddles to his bed. As soon as he reached the bed, he moved to the table. He took a match box and lights up the candle. As soon as the candle glows, someone from his behind blows air and turned it off. He closed Hoseok's mouth with his hand and hugged him closer from behind.

"Hmmm~~~ you smell so good "

Hoseok body shivered. He tried to prey the other's hands from his mouth and hip.'no no not this. I hate Min's. I hate them so much. My goddess send someone to help me. Please.'

Hoseok felt helpless. The other person was so strong. He can't even get his hands away. He tried to reach his sword but the other pulled him on the bed. Hoseok fights back but it went useless. He used his legs to kick the other.

"Stop struggling. I'll have sex and leave you. Don't worry, it'll be our little secret." The person laughed.

Hoseok shakes his head and kicked him stronger. The other grunts in pain and loosened his grip. Hoseok took the chance and pushed him to the floor. He gets up and started to run towards the door.


Before Hoseok calls his guards, that man pulled his legs down, making him to fell down. He immediately dragged Hoseok by his leg and sits on top of him.

"Why are you making it so hard? Huh?"

Hoseok's head was spinning. He opened and closed his eyes.

"Guards...." he mumbled.

The man grabbed his hair, "no one can help you. Not even your guards. And, you wanna know something. Our guards know what's happening here. Trust me, they won't help you. Maybe, your guards will do but only if they hear you."

Hoseok closed his eyes letting a tear slip away. What did he do to deserve this horrible life in Min kingdom?


Mimi took the tea cups and placed it on the tray. She walked to Hoseok's room. On the way, she talked with guards. She reached to Hoseok's room and knocked it before entering.

"My Prince, good mo....AHHHHHHH....."

She drops everything. The hot water and tea cups fell down. She ran to Hoseok.

Namjoon tied his robe and walked to the garden where Hoseok building is. He rushed inside and barged into the room. He ran to the lifeless body on the floor.


Namjoon drops his knees on the floor and placed the lifeless body on his lap. He started to scream and cry.

Hoseok sat on the corner with his knees close to his chest. He's looking at the dead body without taking his eyes off. His whole body was shivering. His face and cloth were filled with blood stains .

Seokjin rushed to Hoseok and pulled him for a hug.

"Hoseok, I'm sorry. What happened?" He cried while rubbing his back.

Hoseok was still sat like a statue. Slowly, he started to regain his consciousness. He hugged back seokjin and started to cry.

"My Prince, please don't cry." Mimi cried.

Hoseok hiccups, "Jinnie, I didn't do anything. He killed himself ."

Namjoon immediately turned to Hoseok. He grits his teeth.


Everyone gasped. Seokjin left Hoseok and ran to Namjoon. He kneels down and bowed.

"Please, Young Master. Namjoon, our prince would never kill anyone. He's innocent "

Namjoon turned to his guards with a glare. They immediately approached Hoseok. Hoseok crawled back and closed his face with his bloody hands.

"Don't don't DON'T COME CLOSE TO ME....." He screamed

Seokjin begs Namjoon but the other didn't heard him. He turned to Hoseok and saw Min's were trying to arrest him. He rushed to Hoseok and shields him.

"No one can take him anywhere. We, Jung's will never let that happen until we die."

Jung people surrounded Hoseok and protected him. But, they're not enough. First, they're in Min's clan. Next, their count is low. They can fight till they die but they can't win.

"Did anyone asked why he's here in the first place?" Seokjin questioned.

"You can't arrest someone without proof. Did anyone saw?" He questioned again.

A guard from Min clan raised his hand, "I..I saw them. "

Namjoon turned to him, "what did you saw?"

The guard gulps, "I saw our young master, Jisung going into the room. They're lying on the bed and...and.... the lights were off. I heard a scream "

"Why are you looking at his room?" Seokjin questioned.

"So, he's with Hoseok. And, Hoseok killed him. What do you want now, doctor Jin ?"

"Guards, arrest Jung Hoseok. Now."

Thanks for reading ~~~~😘😘😘

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