《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 12


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Hoseok started to cry while hugging his husband. He don't know why he's crying so much. He can't believe himself. He break the hug and looked at his husband's pale face. His lips started to tremble.

"What happened to you, my king? Is this because of me? Why do I feel so terrible?"

Hoseok hugged him again and cried until he pass out.

Hoseok groaned when someone tried to wake him up. He slapped the hand which shaking him and nuzzled into his husband's crook.

Seokjin sighed, "seokie, wake up. I've to feed medicine to our king."

Hoseok wakes up immediately. His face were red because of the embarrassment. There's so many people's in the room. He cleared his throat.

"Is this an exhibition? What are you all doing here? Except jin hyung and a maiden, others can leave."

They bowed and left.

Hoseok turned and saw seokjin was about to feed medicine to his husband. He immediately stopped him.

"Hoseok, it's already late."

Hoseok looks down, "I..I can give it to him "

Seokjin shakes his head with a smile and gave the medicine to Hoseok. Hoseok immediately gets close to his husband and feeds him. A tear fell from his eyes. He can't believe what he's doing right now. Since when did he had a soft spot for his husband?

He wiped yoongi's lips and gave the spoon back to seokjin.

"You can leave. I'll take care of him. And, you too." He points at the maid.

Everyone left the room as he ordered. Seokjin was so shocked in a good way. But, rest of min's in the castle blamed Hoseok more for their king's current state. They hated him more.

"My king, this is not you. You're not weak. Please, at least wake up for your people. Hmm, I know you'll soon." He smiled and combed yoongi's hair.

Next day,

Hoseok stepped into the pond naked and prayed the goddess for his husband's health. He collected some water in a cup and left the place. He dressed up in a beautiful hanbok which was gifted by Yoongi. He took back all the gifts he returned to Yoongi which was kept in yoongi's room. He placed some scented flowers in his hair which Yoongi loves.

Hoseok stepped into the castle with a big smile carrying the small cup which contains the pond water.

"I'm so worried about our king. Our future gonna be bad."

"Shhh...someone will hear us."

*sighs* "I don't know why our king married to that witch. Did you look at him, he looks so beautiful. It's not normal for a human. He's definitely a witch. He made our king as his puppet."

"I hope he don't kill our king. I'm this verge to expose his ugly side to our people. If our peoples know how bad he's treating our king, they'll bury him alive."

"Let's wait for our king to wake up or else we'll reveal this witch to our people."

Hoseok placed his hand on his beating heart. Tears pouring out from his eyes. Except Min Yoongi, no other Min's love him. He didn't even want to see the people's face who talked ill about him. He walked straight to his husband's room. He told the guards to leave.

He wiped his cheeks and smiled after getting inside the room. His smile fell down when he saw Yoongi.


Two guards rushed to him.

"Yes, our queen."

Hoseok glared at them, "who cleaned my husband?"

"Maiden. Jeesung."


Hoseok grits his teeth, "fire her. She's not a maiden anymore."

He closed the door and walked to his husband. He placed the water on the side table and sits next to Yoongi.

"Why did she do that? I told them to not do this. Then, why? There's still people who wants to snatch you from me. But, I'm your husband. Only I can see you naked."

He pouts.

"It's fine. It won't happen again." He smiled and took the cup.

"Here, I've the best medicine for you. It's blessed by my godmother. You'll get well soon." He smiled and feeds the water to Yoongi.

He wiped his lips and laid next him. He hugged his waist.

"And, your next medicine is extra powerful. " he giggled, "it's me~~~"

Two days passed,

Hoseok took extra care of Yoongi. He bathed him. He feeds him and talked with him. He told so many stories about his childhood. He hugged him so tightly while sleeping. He felt so attached to the other.

It's lunch time, Hoseok left to pray again. He prays three times in a day for his husband speedy recovery.

Yoongi felt immense pain in his head. He frowned and opened his eyes. The bright light almost blinded him. He blinked his eyes several time.


The guards entered the room with shocked face. Without realising, they teared up in happiness. They bowed to him. They can't believe what to do without their king.

"Your majesty."

Yoongi smiled at him.

"I need water."

A guard rushed to the table side and poured a glass full of water. He handed to Yoongi.

Jungkook rushed into the room while panting. He grinned at Yoongi.

"Yoongi hyung..." He smiled huge. He ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Yoongi told the guards to leave and hugged the other back. He smiled weakly.

"Stop crushing me brat."

Jungkook left him.

"I'm so worried about you. Don't scare us like that. People worried about you a lot. After hearing that you're sick, even some tried to end their life."

Yoongi frowned. He knows about his people's love for him. That's why he's always super cautious about everything. He don't know how he got sick.

"Tell them I'm fine and apologise for making them worry. I'll meet them in evening."

Jungkook nods his head with a huge grin.

Yoongi expected someone but he realized he's expecting too much. He sighed and looks at grinning Jungkook.

"What happened to me and who's the doctor? Give them some reward."

Jungkook laughed, "hyung, you got love sick. And, your doctor is so expensive. I don't think I'm able to give him reward. He'll ask a kingdom for a payback."

Yoongi frowned, "what do you mean? Wait, I've a work to do."

He tried to stand up but he falls. Jungkook caught him and helped him to walk. Yoongi leads him to the window making the younger to sigh louder.

Yoongi excitedly looks at but the others window was still closed. He sighed and walked back to his bed with a broken heart. 'He hates me so much.'

"Hyung, hyung, your doctor is coming. Just lie there and act like you're sleeping."

Yoongi frowned, "kook, what are you playing? Stop messing around. Remember you're not a kid anymore.".

Jungkook pouts, "do as I say, please."

Yoongi had no clue about what the other was saying. He sighed and did as he told him. Soon, a familiar scent rushed into his nose. His heart started to beat fast.


Hoseok glared at Jungkook who exited the room and gets inside . He hums a song and sits next to his husband.

"I'm back~~~ this time I prayed so long, so the medicine will be more powerful." He giggled and placed a pillow under his husband head.

He took the cup and feeds him the water. He wiped his lips and laid next to him.

"Do you like my scented flower? I wore it for you. Now, you look better. Your cheeks are rosy and you look alive." He grinned and leaned closer.

Yoongi wanted to scream and jump in happiness. He can't believe what's happening. He thought he's in dream.

Hoseok pouts, "why it's not working? Wait, what's this sound?" He placed his ear on the other's chest and heard the thumping sound. He immediately raised his head.

"Oh my god, my medicine is too powerful. What am I gonna do? Should I call someone." He started to get panic. He listened to his heart beat again. He placed his hand on the other's chest and rubbed it. He tried to calm his racing heart.

Hoseok thought for a second and nods his head.

"This is my last try. My goddess, please make it work."

He closed his eyes and leaned closer. He licked the other's lips and kissed him messy. He don't have experience in kissing before expect pecks.

He left the other's lips immediately.

"Did it worked? Huh?" He blinked at him.

Hoseok shrieked when the other turned him and took his lips. His eyes were wide open in shock. He tried to response to the fierce kiss but he failed .

On the other hand, Yoongi left like in cloud nine. He still can't believe its true so he took the opportunity to kiss the other. He broke the kiss and looked at the other with a smile.

Hoseok blinked at him and bites his lips. He's struggling to breath. He realized what just happened.


Yoongi nods his head excitedly. He stroked the other's cheek and placed his head on the other's shoulder.

"Thanks for saving me....and my kingdom."

Hoseok got shy and embarrassed. He immediately gets up.

"I...I... forgot about something . I.I'm l..leaving."

"Don't go. "

But, Hoseok sprinted off. He ran to his building with a huge smile. As soon as he entered his room, he locked the door and fell on his bed.

"Oh my god, he knows. He knows it's me. He kissed me. Oh my god, what am I gonna do if he ask me. He's awake. He's alive. Why am I so happy? Ahhh....."

He's lying by his stomach and buried his head on the pillow. He felt so shy. He don't know how to face his husband. He's so happy and super shy. He raised his head from the pillow and gets up. He ran to the window and opened it. After so long, the Windows of his room are opened. He looked at a certain spot.

Hoseok immediately turned and hides behind a curtain when he saw his husband was looking at him.

"Did he saw me?" His cheeks were so red.

Yoongi was grinning like stupid while looking at his husband's reflection on the mirror who's trying his best to hide himself. He immediately left to take a bath.

Hoseok peaked out his head and looked at the window again. He pouts when there's no one.

"He left already?"

Time skip~~

Mimi entered Hoseok room and bowed.


"Our prince, our majesty is here. He wants to meet you."

Hoseok gets up immediately.

"Here? Why?" He started to blush.

Mimi smiles, "I don't know, little prince. Maybe, he came to thank you."

Hoseok walks to the mirror and looked at him. 'I look terrible' he pouts.

"Mimi, make him to sit in our guest room. I'll meet him."

She bowed and left.

Hoseok immediately stripped and changed his clothes. He combed his long hair and tied his hair in a bun. He placed a tiny flower next to his ear and checked himself in the mirror. He grinned and skipped to his door. He took a deep breath and opened it.

He walks straight to the guest room slowly. But, his heart was beating faster. He clears his throat before entering the room.

Yoongi turned to him and smiled. He's stunned by the other's beauty. Like always, his feet walked to him in it's own. He mesmerized by the other's blushing face. His hand reached to the other but Hoseok took a step back. Yoongi didn't stopped and walked closer to him.

"Yoo....Yoongi..." Hoseok closed his eyes.

Yoongi reached his hand out and removed the hair pin. Hoseok's long beautiful hair falls down. Yoongi smiled and touched his hair.

"Beautiful ~~~" Yoongi breathed out. He loves when Hoseok hair was untied.

Hoseok took a deep breath and opened his eyes disappointed. He pouts.

Yoongi raised his brow, "are you expecting something else?"

Hoseok cheeks became red. He shakes his head.

"N..noo. why did you came?"

Yoongi took the other's hand and walked to the couch. He sat with Hoseok.

"Thanks for saving my life. I decided to give you a reward."

Hoseok frowns.

Yoongi tucked the other's hair behind his ear which tried to hide his husband's beauty.

"I'm so thankful for what you did. You saved my life. So, I decided to fulfill your wish. You can go back to your country whenever you want."

Hoseok grinned, "really? How long?"

Yoongi nods his head, "hmm, how long? You can live there if you want. You don't have to come I'd you want ."

Hoseok smile fell down. His heart broke. He blinked his eyes to not shed tears. He faked a smile.

"Thank you, my king." He stood up.

"If you finished talking, you can leave."

Yoongi gets up, "one more thing. I'm going to meet my people. So, I want you to be present next to me."

Hoseok nods his head with a smile and left the room. He accompanied his husband to the public meet. His face was covered since he's not revealed yet to the public until he become a queen. He didn't expected anything from the people except hate which he received a lot.

Yoongi walked him back to his place. It's dark night time.

Hoseok stopped walking, "you can leave, my king. I can go by myself."

Yoongi shakes his head, "it's not safe..."

Hoseok chuckled, "it's not safe inside your castle?"

Yoongi frowned, "that's not what I meant. I...can I stay a little longer with you?"

Hoseok smiled, "of course, you can , my king."

They both walked into the garden and sat under a hut.


"Yes, your majesty."

Yoongi frowned, "is everything okay? You look..." he tried to touch the other's face but Hoseok avoided it.

"C..can I have that one hour meet back? Please,"

Hoseok chuckled and nod his head.

"Hoseok, my love, I missed you so much."

Hoseok heart stated to beat faster. He hate it. He hate the feeling. He hates when Yoongi gave him permission to leave. He hates when Yoongi told him to not come back if he wants. He hates how Yoongi is okay to let him go. He gets up from the bench.

Yoongi caught the other's hand when he was about to leave.

"Can't you stay with me longer?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "I'm feeling sleepy."

Yoongi nods his head and walked him to his room. They both looked at each other before parting away.

'He doesn't love me.'

'He still hates me.'

They both thought on their mind and walked away.

Hoseok closed his door and drags his body down. He started to cry.

Yoongi spend some alone time in the garden.

"I gave him what he asked me but he still hates me. I think I fulfilled his every wishes. Then, why he still hates me? Didn't he treated me when I was sick? Is it an act of kindness? I misunderstood it as a love. But, he kissed me. Maybe, he wanted to wake me."

Namjoon walked to his cousin.

"Yoongi hyung, what are you doing here alone."

Yoongi smiled at him.

"Oh, Namjoon ah. Thanks for taking care of our kingdom when I was sick. I'm so thankful for you."

Namjoon shakes his head, "hyung, it's our responsibility. Don't thank me. But, what are you doing here alone."

Yoongi smiled, "isn't it more peaceful here. So calm and refreshing."

Namjoon nods his head, "hyung, our queen will be crowned next week. Is he taking classes?"

Yoongi nods his head, "he's about to finish it tomorrow."

Namjoon smiled, "ah, he's so talented and smart. I'm glad you chooses the perfect match for you."

Yoongi smiled as a response.

"After becoming our queen, he'll be loved by our people. They're so curious about him. If he works a little hard, they'll don't mind about his gender."

Yoongi nods his head. He's praying for that too.

"On top of that, he can get pregnant. So, there's no flaw in him.".

Yoongi frowned, "what do you mean?"

"I..I..." Namjoon panicked.

Yoongi glared at him, "where did you get the information? Who told you that and why are you getting information about him? NAMJOON TELL ME."

Namjoon jumped in fear.

"H..hyung, please don't punish him. He accidentally spilled it to me."


Namjoon gulps, "H..hyung, no one knows. I promise I didn't told anyone. In fact i was happy. "

"WHO ?"

Namjoon sighed, "seokjin."

Yoongi immediately gets up but Namjoon stopped him.

"Hyung, please I beg you. Don't punish him. He just accidentally..."

"He should be punished for being irresponsible. Even, I...I don't know about that." He felt ashamed to say that.

"But, hyung. Please, don't hurt him." Namjoon looks concerned. Yoongi noticed that.

"Fine, I'll send him back. He's not safe for Hoseok if he stays here."

Namjoon stops him, "but hyung, Hoseok is a special child blessed by the goddess. Only seokjin can treat him if he gets sick."

Yoongi grits his teeth, "Namjoon, stay in your lane. I hate how you know well about my husband. I don't like anyone talking about my husband. That's why I didn't even revealed his identity yet. I hope you'll learn that."

He walked away.

But, Namjoon is right. Yoongi decided to keep seokjin but with a warning.

On the other hand, Yoongi was so happy. He walked straight to his room and walked to the window. He smiled when he saw Hoseok was sleeping peacefully. He's glad that the other kept the window opened. He moved his bed next to the window . He sits on his bed and watched his husband comfortably.

"He can get pregnant. I'm gonna have a baby. He'll never leave me." He talked to himself with a grin and slept happily.

Thanks for reading..... 😘💜💜

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