《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 13


Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around. He frowned looking at his surroundings. He remembered moving his bed to window. He immediately sits and crawled to the window. He placed his hands to support his face and smiled at the sight.

"Hmmm~~, it's gonna be a good day."

Hoseok was playing hide and seek with his maidens. He's laughing and giggling while trying to run away from them. He's already bathed and dressed up in a beautiful pink colored hanbok. His hair was tied as a pony tail with long ribbon. His face glows at the morning sun.

Yoongi sighed, "he's so close to me but too far away. Come to me my love." He made a grabby hands.

Hoseok squeaked when he got caught. He pouts and tied a cloth around his eyes.

"Don't go too far away. Stay in our limit."

He straightens his hands and searched for them.

At the same time, People from palace looked at him weirdly.

"Did you saw that witch? I'm sad that we can't help our king from his grasp. Look at him, destroying our rules." Maiden. Minjy told.

"Shh, someone will hear us." Another maiden, her name, Min Lori responded.

"Who's gonna hear? I'm sure every min's in this palace hates him. Our people still don't know about this witch. I'm waiting for the day he'll get revealed and kicked out by our people."

"Kicked out? I want our king to be cure from his spell and kill that witch." She glared at Hoseok.

"Unnie, I've an idea. How about to ask a help?"

"Help? Who'll help us?"

"Let's ask about our kings future from a fortune teller. If it's good, we'll leave that witch. If it's bad, then we'll reveal him to the public. I don't care about getting caught. I wanna save our king."

"You're right. Let's go after work."

Hoseok sighed with a pout, "it's not fair. You're all good at this. At least make some sound."

Hoseok heard a clap. He smiled immediately and caught the person.

"Caught you~~~" he hugged the person but he felt weird.

"I'm glad you did ."

Hoseok immediately removed the cloth and looked at Yoongi. He started to blush harder when he saw his husband too close. He looked down and turned his back.

"M...my king, I'm sorry I didn't...."

Yoongi caught his hand and turned him. He placed his hand under Hoseok's chin and lifts his face until he meets the pretty blue eyes. But Hoseok was looking down the whole moment.

"My love, can you bless me with your beautiful eyes?"

Hoseok immediately looked at him. He tried to act normal but his heart started to beat fast. It's normal for Yoongi since he's experienced this feeling before. But, for Hoseok, this is new. So, he got super shy.

"Beautiful ~~~" Yoongi mumbled.

No one was around them except some pet animals and birds. The garden was filled with beautiful flowers. Hoseok's pony tail waved due to the wind . A flower petal fell on his lips.

Yoongi's eyes switched from eyes to the other's beautiful lips. He removed the petal before Hoseok by his lips and kissed him.

Hoseok gasped and turned his entire body. He closed his face with his hands and ran into his building. He feel like he's gonna pass out. He cupped his cheeks and sat on his bed.

"Oh my god, my godmother , what kind of weird feeling is this? Am I sick? He kissed me. He kissed me gently."


"Hoseok, can I come in?"

Hoseok flinched. He checked himself on the mirror and ran to the door. He paused for few seconds and opened it. He immediately turned and walked to the couch. He heard the door locking sound. He started to play with his garment.

"My love, can I talk to you? Can you sit next to me?"

Hoseok walked slowly and sat next to Yoongi. He's waiting for the other to say something. He looked at the other when the other stays silent for more than 10 minutes .

Yoongi chuckled, "it took 10 minutes for you to look at me."

Hoseok bites his lips and smiled apologetically.

"I'm going out for a week."

Hoseok smile turned into frown. He looked at his husband.


Yoongi smiled, he took his hands and started to play with the fingers.

"Tomorrow. So, I decided to spend my seven hours with you."

"Seven hours?" Hoseok blinks.

Yoongi nods, "hmm, an hour for a day. I wanna spend in advance since I'm gonna miss you for a whole week."

Hoseok smiled and nods his head. He started to blush harder when the other kissed his knuckles.

"Let's have breakfast."

Hoseok nods.

"In my place. I already told them to prepare."

Hoseok was hesitant to go. He knows how the people will look at him. But, he accepted for Yoongi since the other looked so excited.

Yoongi smiled widely and stood up. He interlocks his hands with the other and walked to his palace. Everyone started to work faster. Yoongi made the other to sit next to him. He stops the maid who's about to serve them. He served for his husband.

This behavior is totally new for the people who witnessed it. They've never seen Yoongi being this gentle and kind to anyone, not even to his guest. Their eyes came out when they saw their king feeding the other.

"Hoseok, this is my favorite. Taste it and tell me do you like it or not?"

Hoseok noticed the weird looks unlike Yoongi who's drunken in love. He felt uncomfortable so he leaned closer to Yoongi's ear.

"Y..yoongi, can you tell other's to leave. I..I feel...."

"EVERYONE LEAVE." Yoongi ordered before Hoseok complete the sentence.

They bowed and left the place immediately.

Yoongi turned to Hoseok and smiled.

"Now, are you comfortable?"

Hoseok grinned while nodding his head. He thanked Yoongi and started to enjoy the foods.

"My love, what's your favorite food?"

Hoseok munched the food. His cheeks were so big. Yoongi can't stop but adore the other. He leaned and kissed his full cheeks.

Hoseok swallowed the food and drink some juice.

"I love rice cake but it's not here." He pouts. "But, it's okay there's....."


Immediately, the cook came. He's shaking in fear.

"Where's rice cake?"

He bowed, "your majesty, i didn't cooked it since you don't like..."

Yoongi cuts him off, "But I told you to prepare every dish." He stared at the other angrily.

Hoseok took his hands and squeezed it. Yoongi froze at the touch. He immediately turned to his love.

Hoseok smiled, "It's okay, my king. Leave him." He whispered.

Yoongi was already passed out when the other touched his hand. His soul left when the other whispered and looked into his eyes. That pretty blue eyes doing something to him. He told the cook to leave without even turning around.

Hoseok smiled awkwardly when the other didn't stopped looking at him. He can't eat peacefully.


"Yoongi, eat your breakfast."

Yoongi shakes his head, "I'm already full by looking at you."

Hoseok bites his lips, "hmm, so can i take this from your plate?" He smiled sheepishly.

Yoongi chuckled and feeds him the food. They had a delicious breakfast. They both left the palace and walked to the garden.

Hoseok felt so awkward. He don't know what to speak. He turned to steal some glance from Yoongi but he immediately turned away when the other was staring at him non stop.

"Hoseok, my love, can I take you somewhere? We've so many beautiful places here."

Hoseok nods his head, "where?"

Yoongi shakes his head, "hmm, you gonna see it. Don't worry. But, first, let's change our outfits as normal people. So, we can have some fun."

Hoseok grinned, "you do that too. I always do that in my place. But, they'll find me every time." He pouts at the end.

Yoongi laughed at his cuteness.

"Don't worry, no one can find us."

They both changed into some fisherman clothes. Yoongi laughed while looking at Hoseok who's pouting at him.

"Yoongi~~~ I don't like it. I want yours."

Yoongi sighed and started to remove his clothes for the other. But, panicked Hoseok stopped him.

"W..what are you doing?"

Yoongi smiled, "you asked mine. So,..,"

Hoseok cheeks were flushed red.

"I..I.. don't want. I changed my mind. I like mine more now. L..let's go." He turned immediately.

Yoongi shakes his head and follows the other. He interlocks his hand with the other.


He stops Hoseok and puts a big hat on him. He placed a fake beard and moustache on him.

"Now, it's perfect." He smiled proudly.

Hoseok pouts while playing with his long beard. He laughed when the other also had one.

Yoongi shakes his head and dragged his playful husband to his secret place. There's a big horse which was happily munching its food. Yoongi pats the horse and climbed on its top.

Hoseok looked at him dumbfounded. His clueless face and his long beard made him look so cute.

Yoongi can't stop but laugh at his cute husband. He extends his hand to the other.

"Where's my horse?" Hoseok mumbled while searching for another horse.

Yoongi sighed, "hmmm, I think you've to ride with your husband since there's only one horse."

Hoseok stood there for a minute. He's hesitant to ride with him. He gave his hand with his head hanging low. He yelps when the other pulled him.

Yoongi made the other sit close to him. He shakes his arm around the other's waist and pulled him closer. He leaned closer and kissed his shoulder.

Hoseok flinched and hold the other's hand tightly. He felt other's hot breath next to his ear. He felt so hot and excited. He's grinning wide being brave that the other can't see his face.

"Do you feel comfortable?" Yoongi breathed next to his ear.

Hoseok bites his lips and groaned. He closed his mouth immediately. He nods his head as a response.

Yoongi chuckled and started to ride the horse. He enjoyed every second. He wants to treasure this moment. He smelt Hoseok and felt so calm. He hugged him closer purposely.

Hoseok was in pure torture. He's feeling super weird. He don't like the feeling because he doesn't know what it is. He only feels it when he's with his husband. He prayed the destination to come soon. It seams like god heard his thought.

Yoongi stops the horse and gets down. He tried to help the other but Hoseok gets down on his own.

"I know how to ride a horse ." He said proudly.

Yoongi nods his head while laughing. He checked out Hoseok's outfit and get up. He holds his hands.

"Yoongi, they'll suspect us. Stop holding hands."

Yoongi didn't heard him.

"My love, come let's go to the place."

Yoongi started to walk with the other. He's so excited to bring his husband to this place. Its a temple. It's a tradition for them to go after marriage.

Hoseok was looking in awe at the temple. He's dragged by his husband. He didn't complained and follows him.

They both got blessing and left.

"Yoongi, where are we going next?"

Yoongi stops walking, "my love, does your feet hurts? Wait, I'll carry you."

Hoseok stopped him, "no, I'm not weak. I'm a strong young man."

Yoongi nods his head, "there's a big lake. People will go for a boating and fishing. We can eat some good seafood."

Hoseok pouts, "but, I don't like eating seafood."

"Hmm, then we can go for fishing."

"But, I don't like fishing too."

Yoongi smiled, "let's go for boating."

Hoseok nods excitedly. They both reached the place. They went for boating and ate some snacks. They spend some quality time.

Next stop, Yoongi took him to the big market.

Hoseok frowned, "Yoongi, why did you bring me here?"

Yoongi pecked his lips quickly making the other to blush.

"Buy whatever you want."

Hoseok was still in shock state. He snapped out when the other stroked his cheeks.

"I..I.. don't want anything Yoongi. Let's go back."

Yoongi sighed, "my love, I've still two hours for me. Please.."

Hoseok sighed and nods his head.

They both walked in the market. It's so crowded. It's weekend so there's so many people. Hoseok clinged to Yoongi the whole time. He stops at the certain shop. He points the shop to Yoongi.

Yoongi looks at the shop, "let's buy the whole shop."

Hoseok eyes came out of his socket.

"Yoongi, I want that hair pin. It looks so pretty. It suits my hair." He smiled.

Yoongi nods his head and brought the whole set of hairpins . Hoseok tried to stop him but he didn't heard.

"Next, my love."

Hoseok pouts, "no, I don't want. You'll buy the whole shop."

Yoongi chuckled, "fine. Let's buy you a pretty dress."

Hoseok shakes his head, "no, I want some rice cakes."

Yoongi laughed and started to search for the shop. He saw one at the far end.

"My love, come, I'll carry you. It's at the end."

Hoseok shakes his head, "Yoongi, I'll sit in this shop. I don't wanna hurt you."

Yoongi looked at the stop. It's a little motel with bar. He walked to the owner and came back to Hoseok. The owner rushed to Hoseok and bowed to him.

"My love, I'll be back. He'll take care of you."

Hoseok nods his head and went inside.

The owner bowed, "young man, you can sit here."

Hoseok sat on the seat and looked at him .

"What did he said?"

The man poured him some alcohol which Hoseok refused it.

"He told that you're from another place. And, you're super rich." The man grinned .

Hoseok nods his head.

"Do you want anything?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "water is enough."

The man bowed and left.

Hoseok sipped the water.

"Ahh, I'm going insane."

Hoseok heard a man said next to him.

"What happened?" Another drunken man asked.

"That beautiful face and body not leaving my mind."

Hoseok frowned and tried to hear them . He's bored so he decided to eavesdrop.

"Who's body?" The other asked excitedly.

The drunken man whispered which Hoseok can't hear properly.

"Ah, you're right. I want to do some bad things."

They both laughed.

"Too bad, he's married to our king."

Hoseok shivered. He started to sweat. This place doesn't feel safe for him. He never felt safe in Min's kingdom.

"If he's a woman, oh god, I'll kidnap him."

"I don't care if he's a man or woman, a beauty like him should be moaning in a bed."

"Once our king left for long days, I'll have him." He whispered.

"Please, share him with me."

"No, last time, you didn't shared that beauty with me. So, I won't."

"Aww, come on man. We're best friends."

He laughed, "I'll definitely."

They both laughed again.

Hoseok immediately stood up and left the place. He felt disgusted. He started to search his husband. This place, this people , everything felt unsafe for him. He started to cry. He can't find the other. The place was so crowded. Hoseok felt lost. He stood at the corner of a shop and cried silently.

An old woman came to him.

"My son, are you lost?" She asked worried.

Hoseok nods his head, "m..my husband. I lost him."

The woman awed, "awe, you poor boy, where did he left?"

Hoseok sniffles his nose, "to b..buy rice c..cake for me."

She smiled at him. She didn't freaked out or disgusted when the other said he lost his husband. Unlike other, she supports everyone. Because her son also fall in love with the man, but the people sent him away telling he's sick.

"Sit here. Your husband will come with rice cakes. Stop crying." She wiped his cheeks.

Hoseok nods his head.

"How does he look? I'll help you to search him."

"H..handsome. "

She laughed at him.

Suddenly, Hoseok stood up and ran to someone. She watched him hugging another man. She watched clearly and gasped.

"Oh god, our queen is a man." She closed her mouth and watched around. She don't wanna reveal it to others. She felt so happy. She hopes the people will change now.

Hoseok started to cry louder after hugging his husband.


Yoongi immediately closed his mouth, "shhh, we're in public." He whispered and carried the other to his horse. There's no one in that place. He sat on a rock with Hoseok on his lap clinging to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm late. Please, don't cry, my love. It hurts. Look, what I brought for you? Don't you wanna eat?"

Hoseok shakes his head and buried his head on the others chest.

Yoongi frowned, "my love, did anyone did anything to you? Tell me, I'll kill them." He grits his teeth.

Hoseok shakes his head, "i...I thought you left me."

He lied to the other.

"Yoongi, let's go home. I'm so tired."

Yoongi felt terrible. He wanted to have some precious moment with his husband. It's started good but ends up so bad. He took the other back to the castle. They sneaked into Hoseok room. They changed back to their normal dress after having a bath.

Hoseok let the other to have bath in the guest room. He's drying his hair when Yoongi walked in. He watched him in the mirror and smiled tired. He gasped when the other back hugged him.

"I love you so much Hoseok." Yoongi kissed his shoulder.

Hoseok took a deep breath, "Yoongi, I've decided to go back to my place."

Yoongi stopped breathing. He stops kissing the other and looked at his reflection on the mirror. His heart broke. He tried so hard to not let the other leave him. But, he failed again. He don't know what to do anymore. He kept on looking at the other's eyes. Begging him to not leave him.

Thanks for reading....😘💜💜

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